Exemple #1
def util_lon_lat(orig_lon, orig_lat, x, y):
    Transform x, y [km] to decimal degree in reference to orig_lon and orig_lat

    >>> util_lon_lat(12.0, 48.0, 0.0, 0.0)
    (12.0, 48.0)
    >>> lon, lat = util_lon_lat(12.0, 48.0, 73.9041, 111.1908)
    >>> print("%.4f, %.4f" % (lon, lat))
    13.0000, 49.0000

    :param orig_lon: Longitude of reference origin
    :param orig_lat: Latitude of reference origin
    :param x: value [km] to calculate relative coordinate in degree
    :param y: value [km] to calculate relative coordinate in degree
    :return: lon, lat coordinate in degree (absolute)
    # 2009-10-11 Moritz

    clibsignal.utl_lonlat.argtypes = [
        C.c_double, C.c_double, C.c_double, C.c_double,
    clibsignal.utl_lonlat.restype = C.c_void_p

    lon = C.c_double()
    lat = C.c_double()

    clibsignal.utl_lonlat(orig_lon, orig_lat, x, y, C.byref(lon), C.byref(lat))
    return lon.value, lat.value
Exemple #2
def util_lon_lat(orig_lon, orig_lat, x, y):
    Transform x, y [km] to decimal degree in reference to orig_lon and orig_lat

    >>> util_lon_lat(12.0, 48.0, 0.0, 0.0)
    (12.0, 48.0)
    >>> lon, lat = util_lon_lat(12.0, 48.0, 73.9041, 111.1908)
    >>> print("%.4f, %.4f" % (lon, lat))
    13.0000, 49.0000

    :param orig_lon: Longitude of reference origin
    :param orig_lat: Latitude of reference origin
    :param x: value [km] to calculate relative coordinate in degree
    :param y: value [km] to calculate relative coordinate in degree
    :return: lon, lat coordinate in degree (absolute)
    # 2009-10-11 Moritz

    clibsignal.utl_lonlat.argtypes = [C.c_double, C.c_double, C.c_double,
                                      C.c_double, C.POINTER(C.c_double),
    clibsignal.utl_lonlat.restype = C.c_void_p

    lon = C.c_double()
    lat = C.c_double()

    clibsignal.utl_lonlat(orig_lon, orig_lat, x, y, C.byref(lon), C.byref(lat))
    return lon.value, lat.value