Exemple #1
    def get_occupations(self, nel, width=None, refresh=False):
        calculate occupations of each eigenvalue.
        the the shape of the occupation is the same as self._eigenvals.
        [eig_k1,eigk2,...], each eig_k is a column with the length=nbands.

        if nspin=2 and fix_spin, there are two fermi energies. NOTE: this conflicts with the DOS caluculation. FIXME.

        :param nel: number of electrons. if fix_spin, the nel is a tuple of (nel_up,nel_dn)

          self._occupations (np.ndarray) index:[band,kpt,orb,spin] if nspin==2 else [band,kpt,orb] same as eigenvec
        if self._verbose:
            print("Calc occupation")

        self._nel = nel
        #print self._kweights
        #print self._eigenvals

        occ = Occupations(nel, self._width, self._kweights, nspin=self._nspin)
        self._occupations = occ.occupy(self._eigenvals)
        self._efermi = occ.get_mu()
        if self._verbose:
            print("End Calc occupation")
Exemple #2
    def get_occupations(self, nel, width=0.2, refresh=False):
        calculate occupations of each eigenvalue.
        the the shape of the occupation is the same as self._eigenvals.
        [eig_k1,eigk2,...], each eig_k is a column with the length=nbands.

        if nspin=2 and fix_spin, there are two fermi energies. NOTE: this conflicts with the DOS caluculation. FIXME.

        :param nel: number of electrons. if fix_spin, the nel is a tuple of (nel_up,nel_dn)

          self._occupations (np.ndarray) index:[band,kpt,orb,spin] if nspin==2 else [band,kpt,orb] same as eigenvec
        self._nel = nel
        #print self._kweights
        #print self._eigenvals
        if self._nspin == 1 or not self.fix_spin:
            occ = Occupations(nel, width, self._kweights, nspin=self._nspin)
            self._occupations = occ.occupy(self._eigenvals)
            self._efermi = occ.get_mu()
        elif self._nspin == 2 and self.fix_spin:
            raise NotImplementedError(
                "current implement on fix_spin is not correct.")
            u"""FIXME: 这根本就不对,eig无法被直接区分为eig_up,eig_dn,不能这样处理"""
            nel_up, nel_dn = nel
            eig_up = self.eigenvals[::2]
            eig_dn = self.eigenvals[1::2]

            occ_up = Occupations(nel_up, width, self._kweights, nspin=1)
            occupations_up = occ_up.occupy(eig_up)
            efermi_up = occ_up.get_mu()

            occ_dn = Occupations(nel_dn, width, self._kweights, nspin=1)
            occupations_dn = occ_dn.occupy(eig_dn)
            efermi_dn = occ_dn.get_mu()

            self._occupations[::2] = occupations_up
            self._occupations[1::2] = occupations_dn

            self.efermi = (efermi_up, efermi_dn)

        return self._occupations
Exemple #3
    def get_occupations(self, nel=None, width=0.05, refresh=False):
        calculate occupations of each eigenvalue.
        the the shape of the occupation is the same as self._eigenvals.
        [eig_k1,eigk2,...], each eig_k is a column with the length=nbands.

        :param nel: number of electrons.

          self._occupations (np.ndarray) index:[band,kpt,orb,spin] if nspin==2 else [band,kpt,orb] same as eigenvec
        if nel is not None:
            self._nel = nel
        nel = self._nel
        #print self._kweights
        #print self._eigenvals
        if self._nspin == 1:
            occ = Occupations(nel, width, self._kweights, nspin=self._nspin)
            self._occupations = occ.occupy(self._eigenvals)
            self._efermi = occ.get_mu()

        elif self._nspin == 2:
            raise NotImplementedError(
                "current implement on fix_spin is not correct.")
            nel_up, nel_dn = nel
            eig_up = self.eigenvals[::2]
            eig_dn = self.eigenvals[1::2]

            occ_up = Occupations(nel_up, width, self._kweights, nspin=1)
            occupations_up = occ_up.occupy(eig_up)
            efermi_up = occ_up.get_mu()

            occ_dn = Occupations(nel_dn, width, self._kweights, nspin=1)
            occupations_dn = occ_dn.occupy(eig_dn)
            efermi_dn = occ_dn.get_mu()

            self._occupations[::2] = occupations_up
            self._occupations[1::2] = occupations_dn

            self.efermi = (efermi_up, efermi_dn)
        return self._occupations