Exemple #1
def analysis(g):
    spectrum_lamdwidth_fwhm = np.zeros_like(g.z)
    spectrum_lamdwidth_std = np.zeros_like(g.z)
    for zz in range(g.nZ):
        spectrum_lamdwidth_fwhm[zz] = None
        spectrum_lamdwidth_std[zz] = None
        if np.sum(g.spec[:, zz]) != 0:
            pos, width, arr = fwhm3(g.spec[:, zz])
            if width != None:
                if arr[0] == arr[-1]:
                    dlambda = abs(g.freq_lamd[pos] - g.freq_lamd[pos - 1])
                    dlambda = abs(
                        (g.freq_lamd[arr[0]] - g.freq_lamd[arr[-1]]) /
                        (arr[0] - arr[-1]))
                    zz] = dlambda * width / g.freq_lamd[pos]
                # spectrum_lamdwidth_fwhm[zz] = abs(g.freq_lamd[arr[0]] - g.freq_lamd[arr[-1]]) / g.freq_lamd[pos]  # the FWHM of spectral line (error when peakpos is at the edge of lamdscale)
            spectrum_lamdwidth_std[zz] = std_moment(
                g.freq_lamd, g.spec[:, zz]) / n_moment(g.freq_lamd,
                                                       g.spec[:, zz], 0, 1)
    ######### end of section copied from genesis_plot.py
    brightness = g.energy / spectrum_lamdwidth_std
    for i in range(len(g.z)):
        if g.z[i] < 1:
            brightness[i] = 0
    return g.energy, spectrum_lamdwidth_std, g.z, brightness, g.p_int, g.xrms, g.yrms, g.I, g.s
def evalBeamWithGenesis(dir, run=True, startcharge=250, genesis_file='NEW_SHORT_NOM_TD_v7.in', beam_file='CLA-FMS-APER-02.hdf5'):

    # Genesis run:
    data={'gen_file': genesis_file,
          'file_pout': dir,
          'HDF5_file': dir+'/'+beam_file,
          'i_match': 0}
    if run:
        data['gen_launch'] = '/opt/OpenMPI-3.1.3/bin/mpiexec --timeout 600 -np 12 /opt/Genesis/bin/genesis2 < tmp.cmd 2>&1 > /dev/null'
        data['gen_launch'] = ''
    f = FEL_sim(data)
    A_inp = f.read_GEN_input_file()
    g = f.GEN_simul_preproc(A_inp, dirno=dir, startcharge=startcharge)

    p = map(np.mean, zip(*g.p_int))
    g.Lsat, g.Lsatindex = find_saturation(p, g.z)

    # this section is copied from genesis_plot.py - to calculate bandwidth
    spectrum_lamdwidth_fwhm = np.zeros_like(g.z)
    spectrum_lamdwidth_std = np.zeros_like(g.z)
    for zz in range(g.nZ):
        spectrum_lamdwidth_fwhm[zz] = None
        spectrum_lamdwidth_std[zz] = None
        if np.sum(g.spec[:,zz])!=0:
            pos, width, arr = fwhm3(g.spec[:, zz])
            if width != None:
                if arr[0] == arr[-1]:
                    dlambda = abs(g.freq_lamd[pos] - g.freq_lamd[pos-1])
                    dlambda = abs( (g.freq_lamd[arr[0]] - g.freq_lamd[arr[-1]]) / (arr[0] - arr[-1]) )
                spectrum_lamdwidth_fwhm[zz] = dlambda * width / g.freq_lamd[pos]
                # spectrum_lamdwidth_fwhm[zz] = abs(g.freq_lamd[arr[0]] - g.freq_lamd[arr[-1]]) / g.freq_lamd[pos]  # the FWHM of spectral line (error when peakpos is at the edge of lamdscale)
            spectrum_lamdwidth_std[zz] = std_moment(g.freq_lamd, g.spec[:, zz]) / n_moment(g.freq_lamd, g.spec[:, zz], 0, 1)
    ######### end of section copied from genesis_plot.py
    brightness = g.energy / spectrum_lamdwidth_std

    for i in range(len(g.z)):
        if g.z[i] < 5:
            brightness[i] = 0
    max = np.argmax(brightness)
    maxe = np.argmax(g.energy)
    g.spectrum_lamdwidth_std = spectrum_lamdwidth_std
    return g.energy[max], g.spectrum_lamdwidth_std[max], g.z[max], g.energy[maxe], g.spectrum_lamdwidth_std[maxe], g.z[maxe], g.bunch_length, g
Exemple #3
def evalBeamWithGenesis(dir, dirno=1):

    # Genesis run:
    data = {
        'gen_file': 'NEW_SHORT_NOM_TD_v7.in',
        'file_pout': outputdir,
        'file_beam': 'beamfile.txt',
        'i_scan': 0,
        '/opt/OpenMPI-3.1.3/bin/mpiexec --timeout 300 -np 5 /opt/Genesis/bin/genesis2 < tmp.cmd 2>&1 > /dev/null',
        'stat_run': 1,
        'idump': 0,
        'i_edist': 0,
        'i_beam': 0,
        'i_rad': 0,
        'i_dpa': 0,
        'i_dfl': 0,
        'i_HDF5': 1,
        'HDF5_file': dir + '/' + 'CLA-FMS-APER-01.hdf5',
        'i_match': 0
    f = FEL_sim(data)
    A_inp = f.read_GEN_input_file()
    g = f.GEN_simul_preproc(A_inp, dirno=dirno)

    # this section is copied from genesis_plot.py - to calculate bandwidth
    spectrum_lamdwidth_fwhm = np.zeros_like(g.z)
    spectrum_lamdwidth_std = np.zeros_like(g.z)
    for zz in range(g.nZ):
        spectrum_lamdwidth_fwhm[zz] = None
        spectrum_lamdwidth_std[zz] = None
        if np.sum(g.spec[:, zz]) != 0:
            pos, width, arr = fwhm3(g.spec[:, zz])
            if width != None:
                if arr[0] == arr[-1]:
                    dlambda = abs(g.freq_lamd[pos] - g.freq_lamd[pos - 1])
                    dlambda = abs(
                        (g.freq_lamd[arr[0]] - g.freq_lamd[arr[-1]]) /
                        (arr[0] - arr[-1]))
                    zz] = dlambda * width / g.freq_lamd[pos]
                # spectrum_lamdwidth_fwhm[zz] = abs(g.freq_lamd[arr[0]] - g.freq_lamd[arr[-1]]) / g.freq_lamd[pos]  # the FWHM of spectral line (error when peakpos is at the edge of lamdscale)
            spectrum_lamdwidth_std[zz] = std_moment(
                g.freq_lamd, g.spec[:, zz]) / n_moment(g.freq_lamd,
                                                       g.spec[:, zz], 0, 1)
    ######### end of section copied from genesis_plot.py

    return g.energy[-1], spectrum_lamdwidth_std[-1]
def evalBeamWithGenesis(ind, zpos=s):
    print 'in evalBeamWithGenesis\n\n\n'
    print ind

    # copy file to backup location with random file name (needs better identifier...)
    if os.path.exists('scan_0/ip_seed_-1/run.0.gout') == True:
        os.system('cp scan_0/ip_seed_-1/run.0.gout genesis_out/run%i.out' %
                  random.randint(10000, 99999))
    os.system('rm -R scan_0')

    # normalise so that every list of rands adds to 1, then write beamfile
    sum_rands = sum(ind)
    norm_rands = ind / sum_rands
    sum_norm_rands = sum(norm_rands)
    current = norm_rands * av_current * num_slices
    write_beamfile('beamfile.txt', zpos, current)

    # Genesis run:
    data = {
        'gen_file': 'NEW_SHORT_NOM_TD_v7.in',
        'file_pout': outputdir,
        'file_beam': 'beamfile.txt',
        'i_scan': 0,
        'gen_launch': 'genesis2.0',
        'stat_run': 1,
        'idump': 0,
        'i_edist': 0,
        'i_beam': 1,
        'i_rad': 0,
        'i_dpa': 0,
        'i_dfl': 0
    #f = FEL_simulation_block.FEL_simulation_block(data)
    f = FEL_sim(data)
    A_inp = f.read_GEN_input_file()
    g = f.GEN_simul_preproc(A_inp)

    # this section is copied from genesis_plot.py - to calculate bandwidth
    spectrum_lamdwidth_fwhm = np.zeros_like(g.z)
    spectrum_lamdwidth_std = np.zeros_like(g.z)
    for zz in range(g.nZ):
        spectrum_lamdwidth_fwhm[zz] = None
        spectrum_lamdwidth_std[zz] = None
        if np.sum(g.spec[:, zz]) != 0:
            pos, width, arr = fwhm3(g.spec[:, zz])
            if width != None:
                if arr[0] == arr[-1]:
                    dlambda = abs(g.freq_lamd[pos] - g.freq_lamd[pos - 1])
                    dlambda = abs(
                        (g.freq_lamd[arr[0]] - g.freq_lamd[arr[-1]]) /
                        (arr[0] - arr[-1]))
                    zz] = dlambda * width / g.freq_lamd[pos]
                # spectrum_lamdwidth_fwhm[zz] = abs(g.freq_lamd[arr[0]] - g.freq_lamd[arr[-1]]) / g.freq_lamd[pos]  # the FWHM of spectral line (error when peakpos is at the edge of lamdscale)
            spectrum_lamdwidth_std[zz] = std_moment(
                g.freq_lamd, g.spec[:, zz]) / n_moment(g.freq_lamd,
                                                       g.spec[:, zz], 0, 1)
    ######### end of section copied from genesis_plot.py

    #return Emax
    #print spectrum_lamdwidth_fwhm[-1]
    print 'bandwidth = ', spectrum_lamdwidth_std[-1]
    print 'pulse energy =', g.energy[-1]
    return g.energy[-1], spectrum_lamdwidth_std[-1]