Exemple #1
    def test_system_spatial_averaging_through_operations_state_boundaries(self):
        if MPI_SIZE != 8:
            raise SkipTest('MPI_SIZE != 8')

        ntime = 3
        # Get the exact field value for the state's representative center.
        with vm.scoped([0]):
            if MPI_RANK == 0:
                states = RequestDataset(self.path_state_boundaries, driver='vector').get()
                fill = np.zeros((states.geom.shape[0], 2))
                for idx, geom in enumerate(states.geom.get_value().flat):
                    centroid = geom.centroid
                    fill[idx, :] = centroid.x, centroid.y
                exact_states = create_exact_field_value(fill[:, 0], fill[:, 1])
                state_ugid = states['UGID'].get_value()
                area = states.geom.area

        keywords = {
            'spatial_operation': [
            'aggregate': [
            'wrapped': [True, False],
            'output_format': [

        # total_iterations = len(list(self.iter_product_keywords(keywords)))

        for ctr, k in enumerate(self.iter_product_keywords(keywords)):
            # barrier_print(k)
            # if ctr % 1 == 0:
            #     if vm.is_root:
            #         print('Iteration {} of {}...'.format(ctr + 1, total_iterations))

            with vm.scoped([0]):
                if vm.is_root:
                    grid = create_gridxy_global(resolution=1.0, dist=False, wrapped=k.wrapped)
                    field = create_exact_field(grid, 'foo', ntime=ntime)
                    path = self.get_temporary_file_path('foo.nc')
                    path = None
            path = MPI_COMM.bcast(path)

            rd = RequestDataset(path)

            ops = OcgOperations(dataset=rd, geom='state_boundaries', spatial_operation=k.spatial_operation,
                                aggregate=k.aggregate, output_format=k.output_format, prefix=str(ctr),
                                # geom_select_uid=[8]
            ret = ops.execute()

            # Test area is preserved for a problem element during union. The union's geometry was not fully represented
            # in the output.
            if k.output_format == 'shp' and k.aggregate and k.spatial_operation == 'clip':
                with vm.scoped([0]):
                    if vm.is_root:
                        inn = RequestDataset(ret).get()
                        inn_ugid_idx = np.where(inn['UGID'].get_value() == 8)[0][0]
                        ugid_idx = np.where(state_ugid == 8)[0][0]
                        self.assertAlmostEqual(inn.geom.get_value()[inn_ugid_idx].area, area[ugid_idx], places=2)

            # Test the overview geometry shapefile is written.
            if k.output_format == 'shp':
                directory = os.path.split(ret)[0]
                contents = os.listdir(directory)
                actual = ['_ugid.shp' in c for c in contents]
            elif k.output_format == 'csv-shp':
                directory = os.path.split(ret)[0]
                directory = os.path.join(directory, 'shp')
                contents = os.listdir(directory)
                actual = ['_ugid.shp' in c for c in contents]
                if not k.aggregate:
                    actual = ['_gid.shp' in c for c in contents]

            if k.output_format == OutputFormatName.OCGIS:
                geom_keys = ret.children.keys()
                all_geom_keys = vm.gather(np.array(geom_keys))
                if vm.is_root:
                    all_geom_keys = hgather(all_geom_keys)
                    self.assertEqual(len(np.unique(all_geom_keys)), 51)

                if k.aggregate:
                    actual = Dict()
                    for field, container in ret.iter_fields(yield_container=True):
                        if not field.is_empty:
                            ugid = container.geom.ugid.get_value()[0]
                            actual[ugid]['actual'] = field.data_variables[0].get_value()
                            actual[ugid]['area'] = container.geom.area[0]

                    actual = vm.gather(actual)

                    if vm.is_root:
                        actual = dgather(actual)

                        ares = []
                        actual_areas = []
                        for ugid_key, v in actual.items():
                            ugid_idx = np.where(state_ugid == ugid_key)[0][0]
                            desired = exact_states[ugid_idx]
                            for tidx in range(ntime):
                                are = np.abs((desired + ((tidx + 1) * 10)) - v['actual'][tidx, 0])

                        if k.spatial_operation == 'clip':
                            diff = np.abs(np.array(area) - np.array(actual_areas))
                            self.assertLess(np.max(diff), 1e-6)
                            self.assertLess(np.mean(diff), 1e-6)

                        # Test relative errors.
                        self.assertLess(np.max(ares), 0.031)
                        self.assertLess(np.mean(ares), 0.009)