ne0 = size(ocs.dx0[0, :]) xne0 = arange(ne0) nst = ocs.cur_step xstep = arange(ocs.cur_step) dimnames = ['nx', 'ne', 'ne0', 'nst'] dimvars = [xnx, xne, xne0, xstep] dimtypes = ['i', 'i', 'i', 'i'] print, ocs.nx, ocs.cur_step print shape(ocs.xtm) print shape(ocs.dx) # out put to the restart file xtm_info = ofb.geos_varinfo('sum_xtm', 'f', ['ne', 'ne'], ocs.xtm) x_info = ofb.geos_varinfo('x', 'f', ['nx'], ocs.mean_x) x0_info = ofb.geos_varinfo('x0', 'f', ['nx'], ocs.mean_x0) dx_info = ofb.geos_varinfo('dx', 'f', ['nx', 'ne'], ocs.dx) dx0_info = ofb.geos_varinfo('dx0', 'f', ['nx', 'ne0'], ocs.dx0) doy_info = ofb.geos_varinfo('doy', 'i', ['nst'], ocs.co2.doy[0:nst]) yyyy_info = ofb.geos_varinfo( 'yyyy', 'i', ['nst'], ocs.co2.yyyy[0:nst]) # year for emission period # x_info=ofb.geos_varinfo('x', 'f', ['nx'], ocs.mean_x) # ofb.ncf_write_by_varinfo(resflnm, dimnames, dimtypes, dimvars, [x_info, dx_info, xtm_info]) ofb.ncf_write_by_varinfo(resflnm, dimnames, dimtypes, dimvars, [dx_info, \ dx0_info, xtm_info, \ x_info, x0_info, \ yyyy_info, doy_info])
def data_collect(start_step, nst, geos_datapath, obs_datapath, viewmode_list, \ err_scale=1.0, do_debug=False, do_dump=True, dumpflnm=None): """ doys in date to be read in read in """ fen = open(geos_datapath + '/' + 'ens_pos.dat', 'r') line = fen.readline() line = fen.readline() terms = line.split() step = int(terms[1]) nstep = int(terms[3]) line = fen.readline() lines = fen.readlines() fen.close() em_st = list() em_end = list() yyyy_st = list() yyyy_end = list() doy_st = list() doy_end = list() co2flnm = list() sel_x_idx = range(1, 4) for line in lines: line = line.strip() if (len(line) < 1): break terms = line.split() print terms em_st.append(int(terms[0])) em_end.append(int(terms[1])) yyyy_st.append(int(terms[2])) yyyy_end.append(int(terms[3])) doy_st.append(int(terms[4])) doy_end.append(int(terms[5])) co2flnm.append(terms[6]) yyyy = yyyy_st[start_step] doy0 = doy_st[start_step] doy1 = doy0 + nst * step - 1 # 096 0406 # set up the start days st_days = list() for iday in range(doy0, doy1 + 1, step): sday = r'%4.4dD%3.3d' % (yyyy, iday) st_days.append(sday) print st_days do_debug = False iplot = 0 state_v = stv_c.state_vector(st_days, do_debug=False, datapath=geos_datapath) nx, ne = state_v.nx, print 'nx, ne', nx, ne nreg = (nx) / size(st_days) x = array(state_v.stv) data_count = list() istep = 0 doys = arange(doy0, doy1) iday = 0 nusd_obs = 0 fclim = open('clim_co2.dat', 'r') lines = fclim.readlines() fclim.close() aprior = list() apr_pres = list() for iline in lines: terms = iline.split() aprior.append(float(terms[1])) apr_pres.append(float(terms[0])) aprior = array(aprior) apr_pres = array(apr_pres) apr_pres = log10(apr_pres) # starting to collect the observations and y istep = 0 # figure(1) # show() # figure(1) sel_doys = [-1, -8, -15] day_cnt = 0 for doy in doys: yyyy, mm, dd = tm.doy_to_time_array(doy, yyyy) print 'year mm dd', yyyy, mm, dd y = list() iend = 0 full_doy = r'%4.4dD%3.3d' % (yyyy, doy) # check whether it is necessary to include surface flux (stv) during cerntain days for st_dd in st_days[:]: if (full_doy < st_dd): print full_doy, st_dd break else: iend = iend + 1 real_nx = iend * nreg real_ne = real_nx + 1 # generate x # the ensemble members need to be included sel_eid = list() iend = 0 print em_st while True: print em_st[iend], real_ne if (real_ne < em_st[iend]): break else: sel_eid.append(iend) if (real_ne <= em_end[iend]): break else: iend = iend + 1 # generate model obs sdate = r'%4.4dD%3.3d' % (yyyy, doy) ncflnm = obs_datapath + "oco" + "." + sdate + ".nc" if (doy == doys[0]): sdate0 = sdate dumpext = r"%2.2d" % nst dumpext = "." + sdate0 + "_N" + dumpext viewmode = viewmode_list[doy - 1] ncflnm = obs_datapath + "/oco_" + viewmode + "." + sdate + ".nc" print ncflnm std_od, std_cflag = ofb.ncf_read(ncflnm, ['od', 'cloud']) iy = 0 print 'sel_eid', sel_eid for eid in sel_eid: est = em_st[eid] eend = em_end[eid] print 'sttt days', st_days[eid] # if (day_cnt==0): # the new code needs the right starting time for ctm file ctm_date = st_days[eid] ctm_yyyy, ctm_doy = int(ctm_date[0:4]), int(ctm_date[5:8]) ctm_yyyy, ctm_mm, ctm_dd = tm.doy_to_time_array(ctm_doy, ctm_yyyy) ctm_date0 = r'%4.4d%2.2d%2.2d' % (ctm_yyyy, ctm_mm, ctm_dd) # r'%4.4d%2.2d%2.2d' % (yyyy, mm, dd) print '=' * 20 + 'read in data and calculate xco2' + '=' * 20 obs=obo.obs_operator(yyyy, mm, dd, est, eend, \ aprior=aprior, apr_pres=apr_pres, \ viewmode=viewmode,\ datapath=geos_datapath, ctm_date0=ctm_date0) ytop = min([eend, real_ne]) for em in range(est, ytop + 1): if (em == est): if (istep > 300): print 'em', em, est obs.get_obs_prof(em, std_od=std_od, std_cf=std_cflag) else: obs.get_obs_prof(em, idx=used_idx, do_update=False) if (iy == 0): # em_id is different from em. em_id is the 'real id' in the whole ensemble set em_id = obs.em_id[em - 1] print 'em_id', em_id, em - 1 xgp0 = obs.obs_xgp[em_id] xgp = obs.obs_xgp[em_id] print size(xgp), size(std_od), size(std_cflag) obs_err = obs.obs_err obs_err = array(obs_err) obs_err = obs_err # print 'shape obs+err', shape(obs_err) rnd_obs_err = array(obs_err) for iobs in range(size(obs_err)): err_val = obs_err[iobs] rnd_err = rnd.normal(scale=err_val) rnd_obs_err[iobs] = rnd_err # err_scale=1.0 if (do_debug): subplot(2, 1, 1) plot(obs_err) plot(rnd_obs_err) subplot(2, 1, 2) hist(rnd_obs_err) hist(obs_err) show() rnd_obs_err = err_scale * rnd_obs_err cflag = obs.obs_cflag otime = obs.obs_time olat = obs.obs_lat olon = obs.obs_lon od = obs.obs_od lwi = obs.obs_lwi lwi = lwi.astype(int) # used_idx=where(logical_and(cflag==0, od<=0.3, lwi<>1)) osza = obs.obs_sza sel1 = logical_and(cflag == 0, od <= 0.3) sel2 = logical_and(lwi <> 1, lwi <> 2) # used_idx=where(sel1) # used_idx=where(logical_and(sel1, sel2)) # used_idx=where(cflag==0) used_idx = where(logical_and(obs_err < 4.0, sel1)) used_idx = squeeze(used_idx) print 'used_idx', len(used_idx) xgp = xgp[used_idx] xgp0 = xgp0[used_idx] obs_err = 1.0e-6 * obs_err[used_idx] rnd_obs_err = 1.0e-6 * rnd_obs_err[used_idx] imax = argmax(rnd_obs_err) print 'max(obs err), max(rnd_obs_err)', 1.0e6 * obs_err[ imax], 1.0e6 * rnd_obs_err[imax] olat = olat[used_idx] olon = olon[used_idx] lwi = lwi[used_idx] otime = otime[used_idx] od = od[used_idx] # r=array(varData) # r=r*r else: # just others for ensemble em_id = obs.em_id[em - 1] # print 'em_id', em_id, em-1 xgp = obs.obs_xgp[em_id] if (em == est): print em, est print len(used_idx) xgp = xgp[used_idx] if (istep > 300): print 'type xgp', type(xgp) print 'len-xgp', len(xgp) if (em == 2): print 'xgp', xgp[0:6] y.append(array(xgp)) if (do_debug): print ii, ne, shape(xgp) if (do_debug and ii == 4): # figure(1) # plot(xgp[0:300],'r') # plot(xgp0[0:300], 'b') z = xgp - xgp0 print 'max dev', max(z) iy = iy + 1 for same_y in range(real_ne, ne): y.append(array(xgp0)) # filled with the same value # show() y = array(y) y = transpose(y) if (istep > 300): print type(y) print len(y) ix = y[0] print type(ix) # read in the data obs_f = NetCDFFile(ncflnm) yobs = obs_f.variables['xco2'] yobs_err = obs_f.variables['err'] yobs = array(yobs) # yobs_err=array(yobs_err) yobs_err = array(yobs_err) # print 'shape yobs', shape(yobs) yobs = squeeze(yobs) yobs_err = squeeze(yobs_err) obs_f.close() yobs = yobs[used_idx] yobs_err = yobs_err[used_idx] print 'shape y & yobs', shape(y), shape(yobs) if (istep == 0): all_y = array(y) all_yobs = array(yobs) all_yobs_err = array(yobs_err) all_rnd_err = array(rnd_obs_err) all_lat = array(olat) all_lon = array(olon) all_lwi = array(lwi) all_time = array(otime) all_od = array(od) else: all_y = concatenate((all_y, y)) all_yobs = concatenate((all_yobs, yobs)) all_yobs_err = concatenate((all_yobs_err, yobs_err)) all_rnd_err = concatenate((all_rnd_err, rnd_obs_err)) all_lat = concatenate((all_lat, olat)) all_lon = concatenate((all_lon, olon)) all_lwi = concatenate((all_lwi, lwi)) all_time = concatenate((all_time, otime)) all_od = concatenate((all_od, od)) print 'istep & shape ', istep, shape(all_y), shape(all_yobs), shape( all_yobs_err), shape(all_rnd_err) istep = istep + 1 data_count.append(size(yobs)) day_cnt = day_cnt + 1 if (day_cnt == gcdf.temporal_resolution): day_cnt = 0 data_count = array(data_count) factor = 1.0e6 all_y = factor * all_y all_yobs = factor * all_yobs all_rnd_err = factor * all_rnd_err all_yobs_err = factor * all_yobs_err if (do_dump): if (dumpflnm == None): ncdump = geos_datapath + '/' + 'obs' + dumpext + ".nc" else: ncdump = geos_datapath + '/' + dumpflnm + "_" + dumpext + ".nc" xnx = arange(nx) xne = arange(ne) xny = arange(size(all_y[:, 0])) dimTypes = ['i', 'i', 'i', 'i'] dimVars = [xnx, xne, xny, doys] dimNames = ['nx', 'ne', 'ny', 'doys'] x_info = ofb.geos_varinfo('x', 'f', ['nx', 'ne'], x) y_info = ofb.geos_varinfo('y', 'f', ['ny', 'ne'], all_y) yobs_info = ofb.geos_varinfo('obs', 'f', ['ny'], all_yobs) yobs_err_info = ofb.geos_varinfo('err', 'f', ['ny'], all_yobs_err) rnd_err_info = ofb.geos_varinfo('rnd_err', 'f', ['ny'], all_rnd_err) count_info = ofb.geos_varinfo('daily_count', 'i', ['doys'], data_count) lat_info = ofb.geos_varinfo('lat', 'f', ['ny'], all_lat) lon_info = ofb.geos_varinfo('lon', 'f', ['ny'], all_lon) time_info = ofb.geos_varinfo('time', 'f', ['ny'], all_time) od_info = ofb.geos_varinfo('od', 'f', ['ny'], all_od) lwi_info = ofb.geos_varinfo('lwi', 'i', ['ny'], all_lwi) ofb.ncf_write_by_varinfo(ncdump, dimNames, dimTypes, dimVars, \ [x_info, y_info, yobs_info, yobs_err_info, rnd_err_info, lat_info, lon_info, time_info, od_info, lwi_info, count_info]) return x, all_y, all_yobs, all_yobs_err, all_rnd_err, data_count, doys, \ all_lat, all_lon, all_time, all_lwi, all_od
mod_vals[iweek, 0:nstn, 0:ntr] = new_y0[0:nstn, 0:ntr] # output obs and model values nobs, nstn, ntr = shape(mod_vals) dimnames = ['nobs', 'nstn', 'ntr'] xobs = arange(nobs) xstn = arange(nstn) xntr = arange(ntr) dimvars = [xobs, xstn, xntr] dimtypes = ['i', 'i', 'i'] olon_info = ofb.geos_varinfo('lon', 'f', ['nstn'], olon, varattr={ "unit": "degree", "desc": "longitude" }) otime_info = ofb.geos_varinfo('time', 'f', ['nstn'], otime, varattr={ "unit": "none", "desc": "time idx" }) odoy_info = ofb.geos_varinfo('odoy', 'f', ['nstn'], odoy, varattr={ "unit": "day",
def __init__(self, cur_yyyy, doy_st, doy_end, rerun_st=1, rerun_end=2): self.rerun_est = rerun_st self.rerun_eend = rerun_end self.rerun_datapath = gcdf.data_path self.cur_yyyy = cur_yyyy viewmode_nadir = ['nadir'] * 16 viewmode_glint = ['glint'] * 16 if (gcdf.view_mode == 'nadir'): viewmode_list = viewmode_nadir + viewmode_nadir elif (gcdf.view_mode == 'glint'): viewmode_list = viewmode_glint + viewmode_glint else: viewmode_list = viewmode_nadir + viewmode_glint viewmode_list = viewmode_list * 12 viewmode_code = list() for idoy in range(doy_st, doy_end + 1): yyyy, mm, dd = tm.doy_to_time_array(idoy, self.cur_yyyy) sdate = r'%4.4dD%3.3d' % (yyyy, idoy) viewmode = viewmode_list[idoy - 1] ncflnm = "./" + gcdf.view_type + "_" + viewmode + "." + sdate + ".nc" org_ncflnm = gcdf.obs_path + "/" + gcdf.view_type + "_" + viewmode + "." + sdate + ".nc" print ncflnm varnames=['time', 'obs_lvl', 'lon', 'lat', 'cloud', 'nclear', 'xco2', 'xco2_ap', \ 'err', 'rnd_err', \ 'od', 'lwi', 'sza', 'obs_pres', 'obs_ak', 'obs_apr'] time, obs_lvl, lon, lat, cloud, nclear, xco2, xco2_ap, \ err, rnd_err, \ od, lwi, sza, obs_pres, obs_ak, obs_apr=\ ofb.ncf_read(org_ncflnm, varnames) nobs = size(lat) self.olat = array(lat) self.olon = array(lon) self.otime = array(time) self.obs_ak = array(obs_ak) self.obs_apr = array(obs_apr) self.obs_xgp0 = array(xco2_ap) self.obs_pres = array(obs_pres) hm0 = self.read_new_mean_y(yyyy, mm, dd) hm0 = squeeze(hm0) if (max(hm0) > 1.0): hm0 = 1.0e-6 * hm0 dimnames = ['time', 'obs_lvl'] dimtypes = ['f', 'i'] dimvars = [time, obs_lvl] lon_info = ofb.geos_varinfo('lon', 'f', ['time'], lon) lat_info = ofb.geos_varinfo('lat', 'f', ['time'], lat) cloud_info = ofb.geos_varinfo('cloud', 'f', ['time'], cloud) nclear_info = ofb.geos_varinfo('nclear', 'f', ['time'], nclear) xco2_info = ofb.geos_varinfo('xco2', 'f', ['time'], hm0) xco2_ap_info = ofb.geos_varinfo('xco2_ap', 'f', ['time'], xco2_ap) err_info = ofb.geos_varinfo('err', 'f', ['time'], err) rnd_err_info = ofb.geos_varinfo('rnd_err', 'f', ['time'], rnd_err) od_info = ofb.geos_varinfo('od', 'f', ['time'], od) lwi_info = ofb.geos_varinfo('lwi', 'f', ['time'], lwi) sza_info = ofb.geos_varinfo('sza', 'f', ['time'], sza) obs_pres_info = ofb.geos_varinfo('obs_pres', 'f', ['time', 'obs_lvl'], obs_pres) obs_ak_info = ofb.geos_varinfo('obs_ak', 'f', ['time', 'obs_lvl'], obs_ak) obs_apr_info = ofb.geos_varinfo('obs_apr', 'f', ['time', 'obs_lvl'], obs_apr) ofb.ncf_write_by_varinfo(ncflnm, dimnames, dimtypes, dimvars, [lon_info, lat_info, cloud_info, \ nclear_info, xco2_info, xco2_ap_info, \ err_info, rnd_err_info, \ od_info, lwi_info, sza_info, obs_pres_info, obs_ak_info, obs_apr_info])
def data_collect(yyyy, doy, \ nst,\ step,\ em_st,\ em_end,\ geos_datapath, \ obs_datapath,\ viewmode_list, \ not_first_period=False,\ err_scale=1.0, \ do_debug=False,\ do_dump=True, \ dumpflnm=None): """ doys in date to be read in read in """ doy0=doy doy1=doy0 +nst*step # 096 0406 # set up the start days doys=arange(doy0, doy1) iday=0 nusd_obs=0 fclim=open('clim_co2.dat', 'r') lines=fclim.readlines() fclim.close() aprior=list() apr_pres=list() for iline in lines: terms=iline.split() aprior.append(float(terms[1])) apr_pres.append(float(terms[0])) aprior=array(aprior) apr_pres=array(apr_pres) apr_pres=log10(apr_pres) # starting to collect the observations and y # # figure(1) # show() # figure(1) sel_doys=[-1, -8, -15] int_step=0 all_days=size(em_st) all_data_list=arange(all_data) int_step=0 out_step=step data_count=list() print doy0, doy1, doys # tt=raw_input() for doy in doys: yyyy, mm,dd=tm.doy_to_time_array(doy, yyyy) print 'year mm dd', yyyy, mm, dd y=list() iend=0 full_doy=r'%4.4dD%3.3d' % (yyyy, doy) sdate=r'%4.4dD%3.3d' % (yyyy, doy) # check whether it is necessary to include surface flux (stv) during cerntain days iy=0 if (int_step==0): dumpext=r"%2.2d" % nst dumpext="."+sdate+"_N"+dumpext viewmode=viewmode_list[doy-1] ncflnm_obs=obs_datapath+"/oco_"+viewmode+"."+sdate+".nc" print ncflnm_obs std_od, std_cflag=ofb.ncf_read(ncflnm_obs, ['od', 'cloud']) for eid in all_data_list: est=em_st[eid] eend=em_end[eid] sdate=r'%4.4dD%3.3d' % (yyyy, doy) ncflnm=obs_datapath+"oco"+"."+sdate+".nc" # print 'sel_eid', sel_eid obs=obo.obs_operator(yyyy, mm, dd, est, eend, \ aprior=aprior, apr_pres=apr_pres, \ viewmode=viewmode,\ datapath=geos_datapath) ytop=eend for em in range(est,ytop+1): if (em==est): obs.get_obs_prof(em, std_od=std_od, std_cf=std_cflag) else: # print 'iy', iy, em, est obs.get_obs_prof(em, idx=used_idx, do_update=False) if (iy==0): # em_id is different from em. em_id is the 'real id' in the whole ensemble set em_id=obs.em_id[em-1] print 'em_id', em_id, em-1 xgp0=obs.obs_xgp[em_id] xgp=obs.obs_xgp[em_id] print size(xgp), size(std_od), size(std_cflag) obs_err=obs.obs_err obs_err=array(obs_err) obs_err=obs_err # print 'shape obs+err', shape(obs_err) rnd_obs_err=array(obs_err) rnd_err=rnd.normal(scale=obs_err) rnd_obs_err[iobs]=rnd_err # err_scale=1.0 if (do_debug): subplot(2,1,1) plot(obs_err) plot(rnd_obs_err) subplot(2,1,2) hist(rnd_obs_err) hist(obs_err) show() rnd_obs_err=err_scale*rnd_obs_err cflag=obs.obs_cflag otime=obs.obs_time olat=obs.obs_lat olon=obs.obs_lon od=obs.obs_od lwi=obs.obs_lwi lwi=lwi.astype(int) # used_idx=where(logical_and(cflag==0, od<=0.3, lwi<>1)) osza=obs.obs_sza sel1=logical_and(cflag==0, od<=0.3) sel2=logical_and(lwi<>1, lwi<>2) # used_idx=where(sel1) # used_idx=where(logical_and(sel1, sel2)) # used_idx=where(cflag==0) used_idx=where(logical_and(obs_err<4.0, sel1)) used_idx=squeeze(used_idx) print 'used_idx', len(used_idx) xgp=xgp[used_idx] xgp0=xgp0[used_idx] obs_err=1.0e-6*obs_err[used_idx] rnd_obs_err=1.0e-6*rnd_obs_err[used_idx] imax=argmax(rnd_obs_err) print 'max(obs err), max(rnd_obs_err)', 1.0e6*obs_err[imax], 1.0e6*rnd_obs_err[imax] olat=olat[used_idx] olon=olon[used_idx] lwi=lwi[used_idx] otime=otime[used_idx] od=od[used_idx] # r=array(varData) # r=r*r else: # just others for ensemble em_id=obs.em_id[em-1] # print 'em_id', em_id, em-1 xgp=obs.obs_xgp[em_id] if (em==est): print em, est print len(used_idx) xgp=xgp[used_idx] if (istep>300): print 'type xgp',type(xgp) print 'len-xgp', len(xgp) if (em==2): print 'xgp', xgp[0:6] y.append(array(xgp)) if (do_debug): print ii, ne, shape(xgp) if (do_debug and ii==4): # figure(1) # plot(xgp[0:300],'r') # plot(xgp0[0:300], 'b') z=xgp-xgp0 print 'max dev', max(z) iy=iy+1 # show() y=array(y) y=transpose(y) print 'y-shape', shape(y), shape(xgp) if (istep>300): print type(y) print len(y) ix=y[0] print type(ix) # read in the data print ncflnm_obs obs_f=NetCDFFile(ncflnm_obs) yobs=obs_f.variables['xco2'] yobs_err=obs_f.variables['err'] yobs=array(yobs) # yobs_err=array(yobs_err) yobs_err=array(yobs_err) # print 'shape yobs', shape(yobs) yobs=squeeze(yobs) yobs_err=squeeze(yobs_err) obs_f.close() yobs=yobs[used_idx] yobs_err=yobs_err[used_idx] if (int_step==0): all_y=array(y) all_yobs=array(yobs) all_yobs_err=array(yobs_err) all_rnd_err=array(rnd_obs_err) all_lat=array(olat) all_lon=array(olon) all_lwi=array(lwi) all_time=array(otime) all_od=array(od) state_v=stv_c.state_vector(sdate, do_debug=False, datapath=geos_datapath) nx, ne=state_v.nx, print 'nx, ne', nx,ne nreg=(nx)/size(st_days) x=array(state_v.stv) else: all_y=concatenate((all_y, y)) all_yobs=concatenate((all_yobs, yobs)) all_yobs_err=concatenate((all_yobs_err, yobs_err)) all_rnd_err=concatenate((all_rnd_err, rnd_obs_err)) all_lat=concatenate((all_lat, olat)) all_lon=concatenate((all_lon, olon)) all_lwi=concatenate((all_lwi, lwi)) all_time=concatenate((all_time, otime)) all_od=concatenate((all_od, od)) print 'shape y & yobs', shape(y), shape(yobs) print 'istep & shape ',istep, shape(all_y), shape(all_yobs), shape(all_yobs_err), shape(all_rnd_err) data_count.append(size(yobs)) int_step=int_step+1 print '*'*40+'int_step'+'*'*80 print int_step if ((int_step==out_step) and do_dump): if (dumpflnm==None): ncdump=geos_datapath+'/'+'obs'+dumpext+"_"+sdate0+".nc" else: ncdump=geos_datapath+'/'+dumpflnm+"_"+dumpext+".nc" tmp_data_count=array(data_count) factor=1.0e6 all_y=factor*all_y all_yobs=factor*all_yobs all_rnd_err=factor*all_rnd_err all_yobs_err=factor*all_yobs_err xnx=arange(nx) xne=arange(ne) xny=arange(size(all_y[:,0])) xney=arange(size(all_y[0,:])) dimTypes=['i', 'i','i','i', 'i'] dimVars=[xnx, xne, xny, xney, doys] dimNames=['nx', 'ne', 'ny', 'ney', 'doys'] x_info=ofb.geos_varinfo('x', 'f', ['nx', 'ne'], x) y_info=ofb.geos_varinfo('y', 'f', ['ny', 'ney'], all_y) yobs_info=ofb.geos_varinfo('obs', 'f', ['ny'], all_yobs) yobs_err_info=ofb.geos_varinfo('err', 'f', ['ny'], all_yobs_err) rnd_err_info=ofb.geos_varinfo('rnd_err', 'f', ['ny'], all_rnd_err) count_info=ofb.geos_varinfo('daily_count', 'i', ['doys'], tmp_data_count) lat_info=ofb.geos_varinfo('lat', 'f', ['ny'], all_lat) lon_info=ofb.geos_varinfo('lon', 'f', ['ny'], all_lon) time_info=ofb.geos_varinfo('time', 'f', ['ny'], all_time) od_info=ofb.geos_varinfo('od', 'f', ['ny'], all_od) lwi_info=ofb.geos_varinfo('lwi', 'i', ['ny'], all_lwi) ofb.ncf_write_by_varinfo(ncdump, dimNames, dimTypes, dimVars, \ [x_info, y_info, yobs_info, yobs_err_info, \ rnd_err_info, lat_info, lon_info, time_info, od_info, lwi_info, count_info]) int_step=0 data_count=array(data_count) print 'shape, all_y', shape(all_y) return x, all_y, all_yobs, all_yobs_err, all_rnd_err, data_count, doys, \ all_lat, all_lon, all_time, all_lwi, all_od
all_doy.append(doy) all_co2.append(co2) all_pres.append(pres) all_sp.append(squeeze(sp)) all_doy = array(all_doy) all_co2 = array(all_co2) all_pres = array(all_pres) all_sp = array(all_sp) print shape(all_co2), shape(all_sp) lat_info=ofb.geos_varinfo('latitude', 'f', ['latitude'], rlat, \ varattr=None) lon_info=ofb.geos_varinfo('longitude', 'f', ['longitude'], rlon, \ varattr=None) lvl_info=ofb.geos_varinfo('level', 'f', ['level'], rz, \ varattr=None) time_info=ofb.geos_varinfo('time', 'f', ['time'], all_doy, \ varattr={"units":"days since 2006-1-1 00:00:00"}) co2 = transpose(all_co2, (0, 3, 2, 1)) pres = transpose(all_pres, (0, 3, 2, 1)) sp = transpose(all_sp, (0, 2, 1)) print shape(co2)
y1 = data1 / ndays sp = sp / ndays sp = squeeze(sp) t = t / ndays nx, ny, nz = shape(t) print size(lon), size(lat), size(z) print shape(sp), shape(t) dimnames = ['lon', 'lat', 'z'] dimvars = [lon, lat, z] dimtypes = ['f', 'f', 'f'] outflnm = 'mean_field_orch.' + sdate + ".nc" y0_info=ofb.geos_varinfo('CO2.0001', 'f', ['lon', 'lat', 'z'], y0, \ varattr={"unit":"ppmv", "desc":"CO2 mixing ratio"}) y1_info=ofb.geos_varinfo('CO2.0002', 'f', ['lon', 'lat','z'], y1, \ varattr={"unit":"ppmv", "desc":"CO2 mixing ratio"}) sp_info=ofb.geos_varinfo('pressure', 'f', ['lon', 'lat'], sp, \ varattr={"unit":"hPa", "desc":"surface pressure"}) t_info=ofb.geos_varinfo('t', 'f', ['lon', 'lat', 'z'], t, \ varattr={"unit":"K", "desc":"temperature"}) ofb.ncf_write_by_varinfo(outflnm, dimnames, dimtypes, dimvars,\ [sp_info,y0_info, y1_info, t_info])
sstep = r'%2.2d' % (i) resflnm = gcdf.inv_path + "/" + "std_oco_assim_res" + "." + sstep + ".nc" ocs.do_one_step(update_step=0, rerun_step=0, hm_saving_doy=0) xne = arange( xnx = arange(ocs.nx) xwhole = arange(size(ocs.whole_mean_x)) dimnames = ['nx', 'ne', 'nwhole'] dimvars = [xnx, xne, xwhole] dimtypes = ['i', 'i', 'i'] # print, ocs.nx # print shape(ocs.xtm) # print shape(ocs.dx) # out put to the restart file xtm_info = ofb.geos_varinfo('sum_xtm', 'f', ['ne', 'ne'], ocs.xtm) x_info = ofb.geos_varinfo('x', 'f', ['nx'], ocs.mean_x) xinc_info = ofb.geos_varinfo('xinc', 'f', ['nx'], ocs.x_inc) x0_info = ofb.geos_varinfo('x0', 'f', ['nx'], ocs.mean_x0) whole_x0_info = ofb.geos_varinfo('whole_x0', 'f', ['nwhole'], ocs.whole_mean_x0) whole_x_info = ofb.geos_varinfo('whole_x', 'f', ['nwhole'], ocs.whole_mean_x) whole_err0_info = ofb.geos_varinfo('whole_err0', 'f', ['nwhole'], ocs.whole_err_x0) whole_err_info = ofb.geos_varinfo('whole_err', 'f', ['nwhole'], ocs.whole_err_x) print shape(ocs.whole_err_x)