def test_odemass_vec_nomass(self): opts = {} massType, massM, massFcn = odemass(self.t0,self.y0_vec,opts,[]) self.assertEqual(massType,0) sparse = sp.eye(2) self.assertEqual((sparse - massM).nnz, 0) self.assertEqual(massFcn,None)
def test_odemass_vec_function_state(self): opts = {'Mass':self.mass_state_vec,'MStateDependence':'weak'} massType, massM, massFcn = odemass(self.t0,self.y0_vec,opts,[]) self.assertEqual(massType,3) array = np.array([[1,4],[2,3]]) for i in range(len(array)): for j in range(len(array[0])): self.assertEqual(massM[i][j],array[i][j]) self.assertEqual(massFcn,self.mass_state_vec)
def ode45(odefun, tspan, y0, options=None, varargin=None): '''Function to solve non-stiff differential equations using the dormund prince method with adaptive step. The system of differential equations takes the form y' = f(t,y) with y(0) = y_0 for t = {t_0, t_end}. Parameters ---------- odefun : callable Callable function which represents the system of differential equations to be solved. The function must take the form y' = f(t,y), eg: def dydt(t,y): return [math.cos(t), y[1] * math.sin(t)] Where t must be a float and y must be an array_like of size n, where n is the size of the system. The function must return an array_like with the same size of size n. tspan : array_like, shape(2,) || shape(k,) This array represents the span over which odefun will be evaluated. It can either be an array of size 2 which represents [t_0, t_end], or it can either be a larger array which would represent a series of chosen points. If tspan is a series of chosen points, then the function will only be evaluated at those points. y0 : array_like, shape(n,) This array are the initial values for the odefun function. It must be the same size as the array returned by the odefun. options : dictionary This dictionary contains the user options, the keys are represented by the option name, and the values are the value of the options. If a default value is shown, then this is the value the option will be set to automatically. The possible options are: AbsTol : float || array_like, shape(n,) (default : 1e-6) Absolute error tolerance, can be a positive float or an array of positive floats. RelTol : float (default : 1e-3) Relative error tolerance. NormControl : 'on' || 'off' (default : 'off') If 'off' then error at each step: error[i] <= max(RelTol * y[i], AbsTol[i]) If 'on' then error at each step: |error| <= max(RelTol * |y|, |AbsTol|) If NormControl is 'on' then AbsTol must be a float and not an array_like. Stats : 'on' || 'off' (default : 'off') If 'on' then the function will print a series of stats about the execution. InitialStep : float Size of the initial step, must be a positive float. MaxStep : float (default : 0.1 * abs(t_0 - t_end)) Size of the maximun step, must be a positive float. Refine : integer (default : 4) Determines the refinement to be performed at each step. If refine is set to one, then no refinement will be performed. NonNegative : array_like (default : []) List solutions of the differential system which will be kept positive. The list must contain only integers representing the indices of the solutions. Events : callable Function which must return value, isterminal, direction, all of which are array_like of the same size. When the value of any of the values is 0 then an event is triggered. The isterminal determines whether the event should stop the execution and can only take value of 0 or 1. The direction determines from which direction the event should be triggered, if -1 then the event triggers if coming from the negative direction, whereas 1 will trigger if coming from the positive direction, and 0 will trigger when coming from any direction. E.g : def events(t,y): value = [10 - t, y[1]] isterminal = [0, 1] direction = [1, 0] return value, isterminal, direction Mass : callable || array_like, shape(n,n) The mass option can either be a constant mass matrix, a time dependent function or a state-time dependent function. Mass Matrix : array_like, shape(n,n) Will solve for y s.t. M y' = f(t,y), M must be a square matrix. Time Dependent Function : callable Will solve for y s.t. M(t) y' = f(t,y), M(t) must be a function in the which takes t as argument an return an array_like(n,n) State-Time Dependent Function : callable Will solve for y s.t. M(t,y) y' = f(t,y), M(t,y) must be a function in the which takes t and y as argument an return an array_like(n,n) MStateDependence : 'none' || 'weak' (default : 'none') Must be set to 'weak' if the Mass option is a state-time dependent function, otherwise it must be set to 'none'. varargin : array_like, shape(t,) These are extra arguments that can be passed to the odefun. For example: def dydt(t,y,a,b): return [math.cos(t) + a, y[1] * math.sin(t) + b] varagin = [a,b] Note that these extra argument will also be passed to any events or mass function. Returns ------- _ : odefinalize The function will return an object of type odefinalize (see odefinalize). ''' solver_name = 'ode45' nsteps = 0 nfailed = 0 nfevals = 0 if isinstance(options, type(None)): options = {} if isinstance(varargin, type(None)): varargin = [] #Handle solver arguments neq, tspan, ntspan, nex, t0, tfinal, tdir, y0, f0, odeArgs, odeFcn, options, threshold, rtol, normcontrol, normy, hmax, htry, htspan, dataType = odearguments( odefun, tspan, y0, options, varargin) nfevals = nfevals + 1 refine = max(1, odeget(options, 'Refine', 4)) if len(tspan) > 2: outputAt = 'RequestedPoints' elif refine == 1: outputAt = 'SolverSteps' else: outputAt = 'RefinedSteps' s = np.array(range(1, refine)) / refine printstats = (odeget(options, 'Stats', 'off') == 'on') #Handle the event function haveEventFcn, eventFcn, eventArgs, valt, teout, yeout, ieout = odeevents( t0, y0, options, varargin) #Handle the mass matrix Mtype, M, Mfun = odemass(t0, y0, options, varargin) if Mtype > 0: odeFcn, odeArgs = odemassexplicit(Mtype, odeFcn, odeArgs, Mfun, M) f0 = feval(odeFcn, t0, y0, odeArgs) nfevals = nfevals + 1 #Non-negative solution components idxNonNegative = odeget(options, 'NonNegative', []) nonNegative = False if len(idxNonNegative) != 0: odeFcn, thresholdNonNegative = odenonnegative(odeFcn, y0, threshold, idxNonNegative) f0 = feval(odeFcn, t0, y0, odeArgs) nfevals = nfevals + 1 nonNegative = True t = t0 y = y0 #Memory Allocation nout = 1 yout = np.array([], dtype=dataType) tout = np.array([], dtype=dataType) if ntspan > 2: tout = np.zeros((1, ntspan), dtype=dataType) yout = np.zeros((neq, ntspan), dtype=dataType) else: chunk = min(max(100, 50 * refine), refine + math.floor(math.pow(2, 11) / neq)) tout = np.zeros((1, chunk), dtype=dataType) yout = np.zeros((neq, chunk), dtype=dataType) nout = 1 tout[nout - 1] = t yout[:, nout - 1] = y.copy() #Initialize method parameters stop = 0 power = 1 / 5 A = np.array([1. / 5., 3. / 10., 4. / 5., 8. / 9., 1., 1.], dtype=dataType) B = np.array([[ 1. / 5., 3. / 40., 44. / 45., 19372. / 6561., 9017. / 3168., 35. / 384. ], [0., 9. / 40., -56. / 15., -25360. / 2187., -355. / 33., 0. ], [0., 0., 32. / 9., 64448. / 6561., 46732. / 5247., 500. / 1113.], [0., 0., 0., -212. / 729., 49. / 176., 125. / 192.], [0., 0., 0., 0., -5103. / 18656., -2187. / 6784.], [0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 11. / 84.], [0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.]], dtype=dataType) E = np.array([[71. / 57600.], [0.], [-71. / 16695.], [71. / 1920.], [-17253. / 339200.], [22. / 525.], [-1. / 40.]], dtype=dataType) f = np.zeros((neq, 7), dtype=dataType) hmin = 16 * np.spacing(float(t)) np.set_printoptions(precision=16) #Initial step if htry == 0: absh = min(hmax, htspan) if normcontrol: rh = (np.linalg.norm(f0) / max(normy, threshold)) / (0.8 * math.pow(rtol, power)) else: if isinstance(threshold, list): rh = np.linalg.norm(f0 / np.maximum(np.abs(y), threshold), np.inf) / (0.8 * math.pow(rtol, power)) else: rh = np.linalg.norm( f0 / np.maximum(np.abs(y), np.repeat(threshold, len(y))), np.inf) / (0.8 * math.pow(rtol, power)) if (absh * rh) > 1: absh = 1 / rh absh = max(absh, hmin) else: absh = min(hmax, max(hmin, htry)) f[:, 0] = f0 ynew = np.zeros(neq, dtype=dataType) #Main loop done = False while not done: hmin = 16 * np.spacing(float(t)) absh = min(hmax, max(hmin, absh)) h = tdir * absh #If next step is within 10% of finish if 1.1 * absh >= abs(tfinal - t): h = tfinal - t absh = abs(h) done = True #Advancing one step nofailed = True while True: hA = h * A hB = h * B f[:, 1] = feval(odeFcn, t + hA[0], y + np.matmul(f, hB[:, 0]), odeArgs) f[:, 2] = feval(odeFcn, t + hA[1], y + np.matmul(f, hB[:, 1]), odeArgs) f[:, 3] = feval(odeFcn, t + hA[2], y + np.matmul(f, hB[:, 2]), odeArgs) f[:, 4] = feval(odeFcn, t + hA[3], y + np.matmul(f, hB[:, 3]), odeArgs) f[:, 5] = feval(odeFcn, t + hA[4], y + np.matmul(f, hB[:, 4]), odeArgs) tnew = t + hA[5] if done: tnew = tfinal #Hit end point exactly h = tnew - t ynew = y + np.matmul(f, hB[:, 5]) f[:, 6] = feval(odeFcn, tnew, ynew, odeArgs) nfevals = nfevals + 6 #Estimation of the error NNrejectStep = False if normcontrol: normynew = np.linalg.norm(ynew) errwt = max(max(normy, normynew), threshold) err = absh * np.linalg.norm(np.matmul(f, E)[:, 0]) / errwt if nonNegative and err <= rtol and any( [True for i in idxNonNegative if ynew[i] < 0]): errNN = np.linalg.norm( [max(0, -1 * ynew[i]) for i in idxNonNegative]) / errwt if errNN > rtol: err = errNN NNrejectStep = True else: denom = np.maximum(np.maximum(np.abs(y), np.abs(ynew)), threshold) err = absh * np.linalg.norm( np.divide(np.matmul(f, E)[:, 0], denom), np.inf) if nonNegative and err <= rtol and any( [True for i in idxNonNegative if ynew[i] < 0]): errNN = np.linalg.norm( np.divide( [max(0, -1 * ynew[i]) for i in idxNonNegative], thresholdNonNegative), np.inf) if errNN > rtol: err = errNN NNrejectStep = True #Error is outside the tolerance if err > rtol: nfailed = nfailed + 1 if absh <= hmin: warnings.warn("ode45: ode45: IntegrationTolNotMet " + str(t) + " " + str(hmin)) return odefinalize(solver_name, printstats, [nsteps, nfailed, nfevals], nout, tout, yout, haveEventFcn, teout, yeout, ieout) if nofailed: nofailed = False if NNrejectStep: absh = max(hmin, 0.5 * absh) else: absh = max( hmin, absh * max(0.1, 0.8 * math.pow(rtol / err, power))) else: absh = max(hmin, 0.5 * absh) h = tdir * absh done = False else: #Successful step NNreset_f7 = False if nonNegative and any( [True for i in idxNonNegative if ynew[i] < 0]): for j in idxNonNegative: ynew[j] = max(ynew[j], 0) if normcontrol: normynew = np.linalg.norm(ynew) NNreset_f7 = True break nsteps += 1 if haveEventFcn: te, ye, ie, valt, stop = odezero([], eventFcn, eventArgs, valt, t, np.transpose(np.array([y])), tnew, np.transpose(np.array([ynew])), t0, h, f, idxNonNegative) if len(te) != 0: if len(teout) == 0: teout = np.copy(te) else: teout = np.append(teout, te) if len(yeout) == 0: yeout = np.copy(ye) else: yeout = np.append(yeout, ye, axis=1) if len(ieout) == 0: ieout = np.copy(ie) else: ieout = np.append(ieout, ie) if stop: #Terminal event taux = t + (te[-1] - t) * A _, f[:, 1:7] = ntrp45(taux, t, np.transpose(np.array([y])), h, f, idxNonNegative) tnew = te[-1] ynew = ye[:, -1] h = tnew - t done = True if outputAt == "SolverSteps": #Computed points, no refinement nout_new = 1 tout_new = np.array([tnew]) yout_new = np.transpose(np.array([ynew])) elif outputAt == "RefinedSteps": #Computed points, with refinement tref = t + (tnew - t) * s nout_new = refine tout_new = tref.copy() tout_new = np.append(tout_new, tnew) yout_new, _ = ntrp45(tref, t, np.transpose(np.array([y])), h, f, idxNonNegative) yout_new = np.append(yout_new, np.transpose(np.array([ynew])), axis=1) elif outputAt == "RequestedPoints": #Chosen points nout_new = 0 tout_new = np.array([]) yout_new = np.array([]) while nex <= ntspan: if tdir * (tnew - tspan[nex - 1]) < 0: if haveEventFcn and stop: nout_new = nout_new + 1 tout_new = np.append(tout_new, tnew) if len(yout_new) == 0: yout_new = np.transpose(np.array([ynew])) else: yout_new = np.append(yout_new, np.transpose(np.array([ynew ])), axis=1) break nout_new = nout_new + 1 tout_new = np.append(tout_new, tspan[nex - 1]) if tspan[nex - 1] == tnew: yout_temp = np.transpose(np.array([ynew])) else: yout_temp, _ = ntrp45(tspan[nex - 1], t, y, h, f, idxNonNegative) if len(yout_new) == 0: yout_new = yout_temp else: yout_new = np.append(yout_new, yout_temp, axis=1) nex = nex + 1 #Extra memory allocation if nout_new > 0: oldnout = nout nout = nout + nout_new if nout > len(tout[0]): talloc = np.zeros((1, chunk), dtype=dataType) tout = np.array([np.append(tout, talloc)]) yalloc = np.zeros((neq, chunk), dtype=dataType) yout = np.append(yout, yalloc, axis=1) for i in range(oldnout, nout): tout[0, i] = tout_new[i - oldnout] yout[:, i] = yout_new[:, i - oldnout] if done: break #No failures, compute new h if nofailed: temp = 1.25 * math.pow((err / rtol), power) if temp > 0.2: absh = absh / temp else: absh = 5.0 * absh #Advance the integration by one step t = tnew y = ynew.copy() if normcontrol: normy = normynew if NNreset_f7: f[:, 6] = feval(odeFcn, tnew, ynew, odeArgs) nfevals = nfevals + 1 f[:, 0] = f[:, 6] return odefinalize(solver_name, printstats, [nsteps, nfailed, nfevals], nout, tout, yout, haveEventFcn, teout, yeout, ieout)
def ode45_scipyStep(ode,tspan,y0,scipyStep,options = None, varargin = None) : solver_name = 'ode45' # Check inputs # Stats nsteps = 0 nfailed = 0 nfevals = 0 # Output FcnHandlesUsed = isfunction(ode) if not FcnHandlesUsed : raise ValueError("ode is not an handle function") # Handle solver arguments neq, tspan, ntspan, NEXT, t0, tfinal, tdir, y0, f0, odeArgs, odeFcn, options, threshold, rtol, normcontrol, normy, hmax, htry, htspan, dataType = odearguments(FcnHandlesUsed, solver_name, ode, tspan, y0, options, varargin) nfevals = nfevals + 1 #Handle the output refine = np.maximum(1,options.Refine) if ntspan > 2 : outputAt = 1 # output only at tspan points elif refine <= 1 : outputAt = 2 # computed points, no refinement else : outputAt = 3 # computed points, with refinement S = np.array(range(1,refine))/refine # Handle the event function haveEventFcn,eventFcn,eventArgs,valt,teout,yeout,ieout = odeevents(FcnHandlesUsed,odeFcn,t0,y0,options,varargin) # Handle the mass matrix Mtype, M, Mfun = odemass(FcnHandlesUsed,odeFcn,t0,y0,options,varargin) if Mtype > 0 : #check if matrix is singular and raise an arror # Incorporate the mass matrix into odeFcn and odeArgs. odeFcn,odeArgs = odemassexplicit(FcnHandlesUsed,Mtype,odeFcn,odeArgs,Mfun,M) f0 = feval(odeFcn,t0,y0,odeArgs) nfevals = nfevals + 1 #Non-negative solution components idxNonNegative = options.NonNegative nonNegative = len(idxNonNegative) != 0 #thresholdNonNegative = np.abs(threshold) if nonNegative : odeFcn,thresholdNonNegative,odeArgs = odenonnegative(odeFcn,y0,threshold,idxNonNegative,odeArgs) #odeArgs = (argSup,odeArgs) f0 = feval(odeFcn,t0,y0,odeArgs) nfevals = nfevals + 1 t = t0 y = y0 # Allocate memory if we're generating output. if outputAt == 1 : output_y = np.zeros((neq,ntspan),dtype=dataType) output_t = np.zeros(ntspan,dtype=dataType) else : output_y = np.zeros((neq,1),dtype=dataType) output_t = np.zeros(1,dtype=dataType) output_y[:,0] = y0 output_t[0] = t0 #Initialize method parameters. POW = 1/5 A = np.array([1/5, 3/10, 4/5, 8/9, 1, 1],dtype=dataType) B = np.array([ [1/5, 3/40, 44/45, 19372/6561, 9017/3168, 35/384], [0, 9/40, -56/15, -25360/2187, -355/33, 0], [0, 0, 32/9, 64448/6561, 46732/5247, 500/1113], [0, 0, 0, -212/729, 49/176, 125/192], [0, 0, 0, 0, -5103/18656, -2187/6784], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 11/84], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] ],dtype=dataType) E = np.array([71/57600, 0, -71/16695, 71/1920, -17253/339200, 22/525, -1/40],dtype=dataType) f = np.zeros((neq,7),dtype=dataType) hmin = 16*np.finfo(float(t)).eps if htry is None : # Compute an initial step size h using y'(t). absh = np.minimum(hmax, htspan) if normcontrol : rh = (np.linalg.norm(f0) / np.maximum(normy,threshold)) / (0.8 * rtol**POW) else : rh = np.linalg.norm(f0 / np.maximum(np.abs(y0),threshold),np.inf) / (0.8 * rtol**POW) if absh * rh > 1 : absh = 1 / rh absh = np.maximum(absh, hmin) else : absh = np.minimum(hmax, np.maximum(hmin, htry)) f[:,0] = f0 #THE MAIN LOOP done = False stop = False plop = 0 while not done : h = scipyStep[plop] plop = plop +1 absh = h # Stretch the step if within 10% of tfinal-t. if plop >= len(scipyStep) : done = True # LOOP FOR ADVANCING ONE STEP. nofailed = True # no failed attempts while True : hA = h * A hB = h * B f[:,1] = feval(odeFcn,t+hA[0],,hB[:,0]),odeArgs) f[:,2] = feval(odeFcn,t+hA[1],,hB[:,1]),odeArgs) f[:,3] = feval(odeFcn,t+hA[2],,hB[:,2]),odeArgs) f[:,4] = feval(odeFcn,t+hA[3],,hB[:,3]),odeArgs) f[:,5] = feval(odeFcn,t+hA[4],,hB[:,4]),odeArgs) tnew = t + hA[5] if done : tnew = tfinal # Hit end point exactly. h = tnew - t # Purify h ynew = y +,hB[:,5]) f[:,6] = feval(odeFcn,tnew,ynew,odeArgs) nfevals = nfevals + 6 #else : # Successful step NNreset_f7 = False if nonNegative and np.any(ynew[idxNonNegative]<0) : ynew[idxNonNegative] = np.maximum(ynew[idxNonNegative],0) if normcontrol : normynew = np.linalg.norm(ynew) NNreset_f7 = True break nsteps = nsteps + 1 if haveEventFcn : te,ye,ie,valt,stop=odezero(None,eventFcn,eventArgs,valt,t,y,tnew,ynew,t0,h,f,idxNonNegative) if len(te) != 0 : teout=np.append(teout,te) if len(yeout) ==0 : yeout=ye else: yeout=np.append(yeout,ye,axis=1) ieout=np.append(ieout,ie) if stop : taux = t + (te[-1] - t)*A trash, f[:,1:7]=ntrp45(taux,t,y,None,None,h,f,idxNonNegative) tnew = te[-1] ynew = ye[:,-1] h = tnew - t done = True #GERER LES output if outputAt == 1 : #Evaluate only at t_span if tdir == 1 : #tspan is increasing while NEXT < ntspan : if tspan[NEXT] == tnew : output_t[NEXT] = tnew output_y[:,NEXT] = ynew NEXT = NEXT+1 elif tspan[NEXT] < tnew and t < tspan[NEXT] : first_indice = NEXT NEXT = NEXT+1 while tspan[NEXT] < tnew : NEXT = NEXT+1 last_indice = NEXT tinterp = tspan[first_indice:last_indice] output_t[first_indice:last_indice] = tinterp yinterp = ntrp45(tinterp,t,y,tnew,ynew,h,f,idxNonNegative,Need_ypinterp = False) output_y[:,first_indice:last_indice] = yinterp elif stop == True : output_t = np.append(output_t,[tnew],axis=0) to_concatenate_y = np.transpose(np.array([ynew])) output_y = np.append(output_y,to_concatenate_y,axis=1) break elif tspan[NEXT] > tnew: break elif tdir == -1 : #tspan is decreasing while NEXT < ntspan : if tspan[NEXT] == tnew : output_t[NEXT] = tnew output_y[:,NEXT] = ynew NEXT = NEXT+1 elif tspan[NEXT] > tnew and t > tspan[NEXT] : first_indice = NEXT NEXT = NEXT+1 while tspan[NEXT] > tnew : NEXT = NEXT+1 last_indice = NEXT tinterp = tspan[first_indice:last_indice] output_t[first_indice:last_indice] = tinterp yinterp = ntrp45(tinterp,t,y,tnew,ynew,h,f,idxNonNegative,Need_ypinterp = False) output_y[:,first_indice:last_indice] = yinterp elif stop == True : # DEBUG output_t = np.append(output_t,[tnew],axis=0) to_concatenate_y = np.transpose(np.array([ynew])) output_y = np.append(output_y,to_concatenate_y,axis=1) break elif tspan[NEXT] < tnew: break else : if outputAt == 3 : #Evaluate at solver steps + refined step tinterp = t + h*S output_t = np.append(output_t,tinterp,axis=0) yinterp = ntrp45(tinterp,t,y,tnew,ynew,h,f,idxNonNegative,Need_ypinterp = False) output_y = np.append(output_y,yinterp,axis=1) output_t = np.append(output_t,[tnew],axis=0) to_concatenate_y = np.transpose(np.array([ynew])) output_y = np.append(output_y,to_concatenate_y,axis=1) else : #Evaluate only at solver steps output_t = np.append(output_t,[tnew],axis=0) to_concatenate_y = np.transpose(np.array([ynew])) output_y = np.append(output_y,to_concatenate_y,axis=1) if done : break # Advance the integration one step. t = tnew y = ynew if normcontrol: normy = normynew if NNreset_f7 : # Used f7 for unperturbed solution to interpolate. # Now reset f7 to move along constraint. f[:,6] = feval(odeFcn,tnew,ynew,odeArgs) nfevals = nfevals + 1 f[:,0] = f[:,6] extdata = Extdata(odeFcn,options,odeArgs) stats = Stats(nsteps,nfailed,nfevals) oderesult = Oderesult(solver_name,extdata,output_t,output_y,stats,teout,yeout,ieout) return oderesult
def ode45(ode, tspan, y0, options=None, varargin=None): solver_name = 'ode45' # Check inputs # Stats nsteps = 0 nfailed = 0 nfevals = 0 # Output FcnHandlesUsed = isfunction(ode) if not FcnHandlesUsed: raise ValueError("ode is not an handle function") # Handle solver arguments neq, tspan, ntspan, NEXT, t0, tfinal, tdir, y0, f0, odeArgs, odeFcn, options, threshold, rtol, normcontrol, normy, hmax, htry, htspan, dataType = odearguments( FcnHandlesUsed, solver_name, ode, tspan, y0, options, varargin) nfevals = nfevals + 1 #Handle the output refine = np.maximum(1, options.Refine) if ntspan > 2: outputAt = 1 # output only at tspan points elif refine <= 1: outputAt = 2 # computed points, no refinement else: outputAt = 3 # computed points, with refinement S = np.array(range(1, refine)) / refine # Handle the event function haveEventFcn, eventFcn, eventArgs, valt, teout, yeout, ieout = odeevents( FcnHandlesUsed, odeFcn, t0, y0, options, varargin) # Handle the mass matrix Mtype, M, Mfun = odemass(FcnHandlesUsed, odeFcn, t0, y0, options, varargin) if Mtype > 0: # Incorporate the mass matrix into odeFcn and odeArgs. odeFcn, odeArgs = odemassexplicit(FcnHandlesUsed, Mtype, odeFcn, odeArgs, Mfun, M) f0 = feval(odeFcn, t0, y0, odeArgs) nfevals = nfevals + 1 #Non-negative solution components nonNegative = len( options.NonNegative) != 0 #not isempty(options.NonNegative) idxNonNegative = np.array(options.NonNegative) if nonNegative: odeFcn, thresholdNonNegative, odeArgs = odenonnegative( odeFcn, y0, threshold, idxNonNegative, odeArgs) f0 = feval(odeFcn, t0, y0, odeArgs) nfevals = nfevals + 1 t = t0 y = y0 # Allocate memory for generating output. if outputAt == 1: output_y = np.zeros((neq, ntspan), dtype=dataType) output_t = np.zeros(ntspan, dtype=dataType) else: output_y = np.zeros((neq, 1), dtype=dataType) output_t = np.zeros(1, dtype=dataType) output_y[:, 0] = y0 output_t[0] = t0 #Initialize method parameters. POW = 1 / 5 A = np.array([1 / 5, 3 / 10, 4 / 5, 8 / 9, 1, 1], dtype=dataType) B = np.array( [[1 / 5, 3 / 40, 44 / 45, 19372 / 6561, 9017 / 3168, 35 / 384], [0, 9 / 40, -56 / 15, -25360 / 2187, -355 / 33, 0], [0, 0, 32 / 9, 64448 / 6561, 46732 / 5247, 500 / 1113], [0, 0, 0, -212 / 729, 49 / 176, 125 / 192], [0, 0, 0, 0, -5103 / 18656, -2187 / 6784], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 11 / 84], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]], dtype=dataType) E = np.array([ 71 / 57600, 0, -71 / 16695, 71 / 1920, -17253 / 339200, 22 / 525, -1 / 40 ], dtype=dataType) f = np.zeros((neq, 7), dtype=dataType) hmin = 16 * np.finfo(float(t)).eps if htry is None: # Compute an initial step size h using y'(t). absh = np.minimum(hmax, htspan) if normcontrol: rh = (np.linalg.norm(f0) / np.maximum(normy, threshold)) / (0.8 * rtol**POW) else: rh = np.linalg.norm(f0 / np.maximum(np.abs(y0), threshold), np.inf) / (0.8 * rtol**POW) if absh * rh > 1: absh = 1 / rh absh = np.maximum(absh, hmin) else: absh = np.minimum(hmax, np.maximum(hmin, htry)) f[:, 0] = f0 #THE MAIN LOOP done = False stop = False while not done: # By default, hmin is a small number such that t+hmin is only slightly # different than t. It might be 0 if t is 0. hmin = 16 * np.finfo(float(t)).eps absh = np.minimum(hmax, np.maximum( hmin, absh)) # couldn't limit absh until new hmin h = tdir * absh # Stretch the step if within 10% of tfinal-t. if 1.1 * absh >= np.abs(tfinal - t): h = tfinal - t absh = np.abs(h) done = True # LOOP FOR ADVANCING ONE STEP. nofailed = True # no failed attempts while True: hA = h * A hB = h * B f[:, 1] = feval(odeFcn, t + hA[0], y +, hB[:, 0]), odeArgs) f[:, 2] = feval(odeFcn, t + hA[1], y +, hB[:, 1]), odeArgs) f[:, 3] = feval(odeFcn, t + hA[2], y +, hB[:, 2]), odeArgs) f[:, 4] = feval(odeFcn, t + hA[3], y +, hB[:, 3]), odeArgs) f[:, 5] = feval(odeFcn, t + hA[4], y +, hB[:, 4]), odeArgs) tnew = t + hA[5] if done: tnew = tfinal # Hit end point exactly. h = tnew - t # Purify h ynew = y +, hB[:, 5]) f[:, 6] = feval(odeFcn, tnew, ynew, odeArgs) nfevals = nfevals + 6 #Estimate the error NNrejectStep = False if normcontrol: normynew = np.linalg.norm(ynew) errwt = np.maximum(np.maximum(normy, normynew), threshold) err = absh * (np.linalg.norm(, E)) / errwt) if nonNegative and (err <= rtol) and np.any( ynew[idxNonNegative] < 0): errNN = np.linalg.norm(np.maximum( 0, -ynew[idxNonNegative])) / errwt if errNN > rtol: err = errNN NNrejectStep = True else: err = absh * (np.linalg.norm(, E) / np.maximum(np.maximum(np.abs(y), np.abs(ynew)), threshold), np.inf)) if nonNegative and (err <= rtol) and np.any( ynew[idxNonNegative] < 0): errNN = np.linalg.norm( np.maximum(0, -ynew[idxNonNegative]) / thresholdNonNegative, np.inf) if errNN > rtol: err = errNN NNrejectStep = True # Accept the solution only if the weighted error is no more than the # tolerance rtol. Estimate an h that will yield an error of rtol on # the next step or the next try at taking this step, as the case may be, # and use 0.8 of this value to avoid failures. if err > rtol: # Failed step nfailed = nfailed + 1 if absh <= hmin: print( "Warning:python:ode45:IntegrationTolNotMet:absh <= hmin " ) extdata = Extdata(odeFcn, options, odeArgs) stats = Stats(nsteps, nfailed, nfevals) oderesult = Oderesult(solver_name, extdata, output_t, output_y, stats, teout, yeout, ieout) return oderesult if nofailed: nofailed = False if NNrejectStep: absh = np.maximum(hmin, 0.5 * absh) else: absh = np.maximum( hmin, absh * np.maximum(0.1, 0.8 * (rtol / err)**POW)) else: absh = np.maximum(hmin, 0.5 * absh) h = tdir * absh done = False else: # Successful step NNreset_f7 = False if nonNegative and np.any(ynew[idxNonNegative] < 0): ynew[idxNonNegative] = np.maximum(ynew[idxNonNegative], 0) if normcontrol: normynew = np.linalg.norm(ynew) NNreset_f7 = True break nsteps = nsteps + 1 if haveEventFcn: te, ye, ie, valt, stop = odezero(None, eventFcn, eventArgs, valt, t, y, tnew, ynew, t0, h, f, idxNonNegative) if len(te) != 0: teout = np.append(teout, te) if len(yeout) == 0: yeout = ye else: yeout = np.append(yeout, ye, axis=1) ieout = np.append(ieout, ie) if stop: taux = t + (te[-1] - t) * A trash, f[:, 1:7] = ntrp45(taux, t, y, None, None, h, f, idxNonNegative) tnew = te[-1] ynew = ye[:, -1] h = tnew - t done = True #Manage output if outputAt == 1: #Evaluate only at t_span if tdir == 1: #tspan is increasing while NEXT < ntspan: if tspan[NEXT] == tnew: output_t[NEXT] = tnew output_y[:, NEXT] = ynew NEXT = NEXT + 1 elif tspan[NEXT] < tnew and t < tspan[NEXT]: first_indice = NEXT NEXT = NEXT + 1 while tspan[NEXT] < tnew: NEXT = NEXT + 1 last_indice = NEXT tinterp = tspan[first_indice:last_indice] output_t[first_indice:last_indice] = tinterp yinterp = ntrp45(tinterp, t, y, tnew, ynew, h, f, idxNonNegative, Need_ypinterp=False) output_y[:, first_indice:last_indice] = yinterp elif stop == True: output_t = np.append(output_t, [tnew], axis=0) to_concatenate_y = np.transpose(np.array([ynew])) output_y = np.append(output_y, to_concatenate_y, axis=1) break elif tspan[NEXT] > tnew: break elif tdir == -1: #tspan is decreasing while NEXT < ntspan: if tspan[NEXT] == tnew: output_t[NEXT] = tnew output_y[:, NEXT] = ynew NEXT = NEXT + 1 elif tspan[NEXT] > tnew and t > tspan[NEXT]: first_indice = NEXT NEXT = NEXT + 1 while tspan[NEXT] > tnew: NEXT = NEXT + 1 last_indice = NEXT tinterp = tspan[first_indice:last_indice] output_t[first_indice:last_indice] = tinterp yinterp = ntrp45(tinterp, t, y, tnew, ynew, h, f, idxNonNegative, Need_ypinterp=False) output_y[:, first_indice:last_indice] = yinterp elif stop == True: # DEBUG output_t = np.append(output_t, [tnew], axis=0) to_concatenate_y = np.transpose(np.array([ynew])) output_y = np.append(output_y, to_concatenate_y, axis=1) break elif tspan[NEXT] < tnew: break else: if outputAt == 3: #Evaluate at solver steps + refined step tinterp = t + h * S output_t = np.append(output_t, tinterp, axis=0) yinterp = ntrp45(tinterp, t, y, tnew, ynew, h, f, idxNonNegative, Need_ypinterp=False) output_y = np.append(output_y, yinterp, axis=1) output_t = np.append(output_t, [tnew], axis=0) to_concatenate_y = np.transpose(np.array([ynew])) output_y = np.append(output_y, to_concatenate_y, axis=1) else: #Evaluate only at solver steps output_t = np.append(output_t, [tnew], axis=0) to_concatenate_y = np.transpose(np.array([ynew])) output_y = np.append(output_y, to_concatenate_y, axis=1) if done: break # If there were no failures compute a new h. if nofailed: # Note that absh may shrink by 0.8, and that err may be 0. temp = 1.25 * (err / rtol)**POW if temp > 0.2: absh = absh / temp else: absh = 5.0 * absh # Advance the integration one step. t = tnew y = ynew if normcontrol: normy = normynew if NNreset_f7: # Used f7 for unperturbed solution to interpolate. # Now reset f7 to move along constraint. f[:, 6] = feval(odeFcn, tnew, ynew, odeArgs) nfevals = nfevals + 1 f[:, 0] = f[:, 6] extdata = Extdata(odeFcn, options, odeArgs) stats = Stats(nsteps, nfailed, nfevals) oderesult = Oderesult(solver_name, extdata, output_t, output_y, stats, teout, yeout, ieout) return oderesult
def test_odemass_vec_matrix(self): opts = {'Mass':[[1, 2],[2, 3]]} massType, massM, massFcn = odemass(self.t0,self.y0_vec,opts,[]) self.assertEqual(massType,1) self.assertEqual(massM,[[1, 2],[2, 3]]) self.assertEqual(massFcn,None)
def test_odemass_int_function_state(self): opts = {'Mass':self.mass_state_int,'MStateDependence':'weak'} massType, massM, massFcn = odemass(self.t0,self.y0_int,opts,[]) self.assertEqual(massType,3) self.assertEqual(massM,[4]) self.assertEqual(massFcn,self.mass_state_int)
def test_odemass_int_function_state_extra(self): opts = {'Mass':self.mass_state_int} massType, massM, massFcn = odemass(self.t0,self.y0_int,opts,[]) self.assertEqual(massType,3) self.assertEqual(massM,[4]) self.assertEqual(massFcn,self.mass_state_int)
def test_odemass_int_function_time(self): opts = {'Mass':self.mass_time_int,'MStateDependence':'none'} massType, massM, massFcn = odemass(self.t0,self.y0_int,opts,[]) self.assertEqual(massType,2) self.assertEqual(massM,[2]) self.assertEqual(massFcn,self.mass_time_int)
def test_odemass_int_matrix(self): opts = {'Mass':[3]} massType, massM, massFcn = odemass(self.t0,self.y0_int,opts,[]) self.assertEqual(massType,1) self.assertEqual(massM,[3]) self.assertEqual(massFcn,None)
def test_odemass_int_nomass(self): opts = {} massType, massM, massFcn = odemass(self.t0,self.y0_int,opts,[]) self.assertEqual(massType,0) self.assertEqual(massM[0,0],1) self.assertEqual(massFcn,None)