Exemple #1
    def __add__(self,rhs):
        "Add histograms in rhs to current sample and create a new sample"
        s = self.Clone()

        print 'Plotter ### in add for Label = ', self.Label
        # Deal with samples not having hists (e.g. files not found)
        if len(rhs._HistDict)==0: return s
        if len(s._HistDict)==0:   return rhs

        #make copies so elements can be removed without lasting damage
        RhsHistDict = rhs._HistDict
        SHistDict   = s._HistDict

        # make a new OrderedDict that contains only the hists that are in both rhs and self and fill it with those in self
        MinHistDict = OrderedDict()
        for key, obj in SHistDict.iteritems():
            if SHistDict.has_key(key) and RhsHistDict.has_key(key): MinHistDict[key]=obj

        if testVerbose: print 'Sample ### MinHistDict = ', MinHistDict

        #now add rhs to the new ordered dict
        for key, obj in MinHistDict.iteritems():

        self._OpSetProperties(s, rhs, '+')

        #alter the hist dict of copy of self by setting it to the new hist dict created above and return it
        s._HistDict = MinHistDict
        return s
Exemple #2
class Domain:

    def __init__(self, name):
        self.name = name
        self.sensitivities = OrderedDict()
        self.baseClassifications = OrderedDict()
        self.rawToTrans = OrderedDict()
        self.transToRaw = OrderedDict()
        self.groups = OrderedDict()

    def addSensitivity(self, sensitivity, level):
        if self.sensitivities.has_key(sensitivity) == 0:
            self.sensitivities[sensitivity] = level

    def findSensitivityByName(self, sensitivity):
        for k, v in self.sensitivities.iteritems():
#            print k,v
            if v == sensitivity:
                return sensitivity
        return None

    def addGroup(self, groupName):
        group = Group(groupName)
        self.groups[groupName] = group
        return group

    def addBaseClassification(self, bcName):
        baseClassification = BaseClassification(bcName)
        self.baseClassifications[bcName] = baseClassification
        return baseClassification

    def str(self):
        str = ""
        str = str + "Domain name: %s\n" % (self.name)
        str = str + "Sensitivities:"
        for key in self.sensitivities.keys():
            str = str + "%s %s\n" % (key, self.sensitivities[key])
        str = str + "Base classifications:\n"
        for key in self.baseClassifications.keys():
            str = str + str(self.baseClassifications[key])
        str = str + "Groups:\n"
        for key in self.groups.keys():
            str = str + str(self.groups[key])
#        str = str + "Raw to translated:"
#        for key in self.rawToTrans.keys():
#            str = str + "%s %s" % (key, self.rawToTrans[key])
#        str = str + "Translated to raw:"
#        for key in self.transToRaw.keys():
#            str = str + "%s %s" % (key, self.transToRaw[key])
        return str
Exemple #3
class Domain:
    def __init__(self, name):
        self.name = name
        self.sensitivities = OrderedDict()
        self.baseClassifications = OrderedDict()
        self.rawToTrans = OrderedDict()
        self.transToRaw = OrderedDict()
        self.groups = OrderedDict()

    def addSensitivity(self, sensitivity, level):
        if self.sensitivities.has_key(sensitivity) == 0:
            self.sensitivities[sensitivity] = level

    def findSensitivityByName(self, sensitivity):
        for k, v in self.sensitivities.iteritems():
            #            print k,v
            if v == sensitivity:
                return sensitivity
        return None

    def addGroup(self, groupName):
        group = Group(groupName)
        self.groups[groupName] = group
        return group

    def addBaseClassification(self, bcName):
        baseClassification = BaseClassification(bcName)
        self.baseClassifications[bcName] = baseClassification
        return baseClassification

    def str(self):
        str = ""
        str = str + "Domain name: %s\n" % (self.name)
        str = str + "Sensitivities:"
        for key in self.sensitivities.keys():
            str = str + "%s %s\n" % (key, self.sensitivities[key])
        str = str + "Base classifications:\n"
        for key in self.baseClassifications.keys():
            str = str + str(self.baseClassifications[key])
        str = str + "Groups:\n"
        for key in self.groups.keys():
            str = str + str(self.groups[key])

#        str = str + "Raw to translated:"
#        for key in self.rawToTrans.keys():
#            str = str + "%s %s" % (key, self.rawToTrans[key])
#        str = str + "Translated to raw:"
#        for key in self.transToRaw.keys():
#            str = str + "%s %s" % (key, self.transToRaw[key])
        return str
Exemple #4
class BaseClassification:
    def __init__(self, name):
        self.name = name
        self.sensitivities = OrderedDict()

    def addSensitivity(self, sensitivity, level):
        if self.sensitivities.has_key(sensitivity) == 0:
            self.sensitivities[sensitivity] = level

    def findSensitivityByName(self, sensitivity):
        for k, v in self.sensitivities.iteritems():
            #            print k,v
            if v == sensitivity:
                return v, k
        return None

    def __str__(self):
        str = ""
        str = str + "Name: %s\n" % (self.name)
        str = str + "Sensitivities:\n"
        for key in self.sensitivities.keys():
            str = str + "%s %s\n" % (key, self.sensitivities[key])
        return str
Exemple #5
class BaseClassification:

    def __init__(self, name):
        self.name = name
        self.sensitivities = OrderedDict()

    def addSensitivity(self, sensitivity, level):
        if self.sensitivities.has_key(sensitivity) == 0:
            self.sensitivities[sensitivity] = level

    def findSensitivityByName(self, sensitivity):
        for k, v in self.sensitivities.iteritems():
#            print k,v
            if v == sensitivity:
                return v, k
        return None
    def __str__(self):
        str = ""
        str = str + "Name: %s\n" % (self.name)
        str = str + "Sensitivities:\n"
        for key in self.sensitivities.keys():
            str = str + "%s %s\n" % (key, self.sensitivities[key])
        return str
Exemple #6
class Sample(object):
    Implementation of a Sample object which a set of histograms from a file along with specified
    style and plotting attributes.  Samples can be added, subtracted, divided and multiplied and 
    are iterable (iterating over the stored histograms)
    s = Sample(FileName     = 'file.root',
               Label        = 'Data',
               Type         = 'e',
               MarkerColour = 2)
    A particular histogram can be retrived by Get('histname') or printed to file via Draw('histname')

    if testVerbose: print '### in sample', '\n' 

    # Object (rather than instance) variables relavent to all Sample objects
    CutHist     =  ''
    Lumi        =  None   # fb -l
    OutputLevel = INFO    # Default logging level for all samples; will be overriden if set on individual sample
    def __init__(self, sample=None, **kwargs):
        Initalise sample object from a set of keyword arguments, or alternatively another sample
        object.  Create the TFile and extract the histograms into the local data structure


        if testVerbose: print 'Sample ### in __init__, kwargs = ', kwargs, 'sample = ', sample
        self.FileName    = ''
        self.OutputLevel = Sample.OutputLevel
        self.Label       = 'Data'
        self.Legend      = ''
        self.Type        = ''
        self.Type2D      = ''
        self.TypeGraph   = 'apl'
        self.LineColour  = 0
        self.LineStyle   = 1
        self.LineWidth   = 1        
        self.MarkerColour= 0        
        self.MarkerStyle = 1
        self.MarkerSize  = 0.5
        self.FillStyle   = 0
        self.FillColour  = 0
        self.Scale       = 1        
        self.Sumw2       = False
        self.Normalise   = False
        self.Batch       = True
        self.RemoveDirPatternFromName = False
        self.OnlyLoadPattern = False
        self.DivideOpt   = ''
        self.LegendOpt   = ''
        self.Pattern     = None
        self.File        = None
        self._HistDict   = OrderedDict() #{}
        self._Regexp     = None
        self.XSect       = None
        self.IsData      = False
        self.NonCumul    = False
        self.Dummy       = False
        self.Original    = {}

        # Default init
        # if not sample and not kwargs:
        #     return

        # Consistency
        if sample and kwargs:
            log.error("Cannot supply both a sample class and key-word arguments")

        if testVerbose: print 'Sample ### passed consistency check'

        # Copy init (must Clone the histograms)
        if sample and isinstance(sample, Sample):
            for k, v in sample.__dict__.iteritems(): 
                if not k == '_HistDict':
                    setattr(self, k, v)
                    # Clone all histograms
                    self._HistDict = OrderedDict() #{}
                    for hkey, hval in getattr(sample, k).iteritems():
                        self._HistDict[hkey] = hval.Clone()                

        if testVerbose: print 'Sample ### overwriting explicitly set key word arguments, before kwargs.items = ', kwargs.items()
        # Overwrite attributes explicitly set
        for k, v in kwargs.items():
            setattr(self, k, v)  #equivalent to self.k = v
        if testVerbose: print 'Sample ### overwriting explicitly set key word arguments, after kwargs.items = ', kwargs.items()
        if testVerbose: print 'Sample ### calling _Batch()'
        # Load file and extract hists
        self._Batch()   # makes sure the hists don't all just pop up at once, i think

        if testVerbose: print 'Sample ### checking file and dir() on ', self.FileName
        if not self.FileAndDir(self.FileName): return
        if testVerbose: print 'Sample ### setting lumi scale '

        #if not self.RemoveDirPatternFromName: 
        if testVerbose: print 'Sample ### call to extract ' # self.File was set in file and dir            
        #    if testVerbose: print 'Sample ### call to extractHelen ' 
        #    self.ExtractHelen(self.File)
        if testVerbose: print 'Sample #### top histDict = ', self._HistDict, '\n'

        #write original contents to list so we can reset samples, don't write hist dict
        for i in self.__dict__.keys():
            if i == '_HistDict': continue
            if i == 'Original': continue
            self.Original[i] = getattr(self,i)

        #print "Original", self.Original

    #def dump(self):
    #    for i in self.__dict__.keys():
    #        print i, getattr(self,i)

    def FileAndDir(self, filename):
        Take filename of the form file.root:pattern, initialise TFile and compile regexp 
        based on pattern to use in selecting histograms/directories
        if testVerbose : print 'Sample ### in FileAndDir, filename =',filename, 'pattern', self.Pattern
        if self.Pattern and type(self.Pattern) != list : self.Pattern = [self.Pattern]
        if testVerbose : print 'Sample ### in FileAndDir, filename = ', filename, 'pattern (should be list) =', self.Pattern
        pattern = None
        if ':' in filename:
            nameAndDir = filename.split(':')
            filename = nameAndDir[0]
            self.Pattern  = ':'.join(nameAndDir[1:])
        # If file does not exist leave.  File is Non and hist list is empty
        if not os.path.exists(filename):
            if "FEWZ" in self.Label: return False
            log.warning('Constructed empty sample %s as file %s not found' % (self.Label, filename))
            return False

        log.info('Constructing sample %s from file %s' % (self.Label, filename))

        self.File = TFile(filename)

        # make an object of each string in self.Pattern, self._Regexp is now a list of these objects
        if self.Pattern:  self._Regexp = [re.compile(i) for i in self.Pattern]

        return True
    def Extract(self, obj, name = ''):    # obj is a TFile object, name is the folder name, set within here for looping into folders
        Extract those histograms matching self._Regexp from self.File and store in OrderedDict
        if testVerbose : print 'Sample ### in extract, regexp = ', self._Regexp, 'name',name,'obj',obj
        # make the pattern a list if it isn't one already
        PatternHasBeenRemoved = False
        if self.Pattern and type(self.Pattern) != list :
            tmp = self.Pattern
            self.Pattern = [tmp]

        #currently the list thing is working if there is only one element, need to get it working for multiple patterns

        # Loop over object, key is either a folder or a histogram
        for key in obj.GetListOfKeys():
            if testVerbose : print '\n','Sample ### key =', key, 'name', name, 'obj', obj
            subobj = key.ReadObj()
            subname = name + subobj.GetName()            

            PatternHist, PatternDir = False, False
            # search for pattern in folder name and set PatternDir flag to true if there is a match
            if self.Pattern:
                for i in self.Pattern:
                    if (self.RemoveDirPatternFromName or self.OnlyLoadPattern) and key.IsFolder() and (i.strip('/') in subname) : PatternDir = True
                    if PatternDir: continue

            # search for pattern in hists, if found set PatternHist to true
            if self._Regexp:
                IsSubnameInRegExp = any(REObj.search(subname) for REObj in self._Regexp)
                if self._Regexp and not key.IsFolder() and IsSubnameInRegExp: PatternHist=True

            if testVerbose : print 'Sample ### PatternDir = ', PatternDir, 'PatternHist', PatternHist 

            # If the pattern is an exact directory structure optionally remove this
            # from the name to aid plotting across sub dirs
            if PatternDir and not self.OnlyLoadPattern and self.RemoveDirPatternFromPattern:
                log.warning('not adding %s to sample %s'%(subname, self.Label))
                PatternHasBeenRemoved = True

            # If it's a folder call this function again
            if key.IsFolder():
                self.Extract(subobj, subname + '/')

            #if the pattern is a hist name optionally remove
            if PatternHist and not self.OnlyLoadPattern and self.RemoveDirPatternFromPattern:
                log.warning('not adding hist %s to sample %s'%(subname,self.Label))
                PatternHasBeenRemoved = True

            #option to only load either hist or directory if it matches pattern
            if self.OnlyLoadPattern and not PatternDir and not PatternHist:
            if self.Sumw2: subobj.Sumw2()
            subobj = self._ScaleObj(subobj)

            if testVerbose :  print 'Sample ### adding %s with %s to hist Dict'%(subname,subobj)
            self._HistDict[subname] = subobj


    def _SetLumiScale(self):
        Set scale = Sample.Lumi/(self.CutEntry()/self.XSect) * self.Scale.
        The latter allows an extra scale factor to be supplied in addition

        if testVerbose: print 'Sample ### in SetLumiScale, scale = ', self.Scale, 'cutEntry = ', self.CutEntry(), 'Xsect = ', self.XSect

        # Evaluate scal if given by string
        if isinstance(self.Scale, str):
            self.Scale = eval(self.Scale)

        # Just using scale
        if self.CutEntry()==None or self.XSect==None or Sample.Lumi==None:
            if self.Scale != 1: log.info('%s: Scale = %s' % (self.Label,self.Scale))
            if testVerbose: print 'Sample ### returning 1 from setlumiscale'

        if testVerbose: print 'Sample ### got here'
        sampleLumi = self.CutEntry()/self.XSect
        scale = Sample.Lumi/sampleLumi * self.Scale

        addStr = (' (inc additional = %s)' % self.Scale) if self.Scale != 1 else '' 
        log.info('%s: Events = %s, XSect = %s (fb-1), Lumi = %s (fb-1), Scale = %s %s' %
                 (self.Label, self.CutEntry(), self.XSect, sampleLumi, scale, addStr))

        self.Scale = scale


    def __len__(self):
        "Return number of histograms stored in sample"
        return len(self._HistDict)

    def Clone(self):
        "Clone a sample object copying all its attributes to a new Sample"
        # args = {}
        # for member in self.__dict__: args[member] = getattr(self, member) 
        # return Sample(**args)         
        return Sample(self)        

    def _OpSetProperties(self, lhs, rhs, symbol=''):
        "Reset propoerties on the sample after the operator has been applied"

        lhs.Label     = lhs.Label + symbol + rhs.Label
        lhs.Legend    = '' # Will default to label then
        lhs.FileName  = lhs.FileName + symbol + rhs.FileName
        lhs.Scale     = 1

    def __iadd__(self,rhs):
        "Add histograms in rhs to current sample"

        # Deal with samples not having hists (e.g. files not found)
        if len(rhs._HistDict)==0:   return self
        if len(self._HistDict)==0:  return rhs

        for key, obj in self._HistDict.iteritems():
        #self._OpSetProperties(self, rhs, '+')
        return self

#    def __add__(self,rhs):
#        "Add histograms in rhs to current sample and create a new sample"
#        s = self.Clone()
#        # Deal with samples not having hists (e.g. files not found)
#        if len(rhs._HistDict)==0: return s
#        if len(s._HistDict)==0:   return rhs
#        for key, obj in s._HistDict.iteritems():
#            s._HistDict[key].Add(rhs._HistDict[key])
#        self._OpSetProperties(s, rhs, '+')
#        return s

    def __add__(self,rhs):
        "Add histograms in rhs to current sample and create a new sample"
        s = self.Clone()

        print 'Plotter ### in add for Label = ', self.Label
        # Deal with samples not having hists (e.g. files not found)
        if len(rhs._HistDict)==0: return s
        if len(s._HistDict)==0:   return rhs

        #make copies so elements can be removed without lasting damage
        RhsHistDict = rhs._HistDict
        SHistDict   = s._HistDict

        # make a new OrderedDict that contains only the hists that are in both rhs and self and fill it with those in self
        MinHistDict = OrderedDict()
        for key, obj in SHistDict.iteritems():
            if SHistDict.has_key(key) and RhsHistDict.has_key(key): MinHistDict[key]=obj

        if testVerbose: print 'Sample ### MinHistDict = ', MinHistDict

        #now add rhs to the new ordered dict
        for key, obj in MinHistDict.iteritems():

        self._OpSetProperties(s, rhs, '+')

        #alter the hist dict of copy of self by setting it to the new hist dict created above and return it
        s._HistDict = MinHistDict
        return s

    def __isub__(self,rhs):
        "Subtract histograms in rhs from current sample"
        # Deal with samples not having hists (e.g. files not found)
        if len(rhs._HistDict)==0: return self
        if len(self._HistDict)==0:   return rhs
        for key, obj in self._HistDict.iteritems():
            self._HistDict[key].Add(rhs._HistDict[key], -1)
        #self._OpSetProperties(self, rhs, '-')
        return self

    def __sub__(self,rhs):
        "Subtract histograms in rhs from current sample and create a new sample"
        s = self.Clone()
        # Deal with samples not having hists (e.g. files not found)
        if len(rhs._HistDict)==0: return s
        if len(s._HistDict)==0:   return rhs
        for key, obj in s._HistDict.iteritems():
            s._HistDict[key].Add(rhs._HistDict[key], -1)
        self._OpSetProperties(s, rhs, '-')
        return s

    def DivideWithWeightedBinomialErrors(self, num, den, numScale=1., denScale=1.):
        "Divide with binomial errors and correct treatement of weighted events"
        eff = num.Clone();
        num.Divide(num, den, numScale, denScale, 'b')

        for i in xrange(1, num.GetNbinsX()+1):

            binEff = eff.GetBinContent(i);
            if binEff > 1: log.warning("Bin content is greater thean 1 for %s !" % eff.GetName())

            numBinContent = num.GetBinContent(i);
            denBinContent = den.GetBinContent(i);
            numBinErrorSq = num.GetBinError(i)**2
            denBinErrorSq = den.GetBinError(i)**2

            binomialError = 0
            if denBinContent == 0:
                binomialError = 0;
                binomialError = math.sqrt( (1 - 2*binEff) * numBinErrorSq + binEff*binEff * denBinErrorSq);
                binomialError /= denBinContent;

            if binEff == 0: eff.SetBinError(i, 0.);
            else:           eff.SetBinError(i, binomialError);

        return eff

    def Divide(self,num,den, numScale, denScale, opt="", name=""):
        "Divide two hists and add result to hist array"

        # Get numerator
            numHist = self.Get(num).Clone()
        except KeyError: 
            log.error("Hist %s not found" % num)

        # Get denomenator
            denHist = self.Get(den)
            log.error("Hist %s not found" % num)

        # Create name
        if not name: name = num.split('/')[-1] + '%' + den.split('/')[-1]

        # Divide and add to plot with new name        
        if opt=='b2':
            eff = self.DivideWithWeightedBinomialErrors(numHist,denHist, numScale, denScale)
            self._HistDict[name] = eff
            eff = numHist.Clone()
            eff.Divide(numHist, denHist, numScale, denScale, opt)        
            self._HistDict[name] = eff
        eff.SetTitle(num + ' % ' + den)
        return eff

    def __idiv__(self,rhs):
        "Divide histograms in current sample by those in rhs"

        # Deal with samples not having hists (e.g. files not found)
        if len(rhs._HistDict)==0: return self
        if len(self._HistDict)==0:   return rhs
        for key, obj in self._HistDict.iteritems():
            if self.DivideOpt=='b2':
                self._HistDict[key] = self.DivideWithWeightedBinomialErrors(self._HistDict[key],rhs._HistDict[key])
                self._HistDict[key].Divide(self._HistDict[key].Clone(), rhs._HistDict[key], 1., 1., self.DivideOpt)
        self._OpSetProperties(self, rhs, '_div_')
        return self

    def __div__(self,rhs):
        "Divide histograms in current sample by those in rhs and create a new sample"
        s = self.Clone()
        # Deal with samples not having hists (e.g. files not found)
        if len(rhs._HistDict)==0: return s
        if len(s._HistDict)==0:   return rhs

        # Should also overwriting root's error treatement
        for key, obj in s._HistDict.iteritems():
            if self.DivideOpt=='b2':
                self._HistDict[key] = self.DivideWithWeightedBinomialErrors(s._HistDict[key],rhs._HistDict[key])
                s._HistDict[key].Divide(s._HistDict[key].Clone(), rhs._HistDict[key], 1., 1., self.DivideOpt)
        self._OpSetProperties(s, rhs, '_div_')
        return s

    def __imul__(self,rhs):
        "Multiply histograms in current sample by those in rhs"

        # Deal with samples not having hists (e.g. files not found)
        if len(rhs._HistDict)==0: return self
        if len(self._HistDict)==0:   return rhs

        for key, obj in self._HistDict.iteritems():
        #self._OpSetProperties(self, rhs, '*')
        return self

    def __mul__(self,rhs):
        "Multiply histograms in current sample by those in rhs and create a new sample"
        s = self.Clone()

        # Deal with samples not having hists (e.g. files not found)
        if len(rhs._HistDict)==0: return s
        if len(s._HistDict)==0:   return rhs

        for key, obj in s._HistDict.iteritems():
        self._OpSetProperties(s, rhs, '*')
        return s
    def __str__(self):
        "Return the list of histograms in the current sample for printing"

        s = ''
        prevDepth = 0
        for k in self._HistDict: 
            s += "%s\n" % k

            # depth = k.count('/')*3
            # if depth != prevDepth:
            #     s += (' ' * prevDepth + '/'.join(k.split('/')[:-1]) + '/\n')
            # s += (' ' * depth + "%s\n" % k.split('/')[-1])
            # prevDepth=depth
        return s

    def __iter__(self):
        "Return iterator of underling data structure"
        return self._HistDict.iteritems()

    def next(self):
        "Return next histogram underling data structure"

    def _AddSame(self, isample):
        Add "same" to plotting type for all sample except the first.
        Explicity remove 'same' for the first sample
        For a  graph remove plotting of axis (i.e. 'a').

        self.Type    = self.Type.replace('same', '')
        self.Type2D  = self.Type2D.replace('same', '')

        if isample != 0:
            if not 'same' in self.Type:   self.Type += 'same'
            if not 'same' in self.Type2D: self.Type2D += 'same'
            self.TypeGraph = self.TypeGraph.replace('a', '')


    #def GetMarkerSize(self):
    #    return self.MarkerSize

    #def SetMarkerSize(self, size):
    #    self.MarkerSize = size

    def StyleObj(self, hist, isample):
        Apply style to hist object.  If parameters are not set for a sample pick 
        sensible defaults based on sample number
        lineColour = isample + 1
        if lineColour > 9:
            lineColour += 20 #skips white...

        hist.SetLineColor(self.LineColour if self.LineColour else lineColour)
        hist.SetMarkerColor(self.MarkerColour if self.MarkerColour else lineColour)

        # Type for 1st sample is e and for remainder is histsame
        if not self.Type: self.Type = 'e' if not isample else 'hist'

        return hist

    def _ScaleObj(self, hist):
        "Scale hist object by self.Scale during extract (if not TGraph)"

        if hist.InheritsFrom('TGraph'): return hist


        return hist

    def ScaleHist(self, hist, scale):
        "Function to apply arbitary user-defined scale to a particular hist"

        # Get hist by name
        if isinstance(hist, str): hist = self.Get(hist)

        if hist.InheritsFrom('TGraph'): return hist


        return hist

    def _Batch(self):
        "Run in batch mode if self.Batch == True"
        if self.Batch:

    def GetCutHist(self, name=''):
        "Get cut flow hist called 'name' or (if not given) specified via Sample.CutHist"
        if not name: name = Sample.CutHist

        if not name:
            #print 'No cut flow histogram name supplied.  Either set the name arg or Sample.CutHists.'
            return None
        # Take directly from file to avoid already having been scaled
        hist = self.File.Get(name)
        return hist

    def CutEntry(self, name='', bin=1, scale = False):
       Get number of entries from cut flow hist called 'name' or (if not given) specified via Sample.CutHist.
       By default use the 1st bin (i.e. with no cuts applied)
       #         try:
       #             # Get the hist from the sample if it exists (might not if filter)
       #             hist = self[name]
       #         except KeyError:
       #             # Else get it directly from the file
       #             hist = self.File.Get(name)

       # Take directly from file to avoid already having been scaled
       hist = self.GetCutHist(name)
       if not hist: return None

       cutDict = OrderedDict()

       # make list of labels from hist 
       labels = []
       for ibin in xrange(1, hist.GetNbinsX()+1):

       # Short cut for last bin in hist and label search
       if isinstance (bin, str):
           if bin != 'last':
               if not sum([(bin in label) for label in labels]):

                   log.error('could not find %s in %s' % (bin, hist))
               bin = [(bin in label) for label in labels].index(True) + 1
           else :  bin = hist.GetNbinsX()

       return hist.GetBinContent(bin) * (self.Scale if scale else 1.)
    def MakeCutFlow(self, name='', scale=None):
        Make a dictionary of cut names and values for a sample

        #         try:
        #             # Get the hist from the sample if it exists (might not if filter)
        #             hist = self[name]
        #         except KeyError:
        #             # Else get it directly from the file
        #             hist = self.File.Get(name)

        # Default to sample-wide cut hist name if exists
        if not name: name = Sample.CutHist

        # Default to self.Scale
        if not scale: scale = self.Scale

        # Take directly from file to avoid already having been scaled
        hist = self.GetCutHist(name)
        if not hist: return None
        cutDict = OrderedDict()

            for ibin in xrange(1, hist.GetNbinsX()+1):
                cutName = hist.GetXaxis().GetBinLabel(ibin).replace('_', '\_')
                cutDict[cutName] = (hist.GetBinContent(ibin) * scale, hist.GetBinError(ibin) * scale)
            return cutDict
        except AttributeError:
            log.warning('No such histogram %s' % name)


    def CutFlow(self, name='', scale=None):
        Print the cut flow for a given sample

        cutDict = self.MakeCutFlow(name=name, scale=scale)

        if cutDict==None: return None

        print "\\hline\\hline"
        print "%s & %s \\\\" % ("Cut".ljust(20), self.Label.center(27))
        print "\\hline\\hline"
        for k,v in cutDict.iteritems():
            print "%s & %11.2f $\\pm$ %9.2f \\\\" % (k.ljust(20), v[0], v[1])
        print "\\hline\\hline"


    def Get(self, name, isample=0):
        Get styled hist called 'name'
        #print name, self._HistDict
            hist = self._HistDict[name]
        except KeyError:
            log.error("No such object %s in %s" %(name,self.Label))

        hist = self.StyleObj(hist, isample)
        if self.Normalise and hist.Integral(): hist.Scale(1/float(hist.Integral()))

        return hist

    def Draw(self, name=None, func=None, canvas=None):
        Draw a particular histogram 'name' or set of histograms [name] to a canvas
        If a user-defined function of the form func(hist) which returns locals() is 
        given this will be called on hist before drawing

        if not canvas:
            log.error("No canvas given")

        hist = self.Get(name)

        # User function
        if func: 
            objs = func(hist)
            utils.AttachDrawnObjsToCanvas(objs, canvas)

        # Draw hist
        if hist.InheritsFrom('TH2'):
        elif hist.InheritsFrom('TGraph'):
        return canvas

    def Print(self, name=None, ext='eps', outname='', nPadsX=1, nPadsY=1, func=None):
        Draw a particular histogram 'name' or set of histograms [name] to a canvas and 
        print to format given by ext. If outname is set then print to this name, else 
        construct name for sample.Label and histrogram name.  If a user-defined function 
        of the form func(hist) which returns locals() is given this will be called on hist 
        before drawing

        # Short cut for lazy people
        name = [name] if isinstance(name, str) else name
        # Check enough pads to plot hists
        if len(name) > nPadsX*nPadsY:
            log.error("Number of requested histograms (%s) grater than number of pads (%s)" % (len(name), nPadsX*nPadsY))


        # Setup canvas
        canvas = TCanvas(self.Label + "Canvas", self.Label + "Canvas", 700, 500)

        # Get hist
        for i,n in enumerate(name):
            self.Draw(name=n, func=func, canvas=canvas)

        # print canvas
        if not outname: 
            # Use sample and hist name if only one hist requested else just sample name
            if len(name)==1:
                outname = self.Label + '.' + name[0].replace('/', '.').replace(' ', '_')
                outname = self.Label + '.Plots' 

        outname += ('.' + ext.lower().strip('.'))

    def Write(self, prefix='', name=None, update=False):
        Write out all (modified) hists, or those in name if given, to a new root file
        # Short cut for lazy people
        name = [name] if isinstance(name, str) else name

        if not prefix: outfile = self.Label+'.root'
        else:          outfile = prefix.replace('.root', '') + '.root'

        f = TFile(outfile, 'RECREATE') if not update else TFile(outfile, "UPDATE")

        # Special case for passing a hist in (bit of a hack)
        if isinstance(name, TH1):

        for key, hist in self._HistDict.iteritems():
            if name and not key in name: continue

            # Make dirs (last part is hist name)
            for d in key.split('/')[:-1]:                                                
                if not f.GetKey(d): f.mkdir(d)



    def __getitem__(self, key):
        "Return histogram by key"
            return self._HistDict[key]
        except KeyError:

    def __contains__(self, name):
        "Does sample contain a paticular hist"
        return name in self._HistDict

    def __getattr__(self, name):
        If a method doesn't exist in Sample instance or class, take the first argument as a hist name                                                
        and attempt to forward the method to that with the remaining arguments. E.g.                                                                 
        s.Integral('hist', 0, 10) -> s.Get('hist').Integral(0,10)                                                                                    
        # __getattr__ is only called if method not found in instance or class                                                                        

        def wrapper(*args):
            # Make sure valid for forwarding (i.e. at least two args where second is str identifing a valid hist)                                    
            if len(args) < 2 or not isinstance(args[1], str) or not (args[1] in args[0]):
                raise AttributeError('Sample object has no method %s' % name)

            # Extract sample and hist name from args                                                                                                 
            sample   = args[0]
            histName = args[1]
            args     = args[2:]

            # Get hist from sample                                                                                                                   
            hist = sample.Get(histName)

            # Call method 'name' on hist with remaining args (unpacked)                                                                              
                return getattr(hist,name)(*args)
            except AttributeError:
                raise AttributeError('Sample object has no method %s and unable to forward to %s' % (name, repr(hist)))


        # Return function with sample arg already implemented                                                                                        
        from functools import partial
        return partial(wrapper,self)

    def __setattr__(self, name, value):
        "Deal with special cases of setting arguments"

        if name == 'OutputLevel':
            # Forward output level to logging class
            object.__setattr__(self, name, value)
        elif name == 'IsData':            
            # Automatically non-cumulative if data
            object.__setattr__(self, name, value)            
            self.NonCumul = value
            object.__setattr__(self, name, value)

