Exemple #1
    def __repr__(self):
        """Return ``repr(self)``."""
        bdry_fracs = np.vstack(self.boundary_cell_fractions)
        default_bdry_fracs = np.all(np.isclose(bdry_fracs, 0.5) |
                                    np.isclose(bdry_fracs, 1.0))

        # Get default shifts of min_pt and max_pt from corresponding
        # grid points
        csizes_l = np.fromiter((s[0] for s in self.cell_sizes_vecs),
        csizes_r = np.fromiter((s[-1] for s in self.cell_sizes_vecs),
        shift_l = ((bdry_fracs[:, 0].astype(float).squeeze() - 0.5) *
        shift_r = ((bdry_fracs[:, 1].astype(float).squeeze() - 0.5) *

        if self.is_uniform and default_bdry_fracs:
            constructor = 'uniform_partition'
            if self.ndim == 1:
                posargs = [self.min_pt[0], self.max_pt[0], self.shape[0]]
                posargs = [list(self.min_pt), list(self.max_pt), self.shape]

            optargs = [('nodes_on_bdry', self.nodes_on_bdry, False)]

            sig_str = signature_string(posargs, optargs)
            return '{}({})'.format(constructor, sig_str)
            constructor = 'nonuniform_partition'
            posargs = [list(v) for v in self.coord_vectors]

            optargs = []
            # Defaults with and without nodes_on_bdry option
            nodes_def_min_pt = self.grid.min_pt - shift_l
            nodes_def_max_pt = self.grid.max_pt + shift_r
            def_min_pt = self.grid.min_pt - 0.5 * csizes_l
            def_max_pt = self.grid.max_pt + 0.5 * csizes_r

            # Since min/max_pt and nodes_on_bdry are mutex, we need a
            # couple of cases here
            if (np.allclose(self.min_pt, nodes_def_min_pt) and
                    np.allclose(self.max_pt, nodes_def_max_pt)):
                # Append nodes_on_bdry to list of optional args
                optargs.append(('nodes_on_bdry', self.nodes_on_bdry, False))
                # Append min/max_pt to list of optional args if not
                # default (need check here because array comparison is
                # ambiguous)
                if not np.allclose(self.min_pt, def_min_pt):
                    p = self.min_pt[0] if self.ndim == 1 else list(self.min_pt)
                    optargs.append((('min_pt', p, None)))
                if not np.allclose(self.max_pt, def_max_pt):
                    p = self.max_pt[0] if self.ndim == 1 else list(self.max_pt)
                    optargs.append((('max_pt', p, None)))

            sig_str = signature_string(posargs, optargs,
                                       sep=[',\n', ', ', ',\n'])
            return '{}(\n{}\n)'.format(constructor, indent_rows(sig_str))
Exemple #2
 def __repr__(self):
     """Return ``repr(self)``."""
     if self.is_uniform:
         constructor = 'uniform_grid'
         posargs = [list(self.min_pt), list(self.max_pt), self.shape]
         inner_str = signature_string(posargs, [])
         return '{}({})'.format(constructor, inner_str)
         constructor = self.__class__.__name__
         posargs = [array1d_repr(v) for v in self.coord_vectors]
         inner_str = signature_string(posargs, [], sep=[',\n', ', ', ', '],
                                      mod=['!s', ''])
         return '{}(\n{}\n)'.format(constructor, indent_rows(inner_str))
Exemple #3
    def __repr__(self):
        """Return ``repr(self)``.

        >>> CallbackPrintIteration(fmt='Current iter is {}.', display_step=2)
        CallbackPrintIteration(fmt='Current iter is {}.', display_step=2)
        optargs = [('fmt', self.fmt, self._default_fmt),
                   ('display_step', self.display_step, 1)]
        inner_str = signature_string([], optargs)
        return '{}({})'.format(self.__class__.__name__, inner_str)
 def __repr__(self):
     """Return ``repr(self)``."""
     posargs = [self.dist]
     optargs = []
     inner_str = signature_string(posargs, optargs, mod=['!r', ''])
     return '{}({})'.format(self.__class__.__name__, inner_str)
Exemple #5
 def __repr__(self):
     """Return ``repr(self)``."""
     posargs = [self.partition]
     optargs = [('center', array_str(self.center), None)]
     inner_str = signature_string(posargs, optargs, sep=',\n')
     return '{}(\n{}\n)'.format(self.__class__.__name__, indent(inner_str))
Exemple #6
 def repr_part(self):
     """String usable in a space's ``__repr__`` method."""
     optargs = [('weighting', self.const, 1.0),
                ('exponent', self.exponent, 2.0),
                ('dist_using_inner', self.dist_using_inner, False)]
     return signature_string([], optargs, mod=[[], [':.4', '', '']])
 def repr_part(self):
     """Return a string usable in a space's ``__repr__`` method."""
     optargs = [('dist', self.dist, '')]
     return signature_string([], optargs, mod=['', '!r'])
Exemple #8
 def __repr__(self):
     """Return ``repr(self)``."""
     optargs = [('fmt', self.fmt, 'Time elapsed = {:<5.03f} s'),
                ('step', self.step, 1)]
     inner_str = signature_string([], optargs)
     return '{}({})'.format(self.__class__.__name__, inner_str)
Exemple #9
 def __repr__(self):
     """Return ``repr(self)``."""
     optargs = [('func', self.func, None),
                ('fmt', self.fmt, '{!r}')]
     inner_str = signature_string([], optargs)
     return '{}({})'.format(self.__class__.__name__, inner_str)
 def repr_part(self):
     """String usable in a space's ``__repr__`` method."""
     optargs = [('weighting', self.const, 1.0),
                ('exponent', self.exponent, 2.0)]
     return signature_string([], optargs, mod=':.4')
Exemple #11
 def __repr__(self):
     """Return ``repr(self)``."""
     posargs = [self.left, self.right]
     inner_str = signature_string(posargs, [], sep=',\n')
     return '{}(\n{}\n)'.format(self.__class__.__name__,
Exemple #12
 def __repr__(self):
     """Return ``repr(self)``."""
     optargs = [('seconds', self.seconds, 1.0)]
     inner_str = signature_string([], optargs)
     return '{}({})'.format(self.__class__.__name__, inner_str)
 def repr_part(self):
     """String usable in a space's ``__repr__`` method."""
     optargs = [('weighting', array_str(self.array, nprint=10), ''),
                ('exponent', self.exponent, 2.0)]
     return signature_string([], optargs, sep=',\n',
                             mod=[[], ['!s', ':.4']])
Exemple #14
 def __repr__(self):
     """Return ``repr(self)``."""
     optargs = [('func', self.func, None), ('fmt', self.fmt, '{!r}'),
                ('step', self.step, 1)]
     inner_str = signature_string([], optargs)
     return '{}({})'.format(self.__class__.__name__, inner_str)
Exemple #15
 def __repr__(self):
     """Return ``repr(self)``."""
     posargs = [self.function]
     optargs = [('step', self.step, 1)]
     inner_str = signature_string(posargs, optargs)
     return '{}({})'.format(self.__class__.__name__, inner_str)
Exemple #16
 def repr_part(self):
     """String usable in a space's ``__repr__`` method."""
     optargs = [('inner', self.inner, ''),
                ('dist_using_inner', self.dist_using_inner, False)]
     return signature_string([], optargs, mod=[[], ['!r', '']])
Exemple #17
 def __repr__(self):
     """Return ``repr(self)``."""
     optargs = [('results', self.results, []),
                ('function', self.function, None), ('step', self.step, 1)]
     inner_str = signature_string([], optargs)
     return '{}({})'.format(self.__class__.__name__, inner_str)
Exemple #18
    def __repr__(self):
        """Return ``repr(self)``."""
        if self.ndim == 0:
            return 'uniform_partition([], [], ())'

        bdry_fracs = np.vstack(self.boundary_cell_fractions)
        default_bdry_fracs = np.all(
            np.isclose(bdry_fracs, 0.5) | np.isclose(bdry_fracs, 1.0))

        # Get default shifts of min_pt and max_pt from corresponding
        # grid points
        csizes_l = np.fromiter((s[0] for s in self.cell_sizes_vecs),
        csizes_r = np.fromiter((s[-1] for s in self.cell_sizes_vecs),

        shift_l = ((bdry_fracs[:, 0].astype(float).squeeze() - 0.5) * csizes_l)
        shift_r = ((bdry_fracs[:, 1].astype(float).squeeze() - 0.5) * csizes_r)

        if self.is_uniform and default_bdry_fracs:
            constructor = 'uniform_partition'
            if self.ndim == 1:
                posargs = [self.min_pt[0], self.max_pt[0], self.shape[0]]
                posargs = [list(self.min_pt), list(self.max_pt), self.shape]

            optargs = [('nodes_on_bdry', self.nodes_on_bdry, False)]

            sig_str = signature_string(posargs, optargs)
            return '{}({})'.format(constructor, sig_str)
            constructor = 'nonuniform_partition'
            posargs = [list(v) for v in self.coord_vectors]

            optargs = []
            # Defaults with and without nodes_on_bdry option
            nodes_def_min_pt = self.grid.min_pt - shift_l
            nodes_def_max_pt = self.grid.max_pt + shift_r
            def_min_pt = self.grid.min_pt - 0.5 * csizes_l
            def_max_pt = self.grid.max_pt + 0.5 * csizes_r

            # Since min/max_pt and nodes_on_bdry are mutex, we need a
            # couple of cases here
            if (np.allclose(self.min_pt, nodes_def_min_pt)
                    and np.allclose(self.max_pt, nodes_def_max_pt)):
                # Append nodes_on_bdry to list of optional args
                optargs.append(('nodes_on_bdry', self.nodes_on_bdry, False))
                # Append min/max_pt to list of optional args if not
                # default (need check here because array comparison is
                # ambiguous)
                if not np.allclose(self.min_pt, def_min_pt):
                    p = self.min_pt[0] if self.ndim == 1 else list(self.min_pt)
                    optargs.append((('min_pt', p, None)))
                if not np.allclose(self.max_pt, def_max_pt):
                    p = self.max_pt[0] if self.ndim == 1 else list(self.max_pt)
                    optargs.append((('max_pt', p, None)))

            sig_str = signature_string(posargs,
                                       sep=[',\n', ', ', ',\n'])
            return '{}(\n{}\n)'.format(constructor, indent_rows(sig_str))
Exemple #19
 def __repr__(self):
     """Return ``repr(self)``."""
     optargs = [('results', self.results, []),
                ('store_after_iters', self.store_after_iters, [])]
     inner_str = signature_string([], optargs)
     return '{}({})'.format(self.__class__.__name__, inner_str)
Exemple #20
 def __repr__(self):
     """Return ``repr(self)``."""
     optargs = [('results', self.results, []),
                ('function', self.function, None)]
     inner_str = signature_string([], optargs)
     return '{}({})'.format(self.__class__.__name__, inner_str)
 def __repr__(self):
     """Return ``repr(self)``."""
     posargs = [self.const]
     optargs = [('exponent', self.exponent, 2.0)]
     return '{}({})'.format(self.__class__.__name__,
                            signature_string(posargs, optargs))
 def __repr__(self):
     """Return ``repr(self)``."""
     posargs = [self.displacement]
     optargs = [('templ_space', self.domain, self.displacement.space[0])]
     inner_str = signature_string(posargs, optargs, mod='!r', sep=',\n')
     return '{}(\n{}\n)'.format(self.__class__.__name__, indent(inner_str))
Exemple #23
 def __repr__(self):
     """Return ``repr(self)``."""
     posargs = [self.shape, dtype_str(self.dtype)]
     return "{}({})".format(self.__class__.__name__,
                            signature_string(posargs, []))
 def repr_part(self):
     """String usable in a space's ``__repr__`` method."""
     optargs = [('inner', self.inner, '')]
     return signature_string([], optargs, mod='!r')
 def repr_part(self):
     """Return a string usable in a space's ``__repr__`` method."""
     optargs = [('norm', self.norm, ''),
                ('exponent', self.exponent, 2.0)]
     return signature_string([], optargs, mod=[[], ['!r', ':.4']])
 def __repr__(self):
     """Return ``repr(self)``."""
     posargs = [self.norm]
     optargs = [('exponent', self.exponent, 2.0)]
     inner_str = signature_string(posargs, optargs, mod=['!r', ':.4'])
     return '{}({})'.format(self.__class__.__name__, inner_str)
Exemple #27
 def __repr__(self):
     """Return ``repr(self)``."""
     optargs = [('seconds', self.seconds, 1.0)]
     inner_str = signature_string([], optargs)
     return '{}({})'.format(self.__class__.__name__, inner_str)
Exemple #28
 def __repr__(self):
     """Return ``repr(self)``."""
     posargs = [self.partition, self.axis]
     inner_str = signature_string(posargs, [], sep=[',\n', ', ', ', '])
     return '{}({})'.format(self.__class__.__name__, indent_rows(inner_str))