Exemple #1
def test_MTR_wealth():
    # Test marginal tax rate on wealth
    b = np.array([0.2, 0.6, 0.8])
    h_wealth = 3
    p_wealth = 4
    m_wealth = 5
    tau_w_prime = tax.MTR_wealth(b, (h_wealth, p_wealth, m_wealth))

    assert np.allclose(tau_w_prime,
                       np.array([1.91326531, 1.29757785, 1.09569028]))
Exemple #2
def FOC_savings(r, w, b, b_splus1, n, bq, factor, tr, theta, e, rho, tau_c,
                etr_params, mtry_params, t, j, p, method):
    Computes Euler errors for the FOC for savings in the steady state.
    This function is usually looped through over J, so it does one
    lifetime income group at a time.

    .. math::
        c_{j,s,t}^{-\sigma} = e^{-\sigma g_y}\biggl[\chi^b_j\rho_s(b_{j,s+1,t+1})^{-\sigma} + \beta\bigl(1 - \rho_s\bigr)\Bigl(1 + r_{t+1}\bigl[1 - \tau^{mtry}_{s+1,t+1}\bigr]\Bigr)(c_{j,s+1,t+1})^{-\sigma}\biggr]

        r (array_like): the real interest rate
        w (array_like): the real wage rate
        b (Numpy array): household savings
        b_splus1 (Numpy array): household savings one period ahead
        b_splus2 (Numpy array): household savings two periods ahead
        n (Numpy array): household labor supply
        bq (Numpy array): household bequests received
        factor (scalar): scaling factor converting model units to dollars
        tr (Numpy array): government tranfers to household
        theta (Numpy array): social security replacement rate for each
            lifetime income group
        e (Numpy array): effective labor units
        rho (Numpy array): mortality rates
        tau_c (array_like): consumption tax rates
        etr_params (Numpy array): parameters of the effective tax rate
        mtry_params (Numpy array): parameters of the marginal tax rate
            on capital income functions
        t (int): model period
        j (int): index of ability type
        p (OG-USA Specifications object): model parameters
        method (str): adjusts calculation dimensions based on 'SS' or

        euler (Numpy array): Euler error from FOC for savings

    if j is not None:
        chi_b = p.chi_b[j]
        chi_b = p.chi_b
    if method == 'SS':
        h_wealth = p.h_wealth[-1]
        m_wealth = p.m_wealth[-1]
        p_wealth = p.p_wealth[-1]
        h_wealth = p.h_wealth[t]
        m_wealth = p.m_wealth[t]
        p_wealth = p.p_wealth[t]

    taxes = tax.total_taxes(r, w, b, n, bq, factor, tr, theta, t, j, False,
                            method, e, etr_params, p)
    cons = get_cons(r, w, b, b_splus1, n, bq, taxes, e, tau_c, p)
    deriv = ((1 + r) - (r * tax.MTR_income(r, w, b, n, factor, True, e,
                                           etr_params, mtry_params, p)) -
             tax.MTR_wealth(b, h_wealth, m_wealth, p_wealth))
    savings_ut = (rho * np.exp(-p.sigma * p.g_y) * chi_b *
    euler_error = np.zeros_like(n)
    if n.shape[0] > 1:
        euler_error[:-1] = (
            marg_ut_cons(cons[:-1], p.sigma) * (1 /
                                                (1 + tau_c[:-1])) - p.beta *
            (1 - rho[:-1]) * deriv[1:] * marg_ut_cons(cons[1:], p.sigma) *
            (1 / (1 + tau_c[1:])) * np.exp(-p.sigma * p.g_y) - savings_ut[:-1])
        euler_error[-1] = (marg_ut_cons(cons[-1], p.sigma) *
                           (1 / (1 + tau_c[-1])) - savings_ut[-1])
        euler_error[-1] = (marg_ut_cons(cons[-1], p.sigma) *
                           (1 / (1 + tau_c[-1])) - savings_ut[-1])

    return euler_error
Exemple #3
def test_MTR_wealth(b, p, expected):
    # Test marginal tax rate on wealth
    tau_w_prime = tax.MTR_wealth(b, p.h_wealth[:p.T], p.m_wealth[:p.T],

    assert np.allclose(tau_w_prime, expected)