Exemple #1
def serve_imgdata(imagename=None):
    resolver = app.config[RESOLVER]
    hit = resolver[IMGDATA].resolve(pid=imagename)
    imagename = remove_extension(imagename)
    if hit is None:
    with open(hit.value,'r') as csvin:
        for line in csvin:
            imgname = remove_extension(re.split(',',line)[0].strip())
            if imgname == imagename:
                return Response(line, mimetype='text/plain')
def metadata2eic(bin_lid,parallax,merge=False):
    """Convert bin image metadata to CSV"""
    if merge:
        (PITCH_COL, ROLL_COL) = (4, 5)
        fields = ['imagename', 'alt', 'pitch','roll']
        imgdata = resolver['img'].resolve(pid=bin_lid).value
        logging.info('reading CSV data from .img file %s' % imgdata)
        (pitch,roll) = ({}, {})
        for row in read_csv(LocalFileSource(imgdata)):
            imagename = remove_extension(row[0])
                pitch[imagename] = row[PITCH_COL]
                roll[imagename] = row[ROLL_COL]
            except KeyError:
        logging.info('merging with parallax-based altitude from %s' % parallax)
        logging.info('reading parallax-based altitude from %s' % parallax)
    for l in open(parallax):
        (imagename, _, _, alt) = re.split(r',',l.rstrip())
            if merge:
                yield [imagename, alt, pitch[imagename], roll[imagename]]
                yield [imagename, alt, '0.0', '0.0']
        except KeyError:
def alt(bin_lid):
    tmp = mkdirs(scratch(bin_lid))
    csv_filename = os.path.join(tmp,bin_lid+'_alt.csv')
    logging.info('listing images for %s' % bin_lid)
    imagenames = [remove_extension(i) for i in list_images(bin_lid)]
    logging.info('looking for existing altitude data...')
    already_done = []
    if os.path.exists(csv_filename):
        for row in read_csv(LocalFileSource(csv_filename)):
            already_done += [remove_extension(row[0])]
    logging.info('found %d existing altitude records' % len(already_done))
    if len(already_done) == -1:
        logging.info('emptying CSV file ...')
        with open(csv_filename,'w') as csv_out:
    pids = []
    for n in range(NUM_PROCS):
        pid = os.fork()
        if pid == 0:
            for imagename in imagenames[n::NUM_PROCS]:
                if imagename not in already_done:
                    tif = img_as_float(read_image(imagename+'.tif'))
                    logging.info('[%d] START aligning %s' % (n, imagename))
                    x,y,m = stereo2altitude(tif)
                    line = '%s,%d,%d,%.2f' % (imagename,x,y,m) 
                    logging.info('[%d] DONE aligned %s' % (n, line))
                    with open(csv_filename,'a') as csv_out:
                        print >>csv_out, line
            logging.info('spawned process %d' % pid)
            pids += [pid]
    for pid in pids:
        logging.info('waiting for process %d' % pid)
        logging.info('joined alignment process %d' % pid)
    # now sort file
    logging.info('sorting CSV data...')
    rows = list(read_csv(LocalFileSource(csv_filename)))
    rows = sorted(rows, key=lambda r: r[0])
    csv_out = csv_filename # same as in
    with open(csv_out,'w') as co:
        for row in rows:
            print >>co, ','.join([row[n] for n in range(4)])
    logging.info('wrote CSV data to %s' % csv_out)
Exemple #4
def check_fileset(hdr_file, schema_version=SCHEMA_VERSION_2):
    lid = remove_extension(os.path.basename(hdr_file))
    hdr_source = LocalFileSource(hdr_file)
    adc_file = change_extension(hdr_file, 'adc')
    adc_source = LocalFileSource(adc_file)
    roi_source = LocalFileSource(change_extension(hdr_file, 'roi'))
        check_all(lid, hdr_source, adc_source, roi_source, schema_version=schema_version)
        logging.info('%s PASS ALL' % lid)
    except IntegrityException, e:
        logging.info('%s FAIL %s' % (lid, e))
def fetch_eic(bin_lid,suffix='',tmp=None,skip=[]):
    """Fetch bin image metadata and write CSV to file"""
    if tmp is None:
        tmp = mkdirs(os.path.join(scratch(bin_lid),'tmp'))
    parallax = os.path.join(scratch(bin_lid),bin_lid+'_alt.csv')
    eic = os.path.join(tmp,'%s%s.eic' % (bin_lid, suffix))
    with open(eic,'w') as fout:
        for tup in metadata2eic(bin_lid,parallax):
            imagename = remove_extension(tup[0])
            if imagename not in skip:
                tup[0] = imagename
                print >> fout, ' '.join(tup)
    return eic
Exemple #6
def check_fileset(fileset, schema_version=SCHEMA_VERSION_2):
    hdr_path = fileset[HDR]
    adc_path = fileset[ADC]
    roi_path = fileset[ROI]
    lid = remove_extension(os.path.basename(hdr_path))
        logging.info('PASS %s hdr %s' % (lid, hdr_path))
        targets = check_adc(adc_path, schema_version=schema_version)
        logging.info('PASS %s adc %s' % (lid, adc_path))
        check_roi(roi_path, targets)
        logging.info('PASS %s roi %s' % (lid, roi_path))
    except IntegrityException, e:
        logging.info('%s FAIL %s' % (lid, e))
Exemple #7
def list_images(bin_pid):
    for image in json.loads(urlopen('%s%s.json' % (BASE_URL, bin_pid)).read()):
        yield remove_extension(image['imagename'])
def correct(bin_lid,learn_lid=None):
    (h,w),LR_dir = stage(bin_lid)
    if learn_lid is None:
        learn_lid = bin_lid
    # provision temp space
    tmp = mkdirs(scratch(bin_lid,'tmp'))
    for LR in 'LR':
        # check for lightmap existence
        lightmap_dir = mkdirs(scratch(learn_lid,learn_lid + '_lightmap_' + LR))
        lightmap = os.path.join(lightmap_dir,learn_lid+'_lightmap_' + LR)
        if not os.path.exists(lightmap):
            logging.info('requested lightmap does not exist, skipping correct phase')
        # check for existing output
        logging.info('checking for existing corrected images...')
        outdir = mkdirs(scratch(bin_lid,bin_lid + '_cfa_illum_' + LR))
        skip = []
        for fn in os.listdir(outdir):
            imagename = re.sub('_cfa_illum_' + LR + '.tif','',fn)
            skip += [remove_extension(imagename)]
        mergedir = mkdirs(scratch(bin_lid,bin_lid + '_cfa_illum_LR'))
        for fn in os.listdir(mergedir):
            imagename = re.sub('_cfa_illum_LR.tif','',fn)
            skip += [remove_extension(imagename)]
        logging.info('found %d existing corrected images ...' % len(skip))
        outdir = mkdirs(scratch(bin_lid,bin_lid + '_cfa_illum_' + LR))
        # fetch eic
        eic = fetch_eic(bin_lid,suffix='_'+LR,skip=skip)
        # now see if that file is empty
        if os.stat(eic)[6] == 0:
            logging.info('no images to correct, skipping %s/%s' % (bin_lid, LR))
        # construct param file
        correct_tmp = mkdirs(scratch(bin_lid,bin_lid + '_correct_tmp_' + LR))
        param = os.path.join(tmp,bin_lid + '_correct.txt')
        # produce param file
        logging.info('writing param file %s' % param)
        with open(param,'w') as fout:
            print >> fout, 'imagedir %s' % LR_dir
            print >> fout, 'outdir %s' % outdir
            print >> fout, 'metafile %s' % re.sub(r'/([^/]+)$',r'/ \1',eic)
            print >> fout, 'tmpdir %s' % correct_tmp
            print >> fout, 'load %s' % lightmap 
            print >> fout, 'num_to_process %d' % NUM_CORRECT
            for k,v in DEFAULT_IC_CONFIG.items():
                print >> fout, '%s %s' % (k,str(v))
            print >> fout, 'binary_format'
            print >> fout, 'num_rows %d' % h
            print >> fout, 'num_cols %d' % (w/2)
            print >> fout, 'top %d' % 0
            if LR == 'L':
                print >> fout, 'left %d' % 0
                print >> fout, 'left %d' % (w/2)
            print >> fout, PATTERN
            print >> fout, 'scallop_eic'
            print >> fout, 'correct'
        # now correct
        logging.info('correcting %s' % bin_lid)
        correct = Process('"%s" "%s"' % (IC_EXEC, param))
        for line in correct.run():