def test_indent_splitter(self):
        """indent_splitter should split lines at correct locations"""
        #if lines have same indent, should not group together
        lines = [
        'abc    xxx',
        'def    yyy'
            [[lines[0]], [lines[1]]])
        #if second line is indented, should group with first
        lines = [
        'abc    xxx',
        ' def    yyy'
            [[lines[0], lines[1]]])

        #if both lines indented but second is more, should group with first
        lines = [
        ' abc    xxx',
        '  def    yyy'
            [[lines[0], lines[1]]])
        #if both lines indented equally, should not group
        lines = [
        '   abc    xxx',
        '   def    yyy'
        self.assertEqual(list(indent_splitter(lines)), \
            [[lines[0]], [lines[1]]])

        #for more complex situation, should produce correct grouping
        lines = [
        '  xyz',    #0 -
        '  xxx',    #1 -
        '   yyy',   #2
        '   uuu',   #3
        '   iii',   #4
        '  qaz',    #5 -
        '  wsx',    #6 -
        '   az',    #7
        '   sx',    #8
        '        gb',#9
        '   bg',    #10
        '  aaa',    #11 -
        self.assertEqual(list(indent_splitter(lines)), \
            [[lines[0]], lines[1:5], [lines[5]], lines[6:11], [lines[11]]])

        #real example from genbank file
        lines = \
"""LOCUS       LAAJ4821    16866 bp    DNA             MAM       23-AUG-2000
DEFINITION  Loxodonta africana complete mitochondrial genomic sequence.
VERSION     AJ224821.1  GI:3021460
KEYWORDS    complete genome.
SOURCE      African elephant.
  ORGANISM  Mitochondrion Loxodonta africana
            Eukaryota; Metazoa; Chordata; Craniata; Vertebrata; Euteleostomi;
            Mammalia; Eutheria; Proboscidea; Elephantidae; Loxodonta.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 16866)
  AUTHORS   Hauf,J., Waddell,P.J., Chalwatzis,N., Joger,U. and Zimmermann,F.K.
  TITLE     The complete mitochondrial genome sequence of the African elephant
            (Loxodonta africana), phylogenetic relationships of Proboscidea to
            other mammals and D-loop heteroplasmy""".split('\n')
        self.assertEqual(list(indent_splitter(lines)), \
        s = ll.extract('ACGTGCAGTCAGTAGCAT')
        #               123456789012345678
        self.assertEqual(s, 'G'+'TGC'+'CAG')
        #check a case where it wraps around
        l5_a = Location(16)
        l5_b = Location(4)
        l5 = Location([l5_a,l5_b])
        ll = LocationList([l5])
        s = ll.extract('ACGTGCAGTCAGTAGCAT')
        self.assertEqual(s, 'CATACGT')

if __name__ == '__main__':
    from sys import argv
    if len(argv) > 2 and argv[1] == 'x':
        filename = argv[2]
        lines = open(filename)
        for i in indent_splitter(lines):
            print '******'
            print i[0]
            for j in indent_splitter(i[1:]):
                print '?????'
                for line in j:
                    print line