mplayerManager.daemon = True mplayerManager.start() mplayerReader = MplayerReader() mplayerReader.daemon = True mplayerReader.start() def stopMplayer(): if not mplayerManager: return mplayerManager.kill() def onExit(): if tmpdir: shutil.rmtree(tmpdir) addHook("deckClosed", stopMplayer) atexit.register(onExit) # PyAudio recording ########################################################################## try: import pyaudio import wave PYAU_FORMAT = pyaudio.paInt16 PYAU_CHANNELS = 1 PYAU_RATE = 44100 PYAU_INPUT_INDEX = None except: pass
shutil.copy2(os.path.join(tmpdir, "tmp.png"), os.path.join(mdir, target)) return (True, target) finally: os.chdir(oldcwd) def imageForLatex(deck, latex, build=True): "Return an image that represents 'latex', building if necessary." imageFile = latexImgFile(deck, latex) ok = True if build and (not imageFile or not os.path.exists(imageFile)): (ok, imageFile) = buildImg(deck, latex) if not ok: return (False, imageFile) return (True, imageFile) def imgLink(deck, latex, build=True): "Parse LATEX and return a HTML image representing the output." munged = mungeLatex(deck, latex) (ok, img) = imageForLatex(deck, munged, build) if ok: return '<img src="%s" alt="%s">' % (img, latex) else: return img def formatQA(html, type, cid, mid, fact, tags, cm, deck): return renderLatex(deck, html) # setup q/a filter addHook("formatQA", formatQA)
os.chdir(oldcwd) def imageForLatex(deck, latex, build=True): "Return an image that represents 'latex', building if necessary." imageFile = latexImgFile(deck, latex) ok = True if build and (not imageFile or not os.path.exists(imageFile)): (ok, imageFile) = buildImg(deck, latex) if not ok: return (False, imageFile) return (True, imageFile) def imgLink(deck, latex, build=True): "Parse LATEX and return a HTML image representing the output." munged = mungeLatex(deck, latex) (ok, img) = imageForLatex(deck, munged, build) if ok: return '<img src="%s" alt="%s">' % (img, latex) else: return img def formatQA(html, type, cid, mid, fact, tags, cm, deck): return renderLatex(deck, html) # setup q/a filter addHook("formatQA", formatQA)