def addResultMain(request): """ To add results of students / link results and students """ emp = models.Teacher.objects.get(user=request.user) if not emp.result_permit: raise Http404 context_dict = { "result_type": context_helper.result_type_helper(), "all_subjects": context_helper.subject_helper(), "all_exam_name": context_helper.exam_name_helper(), } if request.method == 'POST': roll = request.POST.get('rno') result_type = request.POST.get('result_type_picker') exam = request.POST.get('exam_name_picker') subject = request.POST.get('subject_picker') marks = request.POST.get('marks') student = models.Student.objects.filter( roll_no=roll ).first() result_data_check = models.Result.objects.filter( result_type=result_type, batch=student.batch, exam_name=exam, subject=subject ).first() if not result_data_check: context_dict["message"] = "Result Data does not exist, first create data for result" return render(request, 'addResultMain.html', context_dict) duplicate_check = models.ResultMain.objects.filter( student=models.Student.objects.filter(roll_no=student).first(), result=result_data_check, ).first() if duplicate_check: context_dict["message"]= 'Result already exist.' duplicate_check.soft_delete=False return render(request, "addResultMain.html", context_dict) try: result = models.ResultMain( student=student, result=result_data_check, marks_obtained=marks, ) history = models.History( user=emp, activity='Added result ' + str(result) + '-' + str(marks) +'.\n', activity_type="add result " ) context_dict["message"] = 'Successfully added new result.' context_dict["success"] = True except Exception as e: context_dict["message"] = str(e) context_dict["success"] = False print(e) return render(request, 'addResultMain.html', context_dict)
def addResultData(request): """ For adding Result Meta Data """ emp = models.Teacher.objects.get(user=request.user) if not emp.result_permit: raise Http404 context_dict = { "result_type": context_helper.result_type_helper(), "all_subjects": context_helper.subject_helper(), "all_courses": context_helper.course_helper(), "all_exam_name": context_helper.exam_name_helper(), } if request.method == "POST": course = request.POST.get('course_picker') result_type = request.POST.get('result_type_picker') exam_name = request.POST.get('exam_name_picker') subject = request.POST.get('subject_picker') batch = request.POST.get('batch') duplicate_check = models.Result.objects.filter( course=course, result_type=result_type, exam_name=exam_name, subject=subject, batch=batch ).first() if duplicate_check: context_dict["message"] = 'Result Data already exist.' duplicate_check.soft_delete=False return render(request, "addResultData.html", context_dict) try: result_data = models.Result( course=models.Course.objects.get(pk=course), result_type=result_type, exam_name=models.ExamName.objects.get(pk=course), subject=models.Subject.objects.get(pk=course), batch=batch ) history = models.History( user=emp, activity='Added result data' + str(course)+ str(result_type)+ str(exam_name)+ str(subject)+ str(batch) +'.\n', activity_type="add result data" ) context_dict["message"] = 'Successfully added new Result Data.' context_dict["success"] = True except Exception as e: context_dict["message"] = str(e) context_dict["success"] = False print(e) return render(request, "addResultData.html", context_dict)
def add_attendance(request): """ Add result of attendance to the particular subject. Can also use this by taking subject ID not giving drop down for subjects. """ emp = models.Teacher.objects.get(user=request.user) if not emp.student_permit: raise Http404 context_dict = { "all_subjects": context_helper.subject_helper(), } if request.method == "POST": roll = request.POST.get('roll') subject = request.POST.get('subject_picker') attendance = request.POST.get('attendance') total = request.POST.get('total') student = models.Student.objects.filter( roll_no=roll ).first() duplicate_check = models.Attendance.objects.filter( student=student, subject=subject, ).first() if duplicate_check: context_dict["message"] = 'Attendance already exist.' duplicate_check.soft_delete=False return render(request, "addAttendance.html", context_dict) try: attendance_data = models.Attendance( student=student, subject=models.Subject.objects.get(pk=subject), total_attendance=total, obtained_attendance=attendance ) history = models.History( user=emp, activity='Added attendance of ' + str(student) + str(subject) +'.\n', activity_type="add attendance" ) context_dict["message"] = 'Successfully added Attendance.' context_dict["success"] = True except Exception as e: context_dict["message"] = str(e) context_dict["success"] = False print(e) return render(request, "addAttendance.html", context_dict)
def addSubject(request): """ For adding subjects """ emp = models.Teacher.objects.get(user=request.user) if not emp.subject_permit: raise Http404 context_dict = { "all_courses": context_helper.course_helper(), "subject_types": context_helper.subject_type_helper(), } if request.method == "POST": course = request.POST.get('course_picker') name = request.POST.get('sname') sid = request.POST.get('sid') stype = request.POST.get('subject_picker') maxmarks = request.POST.get('marks') duplicate_check = models.Subject.objects.filter( course=course, name=name, s_id=sid, s_type=stype, max_marks=maxmarks, ).first() if duplicate_check: context_dict["message"] = "Subject already exists." duplicate_check.soft_delete=False return render(request, "addSubject.html", context_dict) try: subject = models.Subject( course=models.Course.objects.get(pk=course), name=name, s_id=sid, s_type=stype, max_marks=maxmarks, ) history = models.History( user=emp, activity='Added Subjetc ' + str(name)+ str(sid) +'.\n', activity_type="add result data" ) context_dict["message"] = 'Successfully added new subject.' context_dict["success"] = True except Exception as e: context_dict["message"] = str(e) context_dict["success"] = False print(e) return render(request, "addSubject.html", context_dict)
def edit_exam_name(request, exam_id): """ Edit Exam Detail. """ emp = models.Teacher.objects.get(user=request.user) if not emp.exam_permit: raise Http404 exam = models.ExamName.objects.filter( pk=exam_id, soft_delete=False ).first() if not exam: raise Http404 context_dict = { 'exam_id': exam_id } if request.method == 'POST': update_fields = [] activity = '' name = request.POST.get('name') try: if != name: = name update_fields.append('name') activity += 'Changed Exam name to '+ str(name) +'.\n' history = models.History( user=emp, activity=activity, activity_type="edit exam name" ) context_dict["message"] = 'Successfully updated Exam.' context_dict["success"] = True except Exception as e: context_dict["message"] = str(e) context_dict["success"] = False print(e) context_dict.update(context_helper.get_exam_info(exam)) if context_dict.get('success', False): return HttpResponseRedirect('/view-exams') return render(request, "editExamName.html", context_dict)
def addExamName(request): """ For adding Exam name like semester 1 or trimester 2. """ emp = models.Teacher.objects.get(user=request.user) if not emp.exam_permit: raise Http404 context_dict = {} if request.method == "POST": name = request.POST.get('ename') duplicate_check = models.ExamName.objects.filter( name=name, ).first() if duplicate_check: context_dict["message"] = "Exam Name already exists." duplicate_check.soft_delete=False return render(request, "addExamName.html", context_dict) try: examName = models.ExamName( name=name ) history = models.History( user=emp, activity='Added Exam' + str(name) +'.\n', activity_type="add exam." ) context_dict["message"] = 'Successfully added new Exam Type.' context_dict["success"] = True except Exception as e: context_dict["message"] = str(e) context_dict["success"] = False print(e) return render(request, "addExamName.html", context_dict)
def change_password(request): """ Change password form for teachers """ emp = models.Teacher.objects.get(user=request.user) context_dict = {} if request.method == 'POST': form = AdminPasswordChangeForm(user=request.user, data=request.POST) if form.is_valid(): update_session_auth_hash(request, form.user) context_dict["message"] = "Password changed successfully" history = models.History( user=emp, activity="", activity_type="Changed password" ) else: context_dict["message"] = "Password not changed" return render(request, "changePassword.html", context_dict)
def delete_result(request, result_id): """ Delete student from data tables. """ emp = models.Employee.objects.get(user=request.user) if not emp.result_permit: raise Http404 result = models.Result.objects.filter( pk=result_id, soft_delete=False ).first() if not result: raise Http404 result.soft_delete = True activity = 'Deleted result' + str(result) + '.\n'['soft_delete']) history = models.History( user=emp, activity=activity, activity_type="delete result" ) return HttpResponseRedirect('/view-results')
def delete_exam(request, exam_id): """ Delete student from data tables. """ emp = models.Employee.objects.get(user=request.user) if not emp.exam_permit: raise Http404 exam = models.ExamName.objects.filter( pk=exam_id, soft_delete=False ).first() if not exam: raise Http404 exam.soft_delete = True activity = 'Deleted Exam' + str(exam) + '.\n'['soft_delete']) history = models.History( user=emp, activity=activity, activity_type="delete exam" ) return HttpResponseRedirect('/view-exams')
def delete_attendance(request, attendance_id): """ Delete Result Main. """ emp = models.Teacher.objects.get(user=request.user) if not emp.student_permit: raise Http404 attendance = models.Attendance.objects.filter( pk=attendance_id, soft_delete=False ).first() if not attendance: raise Http404 attendance.soft_delete = True activity = 'Deleted Attendance' + str(attendance) + '.\n'['soft_delete']) history = models.History( user=emp, activity=activity, activity_type="delete attendance" ) return HttpResponseRedirect('/view-attendance')
def delete_result_main(request, resultMain_id): """ Delete Result Main. """ emp = models.Teacher.objects.get(user=request.user) if not emp.result_permit: raise Http404 result_main = models.ResultMain.objects.filter( pk=resultMain_id, soft_delete=False ).first() if not result_main: raise Http404 result_main.soft_delete = True activity = 'Deleted result' + str(result_main) + '.\n'['soft_delete']) history = models.History( user=emp, activity=activity, activity_type="delete result" ) return HttpResponseRedirect('/view-result-main')
def edit_subject(request,subject_id): """ Edit details related to the subject / Meta data of subject. """ emp = models.Teacher.objects.get(user=request.user) if not emp.subject_permit: raise Http404 subject = models.Subject.objects.filter( pk=subject_id, soft_delete=False ).first() if not subject: raise Http404 context_dict = { "all_courses": context_helper.course_helper(), "subject_types": context_helper.subject_type_helper(), 'subject_id': subject_id, } if request.method == 'POST': update_fields = [] activity = '' course = request.POST.get('course_picker') name = request.POST.get('sname') sid = request.POST.get('sid') stype = request.POST.get('subject_picker') maxmarks = request.POST.get('marks') try: if str( != str(course): subject.course = models.Course.objects.get(pk=course) update_fields.append('course') activity += 'Changed course to ' + str(course) + '.\n' if subject.s_type != stype: subject.s_type = stype update_fields.append('s_type') activity += 'Changed subject type to ' + str(stype) + '.\n' if != name: = name update_fields.append('name') activity += 'Changed subject name to' + str(name) + '.\n' if subject.s_id != sid: subject.s_id = sid update_fields.append('s_id') activity += 'Changed subject ID to' + str(sid) + '.\n' if subject.max_marks != maxmarks: subject.max_marks = maxmarks update_fields.append('max_marks') activity += 'Changed maximum marks to' + str(maxmarks) + '.\n' history = models.History( user=emp, activity=activity, activity_type="edit subject" ) context_dict["message"] = 'Successfully updated Result Data.' context_dict["success"] = True except Exception as e: context_dict["message"] = str(e) context_dict["success"] = False print(e) context_dict.update(context_helper.get_subject_info(subject)) for i in context_dict['courses']: try: del context_dict['all_courses'][i] except: pass for i in context_dict['subject_type']: try: context_dict['subject_types'].remove(i) except: pass if context_dict.get('success', False): return HttpResponseRedirect('/view-subjects') return render( request, "editSubject.html", context_dict )
def edit_result_data(request, rdata_id): """ Edit Result Data. """ emp = models.Teacher.objects.get(user=request.user) if not emp.result_permit: raise Http404 result_data = models.Result.objects.filter( pk=rdata_id, soft_delete=False ).first() if not result_data: raise Http404 context_dict = { "result_types": context_helper.result_type_helper(), "all_subjects": context_helper.subject_helper(), "all_courses": context_helper.course_helper(), "all_exam_name": context_helper.exam_name_helper(), 'rdata_id': rdata_id, } if request.method == 'POST': update_fields = [] activity = '' course = request.POST.get('course_picker') result_type = request.POST.get('result_type_picker') exam_name = request.POST.get('exam_name_picker') subject = request.POST.get('subject_picker') batch = request.POST.get('batch') try: if result_data.result_type != result_type: result_data.result_type = result_type update_fields.append('result_type') activity += 'Changed result type to ' + str(result_type) + '.\n' if str( != str(course): result_data.course = models.Course.objects.get(pk=course) update_fields.append('course') activity += 'Changed course to ' + str(course) + '.\n' if str( != str(exam_name): result_data.exam_name = models.ExamName.objects.get(pk=exam_name) update_fields.append('exam_name') activity += 'Changed Exam name to ' + str(exam_name) + '.\n' if str( != str(subject): result_data.subject = models.Subject.objects.get(pk=subject) update_fields.append('subject') activity += 'Changed subject to ' + str(subject) + '.\n' if result_data.batch != batch: result_data.batch = batch update_fields.append('batch') activity += 'Changed batch to' + str(batch) + '.\n' history = models.History( user=emp, activity=activity, activity_type="edit result data" ) context_dict["message"] = 'Successfully updated Result Data.' context_dict["success"] = True except Exception as e: context_dict["message"] = str(e) context_dict["success"] = False print(e) context_dict.update(context_helper.get_result_info(result_data)) for i in context_dict['courses']: #use this for dynamic try: del context_dict['all_courses'][i] except: pass for i in context_dict['result_type']: #use this for static try: context_dict['result_types'].remove(i) except: pass for i in context_dict['exams']: try: del context_dict['all_exam_name'][i] except: pass for i in context_dict['subjects']: try: del context_dict['all_subjects'][i] except: pass if context_dict.get('success', False): return HttpResponseRedirect('/view-results') return render( request, "editResultData.html", context_dict )
def edit_student(request, student_id): """ View to edit the already existing student in database by taking student_id. """ emp = models.Teacher.objects.get(user=request.user) if not emp.student_permit: raise Http404 student = models.Student.objects.filter( pk=student_id, soft_delete=False ).first() if not student: raise Http404 context_dict = { "all_courses": context_helper.course_helper(), "blood_groups": context_helper.blood_group_helper(), "guardian_types": context_helper.guardian_type_helper(), "gender_types": context_helper.gender_helper(), 'student_id': student_id } if request.method == 'POST': update_fields = [] activity = '' sname = request.POST.get('sname') roll = request.POST.get('rno') dob = request.POST.get('dob') gender = request.POST.get('gender_picker') bgroup = request.POST.get('blood_group_picker') if bgroup == 'Choose option': bgroup = None phone = request.POST.get('phone') curradd = request.POST.get('curradd') permadd = request.POST.get('permadd') gname = request.POST.get('gname') course = request.POST.get('course_picker') batch = request.POST.get('batch') gtype = request.POST.get('guardian_type_picker') gphone = request.POST.get('gphone') email = request.POST.get('email') address_flag = request.POST.get('address_flag') print (address_flag) address_flag = True if address_flag == 'on' else False if address_flag == True: permadd = curradd try: if "profile-img" in request.FILES: = request.FILES["profile-img"] update_fields.append('photo') activity += 'Changed photo.\n' if != sname: = sname update_fields.append('name') activity += 'Changed name to '+ str(sname) +'.\n' if student.roll_no != roll: student.roll_no = roll update_fields.append('roll_no') activity += 'Changed roll number to '+ str(roll) +'.\n' if str(student.dob) != str(dob): student.dob = dob update_fields.append('dob') activity += 'Changed DOB to ' + str(dob) + '.\n' if student.gender != gender: student.gender = gender update_fields.append('gender') activity += 'Changed gender to ' + str(gender) + '.\n' if student.blood_group != bgroup: student.blood_group = bgroup update_fields.append('blood_group') activity += 'Changed blood group to ' + str(bgroup) + '.\n' if != phone: = phone update_fields.append('phone') activity += 'Changed phone number to ' + str(phone) + '.\n' if student.curr_address != curradd: student.curr_address = curradd update_fields.append('curr_address') activity += 'Changed current address to ' + str(curradd) + '.\n' if student.perm_address != permadd: student.perm_address = permadd update_fields.append('perm_address') activity += 'Changed permanent address to ' + str(permadd) + '.\n' if student.curr_address != curradd: student.curr_address = curradd update_fields.append('curr_address') activity += 'Changed current address to ' + str(curradd) + '.\n' if student.guardian_name != gname: student.guardian_name = gname update_fields.append('guardian_name') activity += 'Changed current address to ' + str(gname) + '.\n' if student.guardian_phone != gphone: student.guardian_phone = gphone update_fields.append('guardian_phone') activity += 'Changed guardian phone to ' + str(gphone) + '.\n' if student.guardian_type != gtype: student.guardian_type = gtype update_fields.append('guardian_type') activity += 'Changed current address to ' + str(gtype) + '.\n' if str( != str(course): student.course = models.Course.objects.get(pk=course) update_fields.append('course') activity += 'Changed course to ' + str(course) + '.\n' if student.batch != batch: student.batch = batch update_fields.append('batch') activity += 'Changed batch to' + str(batch) + '.\n' if != email: = email update_fields.append('email') activity += 'Changed email to ' + str(email) + '.\n' if student.address_flag != address_flag: student.address_flag = address_flag update_fields.append('address_flag') activity += 'Changed address flag.' history = models.History( user=emp, activity=activity, activity_type="edit student" ) context_dict["message"] = 'Successfully updated student.' context_dict["success"] = True except Exception as e: context_dict["message"] = str(e) context_dict["success"] = False print(e) context_dict.update(context_helper.get_student_info(student)) if type(context_dict['dob']) == str: context_dict['dob'] = datetime.strptime(context_dict['dob'], '%Y-%m-%d') for i in context_dict['course']: try: del context_dict['all_courses'][i] except: pass for i in context_dict['blood_group']: try: context_dict['blood_groups'].remove(i) except: pass for i in context_dict['guardian_type']: try: context_dict['guardian_types'].remove(i) except: pass for i in context_dict['gender_type']: try: context_dict['gender_types'].remove(i) except: pass if context_dict.get('success', False): return HttpResponseRedirect('/view-students') return render( request, "editStudent.html", context_dict )
def addStudent(request): """ Add Students details to the portal. """ emp = models.Teacher.objects.get(user=request.user) if not emp.student_permit: raise Http404 context_dict = { "all_courses": context_helper.course_helper(), "blood_groups": context_helper.blood_group_helper(), "guardian_types": context_helper.guardian_type_helper(), "gender_type": context_helper.gender_helper(), } if request.method == 'POST': sname = request.POST.get('sname') roll = request.POST.get('rno') dob = request.POST.get('dob') gender = request.POST.get('gender_picker') bgroup = request.POST.get('blood_group_picker') if bgroup == 'Choose option': bgroup = None phone = request.POST.get('phone') curradd = request.POST.get('curradd') permadd = request.POST.get('permadd') gname = request.POST.get('gname') course = request.POST.get('course_picker') batch = request.POST.get('batch') gtype = request.POST.get('guardian_type_picker') gphone = request.POST.get('gphone') email = request.POST.get('email') duplicate_student = models.Student.objects.filter( name=sname, dob=dob, guardian_name=gname, guardian_type=gtype, phone=phone, email=email ).first() if duplicate_student: context_dict["message"] = 'Student already exist.' duplicate_student.soft_delete=False return render(request, "AddStudent.html", context_dict) address_flag = request.POST.get('address_flag') address_flag = True if address_flag == 'on' else False if address_flag == True: permadd = curradd try: student = models.Student( name=sname, roll_no=roll, dob=dob, gender=gender, blood_group=bgroup, phone=phone, curr_address=curradd, perm_address=permadd, guardian_name=gname, guardian_type=gtype, guardian_phone=gphone, course=models.Course.objects.get(pk=course), batch=batch, email=email, address_flag=address_flag ) if "profile-img" in request.FILES: = request.FILES["profile-img"] history = models.History( user=emp, activity='Added roll number' + str(roll) +'.\n', activity_type="add student" ) context_dict["message"] = 'Successfully added new student.' context_dict["success"] = True except Exception as e: context_dict["message"] = str(e) context_dict["success"] = False print(e) return render( request, "addStudent.html", context_dict )
def password_resetenter(request, uidb64=None, token=None): """ Enter new password for reset password. """ context_dict = {} if request.method == 'POST': assert uidb64 is not None and token is not None uid = urlsafe_base64_decode(uidb64) user = models.Teacher.objects.get( soft_delete=False, pk=uid ) db_user = user.user reset_token = models.PasswordReset.objects.get( token=token, user=user ) token_check = models.PasswordReset.objects.filter( user=user, soft_delete=False, token_consumed=False, ).exclude(token=token).first() update_fields = [] token_check.token_consumed = True update_fields.append('token_consumed') token_check.soft_delete = True update_fields.append('soft_delete') time_threshold = - reset_token.password_request_created_at if time_threshold > timedelta(minutes=30): try: update_fields = [] reset_token.token_consumed = True update_fields.append('token_consumed') reset_token.soft_delete = True update_fields.append('soft_delete') except Exception as e: print (e) if reset_token.user == user and reset_token.token == token: if reset_token.token_consumed == False and reset_token.soft_delete == False: try: update_fields = [] reset_token.token_consumed = True update_fields.append('token_consumed') reset_token.soft_delete = True update_fields.append('soft_delete') except Exception as e: print (e) form = AdminPasswordChangeForm(user=db_user, data=request.POST) if form.is_valid(): history = models.History( user=user, activity = "", activity_type = "Reset Password" ) context_dict["message"] = "Password changed successfully" else: context_dict["message"] = "Password not changed" else: context_dict["message"] = "Link is no longer valid" return render(request, "reset.html", context_dict)
def edit_attendance(request, attendance_id): """ Edit attendance of students subject wise. """ emp = models.Teacher.objects.get(user=request.user) if not emp.student_permit: raise Http404 attendance = models.Attendance.objects.filter( pk=attendance_id, soft_delete=False ).first() print("1") context_dict = { "all_subjects": context_helper.subject_helper(), 'attendance_id': attendance_id, } if request.method == 'POST': update_fields = [] activity = '' roll = request.POST.get('roll') subject = request.POST.get('subject_picker') obtained = request.POST.get('attendance') total = request.POST.get('total') student = models.Student.objects.filter( roll_no=roll ).first() if not student: context_dict["message"] = 'Student at does not exist / Roll number has not been alloted.' return render(request, "editAttendance.html", context_dict) try: if attendance.student != student: attendance.student = student update_fields.append('student') activity += 'Changed student to ' + str(student) + '.\n' if attendance.total_attendance != total: attendance.total_attendance = total update_fields.append('total_attendance') activity += 'Changed total attendance to ' + str(total) + '.\n' if attendance.obtained_attendance != obtained: attendance.obtained_attendance = obtained update_fields.append('obtained_attendance') activity += 'Changed obtained attendance to' + str(obtained) + '.\n' if str( != str(subject): attendance.subject = models.Subject.objects.get(pk=subject) update_fields.append('subject') activity += 'Changed subject to ' + str(subject) + '.\n' history = models.History( user=emp, activity=activity, activity_type="edit attendance" ) context_dict["message"] = 'Successfully updated Attendance.' context_dict["success"] = True except Exception as e: context_dict["message"] = str(e) context_dict["success"] = False print(e) context_dict.update(context_helper.get_attendance_info(attendance)) for i in context_dict['subjects']: # use for dynamic try: del context_dict['all_subjects'][i] except: pass if context_dict.get('success', False): return HttpResponseRedirect('/view-attendance') return render( request, "editAttendance.html", context_dict )
def editResultMain(request, resultMain_id): """ Edit Mains Result. """ emp = models.Teacher.objects.get(user=request.user) if not emp.result_permit: raise Http404 result_main = models.ResultMain.objects.filter( pk=resultMain_id, soft_delete=False ).first() print(result_main.result) print("1") if not result_main: raise Http404 context_dict = { "result_types": context_helper.result_type_helper(), "all_subjects": context_helper.subject_helper(), "all_exam_name": context_helper.exam_name_helper(), 'resultMain_id': resultMain_id, } if request.method == 'POST': update_fields = [] activity = '' roll = request.POST.get('rno') result_type = request.POST.get('result_type_picker') exam = request.POST.get('exam_name_picker') subject = request.POST.get('subject_picker') marks = request.POST.get('marks') student = models.Student.objects.filter( roll_no=roll ).first() result_data_check = models.Result.objects.filter( result_type=result_type, batch=student.batch, exam_name=exam, subject=subject ).first() print(result_data_check) print("2") if not result_data_check: context_dict["message"] = "Result Data does not exist, first create data for result" return render(request, 'addResultMain.html', context_dict) try: if result_main.student != student: result_main.student = student update_fields.append('student') activity += 'Changed student to ' + str(student) + '.\n' # result_main.student = student # update_fields.append('student') if result_main.result != result_data_check: result_main.result = result_data_check update_fields.append('result') activity += 'Changed student to ' + str(result) + '.\n' # result_main.result = result_data_check # update_fields.append('result') if result_main.marks_obtained != marks: result_main.marks_obtained = marks update_fields.append('marks_obtained') activity += 'Changed marks to ' + str(marks) + '.\n' # result_main.marks_obtained = marks # update_fields.append('marks_obtained') activity += 'Edited Result Main of student' + str(student) + '.\n' history = models.History( user=emp, activity=activity, activity_type='Edit Result Main' ) context_dict["message"] = 'Successfully updated Result Main.' context_dict["success"] = True except Exception as e: context_dict["message"] = str(e) context_dict["success"] = False print(e) context_dict.update(context_helper.get_resultMain_info(result_main)) for i in context_dict['exams']: #use this for dynamic try: del context_dict['all_exam_name'][i] except: pass for i in context_dict['subjects']: #use this for dynamic try: del context_dict['all_subjects'][i] except: pass for i in context_dict['result_type']: #use this for static try: context_dict['result_types'].remove(i) except: pass if context_dict.get('success', False): return HttpResponseRedirect('/view-result-main') return render( request, "editResultMain.html", context_dict )