class AbstractScannerResult(ModelBase): # Store the "raw" results of a scanner. results = JSONField(default=[]) scanner = models.PositiveSmallIntegerField(choices=SCANNERS.items()) has_matches = models.NullBooleanField() state = models.PositiveSmallIntegerField( choices=RESULT_STATES.items(), null=True, blank=True, default=UNKNOWN ) version = models.ForeignKey( 'versions.Version', related_name="%(class)ss", on_delete=models.CASCADE, null=True, ) class Meta(ModelBase.Meta): abstract = True indexes = [ models.Index(fields=('has_matches',)), models.Index(fields=('state',)), ] def add_yara_result(self, rule, tags=None, meta=None): """This method is used to store a Yara result.""" self.results.append( {'rule': rule, 'tags': tags or [], 'meta': meta or {}} ) def extract_rule_names(self): """This method parses the raw results and returns the (matched) rule names. Not all scanners have rules that necessarily match.""" if self.scanner == YARA: return sorted({result['rule'] for result in self.results}) if self.scanner == CUSTOMS and 'matchedRules' in self.results: return self.results['matchedRules'] # We do not have support for the remaining scanners (yet). return [] def save(self, *args, **kwargs): rule_model = self._meta.get_field('matched_rules').related_model matched_rules = rule_model.objects.filter( scanner=self.scanner, name__in=self.extract_rule_names(), # See: is_active=True, ) self.has_matches = bool(matched_rules) # Save the instance first... super().save(*args, **kwargs) # ...then add the associated rules. for scanner_rule in matched_rules: self.matched_rules.add(scanner_rule) def get_scanner_name(self): return SCANNERS.get(self.scanner) def get_pretty_results(self): return json.dumps(self.results, indent=2) def get_files_by_matched_rules(self): res = defaultdict(list) if self.scanner is YARA: for item in self.results: res[item['rule']].append(item['meta'].get('filename', '???')) elif self.scanner is CUSTOMS: scanMap = self.results.get('scanMap', {}) for filename, rules in scanMap.items(): for ruleId, data in rules.items(): if data.get('RULE_HAS_MATCHED', False): res[ruleId].append(filename) return res def can_report_feedback(self): return ( self.has_matches and self.state == UNKNOWN and self.scanner != WAT ) def can_revert_feedback(self): return ( self.has_matches and self.state != UNKNOWN and self.scanner != WAT ) def get_git_repository(self): return { CUSTOMS: settings.CUSTOMS_GIT_REPOSITORY, YARA: settings.YARA_GIT_REPOSITORY, }.get(self.scanner) @classmethod def run_action(cls, version): """Try to find and execute an action for a given version, based on the scanner results and associated rules. If an action is found, it is run synchronously from this method, not in a task. """'Checking rules and actions for version %s.', rule_model = cls.matched_rules.rel.model result_query_name = cls._meta.get_field( 'matched_rules').related_query_name() rule = ( rule_model.objects.filter(**{ f'{result_query_name}__version': version, 'is_active': True, }) .order_by( # The `-` sign means descending order. '-action' ) .first() ) if not rule:'No action to execute for version %s.', return action_id = rule.action action_name = ACTIONS.get(action_id, None) if not action_name: raise Exception("invalid action %s" % action_id) ACTION_FUNCTIONS = { NO_ACTION: _no_action, FLAG_FOR_HUMAN_REVIEW: _flag_for_human_review, DELAY_AUTO_APPROVAL: _delay_auto_approval, DELAY_AUTO_APPROVAL_INDEFINITELY: ( _delay_auto_approval_indefinitely), } action_function = ACTION_FUNCTIONS.get(action_id, None) if not action_function: raise Exception("no implementation for action %s" % action_id) # We have a valid action to execute, so let's do it! 'Starting action "%s" for version %s.', action_name, action_function(version)'Ending action "%s" for version %s.', action_name,
def lookups(self, request, model_admin): return (('all', 'All'), *RESULT_STATES.items())
class ScannerResult(ModelBase): upload = models.ForeignKey( FileUpload, related_name='scanners_results', on_delete=models.SET_NULL, null=True, ) # Store the "raw" results of a scanner. results = JSONField(default=[]) scanner = models.PositiveSmallIntegerField(choices=SCANNERS.items()) version = models.ForeignKey( 'versions.Version', related_name='scanners_results', on_delete=models.CASCADE, null=True, ) has_matches = models.NullBooleanField() matched_rules = models.ManyToManyField( 'ScannerRule', through='ScannerMatch' ) state = models.PositiveSmallIntegerField( choices=RESULT_STATES.items(), null=True, blank=True, default=UNKNOWN ) class Meta: db_table = 'scanners_results' constraints = [ models.UniqueConstraint( fields=('upload', 'scanner', 'version'), name='scanners_results_upload_id_scanner_' 'version_id_ad9eb8a6_uniq', ) ] indexes = [ models.Index(fields=('has_matches',)), models.Index(fields=('state',)), ] def add_yara_result(self, rule, tags=None, meta=None): """This method is used to store a Yara result.""" self.results.append( {'rule': rule, 'tags': tags or [], 'meta': meta or {}} ) def extract_rule_names(self): """This method parses the raw results and returns the (matched) rule names. Not all scanners have rules that necessarily match.""" if self.scanner == YARA: return sorted({result['rule'] for result in self.results}) if self.scanner == CUSTOMS and 'matchedRules' in self.results: return self.results['matchedRules'] # We do not have support for the remaining scanners (yet). return [] def save(self, *args, **kwargs): matched_rules = ScannerRule.objects.filter( scanner=self.scanner, name__in=self.extract_rule_names() ) self.has_matches = bool(matched_rules) # Save the instance first... super().save(*args, **kwargs) # ...then add the associated rules. for scanner_rule in matched_rules: self.matched_rules.add(scanner_rule) def get_scanner_name(self): return SCANNERS.get(self.scanner) def get_pretty_results(self): return json.dumps(self.results, indent=2) def can_report_feedback(self): return ( self.has_matches and self.state == UNKNOWN and self.scanner != WAT ) def get_git_repository(self): return { CUSTOMS: settings.CUSTOMS_GIT_REPOSITORY, YARA: settings.YARA_GIT_REPOSITORY, }.get(self.scanner)