Exemple #1
def _run_yara_for_path(scanner_result, path, definition=None):
    with statsd.timer('devhub.yara'):
        if definition is None:
            # Retrieve then concatenate all the active/valid Yara rules.
            definition = '\n'.join(
                    scanner=YARA, is_active=True, definition__isnull=False
                ).values_list('definition', flat=True)

        rules = yara.compile(source=definition)

        zip_file = SafeZip(source=path)
        for zip_info in zip_file.info_list:
            if not zip_info.is_dir():
                file_content = zip_file.read(zip_info).decode(
                for match in rules.match(data=file_content):
                    # Add the filename to the meta dict.
                    meta = {**match.meta, 'filename': zip_info.filename}
Exemple #2
def run_yara(results, upload_pk):
    Apply a set of Yara rules on a FileUpload and store the Yara results

    This task is intended to be run as part of the submission process only.
    When a version is created from a FileUpload, the files are removed. In
    addition, we usually delete old FileUpload entries after 180 days.

    - `results` are the validation results passed in the validation chain. This
       task is a validation task, which is why it must receive the validation
       results as first argument.
    - `upload_pk` is the FileUpload ID.
    log.info('Starting yara task for FileUpload %s.', upload_pk)

    if not results['metadata']['is_webextension']:
        log.info('Not running yara for FileUpload %s, it is not a '
                 'webextension.', upload_pk)
        return results

    upload = FileUpload.objects.get(pk=upload_pk)

        scanner_result = ScannerResult(upload=upload, scanner=YARA)

        with statsd.timer('devhub.yara'):
            rules = yara.compile(filepath=settings.YARA_RULES_FILEPATH)

            zip_file = SafeZip(source=upload.path)
            for zip_info in zip_file.info_list:
                if not zip_info.is_dir():
                    file_content = zip_file.read(zip_info).decode(
                    for match in rules.match(data=file_content):
                        # Add the filename to the meta dict.
                        meta = {**match.meta, 'filename': zip_info.filename}


        if scanner_result.has_matches:

        log.info('Ending scanner "yara" task for FileUpload %s.', upload_pk)
    except Exception:
        # We log the exception but we do not raise to avoid perturbing the
        # submission flow.
        log.exception('Error in scanner "yara" task for FileUpload %s.',

    return results
Exemple #3
def build_webext_dictionary_from_legacy(addon, destination):
    """Create a webext package of a legacy dictionary `addon`, and put it in
    `destination` path."""
    from olympia.files.utils import SafeZip  # Avoid circular import.
    old_path = addon.current_version.all_files[0].file_path
    old_zip = SafeZip(old_path)
    if not old_zip.is_valid():
        raise ValidationError('Current dictionary xpi is not valid')

    if not addon.target_locale:
        raise ValidationError('Addon has no target_locale')

    dictionary_path = ''

    with zipfile.ZipFile(destination, 'w', zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) as new_zip:
        for obj in old_zip.filelist:
            splitted = obj.filename.split('/')
            # Ignore useless directories and files.
            if splitted[0] in ('META-INF', '__MACOSX', 'chrome',
                               'chrome.manifest', 'install.rdf'):

            # Also ignore javascript (regardless of where they are, not just at
            # the root), since dictionaries should not contain any code.
            if splitted[-1].endswith('.js'):

            # Store the path of the last .dic file we find. It can be inside a
            # directory.
            if (splitted[-1].endswith('.dic')):
                dictionary_path = obj.filename

            new_zip.writestr(obj.filename, old_zip.read(obj.filename))

        # Now that all files we want from the old zip are copied, build and
        # add manifest.json.
        if not dictionary_path:
            # This should not happen... It likely means it's an invalid
            # dictionary to begin with, or one that has its .dic file in a
            # chrome/ directory for some reason. Abort!
            raise ValidationError('Current dictionary xpi has no .dic file')

        # Dumb version number increment. This will be invalid in some cases,
        # but some of the dictionaries we have currently already have wild
        # version numbers anyway.
        version_number = addon.current_version.version
        if version_number.endswith('.1-typefix'):
            version_number = version_number.replace('.1-typefix', '.2webext')
            version_number = '%s.1webext' % version_number

        manifest = {
            'manifest_version': 2,
            'name': unicode(addon.name),
            'version': version_number,
            'dictionaries': {addon.target_locale: dictionary_path},

        # Write manifest.json we just build.
        new_zip.writestr('manifest.json', json.dumps(manifest))
Exemple #4
def rezip_file(response, pk):
    # An .xpi does not have a directory inside the zip, yet zips from github
    # do, so we'll need to rezip the file before passing it through to the
    # validator.
    loc = os.path.join(user_media_path('addons'), 'temp', uuid.uuid4().hex)
    old_filename = '{}_github_webhook.zip'.format(pk)
    old_path = os.path.join(loc, old_filename)

    with storage.open(old_path, 'wb') as old:

    new_filename = '{}_github_webhook.xpi'.format(pk)
    new_path = os.path.join(loc, new_filename)

    old_zip = SafeZip(old_path)
    if not old_zip.is_valid:

    with storage.open(new_path, 'w') as new:
        new_zip = zipfile.ZipFile(new, 'w')

        for obj in old_zip.filelist:
            # Basically strip off the leading directory.
            new_filename = obj.filename.partition('/')[-1]
            if not new_filename:
            new_zip.writestr(new_filename, old_zip.read(obj.filename))


    return new_path
Exemple #5
def rezip_file(response, pk):
    # An .xpi does not have a directory inside the zip, yet zips from github
    # do, so we'll need to rezip the file before passing it through to the
    # validator.
    loc = os.path.join(user_media_path('addons'), 'temp', uuid.uuid4().hex)
    old_filename = '{}_github_webhook.zip'.format(pk)
    old_path = os.path.join(loc, old_filename)

    with storage.open(old_path, 'wb') as old:

    new_filename = '{}_github_webhook.xpi'.format(pk)
    new_path = os.path.join(loc, new_filename)

    old_zip = SafeZip(old_path)
    if not old_zip.is_valid:

    with storage.open(new_path, 'w') as new:
        new_zip = zipfile.ZipFile(new, 'w')

        for obj in old_zip.filelist:
            # Basically strip off the leading directory.
            new_filename = obj.filename.partition('/')[-1]
            if not new_filename:
            new_zip.writestr(new_filename, old_zip.read(obj.filename))


    return new_path
Exemple #6
def check_for_api_keys_in_file(results, upload_pk):
    upload = FileUpload.objects.get(pk=upload_pk)

    if upload.addon:
        users = upload.addon.authors.all()
        users = [upload.user] if upload.user else []

    keys = []
    for user in users:
            key = APIKey.get_jwt_key(user_id=user.id)
        except APIKey.DoesNotExist:

        if len(keys) > 0:
            zipfile = SafeZip(source=upload.path)
            for zipinfo in zipfile.info_list:
                if zipinfo.file_size >= 64:
                    file_ = zipfile.read(zipinfo)
                    for key in keys:
                        if key.secret in file_.decode(errors='ignore'):
                            log.info('Developer API key for user %s found in '
                                     'submission.' % key.user)
                            if key.user == upload.user:
                                msg = gettext('Your developer API key was '
                                              'found in the submitted file. '
                                              'To protect your account, the '
                                              'key will be revoked.')
                                msg = gettext('The developer API key of a '
                                              'coauthor was found in the '
                                              'submitted file. To protect '
                                              'your add-on, the key will be '

                            # Revoke after 2 minutes to allow the developer to
                            # fetch the validation results
                                kwargs={'key_id': key.id}, countdown=120)
    except (ValidationError, BadZipFile, IOError):

    return results
Exemple #7
def run_yara(upload_pk):
    Apply a set of Yara rules on a FileUpload and store the results.

    This task is intended to be run as part of the submission process only.
    When a version is created from a FileUpload, the files are removed. In
    addition, we usually delete old FileUpload entries after 180 days.
    log.info('Starting yara task for FileUpload %s.', upload_pk)
    upload = FileUpload.objects.get(pk=upload_pk)

    if not upload.path.endswith('.xpi'):
        log.info('Not running yara for FileUpload %s, it is not a xpi file.',

        result = YaraResult()
        result.upload = upload

        with statsd.timer('devhub.yara'):
            rules = yara.compile(filepath=settings.YARA_RULES_FILEPATH)

            zip_file = SafeZip(source=upload.path)
            for zip_info in zip_file.info_list:
                if not zip_info.is_dir():
                    file_content = zip_file.read(zip_info).decode(
                    for match in rules.match(data=file_content):
                        # Add the filename to the meta dict.
                        meta = {**match.meta, 'filename': zip_info.filename}


        log.info('Ending yara task for FileUpload %s.', upload_pk)
    except Exception:
        # We log the exception but we do not raise to avoid perturbing the
        # submission flow.
        log.exception('Error in yara task for FileUpload %s.', upload_pk)
    def get_localepicker(self):
        For a file that is part of a language pack, extract
        the chrome/localepicker.properties file and return as
        a string.
        start = time.time()
        zip = SafeZip(self.file_path, raise_on_failure=False)
        if not zip.is_valid():
            return ''

            manifest = zip.read('chrome.manifest')
        except KeyError, e:
            log.info('No file named: chrome.manifest in file: %s' % self.pk)
            return ''
Exemple #9
    def get_localepicker(self):
        For a file that is part of a language pack, extract
        the chrome/localepicker.properties file and return as
        a string.
        start = time.time()
        zip = SafeZip(self.file_path, raise_on_failure=False)
        if not zip.is_valid():
            return ''

            manifest = zip.read('chrome.manifest')
        except KeyError, e:
            log.info('No file named: chrome.manifest in file: %s' % self.pk)
            return ''
Exemple #10
def annotate_legacy_addon_restrictions(path, results, parsed_data, error=True):
    Annotate validation results to restrict uploads of legacy
    (non-webextension) add-ons.
    # We can be broad here. Search plugins are not validated through this
    # path and as of right now (Jan 2019) there aren't any legacy type
    # add-ons allowed to submit anymore.
    msg = ugettext(u'Legacy extensions are no longer supported in Firefox.')

    description = ugettext(
        u'Add-ons for Thunderbird and SeaMonkey are now listed and '
        u'maintained on addons.thunderbird.net. You can use the same '
        u'account to update your add-ons on the new site.')

    # `parsed_data` only contains the most minimal amount of data because
    # we aren't in the right context. Let's explicitly fetch the add-ons
    # apps so that we can adjust the messaging to the user.
    xpi = get_file(path)
    extractor = RDFExtractor(SafeZip(xpi))

    targets_thunderbird_or_seamonkey = False
    thunderbird_or_seamonkey = {amo.THUNDERBIRD.guid, amo.SEAMONKEY.guid}

    for ctx in extractor.rdf.objects(None, extractor.uri('targetApplication')):
        if extractor.find('id', ctx) in thunderbird_or_seamonkey:
            targets_thunderbird_or_seamonkey = True

    description = description if targets_thunderbird_or_seamonkey else []

                              type_='error' if error else 'warning',
Exemple #11
 def clean_source(self):
     source = self.cleaned_data.get('source')
     if source:
             if source.name.endswith('.zip'):
                 zip_file = SafeZip(source)
                 # testzip() returns None if there are no broken CRCs.
                 if zip_file.zip_file.testzip() is not None:
                     raise zipfile.BadZipfile()
             elif source.name.endswith(('.tar.gz', '.tar.bz2')):
                 # For tar files we need to do a little more work.
                 # Fortunately tarfile.open() already handles compression
                 # formats for us automatically.
                 with tarfile.open(fileobj=source) as archive:
                     archive_members = archive.getmembers()
                     for member in archive_members:
                         archive_member_validator(archive, member)
                 valid_extensions_string = u'(%s)' % u', '.join(
                 raise forms.ValidationError(
                         'Unsupported file type, please upload an archive '
                         'file {extensions}.'.format(
         except (zipfile.BadZipfile, tarfile.ReadError, IOError):
             raise forms.ValidationError(
                 ugettext('Invalid or broken archive.'))
     return source
Exemple #12
    def test_invalid_zip_encoding(self):
        with pytest.raises(forms.ValidationError) as exc:

        assert isinstance(exc.value, forms.ValidationError)
        assert exc.value.message.endswith(
            'Please make sure all filenames are utf-8 or latin1 encoded.')
Exemple #13
    def to_internal_value(self, data):
        data = super().to_internal_value(data)

        # Ensure the file type is one we support.
        if not data.name.endswith(VALID_SOURCE_EXTENSIONS):
            error_msg = (
                'Unsupported file type, please upload an archive file ({extensions}).'
            raise exceptions.ValidationError(
                    extensions=(', '.join(VALID_SOURCE_EXTENSIONS))))

        # Check inside to see if the file extension matches the content.
            _, ext = os.path.splitext(data.name)
            if ext == '.zip':
                # testzip() returns None if there are no broken CRCs.
                if SafeZip(data).zip_file.testzip() is not None:
                    raise zipfile.BadZipFile()
                # For tar files we need to do a little more work.
                mode = 'r:bz2' if ext == '.bz2' else 'r:gz'
                with tarfile.open(mode=mode, fileobj=data) as archive:
                    for member in archive.getmembers():
                        archive_member_validator(archive, member)
        except (zipfile.BadZipFile, tarfile.ReadError, OSError, EOFError):
            raise exceptions.ValidationError('Invalid or broken archive.')

        return data
Exemple #14
def check_for_api_keys_in_file(results, upload):
    if upload.addon:
        users = upload.addon.authors.all()
        users = [upload.user] if upload.user else []

    keys = []
    for user in users:
            key = APIKey.get_jwt_key(user_id=user.id)
        except APIKey.DoesNotExist:

    if len(keys) > 0:
        zipfile = SafeZip(source=upload.path)
        for zipinfo in zipfile.info_list:
            if zipinfo.file_size >= 64:
                file_ = zipfile.read(zipinfo)
                for key in keys:
                    if key.secret in file_.decode(encoding='unicode-escape',
                        log.info('Developer API key for user %s found in '
                                 'submission.' % key.user)
                        if key.user == upload.user:
                            msg = ugettext('Your developer API key was found '
                                           'in the submitted file. To protect '
                                           'your account, the key will be '
                            msg = ugettext('The developer API key of a '
                                           'coauthor was found in the '
                                           'submitted file. To protect your '
                                           'add-on, the key will be revoked.')
                            results, type_='error',
                            message=msg, msg_id='api_key_detected',

                        # Revoke after 2 minutes to allow the developer to
                        # fetch the validation results
                            kwargs={'key_id': key.id}, countdown=120)

    return results
Exemple #15
def _run_yara_for_path(scanner_result, path, definition=None):
    Inner function to run yara on a particular path and add results to the
    given scanner_result. The caller is responsible for saving the
    scanner_result to the database.

    Takes an optional definition to run a single arbitrary yara rule, otherwise
    uses all active yara ScannerRules.
    with statsd.timer('devhub.yara'):
        if definition is None:
            # Retrieve then concatenate all the active/valid Yara rules.
            definition = '\n'.join(
                    scanner=YARA, is_active=True, definition__isnull=False
                ).values_list('definition', flat=True)
        # Initialize external variables so that compilation works, we'll
        # override them later when matching.
        externals = ScannerRule.get_yara_externals()
        rules = yara.compile(source=definition, externals=externals)

        zip_file = SafeZip(source=path)
        for zip_info in zip_file.info_list:
            if not zip_info.is_dir():
                file_content = zip_file.read(zip_info).decode(
                filename = zip_info.filename
                # Fill externals variable for this file.
                externals['is_json_file'] = filename.endswith('.json')
                externals['is_manifest_file'] = filename == 'manifest.json'
                externals['is_locale_file'] = (
                    filename.startswith('_locales/') and
                for match in rules.match(
                        data=file_content, externals=externals):
                    # Also add the filename to the meta dict in results.
                    meta = {**match.meta, 'filename': filename}
Exemple #16
    def get_localepicker(self):
        For a file that is part of a language pack, extract
        the chrome/localepicker.properties file and return as
        a string.
        start = time.time()
        zip = SafeZip(self.file_path, validate=False)

            is_valid = zip.is_valid()
        except (zipfile.BadZipfile, IOError):
            is_valid = False

        if not is_valid:
            return ''

            manifest = zip.read('chrome.manifest')
        except KeyError as e:
            log.info('No file named: chrome.manifest in file: %s' % self.pk)
            return ''

        res = self._get_localepicker.search(manifest)
        if not res:
            log.error('Locale browser not in chrome.manifest: %s' % self.pk)
            return ''

            p = res.groups()[1]
            if 'localepicker.properties' not in p:
                p = os.path.join(p, 'localepicker.properties')
            res = zip.extract_from_manifest(p)
        except (zipfile.BadZipfile, IOError) as e:
            log.error('Error unzipping: %s, %s in file: %s' % (p, e, self.pk))
            return ''
        except (ValueError, KeyError) as e:
            log.error('No file named: %s in file: %s' % (e, self.pk))
            return ''

        end = time.time() - start
        log.info('Extracted localepicker file: %s in %.2fs' %
                 (self.pk, end))
        statsd.timing('files.extract.localepicker', (end * 1000))
        return res
Exemple #17
    def get_localepicker(self):
        For a file that is part of a language pack, extract
        the chrome/localepicker.properties file and return as
        a string.
        start = time.time()
        zip = SafeZip(self.file_path, validate=False)

            is_valid = zip.is_valid()
        except (zipfile.BadZipfile, IOError):
            is_valid = False

        if not is_valid:
            return ''

            manifest = zip.read('chrome.manifest')
        except KeyError as e:
            log.info('No file named: chrome.manifest in file: %s' % self.pk)
            return ''

        res = self._get_localepicker.search(manifest)
        if not res:
            log.error('Locale browser not in chrome.manifest: %s' % self.pk)
            return ''

            p = res.groups()[1]
            if 'localepicker.properties' not in p:
                p = os.path.join(p, 'localepicker.properties')
            res = zip.extract_from_manifest(p)
        except (zipfile.BadZipfile, IOError) as e:
            log.error('Error unzipping: %s, %s in file: %s' % (p, e, self.pk))
            return ''
        except (ValueError, KeyError) as e:
            log.error('No file named: %s in file: %s' % (e, self.pk))
            return ''

        end = time.time() - start
        log.info('Extracted localepicker file: %s in %.2fs' %
                 (self.pk, end))
        statsd.timing('files.extract.localepicker', (end * 1000))
        return res
Exemple #18
def extract_strict_compatibility_value_for_addon(addon):
    strict_compatibility = None  # We don't know yet.
        # We take a shortcut here and only look at the first file we
        # find...
        # Note that we can't use parse_addon() wrapper because it no longer
        # exposes the real value of `strictCompatibility`...
        path = addon.current_version.all_files[0].file_path
        zip_file = SafeZip(get_file(path))
        parser = RDFExtractor(zip_file)
        strict_compatibility = parser.find('strictCompatibility') == 'true'
    except Exception as exp:
        # A number of things can go wrong: missing file, path somehow not
        # existing, etc. In any case, that means the add-on is in a weird
        # state and should be ignored (this is a one off task).
        log.exception(u'bump_appver_for_legacy_addons: ignoring addon %d, '
                      u'received %s when extracting.', addon.pk, unicode(exp))
    return strict_compatibility
Exemple #19
 def test_is_broken(self):
     zip_file = SafeZip(self.xpi_path('signed'))
     zip_file.info_list[2].filename = 'META-INF/foo.sf'
     assert not zip_file.is_signed()
Exemple #20
 def test_is_secure(self):
     zip_file = SafeZip(self.xpi_path('signed'))
     assert zip_file.is_signed()
Exemple #21
 def test_not_secure(self):
     zip_file = SafeZip(self.xpi_path('extension'))
     assert not zip_file.is_signed()
 def test_unzip_not_fatal(self):
     zip_file = SafeZip(self.xpi_path('search.xml'), raise_on_failure=False)
     assert not zip_file.is_valid()
Exemple #23
 def test_read(self):
     zip_file = SafeZip(self.xpi_path('langpack-localepicker'))
     assert zip_file.is_valid
     assert b'locale browser de' in zip_file.read('chrome.manifest')
Exemple #24
 def test_unzip_not_fatal(self):
     zip_file = SafeZip(self.xpi_path('search.xml'), raise_on_failure=False)
     assert not zip_file.is_valid()
Exemple #25
    def extract_and_commit_from_file_obj(cls, file_obj, channel, author=None):
        """Extract all files from `file_obj` and comit them.

        This is doing the following:

        * Create a temporary `git worktree`_
        * Remove all files in that worktree
        * Extract the zip behind `file_obj` into the worktree
        * Commit all files

        Kinda like doing::

            $ workdir_name=$(uuid)
            $ mkdir /tmp/$workdir_name
            $ git worktree add /tmp/$workdir_name
            Preparing worktree (new branch 'af4172e4-d8c7…')
            HEAD is now at 8c5223e Initial commit

            $ git worktree list
            /tmp/addon-repository                      8c5223e [master]
            /tmp/af4172e4-d8c7-4486-a5f2-316458da91ff  8c5223e [af4172e4-d8c7…]

            $ unzip dingrafowl-falcockalo-lockapionk.zip -d /tmp/$workdir_name
            Archive:  dingrafowl-falcockalo-lockapionk.zip
             extracting: /tmp/af4172e4-d8c7…/manifest.json

            $ pushd /tmp/$workdir_name
            /tmp/af4172e4-d8c7-4486-a5f2-316458da91ff /tmp/addon-repository

            $ git status
            On branch af4172e4-d8c7-4486-a5f2-316458da91ff
            Untracked files:
              (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)


            $ git add *
            $ git commit -a -m "Creating new version"
            [af4172e4-d8c7-4486-a5f2-316458da91ff c4285f8] Creating new version
            $ cd addon-repository
            $ git checkout -b listed
            Switched to a new branch 'listed'

            # We don't technically do a full cherry-pick but it's close enough
            # and does almost what we do. We are technically commiting
            # directly on top of the branch as if we checked out the branch
            # in the worktree (via -b) but pygit doesn't properly support that
            # so we "simply" set the parents correctly.
            $ git cherry-pick c4285f8
            [listed a4d0f63] Creating new version…

        This ignores the fact that there may be a race-condition of two
        versions being created at the same time. Since all relevant file based
        work is done in a temporary worktree there won't be any conflicts and
        usually the last upload simply wins the race and we're setting the
        HEAD of the branch (listed/unlisted) to that specific commit.

        .. _`git worktree`: https://git-scm.com/docs/git-worktree
        # Make sure we're always using the en-US locale by default

        addon = file_obj.version.addon
        repo = cls(addon.id)

        branch = repo.find_or_create_branch(BRANCHES[channel])

        # Create a temporary worktree that we can use to unpack the zip
        # without disturbing the current git workdir since it creates a new
        # temporary directory where we extract to.
        with TemporaryWorktree(repo.git_repository) as worktree:
            # Now extract the zip to the workdir
            zip_file = SafeZip(file_obj.current_file_path, force_fsync=True)

            # Stage changes, `TemporaryWorktree` always cleans the whole
            # directory so we can simply add all changes and have the correct
            # state.

            # Add all changes to the index (git add ...)

            tree = worktree.repo.index.write_tree()

            # Now create an commit directly on top of the respective branch

            message = (
                'Create new version {version} ({version_id}) for '
                '{addon} from {file_obj}'.format(

            oid = worktree.repo.create_commit(
                # author, using the actual uploading user
                # committer, using addons-robot because that's the user
                # actually doing the commit.
                repo.get_author(),  # commiter, using addons-robot
                # Set the current branch HEAD as the parent of this commit
                # so that it'll go straight into the branches commit log

            # Fetch the commit object
            commit = worktree.repo.get(oid)

            # And set the commit we just created as HEAD of the relevant
            # branch, and updates the reflog. This does not require any
            # merges.

        # Set the latest git hash on the related version.
        return repo
 def test_read(self):
     zip_file = SafeZip(self.xpi_path('langpack-localepicker'))
     assert zip_file.is_valid()
     assert 'locale browser de' in zip_file.read('chrome.manifest')
 def test_not_secure(self):
     zip_file = SafeZip(self.xpi_path('extension'))
     assert not zip_file.is_signed()
 def test_is_secure(self):
     zip_file = SafeZip(self.xpi_path('signed'))
     assert zip_file.is_signed()
 def test_is_broken(self):
     zip_file = SafeZip(self.xpi_path('signed'))
     zip_file.info_list[2].filename = 'META-INF/foo.sf'
     assert not zip_file.is_signed()
Exemple #30
def build_webext_dictionary_from_legacy(addon, destination):
    """Create a webext package of a legacy dictionary `addon`, and put it in
    `destination` path."""
    from olympia.files.utils import SafeZip  # Avoid circular import.
    old_path = addon.current_version.all_files[0].file_path
    old_zip = SafeZip(old_path)
    if not old_zip.is_valid:
        raise ValidationError('Current dictionary xpi is not valid')

    dictionary_path = ''

    with zipfile.ZipFile(destination, 'w', zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) as new_zip:
        for obj in old_zip.filelist:
            splitted = obj.filename.split('/')
            # Ignore useless directories and files.
            if splitted[0] in ('META-INF', '__MACOSX', 'chrome',
                               'chrome.manifest', 'install.rdf'):

            # Also ignore javascript (regardless of where they are, not just at
            # the root), since dictionaries should not contain any code.
            if splitted[-1].endswith('.js'):

            # Store the path of the last .dic file we find. It can be inside a
            # directory.
            if (splitted[-1].endswith('.dic')):
                dictionary_path = obj.filename

            new_zip.writestr(obj.filename, old_zip.read(obj.filename))

        # Now that all files we want from the old zip are copied, build and
        # add manifest.json.
        if not dictionary_path:
            # This should not happen... It likely means it's an invalid
            # dictionary to begin with, or one that has its .dic file in a
            # chrome/ directory for some reason. Abort!
            raise ValidationError('Current dictionary xpi has no .dic file')

        if addon.target_locale:
            target_language = addon.target_locale
            # Guess target_locale since we don't have one already. Note that
            # for extra confusion, target_locale is a language, not a locale.
            target_language = to_language(
            if target_language not in settings.AMO_LANGUAGES:
                # We couldn't find that language in the list we support. Let's
                # try with just the prefix.
                target_language = target_language.split('-')[0]
                if target_language not in settings.AMO_LANGUAGES:
                    # We tried our best.
                    raise ValidationError(u'Addon has no target_locale and we'
                                          u' could not guess one from the xpi')

        # Dumb version number increment. This will be invalid in some cases,
        # but some of the dictionaries we have currently already have wild
        # version numbers anyway.
        version_number = addon.current_version.version
        if version_number.endswith('.1-typefix'):
            version_number = version_number.replace('.1-typefix', '.2webext')
            version_number = '%s.1webext' % version_number

        manifest = {
            'manifest_version': 2,
            'name': unicode(addon.name),
            'browser_specific_settings': {
                'gecko': {
                    'id': addon.guid,
            'version': version_number,
            'dictionaries': {
                target_language: dictionary_path

        # Write manifest.json we just build.
        new_zip.writestr('manifest.json', json.dumps(manifest))
Exemple #31
 def test_unzip_limit(self):
     with pytest.raises(forms.ValidationError):
Exemple #32
 def test_unzip_fatal(self):
     with pytest.raises(zipfile.BadZipfile):
def build_webext_dictionary_from_legacy(addon, destination):
    """Create a webext package of a legacy dictionary `addon`, and put it in
    `destination` path."""
    from olympia.files.utils import SafeZip  # Avoid circular import.
    old_path = addon.current_version.all_files[0].file_path
    old_zip = SafeZip(old_path)
    if not old_zip.is_valid:
        raise ValidationError('Current dictionary xpi is not valid')

    dictionary_path = ''

    with zipfile.ZipFile(destination, 'w', zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) as new_zip:
        for obj in old_zip.filelist:
            splitted = obj.filename.split('/')
            # Ignore useless directories and files.
            if splitted[0] in ('META-INF', '__MACOSX', 'chrome',
                               'chrome.manifest', 'install.rdf'):

            # Also ignore javascript (regardless of where they are, not just at
            # the root), since dictionaries should not contain any code.
            if splitted[-1].endswith('.js'):

            # Store the path of the last .dic file we find. It can be inside a
            # directory.
            if (splitted[-1].endswith('.dic')):
                dictionary_path = obj.filename

            new_zip.writestr(obj.filename, old_zip.read(obj.filename))

        # Now that all files we want from the old zip are copied, build and
        # add manifest.json.
        if not dictionary_path:
            # This should not happen... It likely means it's an invalid
            # dictionary to begin with, or one that has its .dic file in a
            # chrome/ directory for some reason. Abort!
            raise ValidationError('Current dictionary xpi has no .dic file')

        if addon.target_locale:
            target_language = addon.target_locale
            # Guess target_locale since we don't have one already. Note that
            # for extra confusion, target_locale is a language, not a locale.
            target_language = to_language(os.path.splitext(
            if target_language not in settings.AMO_LANGUAGES:
                # We couldn't find that language in the list we support. Let's
                # try with just the prefix.
                target_language = target_language.split('-')[0]
                if target_language not in settings.AMO_LANGUAGES:
                    # We tried our best.
                    raise ValidationError(u'Addon has no target_locale and we'
                                          u' could not guess one from the xpi')

        # Dumb version number increment. This will be invalid in some cases,
        # but some of the dictionaries we have currently already have wild
        # version numbers anyway.
        version_number = addon.current_version.version
        if version_number.endswith('.1-typefix'):
            version_number = version_number.replace('.1-typefix', '.2webext')
            version_number = '%s.1webext' % version_number

        manifest = {
            'manifest_version': 2,
            'name': unicode(addon.name),
            'applications': {
                'gecko': {
                    'id': addon.guid,
            'version': version_number,
            'dictionaries': {target_language: dictionary_path},

        # Write manifest.json we just build.
        new_zip.writestr('manifest.json', json.dumps(manifest))
Exemple #34
    def extract_and_commit_from_file_obj(cls, file_obj, channel, author=None):
        """Extract all files from `file_obj` and comit them.

        This is doing the following:

        * Create a temporary `git worktree`_
        * Remove all files in that worktree
        * Extract the zip behind `file_obj` into the worktree
        * Commit all files

        Kinda like doing::

            $ workdir_name=$(uuid)
            $ mkdir /tmp/$workdir_name
            $ git worktree add /tmp/$workdir_name
            Preparing worktree (new branch 'af4172e4-d8c7…')
            HEAD is now at 8c5223e Initial commit

            $ git worktree list
            /tmp/addon-repository                      8c5223e [master]
            /tmp/af4172e4-d8c7-4486-a5f2-316458da91ff  8c5223e [af4172e4-d8c7…]

            $ unzip dingrafowl-falcockalo-lockapionk.zip -d /tmp/$workdir_name
            Archive:  dingrafowl-falcockalo-lockapionk.zip
             extracting: /tmp/af4172e4-d8c7…/manifest.json

            $ pushd /tmp/$workdir_name
            /tmp/af4172e4-d8c7-4486-a5f2-316458da91ff /tmp/addon-repository

            $ git status
            On branch af4172e4-d8c7-4486-a5f2-316458da91ff
            Untracked files:
              (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)


            $ git add *
            $ git commit -a -m "Creating new version"
            [af4172e4-d8c7-4486-a5f2-316458da91ff c4285f8] Creating new version
            $ cd addon-repository
            $ git checkout -b listed
            Switched to a new branch 'listed'

            # We don't technically do a full cherry-pick but it's close enough
            # and does almost what we do. We are technically commiting
            # directly on top of the branch as if we checked out the branch
            # in the worktree (via -b) but pygit doesn't properly support that
            # so we "simply" set the parents correctly.
            $ git cherry-pick c4285f8
            [listed a4d0f63] Creating new version…

        This ignores the fact that there may be a race-condition of two
        versions being created at the same time. Since all relevant file based
        work is done in a temporary worktree there won't be any conflicts and
        usually the last upload simply wins the race and we're setting the
        HEAD of the branch (listed/unlisted) to that specific commit.

        .. _`git worktree`: https://git-scm.com/docs/git-worktree
        # Make sure we're always using the en-US locale by default

        addon = file_obj.version.addon
        repo = cls(addon.id)

        branch = repo.find_or_create_branch(BRANCHES[channel])

        # Create a temporary worktree that we can use to unpack the zip
        # without disturbing the current git workdir since it creates a new
        # temporary directory where we extract to.
        with TemporaryWorktree(repo.git_repository) as worktree:
            # Now extract the zip to the workdir
            zip_file = SafeZip(file_obj.current_file_path, force_fsync=True)

            # Stage changes, `TemporaryWorktree` always cleans the whole
            # directory so we can simply add all changes and have the correct
            # state.

            # Add all changes to the index (git add ...)

            tree = worktree.repo.index.write_tree()

            # Now create an commit directly on top of the respective branch

            message = ('Create new version {version} ({version_id}) for '
                       '{addon} from {file_obj}'.format(

            oid = worktree.repo.create_commit(
                # author, using the actual uploading user
                # committer, using addons-robot because that's the user
                # actually doing the commit.
                repo.get_author(),  # commiter, using addons-robot
                # Set the current branch HEAD as the parent of this commit
                # so that it'll go straight into the branches commit log

            # Fetch the commit object
            commit = worktree.repo.get(oid)

            # And set the commit we just created as HEAD of the relevant
            # branch, and updates the reflog. This does not require any
            # merges.

        # Set the latest git hash on the related version.
        return repo