Exemple #1
def test_parse_admit():
    t = '''

   admit 1933  zb1 1001
	       1002 2001 3001
   admit 8738  qm9  ez0

    ret = [['1933', to_int('zb1'), '1001', '1002', '2001', '3001'],
           ['8738', to_int('qm9'), to_int('ez0')]]
    assert turnparser.parse_admit(t) == ret
Exemple #2
def check_where(data, unit, loc):
    Used by other tests to verify that unit is in loc and vice-versa.
    Does not work for unique items.
    unitint = to_int(str(unit))
    locint = to_int(str(loc))
    assert ' item ' not in data[unitint].get('firstline', '')
    assert data[unitint]['LI']['wh'] == [locint]

    # this will throw ValueError if it fails
    assert data[locint]['LI']['hl'].index(unitint) >= 0
Exemple #3
def test_parse_faction():
    t = '''

Admit permissions:

   admit 4256  ja1 ad3
   admit 7611 6124
   admit 9724  ja1
   admit 9774  ja1

Declared attitudes:
   defend   ad3
   hostile  ez0
   neutral  hv5  hx7

Unclaimed items:

      qty  name				     weight
      ---  ----				     ------
    4,330  gold [1]				  0  
	5  riding horses [52]		      5,000  ride 750
      100  stone [78]			     10,000  

    ret = {'ad': [to_int('ad3'), to_int('zz1')],
           'ah': [to_int('ez0')],
           'PL': {'am': [['4256', '52341', '50033'],
                         ['7611', '6124'],
                         ['9724', '52341'],
                         ['9774', '52341']]},
           'an': [to_int('hv5'), to_int('hx7')],
           'il': ['1', '4330',
                  '52', '5',
                  '78', '100']}
    data = {'1000': {}}
    turnparser.parse_faction(t, '1000', data)
    assert data['1000'] == ret
Exemple #4
def test_oid():
    for oid, oint in oid_to_int.items():
        assert to_int(oid) == str(oint)
        assert to_oid(oint) == oid
        assert to_oid(int(oint)) == oid

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        for oid in invalid_oid:

    for oint in range(1000, 100002):
        assert to_int(to_oid(oint)) == str(oint)

    data = {}
    intoid = allocate_oid(data, 'NNNN')
    oid = to_oid(intoid)
    assert len(oid) == 4
    assert oid.isdigit()
    intoid = allocate_oid(data, 'CCNN')
    oid = to_oid(intoid)
    assert len(oid) == 4
    assert oid[0:2].isalpha()
    assert oid[2:].isdigit()
Exemple #5
from jinja2 import Environment, PackageLoader, select_autoescape
from olymap.loc import build_complete_loc_dict
from olymap.ship import build_complete_ship_dict
from olymap.char import build_complete_char_dict
from olymap.item import build_complete_item_dict
from olymap.skill import build_complete_skill_dict
from olymap.storm import build_complete_storm_dict
from olymap.player import build_complete_player_dict

import olymap.utilities as u
import olymap.reports as reports
from olymap.maps import write_index, write_map_leaves, write_top_map, write_bitmap
from olymap.legacy import create_map_matrix, write_legacy_bitmap, write_legacy_top_map, write_legacy_map_leaves

inlib = sys.argv[1]
data = oio.read_lib(inlib)
dbck.check_db(data, fix=True, checknames=True)
rec_id = ' '
rec_id = input('Enter record id ("0" to exit): ')
while rec_id != '0':
        rec_id_conv = to_int(rec_id)
            print('Invalid key')
        print('Invalid key')
    rec_id = input('Enter record id ("0" to exit): ')
Exemple #6
def test_parse_market_report():
    t = '''
  trade    who   price    qty   wt/ea   item      
  -----    ---   -----    ---   -----   ----    
    buy    m19       7     17       5   clay pots [95]    
    buy    m19      65      3   1,000   riding horses [52]    
    buy    m19      83     38      43   tea [t526]    
   sell    m19   1,000      5   2,000   oxen [76]    
   sell    2002     80      3   2,000   oxen [76]    
   sell    m19     130      3   1,000   riding horses [52]    
   sell    m19      82     41      80   fine cloaks [g950]    
   sell    m19      11     27     100   salt [r384]    
    r_all = ['1',           '95', '17',   '7', '0', '0', '0', '0',
             '4',           '95', '17',   '7', '0', '0', '0', '0',
             '1',           '52',  '3',  '65', '0', '0', '0', '0',
             '4',           '52',  '3',  '65', '0', '0', '0', '0',
             '1', to_int('t526'), '38',  '83', '0', '0', '0', '0',
             '4', to_int('t526'), '38',  '83', '0', '0', '0', '0',
             '2',           '76',  '5','1000', '0', '0', '0', '0',
             '3',           '76',  '5','1000', '0', '0', '0', '0',
             '2',           '76',  '3',  '80', '0', '0', '0', '0',
             '3',           '76',  '3',  '80', '0', '0', '0', '0',
             '2',           '52',  '3', '130', '0', '0', '0', '0',
             '3',           '52',  '3', '130', '0', '0', '0', '0',
             '2', to_int('g950'), '41',  '82', '0', '0', '0', '0',
             '3', to_int('g950'), '41',  '82', '0', '0', '0', '36',
             '2', to_int('r384'), '27',  '11', '0', '0', '0', '0',
             '3', to_int('r384'), '27',  '11', '0', '0', '0', '36',
             '1',           '93', '80',  '17', '0', '0', '0', '0',
             '4',           '93', '80',  '17', '0', '0', '0', '0']
    r_cty = ['1',           '95', '17',   '7', '0', '0', '0', '0',
             '4',           '95', '17',   '7', '0', '0', '0', '0',
             '1',           '52',  '3',  '65', '0', '0', '0', '0',
             '4',           '52',  '3',  '65', '0', '0', '0', '0',
             '1', to_int('t526'), '38',  '83', '0', '0', '0', '0',
             '4', to_int('t526'), '38',  '83', '0', '0', '0', '0',
             '2',           '76',  '5','1000', '0', '0', '0', '0',
             '3',           '76',  '5','1000', '0', '0', '0', '0',
             '2',           '52',  '3', '130', '0', '0', '0', '0',
             '3',           '52',  '3', '130', '0', '0', '0', '0',
             '2', to_int('g950'), '41',  '82', '0', '0', '0', '0',
             '3', to_int('g950'), '41',  '82', '0', '0', '0', '36',
             '2', to_int('r384'), '27',  '11', '0', '0', '0', '0',
             '3', to_int('r384'), '27',  '11', '0', '0', '0', '36',
             '1',           '93', '80',  '17', '0', '0', '0', '0',
             '4',           '93', '80',  '17', '0', '0', '0', '0']
    data = {}
    data_out = {'64950': {'IT': {'bp': ['82'], 'pl': ['fine cloaks'], 'wt': ['80']},
                          'firstline': ['64950 item tradegood'],
                          'na': ['fine cloaks']},
                '72384': {'IT': {'bp': ['11'], 'pl': ['salt'], 'wt': ['100']},
                          'firstline': ['72384 item tradegood'],
                          'na': ['salt']},
                '74526': {'IT': {'bp': ['83'], 'pl': ['tea'], 'wt': ['43']},
                          'firstline': ['74526 item tradegood'],
                          'na': ['tea']}}

    assert turnparser.parse_market_report(t, data) == r_all
    assert data == data_out

    data = {}
    data_out = {'64950': {'IT': {'bp': ['82'], 'pl': ['fine cloaks'], 'wt': ['80']},
                          'firstline': ['64950 item tradegood'],
                          'na': ['fine cloaks']},
                '72384': {'IT': {'bp': ['11'], 'pl': ['salt'], 'wt': ['100']},
                          'firstline': ['72384 item tradegood'],
                          'na': ['salt']},
                '74526': {'IT': {'bp': ['83'], 'pl': ['tea'], 'wt': ['43']},
                          'firstline': ['74526 item tradegood'],
                          'na': ['tea']}}

    assert turnparser.parse_market_report(t, data, include=to_int('m19')) == r_cty
    assert data == data_out
Exemple #7
def test_parse_location_top():
    t = 'Forest [ah08], forest, in Acaren, wilderness'
    ret = ['Forest', to_int('ah08'), 'forest', 0, 'Acaren', 0, 0, 0]
    assert turnparser.parse_location_top(t) == ret
    assert turnparser.regions_set == set(('Cloudlands', 'Great Sea', 'Hades', 'Undercity',
                                          'Acaren', 'Nowhere', 'Subworld', 'Faery'))
Exemple #8
def test_parse_attitudes():
    t = '''

      defend   ad3  ez0  ig7  ja1  qm9
      Hostile  ad3
      neutral  ad3

    ret = {'defend': [to_int('ad3'), to_int('ez0'), to_int('ig7'), to_int('ja1'), to_int('qm9')],
           'hostile': [to_int('ad3')],
           'neutral': [to_int('ad3')]}
    assert turnparser.parse_attitudes(t) == ret

    t = '''

   defend   ad3  dk3  dq4  

    ret = {'defend': [to_int('ad3'), to_int('dk3'), to_int('dq4'), to_int('jq9')]}
    assert turnparser.parse_attitudes(t) == ret
Exemple #9
def test_parse_location():
    t = '''Forest [bf23], forest, in Grinter, safe haven, civ-2
Routes leaving Forest:
   North, to Forest [bd23], 8 days
   East, to Ocean [bf24], Great Sea, impassable
   South, to Ocean [bg23], Great Sea, impassable
   West, to Forest [bf22], 8 days

Inner locations:
   Wildefort [h63], port city, safe haven, 1 day
   A magical barrier surrounds Wildefort [h63].
   Phra Ratchawang [9900], castle, defense 80, level 6, owner:
      Morathron [9901], earl, sorcerer, "Black raven on silver moon", with
      727 crossbowmen, 565 elite archers, 13 riding horses, accompanied by:
         Jaturong [9902], sorcerer, wearing Phra Ram Amulet [x528], with
         69 pikemen, four riding horses, one hound
         Anton [9903], wizard, with one riding horse, 38 workers,
         143 swordsmen, 173 giant lizards
      Chulalongkorn [9904], tower, defense 40

It is raining.
It is windy.
   Rain [109999], storm, strength 2
   Wind [85687], storm, owner 8910, strength 33

Seen here:
   Gus McCrae [2554], with five peasants, accompanied by:
      New noble [6386], with one peasant, one worker

    r = {'12323': {'LI': {'wh': ['Grinter']},
                   'LO': {'pd': ['0', '0', '12423', '0']},
                   'firstline': ['12323 loc forest'],
                   'il': ['77', '30', '10', '10', '96', '50', '101', '1', '276', '1', '274', '1'],
                   'na': ['Forest']},
         '12422': {'LI': {'wh': ['Grinter']},
                   'LO': {'pd': ['0', '12423', '0', '0']},
                   'firstline': ['12422 loc forest'],
                   'il': ['77', '30', '10', '10', '96', '50', '101', '1', '276', '1', '274', '1'],
                   'na': ['Forest']},
         '12423': {'LI': {'hl': ['57423', '9900'], 'wh': ['Grinter']},
                   'LO': {'lc': ['2'], 'pd': ['12323', '12424', '12523', '12422']},
                   'SL': {'sh': ['1']},
                   'firstline': ['12423 loc forest'],
                   # alas this one is sorted by the tax computation
                   'il': ['10', '10', '77', '30', '96', '150', '101', '1', '274', '1', '276', '1'],
                   'na': ['Forest']},
         '12424': {'LI': {'wh': ['Great Sea']},
                   'LO': {'pd': ['0', '0', '0', '12423']},
                   'firstline': ['12424 loc ocean'],
                   'il': ['59', '30', '87', '50', '274', '1', '275', '1', '276', '1'],
                   'na': ['Ocean']},
         '12523': {'LI': {'wh': ['Great Sea']},
                   'LO': {'pd': ['12423', '0', '0', '0']},
                   'firstline': ['12523 loc ocean'],
                   'il': ['59', '30', '87', '50', '274', '1', '275', '1', '276', '1'],
                   'na': ['Ocean']},
         '57423': {'LI': {'wh': ['12423']},
                   'SL': {'sh': ['1']},
                   'firstline': ['57423 loc city'],
                   'il': ['10', '10', '294', '1', '277', '5', '96', '100', '101', '1'],
                   'na': ['Wildefort']},
         '9900': {'LI': {'hl': ['9904'], 'wh': ['12423']},
                  'SL': {'cl': ['6'], 'de': ['80']},
                  'firstline': ['9900 loc castle'],
                  'na': ['Phra Ratchawang']},
         '9904': {'LI': {'wh': ['9900']},
                  'SL': {'de': ['40']},
                  'firstline': ['9904 loc tower'],
                  'na': ['Chulalongkorn']}}
    data = {}
    turnparser.parse_location(t, to_int('ja1'), False, data)
    assert data == r

    r['12423']['LI']['hl'].extend(('2554', '109999', '85687'))
    r['9900']['LI']['hl'] = ['9901', '9904']
    r['2554'] = {'CH': {'at': ['60'], 'df': ['60'], 'he': ['100']},
                 'LI': {'hl': ['6386'], 'wh': ['12423']},
                 'firstline': ['2554 char 0'],
                 'il': ['10', '5'],
                 'na': ['Gus McCrae']}
    r['6386'] = {'CH': {'at': ['60'], 'df': ['60'], 'he': ['100']},
                 'LI': {'wh': ['2554']},
                 'firstline': ['6386 char 0'],
                 'il': ['10', '1', '11', '1'],
                 'na': ['New noble']}
    r['9901'] = {'CH': {'at': ['60'], 'df': ['60'], 'he': ['100'], 'ra': ['50']},
                 'LI': {'hl': ['9902', '9903'], 'wh': ['9900']},
                 'firstline': ['9901 char 0'],
                 'il': ['21', '727', '22', '565', '52', '13'],
                 'na': ['Morathron']}
    r['9902'] = {'CH': {'at': ['60'], 'df': ['60'], 'he': ['100']},
                 'LI': {'wh': ['9901']},
                 'firstline': ['9902 char 0'],
                 'il': ['77528', '1', '16', '69', '52', '4', '295', '1'],
                 'na': ['Jaturong']}
    r['9903'] = {'CH': {'at': ['60'], 'df': ['60'], 'he': ['100']},
                 'LI': {'wh': ['9901']},
                 'firstline': ['9903 char 0'],
                 'il': ['52', '1', '11', '38', '20', '143', '282', '173'],
                 'na': ['Anton']}
    r['85687'] = {'LI': {'wh': ['12423']},
                  'MI': {'sb': ['8910'], 'ss': ['33']},
                  'firstline': ['85687 storm wind'],
                  'na': ['Wind']}
    r['109999'] = {'LI': {'wh': ['12423']},
                   'MI': {'ss': ['2']},
                   'firstline': ['109999 storm rain'],
                   'na': ['Rain']}
    turnparser.parse_location(t, to_int('ja1'), True, data)
    assert data == r
Exemple #10
def test_parse_character():
    t = '''
Osswid the Destroyer [7271]
 0: > stop
 0: Interrupt current order.
 0: Trained nine soldiers.
 1: > press 0
 1: Press posted.
 1: > train 12
11: Trained 11 soldiers.
12: > make 74
12: Don't have any iron [79].
12: > train 20
12: Don't have any longswords [74].
12: > wait item 10 1
14: Received ten peasants [10] from Osswid the Brave [2597].
14: Wait finished: Osswid the Destroyer has ten peasants.
14: Received two iron [79] from Osswid the Brave [2597].
14: > train 12
23: Trained ten soldiers.
29: Received ten peasants [10] from Osswid the Brave [2597].
30: Collected 1,479 gold from owned provinces.
30: Collected 265 gold in taxes.
30: Paid maintenance of 944 gold.
   Location:	   Amber Keep [4256], in Inte [v25], in province
		   Mountain [bc19], in Grinter
   Loyalty:	   Oath-2
   Health:	   100%
   Combat:	   attack 89, defense 168, missile 50
		   behind 0  (front line in combat)
   Break point:    0% (fight to the death)
   use  638 1      (concealing self)
   Receive Vision: 2 protection
   Pledged to:	   Yoyo 6 [6839]
   Pledged to us:  Tom [1753]
		   Gus McCrae [2554]
		   Moriarity [4168]
		   Yoyo [4797]
		   Francisco Lopez [6710]
		   Tom [8578]
   Current aura:   4
   Maximum aura:   4
   Declared attitudes:
      defend   qm9  zb1
   Skills known:
      Shipcraft [600]
	    Sailing [601], apprentice
	    Shipbuilding [602], apprentice
	    Fishing [603], apprentice
      Combat [610]
	    Survive fatal wound [611]
	    Fight to the death [612]
	    Construct catapult [613], apprentice
	    Defense [614], adept
	    Archery [615], apprentice
	    Swordplay [616], adept
	    Weaponsmithing [617], master
      Construction [680]
	    Construct siege tower [681], apprentice
	    Stone quarrying [682], apprentice
      Mining [720]
	    Mine iron [721], apprentice
	    Mine gold [722], apprentice
      Scrying [840]
	    Scry location [841], apprentice
	    Ciphered writing of Areth-Pirn [842], apprentice
	    Create magical barrier [845], apprentice
   Partially known skills:
      Magic [800], 7/28
      Gatecraft [860], 7/35
	 qty  name				weight
	 ---  ----				------
      26,834  gold [1]				     0	
	  10  peasants [10]			 1,000	cap 1,000 (1,1,0)
	 380  soldiers [12]			38,000	cap 38,000 (5,5,0)
	   1  pikeman [16]			   100	cap 100 (5,30,0)
	  29  blessed soldiers [17]		 2,900	cap 2,900 (5,5,0)
	  28  swordsmen [20]			 2,800	cap 2,800 (15,15,0)
	 303  stone [78]			30,300	
	   2  iron [79]				    20	
	  11  woven baskets [94]		    11	
	   1  drum [98]				     2	

   Capacity:  30,333/44,900 land (67%)
   Pending trades:
      trade    price	qty   item
      -----    -----	---   ----
       sell	   7	100   clay pot [95]
    ret = {'4256': {'LI': {'hl': ['7271']}},
           '50033': {'PL': {'kn': ['600', '601', '602', '603', '610', '611', '612',
                                   '613', '614', '615', '616', '617', '680', '681',
                                   '682', '720', '721', '722', '840', '841', '842',
                                   '845', '800', '860'],
                            'un': ['7271']}},
           '7271': {'firstline': ['7271 char 0'],
                    'na': ['Osswid the Destroyer'],
                    'il': ['1', '26834',
                           '10', '10',
                           '12', '380',
                           '16', '1',
                           '17', '29',
                           '20', '28',
                           '78', '303',
                           '79', '2',
                           '94', '11',
                           '98', '1'],
                    'tl': ['2', '95', '100', '7', '0', '0', '0', '0'],
                    'ad': [to_int('qm9'), to_int('zb1')],
                    'CH': {'at': ['89'],
                           'df': ['168'],
                           'he': ['100'],
                           'lk': ['2'],
                           'lo': ['50033'],
                           'lr': ['2'],
                           'mi': ['50'],
                           'sl': ['600', '2', '21', '0', '0',
                                  '601', '2', '14', '0', '0',
                                  '602', '2', '14', '0', '0',
                                  '603', '2', '14', '0', '0',
                                  '610', '2', '21', '0', '0',
                                  '611', '2', '28', '0', '0',
                                  '612', '2', '28', '0', '0',
                                  '613', '2', '14', '0', '0',
                                  '614', '2', '14', '12', '0',
                                  '615', '2', '21', '0', '0',
                                  '616', '2', '14', '12', '0',
                                  '617', '2', '14', '21', '0',
                                  '680', '2', '21', '0', '0',
                                  '681', '2', '14', '0', '0',
                                  '682', '2', '14', '0', '0',
                                  '720', '2', '21', '0', '0',
                                  '721', '2', '14', '0', '0',
                                  '722', '2', '14', '0', '0',
                                  '840', '2', '35', '0', '0',
                                  '841', '2', '21', '0', '0',
                                  '842', '2', '21', '0', '0',
                                  '845', '2', '21', '0', '0',
                                  '800', '1', '7', '0', '0',
                                  '860', '1', '7', '0', '0']},
                    'CM': {'ca': ['4'],
                           'hs': ['1'],
                           'im': ['1'],
                           'ma': ['4'],
                           'hs': ['1'],
                           'pl': ['6839'],
                           'vp': ['2']},
                    'LI': {'wh': ['4256']}}}
    data = {}
    turnparser.parse_character('Osswid the Destroyer', '7271', '50033', t, data)
    assert data == ret
Exemple #11
def test_generate_move_args():
    tests = [[['29', '5', to_int('aa02'), to_int('aa01')], ['0', '0', '10002', '0', '0', '7', '10001', '0']]]
    for t in tests:
        assert turnparser.generate_move_args(*t[0]) == t[1]