Exemple #1
def main(argv):

    #create a dir for leadfields and tmp
    if not op.exists("tmp"):
        import os
    if not op.exists("leadfields"):
        import os
    filename_O = 'leadfields/Original_' + argv + '.vtp'
    filename_R = 'leadfields/Reconstructed_' + argv + '.vtp'

    if recompute:
        # set matrices filenames
        filename_Xo = op.join('tmp', argv + '_Xo.mat')
        filename_CM = op.join('tmp', argv + '_CM.mat')

        model = load_headmodel(argv)
        # Compute the projector onto the sensors
        M = om.Head2EEGMat(model['geometry'], model['sensors'])

        # 'Brain' is the name of the domain containing the sources (a-priori)
        if recompute_CM or not op.exists(filename_CM): 
            # CM, a matrix N_unknown X N_sensors
            #CM = om.CorticalMat(model['geometry'], M, 'Brain',3, alphas[argv], betas[argv], op.join('tmp',argv + '_P.mat'))
            CM = om.CorticalMat2(model['geometry'], M, 'Brain',3, gammas[argv], op.join('tmp',argv + '_H.mat'))
            CM = om.Matrix(str(filename_CM))

        if model.has_key('dipsources'):
            # for testing: lets compute a forward solution with a few dipoles
            # and then display both the reconstruction through the CorticalMapping
            # and the original
            if recompute_Xo or not op.exists(filename_Xo):
                X_original = forward_problem(model)
                X_original = om.Matrix(str(filename_Xo))
            V_s = M * X_original # get the potentials at sensors
        elif model.has_key('potentials'):
            V_s = model['potentials']
            print("Error: either specify input potentials or dipsources to\
                  simulate them.")

        X_reconstructed = CM * V_s
        print "Error norm = ", (V_s-M * X_reconstructed).frobenius_norm()

        # write the geometry and the solution as a VTK file (viewable in pavaview)
        if model.has_key('dipsources'):
            model['geometry'].write_vtp(str(filename_O), X_original)
        model['geometry'].write_vtp(str(filename_R), X_reconstructed)

        if model.has_key('dipsources'):

def main(argv):

    filename_O = "leadfields/Original_" + argv + ".vtp"
    filename_R = "leadfields/Reconstructed_" + argv + ".vtp"
    fig = plt.figure()
    ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection="3d")
    # ax.xaxis.set_scale('log');    ax.yaxis.set_scale('log');    ax.zaxis.set_scale('log')
    N1 = 5  # choose sampling here
    N2 = 1  # choose sampling here
    xs = np.random.rand(N1, N2)
    ys = np.random.rand(N1, N2)
    zs = np.random.rand(N1, N2)

    alphas = np.logspace(0.3, 1.5, N1)
    betas = np.logspace(0.3, -0.3, N2)
    for alph in range(0, N1):
        for bet in range(0, N2):

            if recompute:
                # set matrices filenames
                filename_Xo = op.join("tmp", argv + "_Xo.mat")
                filename_CM = op.join("tmp", argv + "_CM.mat")

                model = load_headmodel(argv)
                # Compute the projector onto the sensors
                M = om.Head2EEGMat(model["geometry"], model["sensors"])

                # 'Brain' is the name of the domain containing the sources (a-priori)
                if recompute_CM or not op.exists(filename_CM):
                    alpha = alphas[alph]
                    beta = betas[bet]
                    # CM, a matrix N_unknown X N_sensors
                    # CM = om.CorticalMat(model['geometry'], M, 'Brain',3,alpha,beta,op.join('tmp',argv + '_P.mat'))
                    CM = om.CorticalMat2(model["geometry"], M, "Brain", 3, alpha, op.join("tmp", argv + "_H.mat"))
                    CM = om.Matrix(str(filename_CM))

                # for testing: lets compute a forward solution with a few dipoles
                # and then display both the reconstruction through the CorticalMapping
                # and the original
                if recompute_Xo or not op.exists(filename_Xo):
                    X_original = forward_problem(model)
                    X_original = om.Matrix(str(filename_Xo))

                V_s = M * X_original  # get the potentials at sensors
                X_reconstructed = CM * (V_s)

                # write the geometry and the solution as a VTK file (viewable in pavaview)
                model["geometry"].write_vtp(str(filename_R), X_reconstructed)

            norm = (V_s - M * X_reconstructed).getcol(0).norm()
            rdm, mag = compare_vtp(filename_O, filename_R)
                + str(norm)
                + "\talpha="
                + str(alpha)
                + "\tbeta="
                + str(beta)
                + "\t\tRDM="
                + str(rdm)
                + "\trMAG="
                + str(mag)
                + "\t"
                + str(mag + rdm)
                + "\n"
                + str(norm)
                + "\talpha="
                + str(alpha)
                + "\tbeta="
                + str(beta)
                + "\t\tRDM="
                + str(rdm)
                + "\trMAG="
                + str(mag)
                + "\t"
                + str(mag + rdm)
                + "\n"
            xs[alph, bet] = alpha
            ys[alph, bet] = beta
            zs[alph, bet] = rdm + mag

    ax.plot_wireframe(np.log(xs), np.log(ys), np.log(zs))
    ax.set_zlabel("RDM + MAG")
    i = np.nonzero(zs == np.min(zs))
    sys.stderr.write("xs = " + str(xs[i]) + " ys = " + str(ys[i]) + " rdm+mag= " + str(np.min(zs)) + "\n")
    sys.stdout.write("xs = " + str(xs[i]) + " ys = " + str(ys[i]) + " rdm+mag= " + str(np.min(zs)) + "\n")
def main(argv):
    """Search parameters for the cortical mapping."""
    filename_O = 'leadfields/Original_' + argv + '.vtp'
    filename_R = 'leadfields/Reconstructed_' + argv + '.vtp'
    fig = plt.figure()
    ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
    # ax.xaxis.set_scale('log')
    # ax.yaxis.set_scale('log')
    # ax.zaxis.set_scale('log')
    N1 = 5  # choose sampling here
    N2 = 1  # choose sampling here
    xs = np.random.rand(N1, N2)
    ys = np.random.rand(N1, N2)
    zs = np.random.rand(N1, N2)

    alphas = np.logspace(0.3, 1.5, N1)
    betas = np.logspace(0.3, -0.3, N2)
    for alph in range(0, N1):
        for bet in range(0, N2):

            if recompute:
                # set matrices filenames
                filename_Xo = op.join('tmp', argv + '_Xo.mat')
                filename_CM = op.join('tmp', argv + '_CM.mat')

                model = load_headmodel(argv)
                # Compute the projector onto the sensors
                M = om.Head2EEGMat(model['geometry'], model['sensors'])

                # 'Brain' is the name of the domain containing the sources
                # (a-priori)
                if recompute_CM or not op.exists(filename_CM):
                    alpha = alphas[alph]
                    beta = betas[bet]
                    # CM, a matrix N_unknown X N_sensors
                    # CM = om.CorticalMat(model['geometry'], M, 'Brain', 3,
                    #      alpha, beta, op.join('tmp', argv + '_P.mat'))
                    CM = om.CorticalMat2(model['geometry'], M, 'Brain', 3,
                                         op.join('tmp', argv + '_H.mat'))
                    CM = om.Matrix(str(filename_CM))

                # for testing: lets compute a forward solution with a few
                # dipoles and then display both the reconstruction through the
                # CorticalMapping and the original
                if recompute_Xo or not op.exists(filename_Xo):
                    X_original = forward_problem(model)
                    X_original = om.Matrix(str(filename_Xo))

                V_s = M * X_original  # get the potentials at sensors
                X_reconstructed = CM * (V_s)

                # write the geometry and the solution as a VTK file
                # (viewable in pavaview)
                model['geometry'].write_vtp(str(filename_R), X_reconstructed)

            norm = (V_s - M * X_reconstructed).getcol(0).norm()
            rdm, mag = compare_vtp(filename_O, filename_R)
            print("||=%f" % norm, "\talpha=%f" % alpha, "\tbeta=%f" % beta,
                  "\t\tRDM=%f" % rdm, "\trMAG=%f" % mag, "\t", str(mag + rdm),
                  "\n", file=sys.stderr)
            print("||=%f" % norm, "\talpha=%f" % alpha, "\tbeta=%f" % beta,
                  "\t\tRDM=%f" % rdm, "\trMAG=%f" % mag, "\t", str(mag + rdm),
            xs[alph, bet] = alpha
            ys[alph, bet] = beta
            zs[alph, bet] = rdm + mag

    ax.plot_wireframe(np.log(xs), np.log(ys), np.log(zs))
    ax.set_zlabel('RDM + MAG')
    i = np.nonzero(zs == np.min(zs))
    print('xs = %f' % xs[i], ' ys = %f' % ys[i], ' rdm+mag=%f' % np.min(zs),
          "\n", file=sys.stderr)
    print('xs = %f' % xs[i], ' ys = %f' % ys[i], ' rdm+mag=%f' % np.min(zs),