def write_to_omero(self):
     sf = self.client.getSession()
     group = str(
     sr = sf.sharedResources()
     update_service = sf.getUpdateService()
     name = 'bulk_annotations'
     table = sr.newTable(1, name, {'': group})
     if table is None:
         raise MetadataError(
             "Unable to create table: %s" % name)
     original_file = table.getOriginalFile()'Created new table OriginalFile:%d' %
     table.initialize(self.columns)'Table initialized with %d columns.' % (len(self.columns)))
     table.addData(self.columns)'Added data column data.')
     file_annotation = FileAnnotationI()
     file_annotation.ns = \
     file_annotation.description = rstring(name)
     file_annotation.file = OriginalFileI(, False)
     link = self.create_annotation_link()
     link.parent = self.target_object
     link.child = file_annotation
     update_service.saveObject(link, {'': group})
    def testPopulateRoisPlate(self):
            Create a small csv file, use to parse and
            attach to Plate. Then query to check table has expected content.

        csvName = self.createCsv(colNames="Well,Field,X,Y,Type",
                                 rowData=("A1,0,15,15,Test", ))

        rowCount = 1
        colCount = 1
        plate = self.createPlate(rowCount, colCount)

        # As opposed to the ParsingContext, here we are expected
        # to link the file ourselves
        ofile = self.client.upload(csvName).proxy()
        ann = FileAnnotationI()
        ann.file = ofile
        link = PlateAnnotationLinkI()
        link.parent = plate.proxy()
        link.child = ann
        link = self.client.sf.getUpdateService()\
        # End linking

        factory = PlateAnalysisCtxFactory(self.client.sf)
        factory.implementations = (MockPlateAnalysisCtx, )
        ctx = factory.get_analysis_ctx(
        assert 1 == ctx.get_measurement_count()
        meas = ctx.get_measurement_ctx(0)

        # Get file annotations
        query = """select p from Plate p
            left outer join fetch p.annotationLinks links
            left outer join fetch links.child as ann
            left outer join fetch ann.file as file
            where""" %
        qs = self.client.sf.getQueryService()
        plate = qs.findByQuery(query, None)
        anns = plate.linkedAnnotationList()
        # Only expect a single annotation which is a 'bulk annotation'
        # the other is the original CSV
        assert len(anns) == 2
        files = dict([(a.ns.val, for a in anns if a.ns])
        fileid = files[NSMEASUREMENT]

        # Open table to check contents
        r = self.client.sf.sharedResources()
        t = r.openTable(OriginalFileI(fileid), None)
        cols = t.getHeaders()
        rows = t.getNumberOfRows()
        assert rows == 1

        data =, 0, 1)
        imag = data.columns[0].values[0]
        rois = self.client.sf.getRoiService()
        anns = rois.getRoiMeasurements(imag, RoiOptions())
        assert anns
    def test_file_annotation(self):
        """Tests AnnotationWrapper methods return strings"""
        file_name = u'₩€_file_$$'
        f = OriginalFileI() = rstring(file_name)
        obj = FileAnnotationI()
        obj.file = f

        file_ann = MockConnection(obj).getObject("Annotation", 1)
        assert file_ann.getFileName() == file_name.encode('utf8')
    def testPopulateRoisPlate(self):
            Create a small csv file, use to parse and
            attach to Plate. Then query to check table has expected content.

        csvName = self.createCsv(

        rowCount = 1
        colCount = 1
        plate = self.createPlate(rowCount, colCount)

        # As opposed to the ParsingContext, here we are expected
        # to link the file ourselves
        ofile = self.client.upload(csvName).proxy()
        ann = FileAnnotationI()
        ann.file = ofile
        link = PlateAnnotationLinkI()
        link.parent = plate.proxy()
        link.child = ann
        link = self.client.sf.getUpdateService()\
        # End linking

        factory = PlateAnalysisCtxFactory(self.client.sf)
        factory.implementations = (MockPlateAnalysisCtx,)
        ctx = factory.get_analysis_ctx(
        assert 1 == ctx.get_measurement_count()
        meas = ctx.get_measurement_ctx(0)

        # Get file annotations
        query = """select p from Plate p
            left outer join fetch p.annotationLinks links
            left outer join fetch links.child as ann
            left outer join fetch ann.file as file
            where""" %
        qs = self.client.sf.getQueryService()
        plate = qs.findByQuery(query, None)
        anns = plate.linkedAnnotationList()
        # Only expect a single annotation which is a 'bulk annotation'
        # the other is the original CSV
        assert len(anns) == 2
        files = dict(
            [(a.ns.val, for a in anns if a.ns])
        fileid = files[NSMEASUREMENT]

        # Open table to check contents
        r = self.client.sf.sharedResources()
        t = r.openTable(OriginalFileI(fileid), None)
        cols = t.getHeaders()
        rows = t.getNumberOfRows()
        assert rows == 1

        data =, 0, 1)
        imag = data.columns[0].values[0]
        rois = self.client.sf.getRoiService()
        anns = rois.getRoiMeasurements(imag, RoiOptions())
        assert anns