Exemple #1
    def pix(self, x=10, y=10, z=10, c=3, t=50, client=None):
        Creates an int8 pixel of the given size in the database.
        No data is written.
        image = self.new_image()
        pixels = PixelsI()
        pixels.sizeX = rint(x)
        pixels.sizeY = rint(y)
        pixels.sizeZ = rint(z)
        pixels.sizeC = rint(c)
        pixels.sizeT = rint(t)
        pixels.sha1 = rstring("")
        pixels.pixelsType = PixelsTypeI()
        pixels.pixelsType.value = rstring("int8")
        pixels.dimensionOrder = DimensionOrderI()
        pixels.dimensionOrder.value = rstring("XYZCT")

        if client is None:
            client = self.client
        update = client.sf.getUpdateService()
        image = update.saveAndReturnObject(image)
        pixels = image.getPrimaryPixels()
        return pixels
Exemple #2
 def test_simple_marshal_tiled(self, wrapped_image):
     image = wrapped_image._obj
     pixels = PixelsI()
     pixels.sizeX = rint(65)
     pixels.sizeY = rint(65)
     data = wrapped_image.simpleMarshal(xtra={'tiled': True})
     assert data['tiled'] is True
 def test_simple_marshal_tiled(self, wrapped_image):
     image = wrapped_image._obj
     pixels = PixelsI()
     pixels.sizeX = rint(65)
     pixels.sizeY = rint(65)
     data = wrapped_image.simpleMarshal(xtra={'tiled': True})
     assert data['tiled'] is True
    def pix(self, x=10, y=10, z=10, c=3, t=50, client=None):
        Creates an int8 pixel of the given size in the database.
        No data is written.
        image = self.new_image()
        pixels = PixelsI()
        pixels.sizeX = rint(x)
        pixels.sizeY = rint(y)
        pixels.sizeZ = rint(z)
        pixels.sizeC = rint(c)
        pixels.sizeT = rint(t)
        pixels.sha1 = rstring("")
        pixels.pixelsType = PixelsTypeI()
        pixels.pixelsType.value = rstring("int8")
        pixels.dimensionOrder = DimensionOrderI()
        pixels.dimensionOrder.value = rstring("XYZCT")

        if client is None:
            client = self.client
        update = client.sf.getUpdateService()
        image = update.saveAndReturnObject(image)
        pixels = image.getPrimaryPixels()
        return pixels
Exemple #5
def create_image(image_index):
    image = ImageI()
    image.name = rstring('%s_%d' % (uuid(), image_index))
    image.acquisitionDate = rtime(0)
    pixels = PixelsI()
    pixels.sha1 = rstring('')
    pixels.sizeX = rint(1)
    pixels.sizeY = rint(1)
    pixels.sizeZ = rint(1)
    pixels.sizeC = rint(1)
    pixels.sizeT = rint(1)
    pixels.dimensionOrder = DimensionOrderI(1L, False)  # XYZCT
    pixels.pixelsType = PixelsTypeI(1L, False)  # bit
    return image
    def testTiles(self):
        from omero.model import PixelsI
        from omero.sys import ParametersI
        from omero.util.tiles import RPSTileLoop
        from omero.util.tiles import TileLoopIteration
        from numpy import fromfunction

        sizeX = 4096
        sizeY = 4096
        sizeZ = 1
        sizeC = 1
        sizeT = 1
        tileWidth = 1024
        tileHeight = 1024
        imageName = "testStitchBig4K-1Ktiles"
        description = None
        tile_max = float(255)

        pixelsService = self.client.sf.getPixelsService()
        queryService = self.client.sf.getQueryService()

        query = "from PixelsType as p where p.value='int8'"
        pixelsType = queryService.findByQuery(query, None)
        channelList = range(sizeC)
        iId = pixelsService.createImage(sizeX, sizeY, sizeZ, sizeT,
                                        channelList, pixelsType, imageName,

        image = queryService.findByQuery(
            "select i from Image i join fetch i.pixels where i.id = :id",
        pid = image.getPrimaryPixels().getId().getValue()

        def f(x, y):
            create some fake pixel data tile (2D numpy array)
            return (x * y) / (1 + x + y)

        def mktile(w, h):
            tile = fromfunction(f, (w, h))
            tile = tile.astype(int)
            tile[tile > tile_max] = tile_max
            return list(tile.flatten())

        tile = fromfunction(f, (tileWidth, tileHeight)).astype(int)
        tile_min = float(tile.min())
        tile_max = min(tile_max, float(tile.max()))

        class Iteration(TileLoopIteration):
            def run(self, data, z, c, t, x, y, tileWidth, tileHeight,
                tile2d = mktile(tileWidth, tileHeight)
                data.setTile(tile2d, z, c, t, x, y, tileWidth, tileHeight)

        loop = RPSTileLoop(self.client.sf, PixelsI(pid, False))
        loop.forEachTile(256, 256, Iteration())

        c = 0
        pixelsService.setChannelGlobalMinMax(pid, c, tile_min, tile_max)
    def import_pyramid_pre_fs(self, tmpdir):
        name = "test&sizeX=4000&sizeY=4000.fake"
        fakefile = tmpdir.join(name)
        pixels = self.import_image(filename=str(fakefile), skip="checksum")[0]
        id = long(float(pixels))
        # wait for the pyramid to be generated
        query_service = self.client.sf.getQueryService()
        pixels_service = self.client.sf.getPixelsService()
        orig_pix = query_service.findByQuery(
            "select p from Pixels p where p.id = :id",
        orig_fs = query_service.findByQuery(
            "select f from Image i join i.fileset f where i.id = :id",

            new_img = pixels_service.copyAndResizeImage(
                orig_pix.image.id.val, rint(4000), rint(4000), rint(1),
                rint(1), [0], None, True).val
            pix_id = unwrap(
                    "select p.id from Image i join i.pixels p where i.id = :id",
            # This won't work but it but we then have a pyramid without fileset
            self.copyPixels(orig_pix, PixelsI(pix_id, False))
        except omero.InternalException:
            print "Cannot copy pixels for image %s" % orig_pix.image.id.val
        return pix_id
Exemple #8
def create_image(image_index):
    image = ImageI()
    image.name = rstring("%s_%d" % (uuid(), image_index))
    image.acquisitionDate = rtime(0)
    pixels = PixelsI()
    pixels.sha1 = rstring("")
    pixels.sizeX = rint(1)
    pixels.sizeY = rint(1)
    pixels.sizeZ = rint(1)
    pixels.sizeC = rint(1)
    pixels.sizeT = rint(1)
    pixels.dimensionOrder = DimensionOrderI(1L, False)  # XYZCT
    pixels.pixelsType = PixelsTypeI(1L, False)  # bit
    return image
Exemple #9
 def duplicateMIF(self, orig_img):
     Use copyAndResizeImage to create a "synthetic" image
     (one without a fileset)
     new_img = self.pixels.copyAndResizeImage(
         orig_img.id.val, rint(16), rint(16), rint(1), rint(1),
         [0], None, True).val
     pix_id = unwrap(self.query.projection(
         "select p.id from Image i join i.pixels p where i.id = :id",
     new_img = ImageI(new_img, False)
     new_pix = PixelsI(pix_id, False)
     return new_img, new_pix
def run(password, target, host, port):

    for i in range(1, 51):

        username = "******" % i
        conn = BlitzGateway(username, password, host=host, port=port)

            params = omero.sys.ParametersI()
            params.addString('username', username)
            query = "from Dataset where name='%s' \
                     AND details.owner.omeName=:username" % target
            query_service = conn.getQueryService()
            datasets = query_service.findAllByQuery(query, params,

            if len(datasets) == 0:
                print("No datasets with name %s found" % target)
            dataset_id = datasets[0].getId().getValue()

            print('dataset', dataset_id)
            params2 = omero.sys.ParametersI()
            query = "select l.child.id from DatasetImageLink l \
                     where l.parent.id = :id"

            images = query_service.projection(query, params2,

            for k in range(0, len(images)):

                image_id = images[k][0].getValue()
                delta_t = 300

                image = conn.getObject("Image", image_id)

                params = omero.sys.ParametersI()
                params.addLong('pid', image.getPixelsId())
                query = "from PlaneInfo as Info where \
                         Info.theZ=0 and Info.theC=0 and pixels.id=:pid"

                info_list = query_service.findAllByQuery(
                    query, params, conn.SERVICE_OPTS)

                print('info_list', len(info_list))

                if len(info_list) == 0:
                    print("Creating info...", image.getSizeT())
                    info_list = []
                    for t_index in range(image.getSizeT()):
                        print('  t', t_index)
                        info = PlaneInfoI()
                        info.theT = rint(t_index)
                        info.theZ = rint(0)
                        info.theC = rint(0)
                        info.pixels = PixelsI(image.getPixelsId(), False)
                        dt = t_index * delta_t
                        info.deltaT = TimeI(dt, UnitsTime.SECOND)

                    for info in info_list:
                        unwrap_t = unwrap(info.theT)
                        unwrap_z = unwrap(info.theZ)
                        print('theT %s, theZ %s' % (unwrap_t, unwrap_z))
                        t_index = info.theT.getValue()

                        dt = t_index * delta_t
                        info.deltaT = TimeI(dt, UnitsTime.SECOND)

                print("Saving info_list", len(info_list))
        except Exception as exc:
            print("Error when setting the timestamps: %s" % str(exc))
def create_image(image_id, with_pixels=False):
    image_format = FormatI(1L)
    image_format.value = rstring("PNG")

    image = ImageI()
    image.id = rlong(image_id)
    image.acquisitionDate = rtime(1L)
    image.archived = rbool(False)
    image.description = rstring("image_description_%d" % image_id)
    image.name = rstring("image_name_%d" % image_id)
    image.partial = rbool(False)
    image.series = rint(0)
    image.format = image_format
    if not with_pixels:
        return image
    dimension_order = DimensionOrderI(1L)
    dimension_order.value = rstring("XYZCT")
    pixels_type = PixelsTypeI(1L)
    pixels_type.value = "bit"

    pixels = PixelsI(1L)
    pixels.methodology = rstring("methodology")
    pixels.physicalSizeX = LengthI(1.0, UnitsLength.MICROMETER)
    pixels.physicalSizeY = LengthI(2.0, UnitsLength.MICROMETER)
    pixels.physicalSizeZ = LengthI(3.0, UnitsLength.MICROMETER)
    pixels.sha1 = rstring("61ee8b5601a84d5154387578466c8998848ba089")
    pixels.significantBits = rint(16)
    pixels.sizeX = rint(1)
    pixels.sizeY = rint(2)
    pixels.sizeZ = rint(3)
    pixels.sizeC = rint(4)
    pixels.sizeT = rint(5)
    pixels.timeIncrement = TimeI(1.0, UnitsTime.MILLISECOND)
    pixels.waveIncrement = rdouble(2.0)
    pixels.waveStart = rint(1)
    pixels.dimensionOrder = dimension_order
    pixels.pixelsType = pixels_type

    contrast_method = ContrastMethodI(8L)
    contrast_method.value = rstring("Fluorescence")
    illumination = IlluminationI(1L)
    illumination.value = rstring("Transmitted")
    acquisition_mode = AcquisitionModeI(1L)
    acquisition_mode.value = rstring("WideField")
    photometric_interpretation = PhotometricInterpretationI(1L)
    photometric_interpretation.value = rstring("RGB")

    channel_1 = ChannelI(1L)
    channel_1.alpha = rint(255)
    channel_1.blue = rint(0)
    channel_1.green = rint(255)
    channel_1.red = rint(0)
    channel_1.lookupTable = rstring("rainbow")
    logical_channel_1 = LogicalChannelI(1L)
    logical_channel_1.emissionWave = LengthI(509.0, UnitsLength.NANOMETER)
    logical_channel_1.excitationWave = LengthI(488.0, UnitsLength.NANOMETER)
    logical_channel_1.fluor = rstring("GFP")
    logical_channel_1.name = rstring("GFP/488")
    logical_channel_1.ndFilter = rdouble(1.0)
    logical_channel_1.pinHoleSize = LengthI(1.0, UnitsLength.NANOMETER)
    logical_channel_1.pockelCellSetting = rint(0)
    logical_channel_1.samplesPerPixel = rint(2)
    logical_channel_1.contrastMethod = contrast_method
    logical_channel_1.illumination = illumination
    logical_channel_1.mode = acquisition_mode
    logical_channel_1.photometricInterpretation = photometric_interpretation
    channel_1.logicalChannel = logical_channel_1

    channel_2 = ChannelI(2L)
    channel_2.alpha = rint(255)
    channel_2.blue = rint(255)
    channel_2.green = rint(0)
    channel_2.red = rint(0)
    channel_2.lookupTable = rstring("rainbow")
    logical_channel_2 = LogicalChannelI(2L)
    logical_channel_2.emissionWave = LengthI(470.0, UnitsLength.NANOMETER)
    logical_channel_2.excitationWave = LengthI(405.0, UnitsLength.NANOMETER)
    logical_channel_2.fluor = rstring("DAPI")
    logical_channel_2.name = rstring("DAPI/405")
    logical_channel_2.ndFilter = rdouble(1.0)
    logical_channel_2.pinHoleSize = LengthI(2.0, UnitsLength.NANOMETER)
    logical_channel_2.pockelCellSetting = rint(0)
    logical_channel_2.samplesPerPixel = rint(2)
    logical_channel_2.contrastMethod = contrast_method
    logical_channel_2.illumination = illumination
    logical_channel_2.mode = acquisition_mode
    logical_channel_2.photometricInterpretation = photometric_interpretation
    channel_2.logicalChannel = logical_channel_2

    return image
Exemple #12
def create_image_from_tiles(conn, source, image_name, description,
                            box, tile_size):

    pixels_service = conn.getPixelsService()
    query_service = conn.getQueryService()
    xbox, ybox, wbox, hbox, z1box, z2box, t1box, t2box = box
    size_x = wbox
    size_y = hbox
    size_z = source.getSizeZ()
    size_t = source.getSizeT()
    size_c = source.getSizeC()
    tile_width = tile_size
    tile_height = tile_size
    primary_pixels = source.getPrimaryPixels()

    def create_image():
        query = "from PixelsType as p where p.value='uint8'"
        pixels_type = query_service.findByQuery(query, None)
        channel_list = range(size_c)
        # bytesPerPixel = pixelsType.bitSize.val / 8
        iid = pixels_service.createImage(

        return conn.getObject("Image", iid)

    # Make a list of all the tiles we're going to need.
    # This is the SAME ORDER that RPSTileLoop will ask for them.
    zct_tile_list = []
    for t in range(0, size_t):
        for c in range(0, size_c):
            for z in range(0, size_z):
                for tile_offset_y in range(
                        0, ((size_y + tile_height - 1) / tile_height)):
                    for tile_offset_x in range(
                            0, ((size_x + tile_width - 1) / tile_width)):
                        x = tile_offset_x * tile_width
                        y = tile_offset_y * tile_height
                        w = tile_width
                        if (w + x > size_x):
                            w = size_x - x
                        h = tile_height
                        if (h + y > size_y):
                            h = size_y - y
                        tile_xywh = (xbox + x, ybox + y, w, h)
                        zct_tile_list.append((z, c, t, tile_xywh))

    # This is a generator that will return tiles in the sequence above
    # getTiles() only opens 1 rawPixelsStore for all the tiles
    # whereas getTile() opens and closes a rawPixelsStore for each tile.
    tile_gen = primary_pixels.getTiles(zct_tile_list)

    def next_tile():
        return tile_gen.next()

    class Iteration(TileLoopIteration):

        def run(self, data, z, c, t, x, y, tile_width, tile_height,
            tile2d = next_tile()
            data.setTile(tile2d, z, c, t, x, y, tile_width, tile_height)

    new_image = create_image()
    pid = new_image.getPixelsId()
    loop = RPSTileLoop(conn.c.sf, PixelsI(pid, False))
    loop.forEachTile(tile_width, tile_height, Iteration())

    for the_c in range(size_c):
        pixels_service.setChannelGlobalMinMax(pid, the_c, float(0),
                                              float(255), conn.SERVICE_OPTS)

    return new_image
Exemple #13
def create_image(image_id, with_pixels=False):
    image_format = FormatI(1)
    image_format.value = rstring('PNG')

    image = ImageI()
    image.id = rlong(image_id)
    image.acquisitionDate = rtime(1)
    image.archived = rbool(False)
    image.description = rstring('image_description_%d' % image_id)
    image.name = rstring('image_name_%d' % image_id)
    image.partial = rbool(False)
    image.series = rint(0)
    image.format = image_format
    if not with_pixels:
        return image
    dimension_order = DimensionOrderI(1)
    dimension_order.value = rstring('XYZCT')
    pixels_type = PixelsTypeI(1)
    pixels_type.value = 'bit'

    pixels = PixelsI(1)
    pixels.methodology = rstring('methodology')
    pixels.physicalSizeX = LengthI(1.0, UnitsLength.MICROMETER)
    pixels.physicalSizeY = LengthI(2.0, UnitsLength.MICROMETER)
    pixels.physicalSizeZ = LengthI(3.0, UnitsLength.MICROMETER)
    pixels.sha1 = rstring('61ee8b5601a84d5154387578466c8998848ba089')
    pixels.significantBits = rint(16)
    pixels.sizeX = rint(1)
    pixels.sizeY = rint(2)
    pixels.sizeZ = rint(3)
    pixels.sizeC = rint(4)
    pixels.sizeT = rint(5)
    pixels.timeIncrement = TimeI(1.0, UnitsTime.MILLISECOND)
    pixels.waveIncrement = rdouble(2.0)
    pixels.waveStart = rint(1)
    pixels.dimensionOrder = dimension_order
    pixels.pixelsType = pixels_type

    contrast_method = ContrastMethodI(8)
    contrast_method.value = rstring('Fluorescence')
    illumination = IlluminationI(1)
    illumination.value = rstring('Transmitted')
    acquisition_mode = AcquisitionModeI(1)
    acquisition_mode.value = rstring('WideField')
    photometric_interpretation = PhotometricInterpretationI(1)
    photometric_interpretation.value = rstring('RGB')

    channel_1 = ChannelI(1)
    channel_1.alpha = rint(255)
    channel_1.blue = rint(255)
    channel_1.green = rint(255)
    channel_1.red = rint(255)
    channel_1.lookupTable = rstring('rainbow')
    logical_channel_1 = LogicalChannelI(1)
    logical_channel_1.emissionWave = LengthI(509.0, UnitsLength.NANOMETER)
    logical_channel_1.excitationWave = LengthI(488.0, UnitsLength.NANOMETER)
    logical_channel_1.fluor = rstring('GFP')
    logical_channel_1.name = rstring('GFP/488')
    logical_channel_1.ndFilter = rdouble(1.0)
    logical_channel_1.pinHoleSize = LengthI(1.0, UnitsLength.NANOMETER)
    logical_channel_1.pockelCellSetting = rint(0)
    logical_channel_1.samplesPerPixel = rint(2)
    logical_channel_1.contrastMethod = contrast_method
    logical_channel_1.illumination = illumination
    logical_channel_1.mode = acquisition_mode
    logical_channel_1.photometricInterpretation = photometric_interpretation
    channel_1.logicalChannel = logical_channel_1

    channel_2 = ChannelI(2)
    channel_2.alpha = rint(255)
    channel_2.blue = rint(255)
    channel_2.green = rint(0)
    channel_2.red = rint(255)
    channel_2.lookupTable = rstring('rainbow')
    logical_channel_2 = LogicalChannelI(2)
    logical_channel_2.emissionWave = LengthI(470.0, UnitsLength.NANOMETER)
    logical_channel_2.excitationWave = LengthI(405.0, UnitsLength.NANOMETER)
    logical_channel_2.fluor = rstring('DAPI')
    logical_channel_2.name = rstring('DAPI/405')
    logical_channel_2.ndFilter = rdouble(1.0)
    logical_channel_2.pinHoleSize = LengthI(2.0, UnitsLength.NANOMETER)
    logical_channel_2.pockelCellSetting = rint(0)
    logical_channel_2.samplesPerPixel = rint(2)
    logical_channel_2.contrastMethod = contrast_method
    logical_channel_2.illumination = illumination
    logical_channel_2.mode = acquisition_mode
    logical_channel_2.photometricInterpretation = photometric_interpretation
    channel_2.logicalChannel = logical_channel_2

    return image