Exemple #1
    def screen_plates(self, user1):
        """Return Screen with Plates and an orphaned Plate."""
        # Create and name all the objects
        screen = ScreenI()
        screen.name = rstring('screen')

        for i in range(5):
            plate1 = PlateI()
            plate1.name = rstring('Plate%s' % i)

        # Create single orphaned Plate
        plate = PlateI()
        plate.name = rstring('plate')

        screen = get_update_service(user1).saveAndReturnObject(screen)
        plate = get_update_service(user1).saveAndReturnObject(plate)

        # Add well to first plate
        plates = screen.linkedPlateList()
        plate_id = plates[0].id.val
        well = WellI()
        well.column = rint(0)
        well.row = rint(0)
        well.plate = PlateI(plate_id, False)
        image = self.create_test_image(size_x=5,
        ws = WellSampleI()
        ws.image = ImageI(image.id, False)
        ws.well = well
        well = get_update_service(user1).saveAndReturnObject(well)
        return screen, plate
Exemple #2
def plate(request, itest, update_service):
    Returns a new OMERO Plate with all required fields set.
    plate = PlateI()
    plate.name = rstring(itest.uuid())
    return update_service.saveAndReturnObject(plate)
Exemple #3
    def testChgrp11109(self):
        Place a plate in a single screen and attempt to move it.
        # One user in two groups
        client, user = self.new_client_and_user(perms=PRIVATE)
        admin = client.sf.getAdminService()
        target_grp = self.new_group([user], perms=PRIVATE)
        target_gid = target_grp.id.val
        admin.getEventContext()  # Refresh

        update = client.sf.getUpdateService()
        plate = PlateI()
        plate.name = rstring("testChgrp11109")
        screen = ScreenI()
        screen.name = rstring("testChgrp11109")
        link = screen.linkPlate(plate)
        link = update.saveAndReturnObject(link)

        # Now chgrp, should succeed
        chgrp = Chgrp2(targetObjects={"Plate": [link.child.id.val]},
        self.doSubmit(chgrp, client)

        # Check that the links have been destroyed
        query = client.sf.getQueryService()
        with pytest.raises(omero.ValidationException):
            query.get("ScreenPlateLink", link.id.val, {"omero.group": "-1"})
 def screen_plate_run_well(self):
     Returns a new OMERO Screen, linked Plate, linked Well, linked
     WellSample, linked Image populate by an
     L{test.integration.library.ITest} instance and
     linked PlateAcquisition with all required fields set.
     screen = ScreenI()
     screen.name = rstring(self.uuid())
     plate = PlateI()
     plate.name = rstring(self.uuid())
     # Well A10 (will have two WellSamples)
     well_a = WellI()
     well_a.row = rint(0)
     well_a.column = rint(9)
     # Well A11 (will not have a WellSample)
     well_b = WellI()
     well_b.row = rint(0)
     well_b.column = rint(10)
     ws_a = WellSampleI()
     image_a = self.new_image(name=self.uuid())
     ws_a.image = image_a
     ws_b = WellSampleI()
     image_b = self.new_image(name=self.uuid())
     ws_b.image = image_b
     plate_acquisition = PlateAcquisitionI()
     plate_acquisition.plate = plate
     ws_a.plateAcquisition = plate_acquisition
     ws_b.plateAcquisition = plate_acquisition
     return self.update.saveAndReturnObject(screen)
def screen_plate_run_well(request, itest, update_service):
    Returns a new OMERO Screen, linked Plate, linked Well, linked WellSample,
    linked Image populate by an L{test.integration.library.ITest} instance and
    linked PlateAcquisition with all required fields set.
    screen = ScreenI()
    screen.name = rstring(itest.uuid())
    plate = PlateI()
    plate.name = rstring(itest.uuid())
    # Well A10 (will have two WellSamples)
    well_a = WellI()
    well_a.row = rint(0)
    well_a.column = rint(9)
    # Well A11 (will not have a WellSample)
    well_b = WellI()
    well_b.row = rint(0)
    well_b.column = rint(10)
    ws_a = WellSampleI()
    image_a = itest.new_image(name=itest.uuid())
    ws_a.image = image_a
    ws_b = WellSampleI()
    image_b = itest.new_image(name=itest.uuid())
    ws_b.image = image_b
    plate_acquisition = PlateAcquisitionI()
    plate_acquisition.plate = plate
    ws_a.plateAcquisition = plate_acquisition
    ws_b.plateAcquisition = plate_acquisition
    return update_service.saveAndReturnObject(screen)
Exemple #6
def plate(request, itest, update_service):
    Returns a new OMERO Plate with all required fields set.
    plate = PlateI()
    plate.name = rstring(itest.uuid())
    return update_service.saveAndReturnObject(plate)
 def plate(self):
     Returns a new OMERO Plate with all required fields set.
     plate = PlateI()
     plate.name = rstring(self.uuid())
     return self.update.saveAndReturnObject(plate)
    def testChgrp11109(self):
        Place a plate in a single screen and attempt to move it.
        # One user in two groups
        client, user = self.new_client_and_user(perms=PRIVATE)
        admin = client.sf.getAdminService()
        target_grp = self.new_group([user], perms=PRIVATE)
        target_gid = target_grp.id.val
        admin.getEventContext()  # Refresh

        update = client.sf.getUpdateService()
        plate = PlateI()
        plate.name = rstring("testChgrp11109")
        screen = ScreenI()
        screen.name = rstring("testChgrp11109")
        link = screen.linkPlate(plate)
        link = update.saveAndReturnObject(link)

        # Now chgrp, should succeed
        chgrp = Chgrp2(
            targetObjects={"Plate": [link.child.id.val]}, groupId=target_gid)
        self.doSubmit(chgrp, client)

        # Check that the links have been destroyed
        query = client.sf.getQueryService()
        with pytest.raises(omero.ValidationException):
            query.get("ScreenPlateLink", link.id.val, {"omero.group": "-1"})
Exemple #9
def plate_run(request, itest, update_service):
    Returns a new OMERO Plate and linked PlateAcquisition with all required
    fields set.
    plate = PlateI()
    plate.name = rstring(itest.uuid())
    plate_acquisition = PlateAcquisitionI()
    return update_service.saveAndReturnObject(plate)
Exemple #10
def screen_plate(request, itest, update_service):
    Returns a new OMERO Screen and linked Plate with required fields set.
    screen = ScreenI()
    screen.name = rstring(itest.uuid())
    plate = PlateI()
    plate.name = rstring(itest.uuid())
    return update_service.saveAndReturnObject(screen)
Exemple #11
def plate_run(request, itest, update_service):
    Returns a new OMERO Plate and linked PlateAcquisition with all required
    fields set.
    plate = PlateI()
    plate.name = rstring(itest.uuid())
    plate_acquisition = PlateAcquisitionI()
    return update_service.saveAndReturnObject(plate)
Exemple #12
 def screen_plate(self):
     Returns a new OMERO Screen and linked Plate with required fields set.
     screen = ScreenI()
     screen.name = rstring(self.uuid())
     plate = PlateI()
     plate.name = rstring(self.uuid())
     return self.update.saveAndReturnObject(screen)
Exemple #13
 def plate_run(self):
     Returns a new OMERO Plate and linked PlateAcquisition with all
     required fields set.
     plate = PlateI()
     plate.name = rstring(self.uuid())
     plate_acquisition = PlateAcquisitionI()
     return self.update.saveAndReturnObject(plate)
Exemple #14
def screen_plate(request, itest, update_service):
    Returns a new OMERO Screen and linked Plate with required fields set.
    screen = ScreenI()
    screen.name = rstring(itest.uuid())
    plate = PlateI()
    plate.name = rstring(itest.uuid())
    return update_service.saveAndReturnObject(screen)
Exemple #15
def plate_wells(itest, well_grid_factory, plate_well_coords, update_service):
    Returns a new OMERO Plate, linked Wells, linked WellSamples, and linked
    Images populated by an L{omeroweb.testlib.IWebTest} instance.
    plate = PlateI()
    plate.name = rstring(itest.uuid())
    wells = well_grid_factory(plate_well_coords)
    for well in wells:
    return update_service.saveAndReturnObject(plate)
Exemple #16
def screen_with_plates(screen):
    for plate_id in range(5, 7):
        o = PlateI()
        o.id = rlong(plate_id)
        o.name = rstring('plate_name_%d' % plate_id)
        o.description = rstring('plate_description_%d' % plate_id)
        o.columnNamingConvention = rstring('number')
        o.rowNamingConvention = rstring('letter')
        o.columns = rint(12)
        o.rows = rint(8)
        o.defaultSample = rint(0)
        o.externalIdentifier = rstring('external_identifier_%d' % plate_id)
        o.status = rstring('status_%d' % plate_id)
        o.wellOriginX = LengthI(0.1, UnitsLength.REFERENCEFRAME)
        o.wellOriginY = LengthI(1.1, UnitsLength.REFERENCEFRAME)
        for well_id in range(7, 9):
            well = WellI()
            well.id = rlong(well_id)
            well.column = rint(2)
            well.row = rint(1)
            well.externalDescription = \
                rstring('external_description_%d' % well_id)
            well.externalIdentifier = \
                rstring('external_identifier_%d' % well_id)
            well.type = rstring('the_type')
            well.alpha = rint(0)
            well.red = rint(255)
            well.green = rint(0)
            well.blue = rint(0)
            well.status = rstring('the_status')
            plateacquisition = PlateAcquisitionI()
            plateacquisition.id = rlong(well_id)
            plateacquisition.name = rstring(
                'plateacquisition_name_%d' % well_id)
            plateacquisition.description = rstring(
                'plateacquisition_description_%d' % well_id)
            plateacquisition.maximumFieldCount = rint(1)
            plateacquisition.startTime = rtime(1L)
            plateacquisition.endTime = rtime(2L)
            for wellsample_id in range(9, 11):
                wellsample = WellSampleI()
                wellsample.id = rlong(wellsample_id)
                wellsample.posX = LengthI(1.0, UnitsLength.REFERENCEFRAME)
                wellsample.posY = LengthI(2.0, UnitsLength.REFERENCEFRAME)
                wellsample.timepoint = rtime(1L)
                wellsample.image = create_image(1L)

    return screen
Exemple #17
def screen_with_plates(screen):
    for plate_id in range(5, 7):
        o = PlateI()
        o.id = rlong(plate_id)
        o.name = rstring('plate_name_%d' % plate_id)
        o.description = rstring('plate_description_%d' % plate_id)
        o.columnNamingConvention = rstring('number')
        o.rowNamingConvention = rstring('letter')
        o.columns = rint(12)
        o.rows = rint(8)
        o.defaultSample = rint(0)
        o.externalIdentifier = rstring('external_identifier_%d' % plate_id)
        o.status = rstring('status_%d' % plate_id)
        o.wellOriginX = LengthI(0.1, UnitsLength.REFERENCEFRAME)
        o.wellOriginY = LengthI(1.1, UnitsLength.REFERENCEFRAME)
        for well_id in range(7, 9):
            well = WellI()
            well.id = rlong(well_id)
            well.column = rint(2)
            well.row = rint(1)
            well.externalDescription = \
                rstring('external_description_%d' % well_id)
            well.externalIdentifier = \
                rstring('external_identifier_%d' % well_id)
            well.type = rstring('the_type')
            well.alpha = rint(0)
            well.red = rint(255)
            well.green = rint(0)
            well.blue = rint(0)
            well.status = rstring('the_status')
            plateacquisition = PlateAcquisitionI()
            plateacquisition.id = rlong(well_id)
            plateacquisition.name = rstring(
                'plateacquisition_name_%d' % well_id)
            plateacquisition.description = rstring(
                'plateacquisition_description_%d' % well_id)
            plateacquisition.maximumFieldCount = rint(1)
            plateacquisition.startTime = rtime(1L)
            plateacquisition.endTime = rtime(2L)
            for wellsample_id in range(9, 11):
                wellsample = WellSampleI()
                wellsample.id = rlong(wellsample_id)
                wellsample.posX = LengthI(1.0, UnitsLength.REFERENCEFRAME)
                wellsample.posY = LengthI(2.0, UnitsLength.REFERENCEFRAME)
                wellsample.timepoint = rtime(1L)
                wellsample.image = create_image(1L)

    return screen
Exemple #18
 def screen_plate_run(self):
     Returns a new OMERO Screen, linked Plate, and linked PlateAcquisition
     with all required fields set.
     screen = ScreenI()
     screen.name = rstring(self.uuid())
     plate = PlateI()
     plate.name = rstring(self.uuid())
     plate_acquisition = PlateAcquisitionI()
     return self.update.saveAndReturnObject(screen)
Exemple #19
def screen_plate_run(request, itest, update_service):
    Returns a new OMERO Screen, linked Plate, and linked PlateAcquisition
    with all required fields set.
    screen = ScreenI()
    screen.name = rstring(itest.uuid())
    plate = PlateI()
    plate.name = rstring(itest.uuid())
    plate_acquisition = PlateAcquisitionI()
    return update_service.saveAndReturnObject(screen)
def plate_wells(itest, well_grid_factory, update_service):
    Returns a new OMERO Plate, linked Wells, linked WellSamples, and linked
    Images populated by an L{weblibrary.IWebTest} instance.
    plate = PlateI()
    plate.name = rstring(itest.uuid())
    # Well A10 has two WellSamples
    # Well A11 has no WellSamples
    # Well D3 has one WellSample
    wells = well_grid_factory({(0, 9): 2, (0, 10): 0, (3, 2): 1})
    for well in wells:
    return update_service.saveAndReturnObject(plate)
    def create_plate_wells(self, user1, rows, cols, plateacquisitions=1):
        """Return Plate with Wells."""
        updateService = get_update_service(user1)
        plate = PlateI()
        plate.name = rstring('plate')
        plate = updateService.saveAndReturnObject(plate)

        # PlateAcquisitions for plate
        plate_acqs = []
        for p in range(plateacquisitions):
            plate_acq = PlateAcquisitionI()
            plate_acq.name = rstring('plateacquisition_%s' % p)
            plate_acq.description = rstring('plateacquisition_description')
            plate_acq.maximumFieldCount = rint(3)
            plate_acq.startTime = rtime(1)
            plate_acq.endTime = rtime(2)
            plate_acq.plate = PlateI(plate.id.val, False)
            plate_acq = updateService.saveAndReturnObject(plate_acq)

        # Create Wells for plate
        ref_frame = UnitsLength.REFERENCEFRAME
        for row in range(rows):
            for col in range(cols):
                # create Well
                well = WellI()
                well.column = rint(col)
                well.row = rint(row)
                well.plate = PlateI(plate.id.val, False)
                # Only wells in first Column have well-samples etc.
                if col == 0:
                    # Have 3 images/well-samples per plateacquisition
                    # (if no plateacquisitions, create 3 well-samples without)
                    for p in range(max(1, plateacquisitions)):
                        for i in range(3):
                            image = self.create_test_image(
                                size_x=5, size_y=5,
                            ws = WellSampleI()
                            ws.image = ImageI(image.id, False)
                            ws.well = well
                            ws.posX = LengthI(i * 10, ref_frame)
                            ws.posY = LengthI(i, ref_frame)
                            if p < len(plate_acqs):
        return plate
def plate_wells(itest, well_grid_factory, update_service):
    Returns a new OMERO Plate, linked Wells, linked WellSamples, and linked
    Images populated by an L{weblibrary.IWebTest} instance.
    plate = PlateI()
    plate.name = rstring(itest.uuid())
    # Well A10 has two WellSamples
    # Well A11 has no WellSamples
    # Well D3 has one WellSample
    wells = well_grid_factory({(0, 9): 2, (0, 10): 0, (3, 2): 1})
    for well in wells:
    return update_service.saveAndReturnObject(plate)
def plate_wells_with_description(itest, well_grid_factory, update_service):
    Creates a plate with a single well containing an image with a description.
    Returns the plate and the description in a map.
    description = "test description"
    plate = PlateI()
    plate.name = rstring(itest.uuid())
    # Simple grid: one well with one image
    [well] = well_grid_factory({(0, 0): 1})
    well.copyWellSamples()[0].image.description = rstring(description)
    plate = update_service.saveAndReturnObject(plate)
    return {'plate': plate, 'description': description}
def plate_wells_with_description(itest, well_grid_factory, update_service):
    Creates a plate with a single well containing an image with a description.
    Returns the plate and the description in a map.
    description = "test description"
    plate = PlateI()
    plate.name = rstring(itest.uuid())
    # Simple grid: one well with one image
    [well] = well_grid_factory({(0, 0): 1})
    well.copyWellSamples()[0].image.description = rstring(description)
    plate = update_service.saveAndReturnObject(plate)
    return {'plate': plate,
            'description': description}
def plate_wells_with_acq_date(itest, well_grid_factory, update_service):
    Creates a plate with a single well containing an image with both an
    acquisition date set as well as a creation event with a date. Returns the
    plate and the acquisition date in a map.
    acq_date = (time.time() - 60 * 60 * 24) * 1000
    plate = PlateI()
    plate.name = rstring(itest.uuid())
    # Simple grid: one well with one image
    [well] = well_grid_factory({(0, 0): 1})
    well.copyWellSamples()[0].image.acquisitionDate = rtime(int(acq_date))
    plate = update_service.saveAndReturnObject(plate)
    return {'plate': plate, 'acq_date': int(acq_date / 1000)}
Exemple #26
 def screen_plate_well(self):
     Returns a new OMERO Screen, linked Plate and linked Well with required
     fields set.
     screen = ScreenI()
     screen.name = rstring(self.uuid())
     plate = PlateI()
     plate.name = rstring(self.uuid())
     # Well A10
     well = WellI()
     well.row = rint(0)
     well.column = rint(9)
     return self.update.saveAndReturnObject(screen)
def plate_wells_with_no_acq_date(itest, well_grid_factory, update_service,
    Creates a plate with a single well containing an image with no acquisition
    date set. Returns the plate and the time from the creation event in a map.
    plate = PlateI()
    plate.name = rstring(itest.uuid())
    # Simple grid: one well with one image
    [well] = well_grid_factory({(0, 0): 1})
    well.copyWellSamples()[0].image.acquisitionDate = None
    plate = update_service.saveAndReturnObject(plate)
    image = plate.copyWells()[0].copyWellSamples()[0].image
    creation_date = image.details.creationEvent.time
    return {'plate': plate, 'creation_date': creation_date.val / 1000}
def screen_plate_well(request, itest, update_service):
    Returns a new OMERO Screen, linked Plate and linked Well with required
    fields set.
    screen = ScreenI()
    screen.name = rstring(itest.uuid())
    plate = PlateI()
    plate.name = rstring(itest.uuid())
    # Well A10
    well = WellI()
    well.row = rint(0)
    well.column = rint(9)
    return update_service.saveAndReturnObject(screen)
def plate_wells_with_acq_date(itest, well_grid_factory, update_service):
    Creates a plate with a single well containing an image with both an
    acquisition date set as well as a creation event with a date. Returns the
    plate and the acquisition date in a map.
    acq_date = (time.time() - 60 * 60 * 24) * 1000
    plate = PlateI()
    plate.name = rstring(itest.uuid())
    # Simple grid: one well with one image
    [well] = well_grid_factory({(0, 0): 1})
    well.copyWellSamples()[0].image.acquisitionDate = rtime(int(acq_date))
    plate = update_service.saveAndReturnObject(plate)
    return {'plate': plate,
            'acq_date': int(acq_date / 1000)}
def plate_wells_with_no_acq_date(itest, well_grid_factory, update_service,
    Creates a plate with a single well containing an image with no acquisition
    date set. Returns the plate and the time from the creation event in a map.
    plate = PlateI()
    plate.name = rstring(itest.uuid())
    # Simple grid: one well with one image
    [well] = well_grid_factory({(0, 0): 1})
    well.copyWellSamples()[0].image.acquisitionDate = None
    plate = update_service.saveAndReturnObject(plate)
    image = plate.copyWells()[0].copyWellSamples()[0].image
    creation_date = image.details.creationEvent.time
    return {'plate': plate,
            'creation_date': creation_date.val / 1000}
def screen_with_plates(screen):
    for plate_id in range(5, 7):
        o = PlateI()
        o.id = rlong(plate_id)
        o.name = rstring("plate_name_%d" % plate_id)
        o.description = rstring("plate_description_%d" % plate_id)
        o.columnNamingConvention = rstring("number")
        o.rowNamingConvention = rstring("letter")
        o.columns = rint(12)
        o.rows = rint(8)
        o.defaultSample = rint(0)
        o.externalIdentifier = rstring("external_identifier_%d" % plate_id)
        o.status = rstring("status_%d" % plate_id)
        o.wellOriginX = LengthI(0.1, UnitsLength.REFERENCEFRAME)
        o.wellOriginY = LengthI(1.1, UnitsLength.REFERENCEFRAME)
    return screen
def full_plate_wells(itest, update_service):
    Returns a full OMERO Plate, linked Wells, linked WellSamples, and linked
    Images populated by an L{weblibrary.IWebTest} instance.
    lett = map(chr, range(ord('A'), ord('Z') + 1))
    plate = PlateI()
    plate.name = rstring(itest.uuid())
    for row in range(8):
        for column in range(12):
            well = WellI()
            well.row = rint(row)
            well.column = rint(column)
            ws = WellSampleI()
            image = itest.new_image(name=lett[row] + str(column))
            ws.image = image
    return update_service.saveAndReturnObject(plate)
def full_plate_wells(itest, update_service):
    Returns a full OMERO Plate, linked Wells, linked WellSamples, and linked
    Images populated by an L{weblibrary.IWebTest} instance.
    lett = map(chr, range(ord('A'), ord('Z')+1))
    plate = PlateI()
    plate.name = rstring(itest.uuid())
    for row in range(8):
        for column in range(12):
            well = WellI()
            well.row = rint(row)
            well.column = rint(column)
            ws = WellSampleI()
            image = itest.new_image(name=lett[row]+str(column))
            ws.image = image
    return update_service.saveAndReturnObject(plate)
Exemple #34
def plates_runs(request, itest, update_service, names):
    Returns a four new Plates, and two linked PlateAcquisitions with required
    fields set and with names that can be used to exercise sorting semantics.
    plates = [PlateI(), PlateI(), PlateI(), PlateI()]
    for index, plate in enumerate(plates):
        plate.name = rstring(names[index])
        plate_acquisitions = [PlateAcquisitionI(), PlateAcquisitionI()]
        for plate_acquisition in plate_acquisitions:
    # Non-orphaned Plate to catch issues with queries where non-orphaned
    # plates are included in the results.
    screen = ScreenI()
    screen.name = rstring(itest.uuid())
    plate = PlateI()
    plate.name = rstring(itest.uuid())
    return update_service.saveAndReturnArray(plates)
Exemple #35
def plates_runs(request, itest, update_service, names):
    Returns a four new Plates, and two linked PlateAcquisitions with required
    fields set and with names that can be used to exercise sorting semantics.
    plates = [PlateI(), PlateI(), PlateI(), PlateI()]
    for index, plate in enumerate(plates):
        plate.name = rstring(names[index])
        plate_acquisitions = [PlateAcquisitionI(), PlateAcquisitionI()]
        for plate_acquisition in plate_acquisitions:
    # Non-orphaned Plate to catch issues with queries where non-orphaned
    # plates are included in the results.
    screen = ScreenI()
    screen.name = rstring(itest.uuid())
    plate = PlateI()
    plate.name = rstring(itest.uuid())
    return update_service.saveAndReturnArray(plates)
    def createPlate(self, rowCount, colCount):
        uuid = self.ctx.sessionUuid

        def createWell(row, column):
            well = WellI()
            well.row = rint(row)
            well.column = rint(column)
            ws = WellSampleI()
            image = self.new_image(name=uuid)
            ws.image = image
            return well

        plate = PlateI()
        plate.name = rstring("TestPopulateMetadata%s" % uuid)
        for row in range(rowCount):
            for col in range(colCount):
                well = createWell(row, col)
        return self.client.sf.getUpdateService().saveAndReturnObject(plate)
    def createPlate(self, rowCount, colCount):
        uuid = self.ctx.sessionUuid

        def createWell(row, column):
            well = WellI()
            well.row = rint(row)
            well.column = rint(column)
            ws = WellSampleI()
            image = self.new_image(name=uuid)
            ws.image = image
            return well

        plate = PlateI()
        plate.name = rstring("TestPopulateMetadata%s" % uuid)
        for row in range(rowCount):
            for col in range(colCount):
                well = createWell(row, col)
        return self.client.sf.getUpdateService().saveAndReturnObject(plate)
Exemple #38
 def plates_different_users(self):
     Returns two new OMERO Plates created by different users with
     required fields set.
     client = self.conn.c
     group = self.conn.getGroupFromContext()._obj
     plates = list()
     # User that has already been created by the "client" fixture
     user, name = self.user_and_name(client)
     self.add_experimenters(group, [user])
     for name in (rstring(self.uuid()), rstring(self.uuid())):
         client, user = self.new_client_and_user(group=group)
             plate = PlateI()
             plate.name = name
             update_service = client.getSession().getUpdateService()
     return plates
Exemple #39
def plates_different_users(request, itest, conn):
    Returns two new OMERO Plates created by different users with
    required fields set.
    client = conn.c
    group = conn.getGroupFromContext()._obj
    plates = list()
    # User that has already been created by the "client" fixture
    user, name = itest.user_and_name(client)
    itest.add_experimenters(group, [user])
    for name in (rstring(itest.uuid()), rstring(itest.uuid())):
        client, user = itest.new_client_and_user(group=group)
            plate = PlateI()
            plate.name = name
            update_service = client.getSession().getUpdateService()
    return plates
def plate(request, gatewaywrapper):
    """Creates a Plate."""
    gw = gatewaywrapper.gateway
    update_service = gw.getUpdateService()
    plate = PlateI()
    plate.name = rstring(uuid())
    for well_index in range(3):
        well = WellI()
        well.row = rint(well_index**2)
        well.column = rint(well_index**3)
        for well_sample_index in range(2):
            well_sample = WellSampleI()
            image = ImageI()
            image.name = rstring('%s_%d' % (uuid(), well_sample_index))
            image.acquisitionDate = rtime(0)
            well_sample.image = image
    plate_id, = update_service.saveAndReturnIds([plate])
    return gw.getObject('Plate', plate_id)
def plate(request, gatewaywrapper):
    """Creates a Plate."""
    gw = gatewaywrapper.gateway
    update_service = gw.getUpdateService()
    plate = PlateI()
    plate.name = rstring(uuid())
    for well_index in range(3):
        well = WellI()
        well.row = rint(well_index**2)
        well.column = rint(well_index**3)
        for well_sample_index in range(2):
            well_sample = WellSampleI()
            image = ImageI()
            image.name = rstring('%s_%d' % (uuid(), well_sample_index))
            image.acquisitionDate = rtime(0)
            well_sample.image = image
    plate_id, = update_service.saveAndReturnIds([plate])
    return gw.getObject('Plate', plate_id)
Exemple #42
    def testListParentsSPW(self):
        """Test listParents() for Image in WellSample"""

        client, exp = self.new_client_and_user()
        conn = BlitzGateway(client_obj=client)

        # setup SPW-WS-Img...
        s = ScreenI()
        s.name = wrap('ScreenA')
        p = PlateI()
        p.name = wrap('PlateA')
        w = WellI()
        w.column = wrap(0)
        w.row = wrap(0)
        s = client.sf.getUpdateService().saveAndReturnObject(s)
        p = s.linkedPlateList()[0]
        w = p.copyWells()[0]
        i = self.make_image(name="SPW listParents", client=client)
        ws = WellSampleI()
        ws.image = i
        ws.well = WellI(w.id.val, False)
        ws = client.sf.getUpdateService().saveAndReturnObject(ws)

        # Traverse from Image -> Screen
        image = conn.getObject("Image", i.id.val)
        wellSample = image.listParents()[0]

        well = wellSample.listParents()[0]
        assert well.id == w.id.val

        plate = well.listParents()[0]
        assert plate.id == p.id.val

        screen = plate.listParents()[0]
        assert screen.id == s.id.val
        # Screen has no parent
        assert len(screen.listParents()) == 0
Exemple #43
    def image_well_plate(self):
        Returns a new OMERO Project, linked Dataset and linked Image populated
        by an L{test.integration.library.ITest} instance with required fields
        plate = PlateI()
        plate.name = rstring(self.uuid())
        plate = self.update.saveAndReturnObject(plate)

        well = WellI()
        well.plate = plate
        well = self.update.saveAndReturnObject(well)

        image = self.new_image(name=self.uuid())

        ws = WellSampleI()
        ws.image = image
        ws.well = well
        ws = self.update.saveAndReturnObject(ws)
        return plate, well, ws.image
    def image_well_plate(self):
        Returns a new OMERO Project, linked Dataset and linked Image populated
        by an L{test.integration.library.ITest} instance with required fields
        plate = PlateI()
        plate.name = rstring(self.uuid())
        plate = self.update.saveAndReturnObject(plate)

        well = WellI()
        well.plate = plate
        well = self.update.saveAndReturnObject(well)

        image = self.new_image(name=self.uuid())

        ws = WellSampleI()
        ws.image = image
        ws.well = well
        ws = self.update.saveAndReturnObject(ws)
        return plate, well, ws.image
Exemple #45
def plate_well_table(itest, well_grid_factory, update_service, conn):
    Returns a new OMERO Plate, linked Wells, linked WellSamples, and linked
    Images populated by an L{omeroweb.testlib.IWebTest} instance.
    plate = PlateI()
    plate.name = rstring(itest.uuid())
    # Well A1 has one WellSample
    plate.addWell(well_grid_factory({(0, 0): 1})[0])
    plate = update_service.saveAndReturnObject(plate)

    col1 = WellColumn('Well', '', [])
    col2 = StringColumn('TestColumn', '', 64, [])

    columns = [col1, col2]
    tablename = "plate_well_table_test:%s" % str(random())
    table = conn.c.sf.sharedResources().newTable(1, tablename)

    wellIds = [w.id.val for w in plate.copyWells()]
    print("WellIds", wellIds)

    data1 = WellColumn('Well', '', wellIds)
    data2 = StringColumn('TestColumn', '', 64, ["foobar"])
    data = [data1, data2]

    orig_file = table.getOriginalFile()

    fileAnn = FileAnnotationI()
    fileAnn.ns = rstring('openmicroscopy.org/omero/bulk_annotations')
    fileAnn.setFile(OriginalFileI(orig_file.id.val, False))
    fileAnn = conn.getUpdateService().saveAndReturnObject(fileAnn)
    link = PlateAnnotationLinkI()
    link.setParent(PlateI(plate.id.val, False))
    link.setChild(FileAnnotationI(fileAnn.id.val, False))
    return plate, wellIds
def plate_well_table(itest, well_grid_factory, update_service, conn):
    Returns a new OMERO Plate, linked Wells, linked WellSamples, and linked
    Images populated by an L{weblibrary.IWebTest} instance.
    plate = PlateI()
    plate.name = rstring(itest.uuid())
    # Well A1 has one WellSample
    plate.addWell(well_grid_factory({(0, 0): 1})[0])
    plate = update_service.saveAndReturnObject(plate)

    col1 = WellColumn('Well', '', [])
    col2 = StringColumn('TestColumn', '', 64, [])

    columns = [col1, col2]
    tablename = "plate_well_table_test:%s" % str(random())
    table = conn.c.sf.sharedResources().newTable(1, tablename)

    wellIds = [w.id.val for w in plate.copyWells()]
    print "WellIds", wellIds

    data1 = WellColumn('Well', '', wellIds)
    data2 = StringColumn('TestColumn', '', 64, ["foobar"])
    data = [data1, data2]

    orig_file = table.getOriginalFile()
    fileAnn = FileAnnotationI()
    fileAnn.ns = rstring('openmicroscopy.org/omero/bulk_annotations')
    fileAnn.setFile(OriginalFileI(orig_file.id.val, False))
    fileAnn = conn.getUpdateService().saveAndReturnObject(fileAnn)
    link = PlateAnnotationLinkI()
    link.setParent(PlateI(plate.id.val, False))
    link.setChild(FileAnnotationI(fileAnn.id.val, False))
    return plate, wellIds
def run(username, password, plate_id, host, port):
    """Run the script."""
    # Create connection to training server
    conn = BlitzGateway(username, password, host=host, port=port)

    # Create connection to IDR server
    # NB: conn.connect() not working on IDR. Do it like this
    idr_client = omero.client(host="idr.openmicroscopy.org", port=4064)
    idr_client.createSession('public', 'public')
    idr_conn = BlitzGateway(client_obj=idr_client)

    # The plate we want to copy from IDR
    idr_plate = idr_conn.getObject("Plate", plate_id)
    plate_name = idr_plate.getName()

    update_service = conn.getUpdateService()
    plate = PlateI()
    plate.name = rstring(plate_name)
    plate = update_service.saveAndReturnObject(plate)

    for idr_well in idr_plate.listChildren():
        print("Well", idr_well.id, 'row', idr_well.row, 'col', idr_well.column)
        # For each Well, get image and clone locally...
        new_imgs = []
        for idr_wellsample in idr_well.listChildren():
            idr_image = idr_wellsample.getImage()

            print("Image", idr_image.id)
            image = copy_image(conn, idr_image)
        # link to Plate...
        add_images_to_plate(update_service, plate, new_imgs,
                            idr_well.row, idr_well.column)

Exemple #48
    def test_plate(self):
        """Tests label methods for Plate and Well."""
        name = u'plate_∞'
        cols = 4
        rows = 3
        obj = PlateI()
        obj.name = rstring(name)

        plate = MockConnection(obj).getObject("Plate", 1)
        assert plate.getName() == name.encode('utf8')
        plate._gridSize = {'rows': rows, 'columns': cols}
        assert plate.getColumnLabels() == [c for c in range(1, cols + 1)]
        assert plate.getRowLabels() == ['A', 'B', 'C']

        well_obj = WellI()
        well_obj.column = rint(1)
        well_obj.row = rint(2)

        class MockWell(WellWrapper):
            def getParent(self):
                return plate

        well = MockWell(None, well_obj)
        assert well.getWellPos() == "C2"