def uploadImageToDataset(session, localImage, dataset=None, description="", imageName=None):
    Uploads a local Spider image to an OMERO dataset. Same function exists in
    @param services     Map of OMERO services
    @param pixelsType   The OMERO PixelsType object for new image.
    @param imageName    The local image path/name. Also used for new image name. 
    @param dataset      Dataset to put images in, if specified. omero.model.Dataset

    if imageName == None:  imageName = localImage
    print "Importing image: %s" % imageName
    em = EMData()
    npArray = EMNumPy.em2numpy(em)
    if len(npArray.shape) < 3:
        plane2Dlist = [npArray]
        plane2Dlist = npArray

    image = scriptUtil.createNewImage(session, plane2Dlist, imageName, description, dataset)
    return image
Exemple #2
def createTestImage(session, imageName="imageName"):

    plane2D = arange(256, dtype=uint8).reshape(16, 16)
    image = scriptUtil.createNewImage(session, [plane2D], imageName,
                                      "description", dataset=None)

    return image.getId().getValue()
def createTestImage(session):

    plane2D = arange(256, dtype=uint8).reshape(16, 16)
    image = scriptUtil.createNewImage(session, [plane2D], "imageName",
                                      "description", dataset=None)

    return image.getId().getValue()
def uploadImageToDataset(services, pixelsType, imageArray, imageName, dataset=None):
    Uploads a local Spider image to an OMERO dataset. Same function exists in
    @param services     Map of OMERO services
    @param pixelsType   The OMERO PixelsType object for new image.
    @param imageArray   Numpy array of pixel data - 2D
    @param imageName    The local file, for getting image header info
    @param dataset      Dataset to put images in, if specified. omero.model.Dataset

    session = services["session"]
    queryService = services["queryService"]
    updateService = services["updateService"]
    rawFileStore = services["rawFileStore"]
    namespace = omero.constants.namespaces.NSCOMPANIONFILE 
    fileName = omero.constants.annotation.file.ORIGINALMETADATA
    print "Importing image: %s" % imageName
    description = ""
    if len(imageArray.shape) > 2:
        plane2Dlist = imageArray    # 3D array already. TODO: Need to check that volume is not mirrored (Z in correct order)
        plane2Dlist = [imageArray]  # single plane image
    name = os.path.basename(imageName)
    image = scriptUtil.createNewImage(session, plane2Dlist, name, description, dataset)
    # header is a list of values corresponding to attributes 
    header = getSpiderHeader(imageName)
    # if we know the pixel size, set it in the new image
    if len(header) >= 38:
        physicalSizeX = header[38]
        physicalSizeY = header[38]
        pixels = image.getPrimaryPixels()
    # make a temp text file. 
    f = open(fileName, 'w')

    # now add image attributes as "Original Metadata", sorted by key. 
    for i, h in enumerate(header):
        if i in spiderHeaderMap:
            f.write("%s=%s\n" % (spiderHeaderMap[i], h))

    scriptUtil.uploadAndAttachFile(queryService, updateService, rawFileStore, image, fileName, "text/plain", None, namespace)
    # delete temp file
def uploadImageToDataset(session, services, pixelsType, localImage, dataset=None, description="", imageName=None):
    Uploads a local Spider image to an OMERO dataset. Same function exists in
    @param services     Map of OMERO services
    @param pixelsType   The OMERO PixelsType object for new image.
    @param imageName    The local image path/name. Also used for new image name. 
    @param dataset      Dataset to put images in, if specified. omero.model.Dataset
    renderingEngine = services["renderingEngine"]
    queryService = services["queryService"]
    pixelsService = services["pixelsService"]
    rawPixelStore = services["rawPixelStore"]
    updateService = services["updateService"]
    rawFileStore = services["rawFileStore"]

    namespace = omero.constants.namespaces.NSCOMPANIONFILE 
    fileName = omero.constants.annotation.file.ORIGINALMETADATA
    if imageName == None:  imageName = localImage
    print "Importing image: %s" % imageName
    plane2D = spider2array(localImage)
    plane2Dlist = [plane2D]        # single plane image
    image = scriptUtil.createNewImage(session, plane2Dlist, imageName, description, dataset)
    # header is a list of values corresponding to attributes 
    header = getSpiderHeader(localImage)
    # if we know the pixel size, set it in the new image
    if len(header) >= 38:
        physicalSizeX = header[38]
        physicalSizeY = header[38]
        pixels = image.getPrimaryPixels()
    # make a temp text file. 
    f = open(fileName, 'w')

    # now add image attributes as "Original Metadata", sorted by key. 
    for i, h in enumerate(header):
        if i in spiderHeaderMap:
            f.write("%s=%s\n" % (spiderHeaderMap[i], h))

    scriptUtil.uploadAndAttachFile(queryService, updateService, rawFileStore, image, fileName, "text/plain", None, namespace)
    # delete temp file
    return image
def importImage(session, imagePath, imageName=None, planeData=None):
    if imagePath != None:
        data = getPlaneFromImage(imagePath)
        if len(data.shape) == 3:
            plane2D = data[0]   # this actually slices the wrong way. E.g. Gives a row with 3 channels. 
        else: plane2D = data
        plane2D = planeData
    if imageName == None:
        imageName = imagePath
    image = scriptUtil.createNewImage(session, [plane2D], imageName, "description", dataset=None)
    return image
Exemple #7
def importImage(session, imagePath, imageName=None, planeData=None):
    if imagePath != None:
        data = getPlaneFromImage(imagePath)
        if len(data.shape) == 3:
            plane2D = data[0]   # this actually slices the wrong way. E.g. Gives a row with 3 channels. 
        else: plane2D = data
        plane2D = planeData
    if imageName == None:
        imageName = imagePath
    image = scriptUtil.createNewImage(session, [plane2D], imageName, "description", dataset=None)
    return image
    def upload_image(self,
        valid_image = False
        file_mime_type = None
        image = None

        if file_to_upload.lower().endswith(
            ('.jpg', '.jpeg', '.png', '.gif', '.bmp', '.tiff')):
            import filetype
            ftype = filetype.guess(file_to_upload)
            if ftype is None:
                BROKER_LOG.error('Cannot guess file type!')
                valid_image = False

            BROKER_LOG.debug('File extension: %s' % ftype.extension)
            BROKER_LOG.debug('File MIME type: %s' % ftype.mime)

            if ftype.mime not in self.ACCEPTED_MIME_TYPES:
                valid_image = False
                valid_image = True
                file_mime_type = ftype.mime
            valid_image = False

        if valid_image == True:
            # convert image to 2DArray for plane
            im =
            # planes = [np.array(im)]

            filename_w_ext = os.path.basename(file_to_upload)
            filename, file_extension = os.path.splitext(filename_w_ext)

            if import_original == True and cli is not None:
                # use the function that follows if uploading images as original files (i.e. as imports)
                # conn = gateway.BlitzGateway(client_obj=self.CLIENT)
                # conn = self.get_connection()
                if dataset:
                    target = "Dataset:id:" + str(
                        "import", "--clientdir",
                        '-T', target, '--description', "an image", "--quiet",
                        '--no-upgrade-check', file_to_upload
                        "import", "--clientdir",
                        '--description', "an image", '--no-upgrade-check',
                        "--quiet", file_to_upload
                planes = script_utils.getPlaneFromImage(
                    imagePath=file_to_upload, rgbIndex=None)

                # Use below function if uploading images in RawPixelsStore format (i.e. not the original file import)
                image = script_utils.createNewImage(self.SESSION, [planes],
                                                    filename, "An image",

        if image is not None:
            print(': '.join([
                "Image file successfully uploaded",
            return image.getId().getValue()
def uploadBdbAsDataset(infile, dataset):
    @param infile       path to bdb (absolute OR from where we are running) OR this can be a list of image paths. 
    @param dataset      Dataset to put images in (omero.model.DatasetI)

    imageList = None
    # particleExt will be "ptcls" or "flip" or "wiener" if we are importing original particles
    # particleExt will be "data" or "flipped" or "filtered" if we are importing sets particles
    particleExt = None
    nimg = 0
        nimg = EMUtil.get_image_count(infile)    # eg images in bdb 'folder'
        particleExt = infile.split("_")[-1]
        print "Found %d %s images to import from: %s to dataset: %s" % (nimg, particleExt, infile,
        nimg = len(infile)    # OK, we're probably dealing with a list
        imageList = infile
        print "Importing %d images to dataset: %s" % (nimg,
    if nimg == 0:
    d = EMData()
    # use first image to get data-type (assume all the same!)
    if imageList:
        d.read_image(infile, 0)
    plane2D = EMNumPy.em2numpy(d)
    pType =
    print pType
    pixelsType = queryService.findByQuery("from PixelsType as p where p.value='%s'" % pType, None) # omero::model::PixelsType
    if pixelsType == None and pType.startswith("float"):
        # try 'float'
        pixelsType = queryService.findByQuery("from PixelsType as p where p.value='%s'" % "float", None) # omero::model::PixelsType
    if pixelsType == None:
        print "Unknown pixels type for: " % pType
        print "Using pixels type ", pixelsType.getValue().getValue()
    # identify the original metadata file with these values
    namespace = omero.constants.namespaces.NSCOMPANIONFILE 
    origFilePath = omero.constants.annotation.file.ORIGINALMETADATAPREFIX  #"/"
    fileName = omero.constants.annotation.file.ORIGINALMETADATA
    # loop through all the images.
    nimg = min(50, nimg) 
    for i in range(nimg):
        description = "Imported from EMAN2 bdb: %s" % infile
        newImageName = ""
        if imageList:
            h, newImageName = os.path.split(imageList[i])
            print "\nReading image: %s  (%s / %s)" % (imageList[i], i, nimg)
            newImageName = "%d" % i
            print "\nReading image: %s / %s" % (i, nimg)
            d.read_image(infile, i)
        plane2D = EMNumPy.em2numpy(d)
        #plane2D *= 100     # temporary hack to avoid rendering problem with small numbers. 
        #planeMin = int(plane2D.min())
        #plane2D -= planeMin     # make min = 0
        #print plane2D
        plane2Dlist = [plane2D]        # single plane image
        # test attributes for source image link
        attributes = d.get_attr_dict()
        particleSource = ""
        if "ptcl_source_image" in attributes:
            parentName = attributes["ptcl_source_image"]
            newImageName = parentName   # name the particle after it's parent
            description = description + "\nSource Image: %s" % parentName
            particleSource += parentName
            if parentName in newImageMap:
                #print "Add link to image named: ", parentName
                # simply add to description, since we don't have Image-Image links yet
                description = description + "\nSource Image ID: %s" % newImageMap[parentName]
        if "ptcl_source_coord" in attributes:
                x, y = attributes["ptcl_source_coord"]
                particleSource = "%s.%d.%d" % (particleSource, x, y)
                xCoord = float(x)
                yCoord = float(y)
                description = description + "\nSource Coordinates: %.1f, %.1f" % (xCoord, yCoord)
            except: pass
        # if we are importing the reference images for class averages, add link to original particle
        if particleExt != None and particleExt.endswith("all4"):
            particleid = "%s.%s" % (particleSource, "ptcls") # 'ptcls' links to original particles. 
            print "Adding link from all4 to original particle", particleid
            if particleid in newImageMap:
                description = description + "\nParticle Image ID: %s" % newImageMap[particleid]
        # if this particle has been imported already, simple put it in the dataset...
        if "data_path" in attributes:
            if particleExt in particleSetExtMap:    # E.g. "data" 
                originalParticleExt = particleSetExtMap[particleExt]    # E.g. "ptcls"
                particleSource += ".%s" % originalParticleExt
                if particleSource in newImageMap:
                    print particleSource, "already imported..."
                    particleId = newImageMap[particleSource]
                    link = omero.model.DatasetImageLinkI()
                    link.parent = omero.model.DatasetI(, False)
                    link.child = omero.model.ImageI(particleId, False)
        # if we are dealing with a class average:
        if "class_ptcl_idxs" in attributes:
            particleIndexes = attributes["class_ptcl_idxs"]
            omeroIds = []
            for index in particleIndexes:
                if index in all4map:
            ds = createDataset("class %s"%i, project=None, imageIds=omeroIds)
            description += "\nMember particles in Dataset ID: %s" %
        # create new Image from numpy data.
        print "Creating image in OMERO and uploading data..."
        image = scriptUtil.createNewImage(session, plane2Dlist, newImageName, description, dataset)
        imageId = image.getId().getValue()
        # if we know the pixel size, set it in the new image
        if "apix_x" in attributes:
            physicalSizeX = float(attributes["apix_x"])
            print "physicalSizeX" , physicalSizeX
            if "apix_y" in attributes:
                physicalSizeY = float(attributes["apix_y"])
                print "physicalSizeY" , physicalSizeY
                physicalSizeY = physicalSizeX
            pixels = image.getPrimaryPixels()
        # make a map of name: imageId, for creating image links
        if particleExt != None and particleExt.endswith("all4"):
            all4map[i] = imageId
        elif particleSource:
            particleSource += ".%s" % particleExt
            print particleSource, "added to map"
            newImageMap[particleSource] = imageId
            print newImageName, "added to map"
            newImageMap[newImageName] = imageId
        f = open(fileName, 'w')        # will overwrite each time. 
        # now add image attributes as "Original Metadata", sorted by key. 
        keyList = list(attributes.keys())    
        for k in keyList:
            #print k, attributes[k]
            f.write("%s=%s\n" % (k, attributes[k]))
        filePath = "%s%s/%s" % (origFilePath, imageId, fileName)
        print "Uploading %s to Image: %s with path: %s" % (fileName, imageId, filePath)
        scriptUtil.uploadAndAttachFile(queryService, updateService, rawFileStore, image, fileName, "text/plain", None, namespace, filePath)
    # delete temp file
    if os.path.exists(fileName):    os.remove(fileName)
def uploadBdbsAsDataset(services, bdbContainer, imageIds, project = None, info = None):
    This method takes a folder that contains multiple bdbs, each representing different ctf output. 
    This is what is generated by the command, when it is running on images not in a bdb. 
    Output images (in the form of bdbs) are placed in a 'particles' folder in the current directory.
    This method uploads all the images in the given directory into a new dataset per bdb.  
    @param bdbContainer     path to bdb. In this script, it is a relative path (folder name) E.g. 'particles'
    @param imageIds         The OMERO image-ids that these particles come from. Add to descriptions 
    @param project          if specified, put each dataset into this project (omero.model.ProjectI)
    @param info             Extra info to add to dataset description and image descriptions. 
    re = services["renderingEngine"]
    queryService = services["queryService"]
    pixelsService = services["pixelsService"]
    rawPixelStore = services["rawPixelsStore"]
    updateService = services["updateService"]
    rawFileStore = services["rawFileStore"]

    # get the list of bdbs
    dbs = db_list_dicts('bdb:%s' % bdbContainer)
    print dbs
    if len(dbs) == 0:
        print "No bdb images to upload"
    d = EMData()
    # use first image to get data-type (assume all the same!)
    dbpath = "bdb:particles#%s" % dbs[0]
    d.read_image(dbpath, 0)
    plane2D = EMNumPy.em2numpy(d)
    namespace = omero.constants.namespaces.NSCOMPANIONFILE 
    fileName = omero.constants.annotation.file.ORIGINALMETADATA
    # loop through all the images. 
    datasets = []
    for db in dbs:
        dbpath = "bdb:particles#%s" % db 
        nimg = EMUtil.get_image_count(dbpath)    # eg images in bdb 'folder'
        print "Found %d images to import from: %s" % (nimg, dbpath)
        # make a dataset for images
        dataset = omero.model.DatasetI() = rstring(db)
        dataset.description = rstring(info)
        dataset = updateService.saveAndReturnObject(dataset)
        if project:        # and put it in a new project
            link = omero.model.ProjectDatasetLinkI()
            link.parent = omero.model.ProjectI(, False)
            link.child = omero.model.DatasetI(, False)
        for i in range(nimg):
            newImageName = str(db)
            print "Importing image: %d" % i
            description = "CTF-corrected image\n"
            if info:    description += " %s\n" % info
            description += " Original Image ID: %s" % imageIds[i]
            print "importing from:" , dbpath
            d.read_image(dbpath, i)
            plane2D = EMNumPy.em2numpy(d)
            #print plane2D
            plane2Dlist = [plane2D]        # single plane image
            image = scriptUtil.createNewImage(plane2Dlist, newImageName, description, dataset)
            attributes = d.get_attr_dict()
            # if we know the pixel size, set it in the new image
            if "apix_x" in attributes:
                physicalSizeX = float(attributes["apix_x"])
                print "physicalSizeX" , physicalSizeX
                if "apix_y" in attributes:
                    physicalSizeY = float(attributes["apix_y"])
                    print "physicalSizeY" , physicalSizeY
                    physicalSizeY = physicalSizeX
                pixels = image.getPrimaryPixels()
            f = open(fileName, 'w')        # will overwrite each time. 
            # now add image attributes as "Original Metadata", sorted by key. 
            keyList = list(attributes.keys())     
            for k in keyList:
                #print k, attributes[k]
                f.write("%s=%s\n" % (k, attributes[k]))
                if k == "ptcl_source_image":
                    print "Add link to image named: ", attributes[k]
            scriptUtil.uploadAndAttachFile(queryService, updateService, rawFileStore, image, fileName, "text/plain", None, namespace)
        # delete temp file
    return datasets