def __init__(self, clockPin, dataPin, strobePin, activateDisplay, intensity): self.clockPin = clockPin self.dataPin = dataPin self.strobePin = strobePin # all the pins are outputs self.gpioDataPin = onionGpio.OnionGpio(self.dataPin) status = self.gpioDataPin.setOutputDirection(0) self.gpioClockPin = onionGpio.OnionGpio(self.clockPin) status = self.gpioClockPin.setOutputDirection(0) self.gpioStrobePin = onionGpio.OnionGpio(self.strobePin) status = self.gpioStrobePin.setOutputDirection(0) # init them all in a known state status = self.gpioClockPin.setValue(offVal) status = self.gpioDataPin.setValue(offVal) status = self.gpioStrobePin.setValue(offVal) # send the init commands #print("send init") self.sendCommand(DATA_WRITE_INCR_ADDR) self.setupDisplay(activateDisplay, intensity) self.strobeSelect() self.send(ADDRSET) for i in range(0, 16): self.send(0x00) self.strobeDeselect()
def setUpGPIOSubsystem(): global sensorLeftDoor global sensorRightDoor # ensure our i2c pins are set for gpio needConfigUse = modeI2C() if needConfigUse == True: setPinsModeGPIO() # now set pin directions sensorLeftDoor = onionGpio.OnionGpio(doorPin(door_name_left)) sensorLeftDoor.setInputDirection() sensorRightDoor = onionGpio.OnionGpio(doorPin(door_name_right)) sensorRightDoor.setInputDirection()
def main(): # Blue gpioObjBlue = onionGpio.OnionGpio(BLUE_LED) status = gpioObjBlue.setOutputDirection(0) status = gpioObjBlue.setValue(offVal) # Green gpioObjGreen = onionGpio.OnionGpio(GREEN_LED) status = gpioObjGreen.setOutputDirection(0) status = gpioObjGreen.setValue(offVal) # Red gpioObjRed = onionGpio.OnionGpio(RED_LED) status = gpioObjRed.setOutputDirection(0) status = gpioObjRed.setValue(offVal) #print("Call segmentDisplay") segmentDisplay = TM1638(CLK, DIO, STROBE_0, True, 7) segmentDisplay.clearDisplay() for i in range(0, 8): segmentDisplay.setLED(i, LED_COLOR_NONE) buttons = 0 while (True): try: buttons = segmentDisplay.getButtons() if buttons != 0: print("buttons = {0:2x}".format(buttons)) status = gpioObjGreen.setValue(onVal) status = gpioObjRed.setValue(offVal) status = gpioObjBlue.setValue(offVal) segmentDisplay.clearDisplay() for i in range(0, 8): if (buttons & 1): segmentDisplay.setLED(i, LED_COLOR_RED) segmentDisplay.setDisplayDigit(i, i, 1) else: segmentDisplay.setLED(i, LED_COLOR_GREEN) # go the the bit for the next button buttons >>= 1 else: buttons = 0 except KeyboardInterrupt: print("Keyboard interrupt, exiting") status = gpioObjGreen.setValue(offVal) quit()
def init_gpio_output(element, pin): """Initialize the gpio.""" if element == "led": global gpio_led gpio_led = onionGpio.OnionGpio(pin) # set to output direction with zero (LOW) being the default value gpio_led.setOutputDirection(0) else: global gpio_buzzer gpio_buzzer = onionGpio.OnionGpio(pin) # set to output direction with zero (LOW) being the default value gpio_buzzer.setOutputDirection(0) return True
def __init__(self, loadPin, clockEnablePin, clockPin, dataPin, numberPISO = 1): self._loadPin = onionGpio.OnionGpio(loadPin) self._clockEnablePin = onionGpio.OnionGpio(clockEnablePin) self._clockPin = onionGpio.OnionGpio(clockPin) self._dataPin = onionGpio.OnionGpio(dataPin) self._dataWidth = numberPISO * 8 self._loadPin.setOutputDirection(0) self._clockEnablePin.setOutputDirection(0) self._clockPin.setOutputDirection(0) self._dataPin.setInputDirection() self._clockPin.setValue(0) self._loadPin.setValue(1)
def loop(): """ Main loop running the bot """ # Initialize the light sensor. Note that the Gpio library # returns strings... sensorpin = CFG.get("cfg", "light_sensor_pin") sensor = onionGpio.OnionGpio(int(sensorpin)) status = int(sensor.setInputDirection()) # Check sensor status if status == 0: print "Sensor ok" if status == -1: print "Error" return 1 # Get the refresh interval from Config refresh_interval = float(CFG.get("cfg", "refresh_interval")) while status == 0: lights = int(sensor.getValue()) # TODO: Implement projector current sensing projector = 0 timestamp = time.time() data = json.dumps({'device':DEVICE_NAME, "lights":lights, 'timestamp':timestamp}) senddata("Something", data) time.sleep(refresh_interval)
def _configure_output(pin: int, device: str, bus): """ Configure the node as an output. Takes in a pin to access, and a string which is what was passed in at the command line. """ if device in ('pi', 'jetson'): # as with configure_input, we can use pigpio for both return_output = _GenericOutputPin(bus, pin) return_output.set_low_func = ( lambda: return_output.configured_pinbus_object.write( int(pin), pigpio.LOW)) return_output.set_high_func = ( lambda: return_output.configured_pinbus_object.write( int(pin), pigpio.HIGH)) return return_output if device == 'beaglebone': return _GenericOutputPin( lambda: BBGPIO.setup(pin, BBGPIO.OUT), lambda: BBGPIO.output(pin, BBGPIO.LOW), lambda: BBGPIO.output(pin, BBGPIO.HIGH), ) if device == 'onion': return_output = _GenericOutputPin(onionGpio.OnionGpio(pin), pin) return_output.configured_pinbus_object.setOutputDirection() return_output.set_low_func = lambda: return_output.configured_pinbus_object.setValue( 0) return_output.set_high_func = lambda: return_output.configured_pinbus_object.setValue( 1) return return_output if device == 'generic': # todo: as above os.system('echo ' + str(pin) + ' > /sys/class/gpio/export') os.system('echo out > /sys/class/gpio/gpio' + str(pin) + '/direction') return _GenericOutputPin( None, pin, set_low_=lambda: os.system('echo 0 > /sys/class/gpio/gpio' + str( pin) + '/value'), set_high_=lambda: os.system('echo 1 > /sys/class/gpio/gpio' + str( pin) + '/value')) if device == 'simulated': return _GenericOutputPin( None, pin, set_high_=(lambda: print("[simulated] high!")), set_low_=(lambda: print("[simulated] low!"))) raise RuntimeError('Device was invalid: ' + device)
class sevenSegment: digitMap = { "0": "00111111", "1": "00000110", "2": "01011011", "3": "01001111", "4": "01100110", "5": "01101101", "6": "01111101", "7": "00000111", "8": "01111111", "9": "01101111", "a": "01110111", "b": "01111100", "c": "10011100", "d": "01111010", "e": "10011110", "f": "10001110", "off": "00000000", "-": "01000000" } #Initializes the GPIO objects based on the pin numbers def __init__(self, dPin): self.shiftReg = registerClass.shiftRegister(1,2,3) for i in range (0,4): self.digitPin[i] = onionGpio.OnionGpio(dPin[i]) self.digitPin[i].setOutputDirection(1) def showDigit(self, d, character): self.digitPin[d].setValue(0) self.shiftReg.outputBits(self.digitMap[character]) self.digit[d].setValue(1) def clear(self): self.shiftReg.clear(); for i in range (0,4): self.digitPin[i] = onionGpio.OnionGpio(dPin[i])
def MFRC522_Init(self): # GPIO.output(self.NRSTPD, 1) gpioRst = onionGpio.OnionGpio(self.NRSTPD) gpioRst.setOutputDirection(1) self.MFRC522_Reset() self.Write_MFRC522(self.TModeReg, 0x8D) self.Write_MFRC522(self.TPrescalerReg, 0x3E) self.Write_MFRC522(self.TReloadRegL, 30) self.Write_MFRC522(self.TReloadRegH, 0) self.Write_MFRC522(self.TxAutoReg, 0x40) self.Write_MFRC522(self.ModeReg, 0x3D) self.AntennaOn()
def __init__(self, digitOne, digitTwo, digitThree, digitFour): self.shiftReg = registerClass.shiftRegister(1,2,3) self.digitOne = onionGpio.OnionGpio(digitOne) self.digitTwo = onionGpio.OnionGpio(digitTwo) self.digitThree = onionGpio.OnionGpio(digitThree) self.digitFour = onionGpio.OnionGpio(digitFour) self.a = "01110111" self.b = "00111110" self.c = "10011100" self.d = "01111010" self.e = "10011110" self.f = "10001110" = "00111111" = "00000110" self.two = "01011011" self.three = "01001111" self.four = "01100110" self.five = "01101101" self.six = "01111101" = "00000111" self.eight = "01111111" self.nine = "01101111"
def dht_read(type, pin, humidity, temperature): #validate imputs for temp and humid and then set to 0 if humidity is None || temperature is None: print("DHT Arguement Error") return DHT_ERROR_ARGUEMENT temperature = -255.0 humidity = -255.0 #initialize GPIO pin dhtGpio = onionGpio.OnionGpio(pin) status = dhtGpio.setOutputDirection(0) #Store the count that each DHT bit pulse is low and high. #Make sure array is initialized to start at zero. pulseCounts[DHT_PULSES*2] = {0}
class ST7735(object): """Representation of an ST7735 TFT LCD.""" def __init__(self, dc, spi, rst=None, gpio=None, width=ST7735_TFTWIDTH, height=ST7735_TFTHEIGHT): """Create an instance of the display using SPI communication. Must provide the GPIO pin number for the D/C pin and the SPI driver. Can optionally provide the GPIO pin number for the reset pin as the rst parameter. """ self._dc = dc self._rst = rst self._spi = spi self._gpio = gpio self.width = width self.height = height #In onion the gpio is controlled using #different object for each pin, we define #_gpiodc and _gpiorst for that self._gpiodc = GPIO.OnionGpio(dc) try: self._gpiodc._freeGpio() except IOError: print "Already freed dc" if rst is not None: self._gpiorst = GPIO.OnionGpio(rst) #try: # self._gpiorst._freeGpio() #except IOError: # print "Already freed rst" # Set DC as output. self._gpiodc.setOutputDirection(0) # Setup reset as output (if provided). if rst is not None: self._gpiorst.setOutputDirection(0) # Set SPI to mode 0, MSB first. spi.mode = 0 spi.speed = SPI_CLOCK_HZ spi.lsbfirst = False #spi.set_bit_order(SPI.MSBFIRST) #spi.set_clock_hz(SPI_CLOCK_HZ) # Create an image buffer. self.buffer ='RGB', (width, height))
def main(): HOST_MAC_ADDRESS = wf.getMACString() print("Device MAC address: " + HOST_MAC_ADDRESS) # Connect for sending: AMQPPubTopic = AMQPClient.topicGenerator(HOST_MAC_ADDRESS, "0001", "lightManager", "pub") print("Pub topic", AMQPSendTopic_lightManager) AMQPClient.declareTopic(AMQPSendTopic_lightManager) # For receiving: AMQPRcvTopic_lightManager = AMQPClient.topicGenerator( HOST_MAC_ADDRESS, "0001", "lightManager", "sub") AMQPClient.declareTopic(AMQPRcvTopic_lightManager) AMQPClient.startSubcribe(AMQPReceiveMessageCallback, AMQPRcvTopic_lightManager) gpioNum = 16 gpioObj = onionGpio.OnionGpio(gpioNum) status = gpioObj.setOutputDirection(0) if status == 0: print('GPIO%d set to output,' % (gpioNum)) else: print('FAILED: GPIO%d set to output ,' % (gpioNum)) value = gpioObj.getValue() print('Initial value: %d' % (int(value))) while True: try: if (int(value) != int(gpioObj.getValue())): value = gpioObj.getValue() print('Value is changed: %d' % (int(value))) if int(value) == 0: message = js.jsonSimpleGenerate("state", "0") else: message = js.jsonSimpleGenerate("state", "1") AMQPClient.publishMessage(AMQPPubTopic, message) time.sleep(1) except Exception as e: print("Failed to run Humidifier Process: exception={})".format(e))
def __init__(self, dc, spi, rst=None, gpio=None, width=ST7735_TFTWIDTH, height=ST7735_TFTHEIGHT): """Create an instance of the display using SPI communication. Must provide the GPIO pin number for the D/C pin and the SPI driver. Can optionally provide the GPIO pin number for the reset pin as the rst parameter. """ self._dc = dc self._rst = rst self._spi = spi self._gpio = gpio self.width = width self.height = height #In onion the gpio is controlled using #different object for each pin, we define #_gpiodc and _gpiorst for that self._gpiodc = GPIO.OnionGpio(dc) try: self._gpiodc._freeGpio() except IOError: print "Already freed dc"
def __init__(self, dev='/dev/spidev0.0', spd=1000000): self.val = 0 # spi.openSPI(device=dev,speed=spd) ### modify any SPI settings as required self.spi = onionSpi.OnionSpi(1, 32766) self.spi.sck = 7 self.spi.mosi = 8 self.spi.miso = 9 self.spi.cs = 6 # self.spi.csHigh = 1 ### register the device self.spi.registerDevice() self.spi.setupDevice() print 'SPI CS GPIO: %d' % (self.spi.cs) print 'SPI SCK GPIO: %d' % (self.spi.sck) print 'SPI MISO GPIO: %d' % (self.spi.miso) print 'SPI MOSI GPIO: %d' % (self.spi.mosi) print 'SPI Speed: %d Hz (%d kHz)' % (self.spi.speed, self.spi.speed / 1000) print 'Mode: %d, Mode Bits: 0x%x, CS-High: %d' % ( self.spi.mode, self.spi.modeBits, self.spi.csHigh) print 'Check success %d' % (self.spi.checkDevice()) # GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BOARD) # GPIO.setup(22, GPIO.OUT) # GPIO.output(self.NRSTPD, 1) gpioRst = onionGpio.OnionGpio(self.NRSTPD) gpioRst.setOutputDirection(1) self.MFRC522_Init()
def main(): onVal = 0 offVal = 1 # The omega2 expansion board rgb leds # Blue gpioObjBlue = onionGpio.OnionGpio(BLUE_LED) status = gpioObjBlue.setOutputDirection(0) status = gpioObjBlue.setValue(offVal) # Green gpioObjGreen = onionGpio.OnionGpio(GREEN_LED) status = gpioObjGreen.setOutputDirection(0) status = gpioObjGreen.setValue(offVal) # Red gpioObjRed = onionGpio.OnionGpio(RED_LED) status = gpioObjRed.setOutputDirection(0) status = gpioObjRed.setValue(offVal) segmentDisplay = TM1638(CLK, DIO, STROBE_0, True, 7) segmentDisplay.clearDisplay() for i in range(0, 8): segmentDisplay.setLED(i, LED_COLOR_NONE) led = 0 while (True): if led > 255: led = 0 try: """ onionGpio.setValue is kind of slow so I commented these out status = gpioObjRed.setValue(offVal) status = gpioObjGreen.setValue(offVal) status = gpioObjBlue.setValue(offVal) if led & 1: status = gpioObjRed.setValue(onVal) if led&2: status = gpioObjGreen.setValue(onVal) if led&4: status = gpioObjBlue.setValue(onVal) """ j = led & 7 for i in range(7, -1, -1): k = 7 - i if led & (1 << i): #print(i," goes red") segmentDisplay.setLED(k, LED_COLOR_RED) segmentDisplay.setDisplayDigit(k, k, 0) else: #print(i," goes green") segmentDisplay.setLED(k, LED_COLOR_GREEN) segmentDisplay.clearDisplayDigit(k, 0) except KeyboardInterrupt: # I have a script to clear up any Resource Busy problems. # It outputs error messages but appears to work """ echo 18 > /sys/class/gpio/unexport echo 0 > /sys/class/gpio/unexport echo 1 > /sys/class/gpio/unexport """ print("Keyboard interrupt, exiting") status = gpioObjBlue.setValue(offVal) quit() led += 1
oneWireGpio = 11 def strTemp(sensor): value = sensor.readValue() print("T= " + str(value) + " C") #I/O and PWM set up os.system('omega2-ctrl gpiomux set uart1 gpio') os.system('omega2-ctrl gpiomux set pwm0 pwm') LampPin = 1 FoggerPin = 45 StirPin = 15 LampObj = onionGpio.OnionGpio(LampPin) StirObj = onionGpio.OnionGpio(StirPin) FoggerObj = onionGpio.OnionGpio(FoggerPin) #1-Wire Init if not oneWire.setupOneWire(str(oneWireGpio)): print("Kernel mdule could not be inserted. Try again!") sensorAddress = oneWire.scanOneAddress() sensor = TemperatureSensor("oneWire", { "address": sensorAddress, "gpio": oneWireGpio }) if not sensor.ready: print("Sensore was not set up correctly.") os.system('onion pwm 0 0 1000')
import onionGpio gpio0 = onionGpio.OnionGpio(18) val = int(gpio0.getValue()) print(val)
#!/usr/bin/python import onionGpio import time print " started" sleepTime = 0.5 # create a GPIO object gpio0 = onionGpio.OnionGpio(0) # set the output direction with zero(LOW) being the default value gpio0.setOutputDirection(0) ledValue = 1 while 1: gpio0.setValue(ledValue) if ledValue == 1: ledValue = 0 else: ledValue = 1 time.sleep(sleepTime) print " ended"
#!/usr/bin/python #autor: Lidia import sys import signal import onionGpio # importamos archivo phython en donde realizamos la consulta del estado de la variable de estado del switch en la DB from Conexion import* from Conexion1 import* #Creamos objetos tipo GPIOS en este caso usaremos los pines 1 y 2. # gpioObj = onionGpio.OnionGpio(1) gpioObj1 = onionGpio.OnionGpio(2) #Se inicializan los GPIO como salidas en estado bajo # status = gpioObj.setOutputDirection(0) status1 = gpioObj1.setOutputDirection(0) # Definimos la funcion procesa en donde recibe como parametro el estado del switch def procesa(respuesta): print respuesta if respuesta: # si el swith esta encendido seteamos el gpio en estado alto status = gpioObj.setValue(1) else:
def __init__(self, dataPin, serialClock, registerClock): self.ser = onionGpio.OnionGpio(dataPin) self.srclk = onionGpio.OnionGpio(serialClock) self.rclk = onionGpio.OnionGpio(registerClock) self.setup()
import json import time import urllib3 import onionGpio gpio0 = onionGpio.OnionGpio(0) gpio1 = onionGpio.OnionGpio(1) gpio0.setOutputDirection(0) gpio1.setOutputDirection(0) def check_weather(city='berlin'): http = urllib3.PoolManager() r = http.request( 'GET', '' + city) json_data = json.loads( print json_data['temperature'] return json_data['temperature'] temperature = check_weather() while 1: current = check_weather() if current <= temperature: gpio0.setValue(1) gpio1.setValue(0) temperature = current else:
# define pins GREEN_PIN = 0 AMBER_PIN = 1 RED_PIN = 2 # define states ON = 1 OFF = 0 # durations for each light redTime = 5 amberTime = 3 greenTime = 5 # instantiate gpio objects red = onionGpio.OnionGpio(RED_PIN) amber = onionGpio.OnionGpio(AMBER_PIN) green = onionGpio.OnionGpio(GREEN_PIN) # initialize to output red.setOutputDirection(OFF) amber.setOutputDirection(OFF) green.setOutputDirection(OFF) # functions for switching lights def setSignal(color): if color == "red": red.setValue(ON) amber.setValue(OFF) green.setValue(OFF)
from flask import Flask import time import onionGpio rfid = onionGpio.OnionGpio(0) qr = onionGpio.OnionGpio(1) print("QR gpio mode :: " + qr.getDirection()) print("RFID gpio mode :: " + rfid.getDirection()) app = Flask(__name__) @app.route("/rfidDoorOpen") def openRFIDDoor(): rfid.setValue(1) time.sleep(1) rfid.setValue(0) return "200" @app.route("/qrDoorOpen") def openQRDoor(): qr.setValue(1) time.sleep(1) qr.setValue(0) return "200" if __name__ == '__main__':'', port=9999)
#!/usr/bin/env python import time import onionGpio import paho.mqtt.publish as publish #initializing gpio and setting direction gpio1 = onionGpio.OnionGpio(1) gpio1.setInputDirection() #start of loop to detect motion while True: #conerting to string for boolean comparison value = str(gpio1.getValue()) if (value == "1"): print "Motion Detected" publish.single("enter_topic_here", "ON", hostname="enter_ip", port=1883) time.sleep(5) publish.single("enter_topic_here", "OFF", hostname="enter_ip", port=1883) time.sleep(0.1)
import time import onionGpio gpio19 = onionGpio.OnionGpio(19) status = gpio19.setInputDirection() count = 0 while True: value = gpio19.getValue() print(value) time.sleep(0.5) # #if(value == '1\n'): # count += 1 # print(count)
## EXAMPLE CODE # Set a GPIO to output, and alternate the output between LOW and HIGH every 5 seconds import time import onionGpio gpioNum = 1 gpioObj = onionGpio.OnionGpio(gpioNum) # set to output status = gpioObj.setOutputDirection(0) # initialize the GPIO to 0 (LOW) # alternate the value loop = 1 value = 0 while loop == 1: # reverse the value if value == 0: value = 1 else: value = 0 # set the new value status = gpioObj.setValue(value) print 'GPIO%d set to: %d' % (gpioNum, value) time.sleep(5)
import onionGpio pin = 14 print '> Instantiating gpio object' gpio14 = onionGpio.OnionGpio(pin) print '' print '> Set direction to input... ' ret = gpio14.setInputDirection() print ' returned %d' % ret print '> Get direction: ', direction = gpio14.getDirection() print direction print '> Read value: ', val = gpio14.getValue() print val raw_input('Ready to test output?') print '> Set direction to output... ' ret = gpio14.setOutputDirection() print ' returned %d' % ret print '> Get direction: ', direction = gpio14.getDirection() print direction print '> Read value: ',
import datetime import time, json import onionGpio # See Library: import threading from losantmqtt import Device import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt #import the client1 ledPin = 0 # GPIO 0 buttonPin = 1 # GPIO 1 ledPin1 = 3 lightStatus = 1 lightStatus1 = 0 st = "" led = onionGpio.OnionGpio(ledPin) led1 = onionGpio.OnionGpio(ledPin1) led.setOutputDirection(0) # make LED output and init to 0 led1.setOutputDirection(0) led1.setValue(1) led.setValue(1) broker_address = "" port = 1883 print("creating new instance") def on_publish(client, userdata, result): #create function for callback print("data published \n") pass #client1= paho.Client("control1") client = mqtt.Client("akrdClient1")
import math import onionGpio import time import json import httplib #from OmegaExpansion import onionI2C #///////////////////////////////PAQUETES///////////////////////////////////////// #//CONFIGURACION DEL ARREGLO(Tcomp,Tvent,Tdesc,Fdesc(horas),t_aire,t_refrig,Delta_t) #//VARIABLES DE CONTROL gpio15 = onionGpio.OnionGpio(15) #compresor gpio16 = onionGpio.OnionGpio(16) #Ventilador gpio17 = onionGpio.OnionGpio(17) #Resistencia ret1 = gpio15.setOutputDirection(0) ret2 = gpio16.setOutputDirection(0) ret3 = gpio17.setOutputDirection(0) #///////////////VARIABLES PARA TIEMPO//////////////////////////////////////////// segundos = 0 minutos = 0 horas = 0 horas_2 = 0 #/////////////////VARIABLES PARA LEER TEMPERATURA//////////////////////////////// T1 = False T2 = False temp1 = 0 temp2 = 0 termistor = 0 BAN_1 = 0 BAN_2 = 0