def test010_bon_layer_build(self, alpha_fwd=ALPHA_FWD, alpha_bkw=ALPHA_BKW,
                                b_size=B_SIZE, channels=CHANNELS,
                                width=WIDTH, height=HEIGHT):
        Test the Online Normalization Layer builds properly
        # Instantiate the tensorflow implementation of batched online norm layer
        in_shape = (b_size, channels, width, height)
        # statistics and control variables should be reduced along the
        # height, and width dim
        stat_shape = (b_size, channels)

        inputs = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=in_shape)
        bon_tf = batch_online_norm(inputs,
                                   alpha_fwd=alpha_fwd, alpha_bkw=alpha_bkw,
                                   axis=1, training=True, b_size=B_SIZE)

        with tf.Session() as sess:

            # get pointers to all tf variables
            all_variables = tf.all_variables()

            # get pointers to specific variables needing checking
            mu = [v for v in all_variables if 'mu' in][0]
            var = [v for v in all_variables if 'var' in][0]
            mu_p = [v for v in all_variables if 'mu_p' in][0]
            var_p = [v for v in all_variables if 'var_p' in][0]
            s = [v for v in all_variables if 's' in][0]
            u_ctrl = [v for v in all_variables if 'u_ctrl' in][0]
            u_ctrl_p = [v for v in all_variables if 'u_ctrl_p' in][0]
            v_p = [v for v in all_variables if 'v_p' in][0]
            alpha_p = [v for v in all_variables if 'alpha_p' in][0]
            beta_p = [v for v in all_variables if 'beta_p' in][0]

            # test output shape
            assert_str = 'Output shape should be the same as the input shape'
            assert tuple(bon_tf.shape.as_list()) == in_shape, assert_str

            # test statistics and control variable shape
            assert_str = 'stats trackers and ctrl variables must be \n' \
                         'reduced along the height, and width dim'
            assert tuple(mu.shape.as_list()) == stat_shape, assert_str
            assert tuple(var.shape.as_list()) == stat_shape, assert_str
            assert tuple(mu_p.shape.as_list()) == stat_shape, assert_str
            assert tuple(var_p.shape.as_list()) == stat_shape, assert_str
            assert tuple(s.shape.as_list()) == stat_shape, assert_str
            assert tuple(u_ctrl.shape.as_list()) == stat_shape, assert_str
            assert tuple(u_ctrl_p.shape.as_list()) == stat_shape, assert_str
            assert tuple(v_p.shape.as_list()) == stat_shape, assert_str
            assert tuple(alpha_p.shape.as_list()) == stat_shape, assert_str
            assert tuple(beta_p.shape.as_list()) == stat_shape, assert_str
    def test020_bon_fprop_vs_on(self, alpha_fwd=ALPHA_FWD, alpha_bkw=ALPHA_BKW):
        Test the Batch Online Normalization Layer's forward pass against the
        tf's Online Normalization Layer (b_size=1) implementation of the layer

            - layer's mu and var are randomly initialized as well
            A zero mean unit variance normalization transformation would do
            nothing therefore the test would be uninformative
        input_data, _ = gen_data()  # generate the data

        # Instantiate the tf implementation of batched online norm layer
        in_shape = input_data[0:B_SIZE].shape

        b_inputs = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=in_shape)
        bon_tf = batch_online_norm(b_inputs,
                                   alpha_fwd=alpha_fwd, alpha_bkw=alpha_bkw,
                                   axis=1, training=True, b_size=B_SIZE)

        # Instantiate tf implementation of the online layer
        in_shape = input_data[0:1].shape
        inputs = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=in_shape)
        on_tf = online_norm(inputs, alpha_fwd=alpha_fwd, alpha_bkw=alpha_bkw,
                            axis=1, training=True)

        with tf.Session() as sess:

            # Iterate over generated data
            for i in range(len(input_data)):
                idx = i % B_SIZE

                if idx == 0:
                    # get the output of the tf version of the layer
                    feed_dict = {b_inputs: input_data[i:i + B_SIZE]}
                    bon_tf_out =[bon_tf], feed_dict=feed_dict)
                    bon_tf_out = np.array(bon_tf_out[0])

                # get the output of the tf version of the layer
                on_tf_out =[on_tf],
                                     feed_dict={inputs: input_data[i:i + 1]})
                out = np.array(on_tf_out[0])

                f_err_str = 'fwd output divergence on itr {}'.format(i)
                np.testing.assert_allclose(out, bon_tf_out[idx:idx + 1],
                                           rtol=RTOL, atol=ATOL,
    def test050_bon_vs_on_Dense(self, alpha_fwd=ALPHA_FWD, alpha_bkw=ALPHA_BKW):
        Test the Online Normalization Layer's fprop and bprop

            - layer's mu and var are randomly initialized as well
            A zero mean unit variance normalization transformation would do
            nothing therefore the test would be uninformative
        # generate the data
        input_data, deltas_in = gen_data(fc_output=True)

        # Instantiate the tensorflow implementation of batched on layer
        in_shape = input_data[0:B_SIZE].shape
        b_inputs = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=in_shape)
        b_deltas = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=in_shape)
        bon_tf = batch_online_norm(b_inputs,
                                   alpha_fwd=alpha_fwd, alpha_bkw=alpha_bkw,
                                   axis=-1, training=True, b_size=B_SIZE,
        # set up on_tf's gradient functionality
        def grad_func(b_d_in, b_inputs):
            return tf.gradients(ys=bon_tf, xs=b_inputs, grad_ys=b_d_in)
        bon_grad = grad_func(b_deltas, b_inputs)

        grad_in = np.empty(in_shape)
        # Instantiate tensorflow implementation of the online layer
        in_shape = input_data[0:1].shape
        inputs = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=in_shape)
        deltas = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=in_shape)
        on_tf = online_norm(inputs,
                            alpha_fwd=alpha_fwd, alpha_bkw=alpha_bkw,
                            axis=-1, training=True,
        # set up on_tf's gradient functionality
        def grad_func(d_in, inputs):
            return tf.gradients(ys=on_tf, xs=inputs, grad_ys=d_in)
        on_grad = grad_func(deltas, inputs)

        with tf.Session() as sess:

            # Iterate over generated data
            for i in range(len(input_data)):
                idx = i % B_SIZE
                # forward check
                if idx == 0:
                    # get the output of the tf version of the layer
                    feed_dict = {b_inputs: input_data[i:i + B_SIZE]}
                    bon_tf_out =[bon_tf], feed_dict=feed_dict)
                    bon_tf_out = np.array(bon_tf_out[0])

                # get the output of the tf version of the layer
                on_tf_out =[on_tf],
                                     feed_dict={inputs: input_data[i:i + 1]})
                out = np.array(on_tf_out[0])

                f_err_str = 'fwd output divergence on itr {}'.format(i)
                np.testing.assert_allclose(out, bon_tf_out[idx:idx + 1],
                                           rtol=RTOL, atol=ATOL,

                # backward check
                if idx == 0:
                    # get the output of the tf version of the layer
                    grad_dict = {b_deltas: deltas_in[i:i + B_SIZE],
                                 b_inputs: input_data[i:i + B_SIZE]}

                    bon_tf_grad_out = np.array([bon_grad],

                # get the deltas of the tf single batch layer
                grad_dict = {deltas: deltas_in[i:i + 1],
                             inputs: input_data[i:i + 1]}
                grad_in = np.array([on_grad],

                b_err_str = 'bkw delta divergence on itr {}'.format(i)
                bon_grad_idx = bon_tf_grad_out[idx:idx + 1]
                np.testing.assert_allclose(grad_in, bon_grad_idx,
                                           rtol=RTOL, atol=ATOL,