def Main(operation, args):
    if operation == "deposit":
        assert (len(args) == 4)
        address = args[0]
        amount = args[1]
        ongOrOnt = args[2]
        userId = args[3]
        return deposit(address, amount, ongOrOnt, userId)
    if operation == "preWithdraw":
        assert (len(args) == 4)
        address = args[0]
        amount = args[1]
        ongOrOnt = args[2]
        userId = args[3]
        return preWithdraw(address, amount, ongOrOnt, userId)
    if operation == "checkIn":
        assert (len(args) == 2)
        address = args[0]
        userId = args[1]
        return checkIn(address, userId)
    if operation == "canCheckIn":
        assert (len(args) == 1)
        address = args[0]
        return canCheckIn(address)
    if operation == "withdraw":
        assert (len(args) == 3)
        to = args[0]
        amount = args[1]
        ongOrOnt = args[2]
        return withdraw(to, amount, ongOrOnt)
    return False
Exemple #2
def _onlyCLevel():
    isCEO = CheckWitness(CEOAddress)
    isCTO = None
    isCOO = None
    CTOAddress = getCTO()
    if len(CTOAddress) == 20:
        isCTO = CheckWitness(CTOAddress)
    COOAddress = getCOO()
    if len(COOAddress) == 20:
        isCOO = CheckWitness(COOAddress)
    return isCEO or isCTO or isCOO
Exemple #3
def Main(operation, args):
    ########## for Owner to invoke Begin ##########
    if operation == "init":
        return init()
    if operation == "addAdmin":
        Require(len(args) == 1)
        Account = args[0]
        return addAdmin(Account)
    if operation == "removeAdmin":
        Require(len(args) == 1)
        Account = args[0]
        return removeAdmin(Account)
    if operation == "migrateContract":
        Require(len(args) == 7)
        code = args[0]
        needStorage = args[1]
        name = args[2]
        version = args[3]
        author = args[4]
        email = args[5]
        description = args[6]
        return migrateContract(code, needStorage, name, version, author, email, description)
    ########## for Owner to invoke End ##########

    ########## for Owner and Admin to invoke Begin ##########
    if operation == "createProperty":
        Require(len(args) == 2)
        Account = args[0]
        createList = args[1]
        return createProperty(Account, createList)
    ########## for Owner and Admin to invoke End ##########

    ########## for Everyone to invoke Begin ##########
    if operation == "transferProperty":
        Require(len(args) == 1)
        transferList = args[0]
        return transferProperty(transferList)
    if operation == "removeProperty":
        Require(len(args) == 1)
        removeList = args[0]
        return removeProperty(removeList)
    if operation == "getPlayerAllDNA":
        Require(len(args) == 1)
        Account = args[0]
        return getPlayerAllDNA(Account)
    if operation == "getPlayerDNAFromRange":
        Require(len(args) == 3)
        Account = args[0]
        fromNum = args[1]
        toNum = args[2]
        return getPlayerDNAFromRange(Account, fromNum, toNum)
    if operation == "getPlayerDNANum":
        Require(len(args) == 1)
        Account = args[0]
        return getPlayerDNANum(Account)
def removeAuthorizedLevel(account):
    assert (CheckWitness(CEOAddress))
    assert (len(account) == 20)
    authorizedAddressListInfo = Get(GetContext(), AUTHORIZED_ADDRESS_LIST_KEY)
    assert (authorizedAddressListInfo)
    authorizedAddressList = Deserialize(authorizedAddressListInfo)
    assert (_checkInList(account, authorizedAddressList))
    index = _findInList(account, authorizedAddressList)
    # make sure index did exist in authorizedAddressList
    assert (index < len(authorizedAddressList))
    Notify(["removeAuthorizedLevel", account])
    return True
Exemple #5
def purchase_bank(address, amount):
    byte_address = Base58ToAddress(address)
    if len(byte_address) != 20:
        Notify(['Invalid address'])
        return False

        # check if user has been created. if not, create the user
        user_info = Get(ctx, USERKEY)
        all_users = Deserialize(user_info)

        if address not in all_users:

        # if the user has been created, that means the bank map exists. update the user's bank and wallet
            bank_info = Get(ctx, BANKEY)
            bank_map = Deserialize(bank_info)
            bank_map[address] += amount
            bank_info = Serialize(bank_map)
            Put(ctx, BANKEY, bank_info)

            add_bank(address, amount)

        return True
Exemple #6
def purchase_bank(address, amount):
    byte_address = Base58ToAddress(address)
    assert (CheckWitness(byte_address))

    if len(byte_address) != 20:
        Notify(['Invalid address'])
        return False

        # check if user has been created. if not, create the user
        user_info = Get(ctx, USERKEY)
        if user_info:
            all_users = Deserialize(user_info)
            Notify(['No existing users'])

        if address not in all_users:
            Notify(['not a registered user'])

        # if the user has been created, that means the bank map exists. update the user's bank and wallet
            bank_info = Get(ctx, BANKEY)
            bank_map = Deserialize(bank_info)
            bank_map[address] += amount
            bank_info = Serialize(bank_map)
            Put(ctx, BANKEY, bank_info)
            Notify(['bank_map updated'])

            add_bank(address, amount)
            Notify(['user wallet updated'])

        return True
Exemple #7
def removeProperty(removeList):
    :param removeList: [DNA1, DNA2]
    :return: bool
    DNACheck = removeList[0]
    account = Get(context, concatKey(DNA_PRE_KEY, DNACheck))

    DNAlist = Get(context, concatKey(PLAYER_ADDRESS_PRE_KEY, account))

    if DNAlist:
        DNAlist = Deserialize(DNAlist)
        raise Exception("NO DNA")
    removeListLen = len(removeList)
    removeListIndex = 0

    while removeListIndex < removeListLen:
        DNA = removeList[removeListIndex]
        findInList = _findInList(DNA, DNAlist)
        if findInList >= 0:
            Delete(context, concatKey(DNA_PRE_KEY, DNA))
            raise Exception("Not found DNA to be removed")
        removeListIndex += 1
    Put(context, concatKey(PLAYER_ADDRESS_PRE_KEY, account), Serialize(DNAlist))
    Notify(["Remove property successfully"])
    return True
Exemple #8
def add_ong(address, amount):
    byte_address = Base58ToAddress(address)
    assert (CheckWitness(byte_address))

    if len(byte_address) != 20:
        Notify(['Invalid address'])
        return False

    if amount < 0:
        Notify(['Negative amount'])
        return False

    supply = Get(ctx, ONGKEY)
    if supply < amount:
        Notify(['Not enough ONG in supply'])
        return False

        from_acct = contract_address
        to_acct = byte_address

        supply -= amount
        Put(ctx, ONGKEY, supply)
        Notify(['ONG supply decreased by', amount])

        params = state(from_acct, to_acct, amount)

        return Invoke(1, contract_address_ONG, 'transfer', [params])
Exemple #9
def view_bank(address):
    byte_address = Base58ToAddress(address)

    if len(byte_address) != 20:
        Notify(['Invalid address'])
        return False

    # check if user list exists
    user_info = Get(ctx, USERKEY)
    if user_info:
        all_users = Deserialize(user_info)
        Notify(['User list is empty'])
        return False

    # check if user has been created
    if address not in all_users:
        Notify(['User not yet created'])
        return False

    # if the user has been created, the bank map exists. Check the user's bank
        bank_info = Get(ctx, BANKEY)
        bank_map = Deserialize(bank_info)
        bank_balance = bank_map[address]
        return bank_balance
Exemple #10
def add_bank(address, amount):
    byte_address = Base58ToAddress(address)
    if len(byte_address) != 20:
        Notify(['Invalid address'])
        return False

    if token_supply() < amount:
        Notify(['Not enough tokens'])
        return False

        from_acct = contract_address
        to_acct = byte_address

        supply = Get(ctx, SUPPKEY)
        if supply < amount:
            Notify(['Not enough tokens in supply'])
            return False
            supply -= amount
            Put(ctx, SUPPKEY, supply)
            Notify(['Supply decreased by', amount])

            params = [from_acct, to_acct, amount]
            return RepContract('transfer', params)
Exemple #11
def createProperty(createList):
    :param createList: [[account1, DNA1],[account2, DNA2]]
    :return: bool
    for createE in createList:
        account = createE[0]
        DNA = createE[1]
        accountCheck = Get(context, concatKey(DNA_PRE_KEY, DNA))
        Require(len(account) == 20)
        Require(DNA > 100000000000000)
        Require(DNA < 1000000000000000)
        Require(not accountCheck)
        DNAlist = Get(context, concatKey(PLAYER_ADDRESS_PRE_KEY, account))
        if not DNAlist:
            DNAlist = []
            DNAlist = Deserialize(DNAlist)
        Put(context, concatKey(DNA_PRE_KEY, DNA), account)
        Put(context, concatKey(PLAYER_ADDRESS_PRE_KEY, account),
    Notify(["Create property successfully."])
    return True
Exemple #12
def view_ong(address):
    byte_address = Base58ToAddress(address)

    if len(byte_address) != 20:
        Notify(['Invalid address'])
        return False

    # check if user list exists
    user_info = Get(ctx, USERKEY)
    if user_info:
        all_users = Deserialize(user_info)
        Notify(['User list is empty'])
        return False

    # check if user has been created
    if address not in all_users:
        Notify(['User not yet created'])
        return False

    # if the above checks hold, we can check the user's wallet.
        param = state(byte_address)
        ong_balance = Invoke(0, contract_address_ONG, 'balanceOf', param)
        if ong_balance == '':
            ong_balance = 0
        return ong_balance
Exemple #13
def approve(owner, spender, tokenId, amount):
    approve amount of the tokenId token to toAcct address, it can overwrite older approved amount
    :param owner:
    :param spender:
    :param tokenId:
    :param amount:
    # make sure the invoker is the owner address
    # make sure the address is legal
    Require(len(spender) == 20)

    ownerBalance = balanceOf(owner, tokenId)
    # you can use "if" to notify the corresponding message, or use assert to raise exception
    Require(ownerBalance >= amount)
    Require(amount > 0)
    key = _concatkey(_concatkey(_concatkey(APPROVE_PREFIX, tokenId), owner),
    Put(GetContext(), key, amount)

    ApprovalEvent(owner, spender, tokenId, amount)

    return True
Exemple #14
def add_bank(address, amount):
    byte_address = Base58ToAddress(address)

    if len(byte_address) != 20:
        Notify(['Invalid address'])
        return False

    if amount < 0:
        Notify(['Negative amount'])
        return False

    supply = Get(ctx, AESKEY)
    if supply < amount:
        Notify(['Not enough AES in supply'])
        return False

        from_acct = contract_address
        to_acct = byte_address

        supply -= amount
        Put(ctx, AESKEY, supply)
        Notify(['AES supply decreased by', amount])

        params = [from_acct, to_acct, amount]
        return AesContract('transfer', params)
Exemple #15
def create_user(address, username, bio):
    # only the address can invoke the method
    assert (CheckWitness(address))
    # check if username has been created. if not, initialize it. Otherwise, rollback the transaction
    assert (not user_exist(address))
    # check if user has been created. if not, initialize it. Otherwise, rollback the transaction
    assert (not get_address_by_username(username))

    # mark username as being used one
    Put(ctx, concatkey(username, UN_EXIST_PREFIX), address)

    if len(bio) > 100:
        Notify(['Bio length exceeds 100 characters'])

    # create profile info list
    profile = [username, bio]
    profile_info = Serialize(profile)
    Put(ctx, concatkey(address, PI_PREFIX), profile_info)

    # update reputation of address
    Put(ctx, concatkey(address, REPKEY_PREFIX), (100 + 100000000) * AES_FACTOR)

    # distribute a certain amount of token to the newly registered user
    token_amount = 100 * AES_FACTOR
    assert (withdraw(address, token_amount))

    Notify(["userCreated", address, username, bio])
    return True
Exemple #16
def subtract_bank(address, amount):
    byte_address = Base58ToAddress(address)
    assert (CheckWitness(byte_address))

    if len(byte_address) != 20:
        Notify(['Invalid address'])
        return False

    if amount < 0:
        Notify(['Negative amount'])
        return False

    if RepContract('balanceOf', [byte_address]) < amount:
        Notify(['Not enough AES in wallet'])
        return False

        from_acct = byte_address
        to_acct = contract_address

        supply = Get(ctx, AESKEY)
        supply += amount
        Put(ctx, AESKEY, supply)
        Notify(['AES supply increased by', amount])

        params = [from_acct, to_acct, amount]
        return RepContract('transfer', params)
Exemple #17
def view_rep(address):
    byte_address = Base58ToAddress(address)

    if len(byte_address) != 20:
        Notify(['Invalid address'])
        return False

    # check if user list exists
    user_info = Get(ctx, USERKEY)
    if user_info:
        all_users = Deserialize(user_info)
        Notify(['User list is empty'])
        return False

    # check if user has been created
    if address not in all_users:
        Notify(['User not yet created'])
        return False

    # if the user has been created, the rep map exists. Check the user's rep
        rep_info = Get(ctx, REPKEY)
        rep_map = Deserialize(rep_info)
        rep_balance = rep_map[address]
        return rep_balance
Exemple #18
def transferProperty(transferList):
    :param transferList: [[toAccount1, DNA1],[toAccount2, DNA2]]
    :return: bool
    DNACheck = transferList[0][1]
    account = Get(context, concatKey(DNA_PRE_KEY, DNACheck))

    for transferE in transferList:
        toAccount = transferE[0]
        DNA = transferE[1]

        DNAlist = Get(context, concatKey(PLAYER_ADDRESS_PRE_KEY, account))
        DNAlist = Deserialize(DNAlist)

        toDNAlist = Get(context, concatKey(PLAYER_ADDRESS_PRE_KEY, toAccount))
        if not toDNAlist:
            toDNAlist = []
            toDNAlist = Deserialize(DNAlist)

        num = 0
        while num < len(DNAlist):
            if DNAlist[num] == DNA:
                Put(context, concatKey(DNA_PRE_KEY, DNA), toAccount)
                Put(context, concatKey(PLAYER_ADDRESS_PRE_KEY, account),
                Put(context, concatKey(PLAYER_ADDRESS_PRE_KEY, toAccount),
            num += 1
    Notify(["Transfer property successfully"])
    return True
Exemple #19
def subtract_ong(address, amount):
    byte_address = Base58ToAddress(address)
    assert (CheckWitness(byte_address))

    if len(byte_address) != 20:
        Notify(['Invalid address'])
        return False

    if amount < 0:
        Notify(['Negative amount'])
        return False

    param = state(byte_address)
    if Invoke(0, contract_address_ONG, 'balanceOf', param) < amount:
        Notify(['Not enough ONG in wallet'])
        return False

        from_acct = byte_address
        to_acct = contract_address

        supply = Get(ctx, ONGKEY)
        supply += amount
        Put(ctx, ONGKEY, supply)
        Notify(['ONG supply increased by', amount])

        params = state(from_acct, to_acct, amount)

        return Invoke(1, contract_address_ONG, 'transfer', [params])
Exemple #20
def profile(address):
    byte_address = Base58ToAddress(address)
    # check if user list exists
    user_info = Get(ctx, USERKEY)
    if user_info:
        all_users = Deserialize(user_info)
        Notify(['User list is empty'])
        return False

    # check if user has been created
    if address not in all_users:
        Notify(['User not created'])
        return False

    # check if address is valid
    if len(byte_address) != 20:
        Notify(['Invalid address'])
        return False

    profile_info = Get(ctx, concatkey(address, PI_PREFIX))
    if profile_info:
        profile = Deserialize(profile_info)
        Notify(['The profile does not exist'])
        return False

    Notify(['profile', profile])
    return profile
Exemple #21
def user_tab(address):
    byte_address = Base58ToAddress(address)
    # check if user list exists
    user_info = Get(ctx, USERKEY)
    if user_info:
        all_users = Deserialize(user_info)
        Notify(['User list is empty'])
        return False

    # check if user has been created
    if address not in all_users:
        Notify(['User not created'])
        return False

    # check if address is valid
    if len(byte_address) != 20:
        Notify(['Invalid address'])
        return False

    total_rep = view_rep(address)
    total_wallet = view_wallet(address)
    total_ong = view_ong(address)

    Notify([total_rep, total_wallet, total_ong])
    return [total_rep, total_wallet, total_ong]
Exemple #22
def check_result(betId, current_price):
    :param bet:
    :param current_price:
    :return: 0 means against wins, 1 means for wins, 2 means a draw, 3 means bet inactive
    if not Get(ctx, concatkey(betId, ACTIVE_BET_PREFIX)):
        return 3

    # sign, margin, target_price, vote_end_time, stock_ticker
    bet_details = get_bet_details(betId)
    assert (len(bet_details) == 5)
    sign = bet_details[0]
    margin = bet_details[1]
    target_price = bet_details[2]

    if margin == 0 and current_price == target_price:
        return 2
    # case where user bets that stock will rise
    if sign > 0 and current_price >= target_price:
        return 1
    # case where user bets that stock will fall
    if sign < 0 and current_price <= target_price:
        return 1
    return 0
Exemple #23
def Main(operation, args):
    if operation == "addAdmin":
        Account = args[0]
        return addAdmin(Account)
    if operation == "createProperty":
        createList = args[0]
        return createProperty(createList)
    if operation == "transferProperty":
        transferList = args[0]
        return transferProperty(transferList)
    if operation == "removeProperty":
        removeList = args[0]
        return removeProperty(removeList)
    if operation == "getPlayerAllDNA":
        account = args[0]
        return getPlayerAllDNA(account)
    if operation == "migrateContract":
        Require(len(args) == 8)
        code = args[0]
        needStorage = args[1]
        name = args[2]
        version = args[3]
        author = args[4]
        email = args[5]
        description = args[6]
        return migrateContract(code, needStorage, name, version, author, email,
Exemple #24
def view_wallet(address):
    byte_address = Base58ToAddress(address)

    if len(byte_address) != 20:
        Notify(['Invalid address'])
        return False

    # check if user list exists
    user_info = Get(ctx, USERKEY)
    if user_info:
        all_users = Deserialize(user_info)
        Notify(['User list is empty'])
        return False

    # check if user has been created
    if address not in all_users:
        Notify(['User not yet created'])
        return False

    # if the above checks hold, we can check the user's wallet.
        params = [byte_address]
        wallet_balance = RepContract("balanceOf", params)
        if wallet_balance == '':
            wallet_balance = 0
        return wallet_balance
Exemple #25
def createProperty(Account, createList):
    only contract owner or admin can create property
    cannot create more than 1000 property once
    :param createList: [Account, [[account1, DNA1],[account2, DNA2]]]
    :return: bool
    Require(Get(context, concatKey(ADMIN_ADDRESS_KEY, Account)) == 1)
    DNAlist = Get(context, concatKey(PLAYER_ADDRESS_PRE_KEY, createList[0][0]))
    if not DNAlist:
        DNAlist = []
        DNAlist = Deserialize(DNAlist)
    Require(len(createList) <= 1000)
    for createE in createList:
        account = createE[0]
        DNA = createE[1]
        accountCheck = Get(context, concatKey(DNA_PRE_KEY, DNA))

        Require(len(account) == 20)
        # check len
        Require(DNA >= 100000000000000)
        Require(DNA < 10000000000000000)
        # check kind
        Require(Div(DNA, 100000000000000) % 100 > 0)
        Require(Div(DNA, 100000000000000) % 100 < 100)
        # check grade
        Require(Div(DNA, 1000000000000) % 100 > 0)
        Require(Div(DNA, 1000000000000) % 100 < 100)
        # check name
        Require(Div(DNA, 1000000000) % 1000 > 0)
        Require(Div(DNA, 1000000000) % 1000 < 1000)
        # check number
        Require(Div(DNA, 1000) % 1000000 > 0)
        Require(Div(DNA, 1000) % 1000000 < 1000000)
        # check random
        Require(DNA % 1000 >= 0)
        Require(DNA % 1000 < 1000)
        # check DNA
        Require(not accountCheck)

        Put(context, concatKey(DNA_PRE_KEY, DNA), account)
        Put(context, concatKey(PLAYER_ADDRESS_PRE_KEY, account), Serialize(DNAlist))
    Notify(["Create property successfully."])
    return True
Exemple #26
def removeAuthorizedLevel(account):
    Require(len(account) == 20)
    # make sure account is authorized before.
    Delete(GetContext(), _concatkey(AUTHORIZED_LEVEL_PREFIX, account))
    Notify(["removeAuthorizedLevel", account])
    return True
Exemple #27
def _findInList(DNA, DNAlist):
    DNAListIndex = 0
    DNAListLen = len(DNAlist)
    while DNAListIndex < DNAListLen:
        if DNA == DNAlist[DNAListIndex]:
            return DNAListIndex
        DNAListIndex += 1
    return -1
Exemple #28
def create_user(address):
    byte_address = Base58ToAddress(address)
    # only the address can invoke the method
    assert (CheckWitness(byte_address))
    # check if user list has been created. if not, initialize it
    user_info = Get(ctx, USERKEY)
    if user_info:
        all_users = Deserialize(user_info)
        all_users = []

    if address in all_users:
        Notify(['User already created'])
        return False

    if len(byte_address) != 20:
        Notify(['Invalid address'])
        return False

        # check if rep map has been created. if not, initialize it
        rep_info = Get(ctx, REPKEY)
        if rep_info:
            rep_map = Deserialize(rep_info)
            rep_map = {}

        # update and put rep map
        rep_map[address] = (100 + 100000000) * FACTOR
        rep_info = Serialize(rep_map)
        Put(ctx, REPKEY, rep_info)
        Notify(['rep_map updated'])

        # update and put user list
        user_info = Serialize(all_users)
        Put(ctx, USERKEY, user_info)
        Notify(['all_users updated'])

        # check if bank map has been created. if not, initialize it
        bank_info = Get(ctx, BANKEY)
        if bank_info:
            bank_map = Deserialize(bank_info)
            bank_map = {}

        # update and put bank map
        bank_map[address] = 100 * FACTOR
        bank_info = Serialize(bank_map)
        Put(ctx, BANKEY, bank_info)
        Notify(['bank_map updated'])

        # add to wallet of user
        add_bank(address, 100 * FACTOR)
        Notify(['user wallet updated'])

        return True
Exemple #29
def RequireScriptHash(key):
    Checks the bytearray parameter is script hash or not. Script Hash
    length should be equal to 20.
    :param key: bytearray parameter to check script hash format.
    :return: True if script hash or revert the transaction.
    Require(len(key) == 20)
    return True
Exemple #30
def transferFromMulti(args):
    multiple transferFrom
    :param args: args:[[spender1, fromAcct1, toAcct1, tokenId1, amount1],[spender2, fromAcct2, toAcct2, tokenId2, amount2]]
    for p in args:
        assert (len(p) == 5)
        assert (transferFrom(p[0], p[1], p[2], p[3], p[4]))
    return True