Exemple #1
 def new_total_supply_tx(self) -> InvokeTransaction:
     This interface is used to generate transaction which can get the total token supply.
     tx = InvokeTransaction()
     tx.add_invoke_code(self._contract_address, InvokeFunction('totalSupply'))
     return tx
Exemple #2
 def new_revoke_tx(self, claim_id: str, issuer: Union[str, bytes, Address], payer: Union[str, bytes, Address],
                   gas_price: int, gas_limit: int):
     func = NeoInvokeFunction('Revoke')
     func.set_params_value(claim_id, Address.b58decode(issuer))
     tx = InvokeTransaction(Address.b58decode(payer), gas_price, gas_limit)
     tx.add_invoke_code(self.__hex_contract_address, func)
     return tx
Exemple #3
 def new_allowance_tx(self, owner: Union[str, bytes, Address],
                      spender: Union[str, bytes, Address]) -> InvokeTransaction:
     func = InvokeFunction('allowance')
     func.set_params_value(Address.b58decode(owner), Address.b58decode(spender))
     tx = InvokeTransaction()
     tx.add_invoke_code(self._contract_address, func)
     return tx
Exemple #4
 def new_commit_tx(self, claim_id: str, issuer_address: Union[str, bytes, Address], owner_ont_id: str,
                   payer_address: Union[str, bytes, Address], gas_price: int, gas_limit: int) -> InvokeTransaction:
     func = NeoInvokeFunction('Commit')
     func.set_params_value(claim_id, Address.b58decode(issuer_address), owner_ont_id)
     tx = InvokeTransaction(Address.b58decode(payer_address), gas_price, gas_limit)
     tx.add_invoke_code(self.__hex_contract_address, func)
     return tx
Exemple #5
 def new_init_tx(self, payer: Union[str, bytes, Address], gas_price: int, gas_limit: int) -> InvokeTransaction:
     This interface is used to call the TotalSupply method in ope4
     that initialize smart contract parameter.
     tx = InvokeTransaction(payer, gas_price, gas_limit)
     tx.add_invoke_code(self._contract_address, InvokeFunction('init'))
     return tx
Exemple #6
 def make_invoke_transaction(contract_address: Union[str, bytes, bytearray, Address],
                             func: Union[AbiFunction, InvokeFunction],
                             payer: Union[str, bytes, Address] = b'',
                             gas_price: int = 0,
                             gas_limit: int = 0) -> InvokeTransaction:
     tx = InvokeTransaction(payer, gas_price, gas_limit)
     tx.add_invoke_code(contract_address, func)
     return tx
Exemple #7
 def new_balance_of_tx(self, owner: Union[str, bytes, Address]) -> InvokeTransaction:
     This interface is used to generate transaction which can get the account balance of another account with owner address.
     func = InvokeFunction('balanceOf')
     tx = InvokeTransaction()
     tx.add_invoke_code(self._contract_address, func)
     return tx
Exemple #8
 def new_transfer_from_tx(self, spender: Union[str, bytes, Address], owner: Union[str, bytes, Address],
                          to_address: Union[str, bytes, Address], value: int, payer: Union[str, bytes, Address],
                          gas_price: int, gas_limit: int) -> InvokeTransaction:
     func = InvokeFunction('transferFrom')
     if not isinstance(value, int):
         raise SDKException(ErrorCode.param_err('the data type of value should be int.'))
     func.set_params_value(Address.b58decode(spender), Address.b58decode(owner), Address.b58decode(to_address),
     tx = InvokeTransaction(payer, gas_price, gas_limit)
     tx.add_invoke_code(self._contract_address, func)
     return tx
Exemple #9
 def __new_token_setting_tx(self, func_name: str) -> InvokeTransaction:
     func = InvokeFunction(func_name)
     tx = InvokeTransaction()
     tx.add_invoke_code(self._contract_address, func)
     return tx
Exemple #10
 def new_get_status_tx(self, claim_id: str) -> InvokeTransaction:
     func = NeoInvokeFunction('GetStatus')
     tx = InvokeTransaction()
     tx.add_invoke_code(self.__hex_contract_address, func)
     return tx