Exemple #1
 def __init__(self, menuitem, args, kwargs):
     self.worker = ThreadedWorkerCore(menuitem, args, kwargs)
     self.menuitem = menuitem  # for debugging
     # self.lock prevents changes to the worker at inauspicious
     # times.
     self.lock = lock.SLock()
     self.worker.toplevel = self.toplevel
Exemple #2
 def __init__(self, when, what, where, min_contour, max_contour, levels, 
     self.what = what.clone()   # Should be clones, or not?
     self.where = where
     self.min_contour = min_contour
     self.max_contour = max_contour
     self.levels = levels
     self.lock = lock.SLock()
     self.contourmaphidden = False
     self.contourmap_user_hide = 0
     displaymethods.MeshDisplayMethod.__init__(self, filter, when)
Exemple #3
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        OOFMenuItem.__init__(*((self, ) + args), **kwargs)
        if not 'cli_only' in self.options:
            self.options['cli_only'] = 0
        if not 'gui_only' in self.options:
            self.options['gui_only'] = 0
        if not 'no_log' in self.options:
            self.options['no_log'] = 0
##        if not 'disabled' in self.options:
##            self.options['disabled'] = 0
        if not 'help_menu' in self.options:
            self.options['help_menu'] = 0
        self.logbook = []
        self.loggers = []  # additional logging functions
        self._loghalted = 0
        self._logchanged = 0
        self.loglock = lock.SLock()
        self.quiet = 0
Exemple #4
 def __init__(self, filename, mode, openfile):
     self.filename = filename
     self.file = None
     self.openfile = openfile  # fn that actually opens the file
     # _streamsLock has always been aquired before __init__ is called.
     _allStreams[filename] = self
     self.referents = []  # all OutputStreams using this BaseOutputStream
     # lastOutput and lastargs are used to decide whether or not to
     # write the header info in the data file.  It's not written if
     # the output and its args are the same as they were for the
     # previous write.
     self.lastOutput = None
     self.lastargs = None
     self.seplast = True  # was the last thing written a separator?
     self.nOpen = 0  # net number of times this has been opened
     self.everOpened = False  # has this been opened in this oof2 session?
     self.lock = lock.SLock()  # controls access by OutputStreams
     self.mode = mode
     self.rewound = False
     self.appending = False
Exemple #5
 def __init__(self):
     self.listofminithreads = []
     self.lock = lock.SLock()
Exemple #6
 def __init__(self):
     self.buf = []  ## list of stored commands
     self.destroyflag = False  # buffer has been destroyed
     self.lock = lock.SLock()
Exemple #7
        # frame in which the exception occurred, and this can prevent
        # garbage collection.  TODO: One can imagine circumstances in
        # which this isn't the right thing to do, but those circumstances
        # should probably assign a new excepthook function.

    def __cmp__(self, other):
        return cmp(id(self), id(other))


from ooflib.SWIG.common import threadstate

_exceptStacks = {}
_exceptLock = lock.SLock()

def assign_excepthook(newhook=sys.__excepthook__):
    #     debug.fmsg("adding hook", id(newhook))
    threadno = threadstate.findThreadNumber()
        hookstack = _exceptStacks[threadno]
    except KeyError:
        hookstack = _exceptStacks[threadno] = []
    return newhook

Exemple #8
# [email protected].

## Store and retrieve named sets of analysis parameters

from ooflib.SWIG.common import lock
from ooflib.common import debug
from ooflib.common import registeredclass
from ooflib.common import utils
from ooflib.common.IO import parameter
from ooflib.common.IO import xmlmenudump
from ooflib.engine.IO import analyze
from ooflib.engine.IO import scheduledoutput
from ooflib.engine.IO import outputdestination

_namedAnalyses = utils.OrderedDict()
namelock = lock.SLock()

class _nameResolver(object):
    # Callable object for creating a unique name for a bulk or
    # boundary analysis.
    def __init__(self, defaultname):
        self.defaultname = defaultname

    def __call__(self, param, name):
        if param.automatic():
            basename = self.defaultname
            basename = name
        return utils.uniqueName(basename, _namedAnalyses.keys())
Exemple #9
    def __init__(self):
        self.listofgtkbars = []
        self.makeMenus()  # Sets self.menu.
        # SubWindow init sets self.gtk and self.mainbox.

                                     title="%s Activity Viewer" %

        self.gtk.connect('destroy', self.closeCB)
        self.gtk.set_default_size(400, 300)

        # Area at the top containing the editor widget for the line
        self.control_area = gtk.HBox()  # editor widget goes in here
        self.mainbox.pack_start(self.control_area, expand=0, fill=0, padding=2)

        ## Dismiss All bars
        self.dismissall = gtkutils.StockButton(gtk.STOCK_CANCEL, "Dismiss All")
        gtklogger.setWidgetName(self.dismissall, "DismissAll")
        gtklogger.connect(self.dismissall, "clicked", self.dismissAllCB)

        ## stop-all-threads
        self.stopall = gtkutils.StockButton(gtk.STOCK_STOP, "Stop All")
        gtklogger.setWidgetName(self.stopall, "StopAll")
        gtklogger.connect(self.stopall, "clicked", self.stopAll)
        self.control_area.pack_start(self.stopall, expand=1, fill=0, padding=2)

        # Create a scrolled window to pack the bars into
        scrolled_window = gtk.ScrolledWindow()
        scrolled_window.set_policy(gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC, gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC)
        gtklogger.logScrollBars(scrolled_window, "Scroll")
        self.mainbox.pack_start(scrolled_window, expand=1, fill=1, padding=2)

        ## Create VBox where the progressbars can live happily ever after
        self.bars_play_area = gtk.VBox()  # homogeneous=True?

        self.proglock = lock.SLock()
            for worker in threadmanager.threadManager.allWorkers():
                    progressnames = worker.threadstate.getProgressNames()
                    for pname in progressnames:
                            prgrss = worker.threadstate.findProgress(pname)
                        except ooferror.ErrNoProgress:
                            # Progress object already finished
                            if prgrss.started():

Exemple #10
# list, return it.  If it is, append "<number>" to it, where 'number'
# is chosen so that the result is unique.

# If the given name is an AutomaticName instance, then an
# AutomaticName instance is returned.

# The list of names passed to uniqueName is almost always a global
# list, and so in a threaded environment we need to prevent
# simultaneous uniqueName calls with the same name list.  Since the
# calls are quick and not done in time sensitive situations, we put a
# single mutex lock inside uniqueName, instead of requiring all
# callers to implement their own lock.

import re

_uniqueNameLock = lock.SLock()

def uniqueName(name, othernames, exclude=None):
    others = othernames[:]
        if exclude is not None:
            except ValueError:
        if name not in others:
            return name
        from ooflib.common.IO import automatic  # delayed to avoid import loop
        auto = isinstance(name, automatic.AutomaticName)
Exemple #11
 def __init__(self):
     ## Keep list of workers in order to quit properly.  At exit
     ## time, the ThreadManager loops over the running workers and
     ## forces them to stop and join.
     self.listofworkers = []
     self.lock = lock.SLock()
Exemple #12
 def __init__(self):
     # Lock to protect potentially-shared data.  It's an SLock
     # because getWindow can be called on the main thread.
     self.lock = lock.SLock()
     self.windows = []
     self.count = 0
Exemple #13
 def __init__(self):
     self.layers = []  # Displaymethod objects, from bottom to top.
     self.layerChangeTime = timestamp.TimeStamp()
     self.sorted = True
     # This lock just protects the local list.
     self.lock = lock.SLock()
Exemple #14
def cleanUp():
    global shuttingdown
    shuttingdown = True

switchboard.requestCallbackMain("shutdown", cleanUp)


# BaseOutputStream does the work for OutputStream, which writes Output
# data to a file.  More than one OutputStream can write to the same
# file, which they do by sharing a single BaseOutputStream.

_allStreams = utils.OrderedDict()  # All BaseOutputStreams, keyed by filename
_streamsLock = lock.SLock()  # Controls access to _allStreams

class BaseOutputStream(object):
    def __init__(self, filename, mode, openfile):
        self.filename = filename
        self.file = None
        self.openfile = openfile  # fn that actually opens the file
        # _streamsLock has always been aquired before __init__ is called.
        _allStreams[filename] = self
        self.referents = []  # all OutputStreams using this BaseOutputStream
        # lastOutput and lastargs are used to decide whether or not to
        # write the header info in the data file.  It's not written if
        # the output and its args are the same as they were for the
        # previous write.
        self.lastOutput = None
Exemple #15
# [email protected]. 

from ooflib.SWIG.common import lock
from ooflib.SWIG.common import mpitools
from ooflib.SWIG.common import ooferror
from ooflib.common import debug
from ooflib.common.IO import menuparser
import errno, os, socket, sys, time, types

# Local buffer and lock for doing socket-like communications between
# threads on process zero.  The buffer lock should be locked
# (acquired) whenever the string is empty, so that attempts to read it
# will block until there is data.
_buffer_lock = lock.SLock()
_buffer = ""

SSH_TUNNEL = 0  # If boolean-true, then tunnel socket connections over ssh.

# Device for listening to a socket, for use by remote "back end"
# processes.  Implements "getLine" and "getBytes".  Starts an ssh
# process to tunnel the socket from the remote machine to the local
# machine.  When a thread-safe concurrent implementation of MPI2
# exists, it should be used to replace this object.

class SocketInput(menuparser.InputSource):
    # init requires the remote hostname and port.
    connection_attempt_limit = 1000000
    buffer_size = 80
Exemple #16
 def __init__(self):
     self.pairs = []
     self.lock = lock.SLock()