Exemple #1


# Define a field.  This creates an object named 'Temperature' in the
# OOF namespace.
Temperature = advertise(field.ScalarField('Temperature'))
# Define a flux
Heat_Flux = advertise(flux.VectorFlux('Heat_Flux'))
# And equations
HeatBalanceEquation = advertise(
    equation.DivergenceEquation('Heat_Eqn', Heat_Flux, 1))

if config.dimension() == 2:
    HeatOutOfPlane = advertise(
        equation.PlaneFluxEquation('Plane_Heat_Flux', Heat_Flux, 1))

## this creates the Displacement, Stress, and Force Balance equations
if config.dimension() == 2:
    Displacement = advertise(field.TwoVectorField('Displacement'))
elif config.dimension() == 3:
    Displacement = advertise(field.ThreeVectorField('Displacement'))
Stress = advertise(flux.SymmetricTensorFlux('Stress'))

ForceBalanceEquation = advertise(
    equation.DivergenceEquation('Force_Balance', Stress, config.dimension()))

if config.dimension() == 2:
    ForcesOutOfPlane = \
                                             Stress, 3))
Exemple #2
        1,  # the number of components of the divergence

# Define a new PlaneFluxEquation.  When this equation is active, it
# specifies that the out-of-plane components of flux are zero.  Note
# that, unlike DivergenceEquation, PlaneFluxEquation is a pure swigged
# class, and can't take python keyword arguments.  See the OOF2 manual
# for more about out-of-plane components.

OutOfPlaneJam = problem.advertise(
        'Plane_Jam_Eqn',  # name of the equation
        Jam,  # the flux it applies to
        1  # the number of out-of-plane components

# Sometimes the finite element stiffness matrix can be made symmetric
# by putting the rows (equations) in the same order as the columns
# (degrees of freedom).  To do this, a correspondence has to be
# established between equation components and field components.  The
# conjugatePair class sets up this correspondence.  Each conjugatePair
# object specifies that a particular equation component corresponds to
# a particular Field component when coupled by a particular *type* of
# Property.  The Property type is just a string.  It appears in the
# PropertyRegistration specification (see below) and it has to be the
# same for all Property classes that play the same physical role (eg, all
# elasticity classes have type "Elasticity").
Exemple #3
JamEqn = problem.advertise(equation.DivergenceEquation(
    1,                      # the number of components of the divergence

# Define a new PlaneFluxEquation.  When this equation is active, it
# specifies that the out-of-plane components of flux are zero.  Note
# that, unlike DivergenceEquation, PlaneFluxEquation is a pure swigged
# class, and can't take python keyword arguments.  See the OOF2 manual
# for more about out-of-plane components.

OutOfPlaneJam = problem.advertise(equation.PlaneFluxEquation(
    'Plane_Jam_Eqn',                    # name of the equation
    Jam,                                # the flux it applies to
    1                                   # the number of out-of-plane components

# Sometimes the finite element stiffness matrix can be made symmetric
# by putting the rows (equations) in the same order as the columns
# (degrees of freedom).  To do this, a correspondence has to be
# established between equation components and field components.  The
# conjugatePair class sets up this correspondence.  Each conjugatePair
# object specifies that a particular equation component corresponds to
# a particular Field component when coupled by a particular *type* of
# Property.  The Property type is just a string.  It appears in the
# PropertyRegistration specification (see below) and it has to be the
# same for all Property classes that play the same physical role (eg, all
# elasticity classes have type "Elasticity").
Exemple #4
# OOF namespace.
Concentration = problem.advertise(field.ScalarField('Concentration'))
# Define a flux
Atom_Flux = problem.advertise(flux.VectorFlux('Atom_Flux'))
Charge_Flux = problem.advertise(flux.VectorFlux('Charge_Flux'))

# And equations
AtomBalanceEquation = problem.advertise(
    equation.DivergenceEquation('Atom_Eqn', Atom_Flux, 1))

ChargeBalanceEquation = problem.advertise(
    equation.DivergenceEquation('Charge_Eqn', Charge_Flux, 1))

if config.dimension() == 2:
    AtomOutOfPlane = problem.advertise(
        equation.PlaneFluxEquation('Plane_Atom_Flux', Atom_Flux, 1))
    ChargeOutOfPlane = problem.advertise(
        equation.PlaneFluxEquation('Plane_Charge_Flux', Charge_Flux, 1))

## Atom flux equation
## In-plane components, C
C = fieldindex.ScalarFieldIndex()
DivJd = fieldindex.ScalarFieldIndex()

conjugate.conjugatePair("Diffusivity", AtomBalanceEquation, DivJd,
                        Concentration, C)

conjugate.conjugatePair("Current", ChargeBalanceEquation, DivJd,