Exemple #1
def evolve(meshctxt, endtime):
    global linsys_dict
    starttime = meshctxt.getObject().latestTime()

    # We're solving a static problem if endtime is the same as the
    # current time, or if there are no non-static steppers and output
    # is requested at at single time.
    staticProblem = (starttime == endtime
                     or (not meshctxt.timeDependent()
                         and meshctxt.outputSchedule.isSingleTime()))
    # "continuing" is true if we're continuing an earlier time
    # evolution, in which case we can assume that all Fields have
    # their correct initial values. "continuing" is never true for
    # static problems.
    continuing = (not staticProblem
                  and isinstance(meshctxt.status, meshstatus.Solved))

    targettime = endtime

    if starttime > endtime:
        raise ooferror2.ErrSetupError(
            "End time must not precede current time.")


    meshctxt.timeDiff = endtime - starttime  # used to get next endtime in GUI

    # Make sure that the starting point has been cached.
    ## TODO OPT: Is it necessary to call cacheCurrentData here?

    meshctxt.outputSchedule.reset(starttime, continuing)
    prog = ProgressData(starttime, endtime,
                        progress.getProgress("Solving", progress.DEFINITE))
        # Get an ordered list of subproblems to be solved.  First,
        # create tuples containing a subproblem and its solveOrder.
        subprobctxts = [(s.solveOrder, s) for s in meshctxt.subproblems()
                        if s.time_stepper is not None and s.solveFlag]
        subprobctxts.sort()  # sort by solveOrder
        subprobctxts = [s[1] for s in subprobctxts]  # strip solveOrder

        # Initialize statistics.
        for subp in subprobctxts:

        if not continuing:
            # Initialize static fields in all subproblems.  For static
            # problems, this computes the actual solution.
                linsys_dict = initializeStaticFields(subprobctxts, starttime,
                # Initial output comes *after* solving static fields.
                # For fully static problems, this is the only output.
                _do_output(meshctxt, starttime)
            except ooferror2.ErrInterrupted:
            except ooferror2.ErrError, exc:
            except Exception, exc:
                meshctxt.setStatus(meshstatus.Failed( ` exc `))
Exemple #2
    def computeStaticFieldsL(self, linsys, unknowns):
        # Initialize "static" fields for linear problems. 
        if linsys.n_unknowns_part('K')==0 and linsys.n_unknowns_part('C')==0:
        if self.nonlinear_activefields():
            raise ooferror2.ErrSetupError(
                "A nonlinear solver is required for subproblem '%s'." 
                % self.name())

        # u2 = fields that have second time derivative terms in the
        # equations. These correspond to nonempty columns in M.

        # u1 = fields that have first time derivative terms, but not
        # second.  These correspond to empty columns in M but not C.

        # u0 = fields that have no time derivative terms.  These
        # correspond to empty columns in both M and C.

        # u1, u2, and u2dot are set by initial conditions.  We're
        # solving for u0 and u1dot.

        u2 = self.time_stepper.get_unknowns_part('M', linsys, unknowns)
        u1 = self.time_stepper.get_unknowns_part('C', linsys, unknowns)
        u0 = self.time_stepper.get_unknowns_part('K', linsys, unknowns)

        if len(u0) > 0:
            # Find u0 by solving
            #       K00 u0 + K01 u1 + K02 u2 = f0
            # which is the derivative-free part of the full set of
            # equations.
            K00 = self.time_stepper.K_submatrix(linsys, 'K', 'K')
            # rhs = f0 - K01*u1 - K02*u2, written out to avoid temporaries
            rhs = self.time_stepper.rhs_ind_part('K', linsys) # f0 copy
            if len(u1) > 0:
                K01 = self.time_stepper.K_submatrix(linsys, 'K', 'C')
                rhs -= K01*u1
            if len(u2) > 0:
                K02 = self.time_stepper.K_submatrix(linsys, 'K', 'M')
                rhs -= K02*u2
            self.matrix_method(self.asymmetricK).solve(K00, rhs, u0)
            self.time_stepper.set_unknowns_part('K', linsys, u0, unknowns)

        if len(u1) > 0 and self.time_stepper.derivOrder() > 1:
            # Find u1dot by solving
            #      C11 u1dot + C12 u2dot + K10 u0 + K11 u1 + K12 u2 + f1 = 0
            u1dot = self.time_stepper.get_derivs_part('C', linsys, unknowns)
            u2dot = self.time_stepper.get_derivs_part('M', linsys, unknowns)

            # rhs = f1 - C12*u2dot - K10*u0 - K11*u1 - K12*u2
            rhs = self.time_stepper.rhs_ind_part('C', linsys) # copy of f1
            K11 = self.time_stepper.K_submatrix(linsys, 'C', 'C')
            rhs -= K11*u1       # -= might avoid a copy
            if len(u2dot) > 0:
                C12 = self.time_stepper.C_submatrix(linsys, 'C', 'M')
                rhs -= C12*u2dot
            if len(u0) > 0:
                K10 = self.time_stepper.K_submatrix(linsys, 'C', 'K')
                rhs -= K10*u0
            if len(u2) > 0:
                K12 = self.time_stepper.K_submatrix(linsys, 'C', 'M')
                rhs -= K12*u2
            C11 = self.time_stepper.C_submatrix(linsys, 'C', 'C')
            self.matrix_method(self.asymmetricC).solve(C11, rhs, u1dot)
            self.time_stepper.set_derivs_part('C', linsys, u1dot, unknowns)
Exemple #3
        if staticProblem:
            meshctxt.setCurrentTime(endtime, None)

        time = starttime
        if continuing:
            delta = meshctxt.solverDelta
            delta = None
        lasttime = None

        # Loop over output times
        for t1 in meshctxt.outputSchedule.times(endtime):
            if t1 == lasttime:
                raise ooferror2.ErrSetupError("Time step is zero!")
            # If t1 <= starttime, there's no evolution to be done, and
            # any output at t1==starttime has already been done after
            # static initialization.
            if t1 - starttime > max(t1,
                                    starttime) * 10. * utils.machine_epsilon:
                if t1 > endtime:
                    t1 = endtime
                if delta is None:
                    delta = min([
                        subp.time_stepper.initial_stepsize(t1 - starttime)
                        for subp in subprobctxts
                    time, delta, linsys_dict = evolve_to(