Exemple #1
    def find_levels(self, mesh, what):  # 2D only
        assert config.dimension() == 2
        nlevels = self.levels
        clevels = None
        if type(nlevels) == types.ListType or type(nlevels) == types.TupleType:
            clevels = nlevels
            nlevels = len(clevels)

        # Make a list of mastercoords of all nodes of all elements
        ## TODO OPT: Rework this to use generators instead of passing
        ## lists around.  It may be faster for large meshes.
        nodepoints = []
        for element in mesh.elements():
            master = element.masterelement()
            el_mpos = []  # master coords of nodes in this element
            for n in range(master.nnodes()):

        # Evaluate the function at the nodes

        values = [
            float(x) for x in what.evaluate(mesh, mesh.elements(), nodepoints)
        # Get function values grouped by element
        evalues = utils.unflatten(nodepoints, values)

        # TODO OPT: This is a lot of evaluation work -- are
        # these values cached somewhere, and can they be reused?

        ##        vmax = max(values)
        ##        for (vals, element) in zip(evalues, mesh.elements()):
        ##            if vmax in vals:
        ##                debug.fmsg('max found in element', element, vals)
        ##                break

        # Determine contour levels, if necessary
        if clevels is None:  # contours not specified by user
            # Find range of values.  This is just approximate, since the
            # interpolation within an element may give a value outside of
            # the range spanned by the nodal values.
            if self.min_contour == automatic.automatic:
                vmin = float(min(values))
                vmin = float(self.min_contour)

            if self.max_contour == automatic.automatic:
                vmax = float(max(values))
                vmax = float(self.max_contour)

            if nlevels == 1:
                clevels = [0.5 * (vmax + vmin)]
                dz = (vmax - vmin) / (nlevels - 1)
                clevels = [vmin + i * dz for i in range(nlevels)]

        return clevels, evalues
Exemple #2
    def polygons(self, gfxwindow, meshctxt):
        themesh = meshctxt.getObject()
        meshctxt.restoreCachedData(self.getTime(meshctxt, gfxwindow))
            # PARALLEL_RCL: Make changes here to display parallel mesh
            # There is an issue with clicking on the skeleton or mesh
            # graphics: only the nodes or elements for the front-end
            # process get the cursor or mark

            if parallel_enable.enabled():
                # This snippet taken from SkeletonDisplayMethod
                nodes = themesh.all_meshskeletons["nodes"]
                elements = themesh.all_meshskeletons["elements"]
                polys = []
                for i in range(mpitools.Size()):
                    for el in elements[i]:
                            [primitives.Point(*nodes[i][ni]) for ni in el])
                return polys
                if gfxwindow.settings.hideEmptyElements:
                    edges = [
                        for element in themesh.element_iterator()
                        if element.material() is not None
                    edges = [
                        for element in themesh.element_iterator()
                flatedges = utils.flatten(edges)
                # corners tells where on each edge to evaluate self.where
                corners = [[0.0]] * len(flatedges)
                # evaluate position output for all edges at once
                polys = self.where.evaluate(themesh, flatedges, corners)
                # give the corner list the same structure as the edge list: a
                # list of lists, where each sublist is the list of corners of
                # an element.
                polys = utils.unflatten(edges, polys)
                if len(polys) == 0:
                    mainthread.runBlock(reporter.warn, (
                        "No mesh elements drawn! Are there no materials assigned?",
                return polys
Exemple #3
    def polygons(self, gfxwindow, meshctxt):
        themesh = meshctxt.getObject()
        meshctxt.restoreCachedData(self.getTime(meshctxt, gfxwindow))
            # PARALLEL_RCL: Make changes here to display parallel mesh
            # There is an issue with clicking on the skeleton or mesh
            # graphics: only the nodes or elements for the front-end
            # process get the cursor or mark

            if parallel_enable.enabled():
                # This snippet taken from SkeletonDisplayMethod
                nodes = themesh.all_meshskeletons["nodes"]
                elements = themesh.all_meshskeletons["elements"]
                polys = []
                for i in range(mpitools.Size()):
                    for el in elements[i]:
                                      for ni in el])
                return polys
                if gfxwindow.settings.hideEmptyElements:
                    edges = [element.perimeter()
                             for element in themesh.element_iterator()
                             if element.material() is not None]
                    edges = [element.perimeter()
                             for element in themesh.element_iterator()]
                flatedges = utils.flatten(edges)
                # corners tells where on each edge to evaluate self.where
                corners = [[0.0]]*len(flatedges)
                # evaluate position output for all edges at once
                polys = self.where.evaluate(themesh, flatedges, corners)
                # give the corner list the same structure as the edge list: a
                # list of lists, where each sublist is the list of corners of
                # an element.
                polys = utils.unflatten(edges, polys)
                if len(polys) == 0:
                        ("No mesh elements drawn! Are there no materials assigned?",))
                return polys
Exemple #4
    def find_levels(self, mesh, what):
        nlevels = self.levels
        clevels = None
##        if nlevels is automatic:
##            reporter.warn(
##                "levels=automatic is not yet implemented for contour plotting.")
##            # Not implemented yet.
##            # Should print an apology here.
##            return [], []
        if type(nlevels) == ListType or type(nlevels) == TupleType:
            clevels = nlevels
            nlevels = len(clevels)
        # Make a list of mastercoords of all nodes of all elements
        ## TODO OPT: Rework this to use generators instead of passing
        ## lists around.  It may be faster for large meshes.
        nodepoints = []
        for element in mesh.element_iterator():
            master = element.masterelement()
            el_mpos = []                # master coords of nodes in this element
            for n in range(master.nnodes()):

        # Evaluate the function at the nodes

        values = [float(x) for x in 
                  what.evaluate(mesh, mesh.element_iterator(), nodepoints)]
        # Get function values grouped by element
        evalues = utils.unflatten(nodepoints, values)

        # TODO OPT: This is a lot of evaluation work -- are these
        # values cached somewhere, and can they be reused?
##        vmax = max(values)
##        for (vals, element) in zip(evalues, mesh.element_iterator()):
##            if vmax in vals:
##                debug.fmsg('max found in element', element, vals)
##                break

        # Determine contour levels, if necessary
        if clevels is None:             # contours not specified by user
            # Find range of values.  This is just approximate, since the
            # interpolation within an element may give a value outside of
            # the range spanned by the nodal values.
            if self.min == automatic.automatic:
                vmin = float(min(values))
                vmin = float(self.min)
            if self.max == automatic.automatic:
                vmax = float(max(values))
                vmax = float(self.max)

            if nlevels == 1:
                clevels = [0.5*(vmax + vmin)]
                dz = (vmax - vmin)/(nlevels - 1)
                clevels = [vmin + i*dz for i in range(nlevels)]

        return clevels, evalues