Exemple #1
def get_token():
    if g.current_user.is_anonymous() or g.token_used:
        return unauthorized('Invalid credentials')
    return jsonify({
        'token': g.current_user.generate_auth_token(expiration=3600),
        'expiration': 3600
def oauth_callback(provider):
    # rand_pass will be a new password every time a user logs in
    # with oauth.
    temp_pass = str(uuid.uuid4())

    # lets create the oauth object that will issue the request.
    oauth = OAuthSignIn.get_provider(provider)

    # assign the response
    email, first_name, last_name = oauth.callback()

    if email is None:
        return unauthorized('Invalid credentials')

    # see if this user already exists, and
    # and give the user a brand new password.
    user = User.query.filter_by(email=email).first()
    if user:
        user.password = temp_pass

    # if there is no user, create a new one and setup
    # it's defaults and give it a new password.
        user = User.insert_user(password=temp_pass,

    return jsonify({'uuid': temp_pass, 'username': email})
Exemple #3
def auth_error():
    return unauthorized('Invalid credentials')
def get_token():
    print 'getting token'
    if g.current_user.is_anonymous or g.token_used:
        return unauthorized('Invalid credentials')
    return jsonify({'token': g.current_user.generate_auth_token(
        expiration=86400), 'expiration': 86400})  # 24 hours
def auth_error():
    return unauthorized('Invalid credentials')