Exemple #1
        and "taxcat" in form
        and ("price" in form and "price_unit" in form or "price_id" in form)
        and "count" in form
        and "itemsize" in form
        and "size_unit" in form
        and "distributor" in form
        name = form.getvalue("name")
        taxcatname = form.getvalue("taxcat").split(" ")[0]  # string representation of taxcat includes a (%.2f%%)
        not_valid = False
        p_id = int(form.getvalue("price_id"))
        if p_id == 0:
            price = float(form.getvalue("price"))
            price_unit = form.getvalue("price_unit")
            if not db.is_price(p_id):
                not_valid = True
                price = p_id
                price_unit = None

        if not_valid:
            print "Error: invalid price"
            count = int(form.getvalue("count"))
            plu = None
            itemsize = float(form.getvalue("itemsize"))
            sizeunit = form.getvalue("size_unit")
            if "plu" in form:
                plu = form.getvalue("plu")
            itemid = db.add_item(name, itemsize, sizeunit, plu, count, price, taxcatname, price_unit)
action = form.getvalue("action")
if action == 'price':
    if "price_id" in form and "price" in form:
        price = db.get_price(int(form.getvalue("price_id")))
        db.set_price(price, float(form.getvalue("price")))
        raise Exception ('invalid arguments. need price_id and price.  given %s' % form.keys())
elif action == 'group':
    if "price_id" in form and "item_id" in form:
        newid = form.getvalue('price_id')
        itemid = form.getvalue('item_id')
        if newid.isdigit() and itemid.isdigit():
            newid = int(newid)
            itemid = int(itemid)
            if db.is_price(newid):
                item = db.get_item(itemid)
                old = item.get_price_id()
                price = db.get_price(newid)
                sale_unit = db.get_unit(price.get_sale_unit_id())
                print '%d,%d,%.2f,%d,%s' % (old,db.price_item_count(old),price.get_unit_cost(), price.get_id(),sale_unit) 
                raise Exception ('price_id %d not currently in database' % (newid))
            raise Exception ('invalid price_id or item_id')
        raise Exception ('invalid arguments. need price_id and item_id. given %s' % (form.keys()))
elif action == 'query':
    # returns a string containing information about all (item,distributor) pairs with the given price_id
    # prints the string as info about one item per line (separated with '\n')