dist_item = db.get_distributor_item_byid(int(form.getvalue('dist_item_id')))
        dist_item_id = dist_item.get_dist_item_id()
        wholesale_price = dist_item.get_wholesale_price()
        case_size = dist_item.get_case_size()
        case_unit_id = dist_item.get_case_unit_id()

        if 'distitemid' in form:
            dist_item_id = form.getvalue('distitemid')
        if 'caseprice' in form:
            wholesale_price = float(form.getvalue('caseprice'))
        if 'casesize' in form:
            case_size = float(form.getvalue('casesize'))
        if 'caseunit' in form:
            case_unit_id = int(form.getvalue('caseunit'))

        db.update_distributor_item(dist_item, dist_item_id, wholesale_price, case_size, case_unit_id)        
        raise Exception ('no distributor_item id given')
elif action == 'remove_byid':  # temporary hack until things get sorted out with item_info (should only need this)
    if "dist_item_id" in form:
        raise Exception ('no distributor_item id given')
elif action == 'query-margin':  # temporary hack until things get sorted out with item_info (should only need this)
    if "dist_item_id" in form:
        dist_item = db.get_distributor_item_byid(int(form.getvalue('dist_item_id')))
        each_cost = dist_item.get_each_cost()
        item = db.get_item(dist_item.get_item_id())
        dist = db.get_distributor(dist_item.get_dist_id())
        margin = db.get_distributor_item_margin(item,dist,dist_item)
        print '%.2f, %d' % (each_cost, margin)
Exemple #2
                    d_i = db.get_distributor_item(item, dist)

                    ditemid = 0
                    wholesale_price = 0
                    case_size = 0
                    case_unit = "each"
                    if "dist_item_id" in form:
                        ditemid = form.getvalue("dist_item_id")
                    if "wholesale_price" in form:
                        wholesale_price = float(form.getvalue("wholesale_price"))
                    if "case_size" in form:
                        case_size = float(form.getvalue("case_size"))
                    if "case_unit" in form:
                        case_unit = form.getvalue("case_unit")
                        case_unitid = db.get_unit_byname(case_unit).get_id()
                    db.update_distributor_item(d_i, ditemid, wholesale_price, case_size, case_unitid)
                item = db.get_item(itemid)
                each_cost = d_i.get_each_cost()
                op_price = item.get_price()
                tax = item.get_tax_value()
                if (op_price - tax) != 0:
                    margin = (1.0 - each_cost / (op_price - tax)) * 100
                    margin = 100
                item_price = db.get_price(item.get_price_id())
                cost = item_price.get_unit_cost()
                if "categories" in form:
                    cat_ids_list = form.getvalue("categories")
                    cat_ids = filter(lambda x: x.isdigit(), cat_ids_list.split(","))  # only get valid digits
                    for c_id in cat_ids:
                        cat = db.get_category(c_id)