Exemple #1
    def test_ENGRAD_AltDataAtomicSymbol(self):
        from opan.grad import OrcaEngrad

        # Fail if any exception raised while loading the modified file
        #  with copper specified as the atomic symbol
            oe = OrcaEngrad(path=(self.file_name + self.names.atomicsym))
        except Exception:
            self.fail("Failed to load .engrad file with atomic symbol")
Exemple #2
    def setUp(self):
        # Load the object

        # Imports
        from opan.grad import OrcaEngrad

        # Create the object
        self.oe = OrcaEngrad(path=self.file_name)

        # Enable long messages
        self.longMessage = True
Exemple #3
    def test_ENGRAD_LiveData(self):

        import os
        from opan.grad import OrcaEngrad
        from opan.error import GradError

        for fname in os.listdir(self.resourcedir):
            if fname.startswith("test_orca") and fname.endswith("engrad"):
                print("\nTesting file '" + fname + "' ... ")
                    OrcaEngrad(path=os.path.join(self.resourcedir, fname))
                except (IOError, GradError) as e: # pragma: no cover
                    self.longMessage = True
                    self.fail("Load of test file '" + str(fname) +
                            "' failed:\n" + str(e))