print indent + '-+ ' + dtypestr + name + '(' + str( oid) + ')' + props + mprops + links # a formatting related variable single = 1 # get inheritance targets, iterate over those for l in inhsrv.getTargets(oid): # the inh. target is not inheriting as MP, but as archetype if l.priority == 0: # so we'll format single = 0 # recurse with the target property otree(l.dst, indent + ' |') if not single: print indent # An example Object tree list for all the archetype base objects (id can change, name hopefully not) for srcobj in [ "Object", "MetaProperty", "Stimulus", "Flow Group", "Base Room", "Texture" ]: print "================ Object tree for " + srcobj + " =====================" otree(objsrv.named(srcobj), "") print # see, this is the way to log from python (the python log calls are prefixed "Python:" in the log) opde.log_info("Terminating opde")
def debugFrameRequest(msg): opde.log_info( "Received a message for frame debugger. Will debug one frame") opde.log_info("Comand field: " + msg.command) opde.log_info("Comand params: " + str(msg.params)) lsrv.debugOneFrame()
def databaseProgressUpdate(msg): opde.log_info("Loading progress : " + str(msg.completed * 100))
def exitRequest(msg): # log_info("Received a message for exitRequest " + str(msg.event)) opde.log_info("Termination requested!") lsrv.requestTermination()
# if the donor type is nonzero, we have encountered a MetaProperty! if (dtype == 1): dtypestr = "[M] " # print out the object info print indent + '-+ ' + dtypestr + name + '(' + str(oid) + ')' + props + mprops + links # a formatting related variable single = 1 # get inheritance targets, iterate over those for l in inhsrv.getTargets(oid): # the inh. target is not inheriting as MP, but as archetype if l.priority == 0: # so we'll format single = 0 # recurse with the target property otree(l.dst, indent + ' |') if not single: print indent # An example Object tree list for all the archetype base objects (id can change, name hopefully not) for srcobj in ["Object", "MetaProperty", "Stimulus", "Flow Group", "Base Room", "Texture"]: print "================ Object tree for " + srcobj + " =====================" otree(objsrv.named(srcobj), "") print # see, this is the way to log from python (the python log calls are prefixed "Python:" in the log) opde.log_info("Terminating opde");
def debugFrameRequest(msg): opde.log_info("Received a message for frame debugger. Will debug one frame") opde.log_info("Comand field: " + msg.command) opde.log_info("Comand params: " + str(msg.params)) lsrv.debugOneFrame()