Exemple #1
def main(OpeClass, sentence):
    """Creates an OPE instance, inserts the given words, and does some
    range query checks."""

    client = create_ope_client(OpeClass, Cipher=DumbCipher, local_size=5)

    # break up the sentence into words that will be inserted
    words = list(map(lambda s: s.lower().strip('.,;'), sentence.split()))
    swords = sorted(words)
    # insert each word as the key, and its index as that data/payload.
    for ind, word in enumerate(words):
        client.insert(word, str(ind))

    print("Inserted all words in the sentence:")

    # traverse the whole thing
    print("Full traversal:")
    for word, indstr in client.traverse():
        print("   ", word, indstr)

    # do a range search
    start, end = words[1], words[-1]
    print("The words between", start, "and", end, "are:")
    for word, indstr in client.range_search(start, end):
        print("   ", word, indstr)
    print("(note: range is inclusive on the left, exclusive on the right)")
Exemple #2
def main(datafile, num_queries, image_dims, imfile):
    """Creates a POPE instance, inserts everything from the data file,
    then performs some random queries and makes an image showing the
    growth of comparable elements."""

    # process output file name
    if imfile is not None:
        imfroot, imfext = os.path.splitext(imfile)
        if imfext == '':
            imfext = 'png'

    # read data into a list of (key, value) pairs
    data = []
    with open(datafile) as data_in:
        for line in data_in:
                name, salstring = line.strip().split(',')
                salary = float(salstring)
                data.append((salary, name))
            except ValueError:
                print("WARNING: invalid read of line:")

    print("Successfully read {:,} entries from {}".format(len(data), datafile))

    # create POPE instance and insert all values
    client = create_ope_client(Pope, Cipher=DumbCipher, local_size=32)

    # extract and sort key values for use in generating random queries
    allkeys = []
    for k, v in data:
        ck = convkey(k)
        client.insert(ck, v)
        allkeys.append((k, ck))

    print("Successfully inserted {:,} entries into POPE".format(len(data)))

    # perform random range queries and collect data
    revealed = RevealedKeys(allkeys)
    rct = set()
    img = Image.new('L', (image_dims[0], num_queries[-1] + 1), 127)
    count = 0

    update_bigimage(count, img, allkeys, revealed)

    while count < num_queries[-1]:
        print(".", end='')
        a, b = random_query(allkeys, revealed)
        akey = client._crypt.encode(convkey(a, left=True))
        bkey = client._crypt.encode(convkey(b, right=True))
        client._serv.range_search(akey, bkey)
        count += 1
        update_revealed(client._serv._root, revealed, client, rct)
        update_bigimage(count, img, allkeys, revealed)
        if count in num_queries:
            sqim = make_sqimage(min(image_dims), allkeys, revealed)
            aim = img.crop((0, 0, image_dims[0], count))
            aim = aim.resize(image_dims, Image.NEAREST)
            print("\nGenerated images for count", count)
            if imfile:
                sqim.save(imfroot + '-sqr-' + str(count) + '.' + imfext)
                aim.save(imfroot + '-all-' + str(count) + ',' + imfext)

    print("Performed {} random range queries".format(count))
Exemple #3
def main(datafile, num_queries, image_dims, imfile):
    """Creates a POPE instance, inserts everything from the data file,
    then performs some random queries and makes an image showing the
    growth of comparable elements."""

    # process output file name
    if imfile is not None:
        imfroot, imfext = os.path.splitext(imfile)
        if imfext == '':
            imfext = 'png'

    # read data into a list of (key, value) pairs
    data = []
    with open(datafile) as data_in:
        for line in data_in:
                name, salstring = line.strip().split(',')
                salary = float(salstring)
                data.append((salary, name))
            except ValueError:
                print("WARNING: invalid read of line:")

    print("Successfully read {:,} entries from {}".format(len(data), datafile))

    # create POPE instance and insert all values
    client = create_ope_client(Pope, Cipher=DumbCipher, local_size=32)

    # extract and sort key values for use in generating random queries
    allkeys = []
    for k, v in data:
        ck = convkey(k)
        client.insert(ck, v)
        allkeys.append((k, ck))

    print("Successfully inserted {:,} entries into POPE".format(len(data)))

    # perform random range queries and collect data
    revealed = RevealedKeys(allkeys)
    rct = set()
    img = Image.new('L', (image_dims[0], num_queries[-1]+1), 127)
    count = 0

    update_bigimage(count, img, allkeys, revealed)

    while count < num_queries[-1]:
        print(".", end='')
        a, b = random_query(allkeys, revealed)
        akey = client._crypt.encode(convkey(a, left=True))
        bkey = client._crypt.encode(convkey(b, right=True))
        client._serv.range_search(akey, bkey)
        count += 1
        update_revealed(client._serv._root, revealed, client, rct)
        update_bigimage(count, img, allkeys, revealed)
        if count in num_queries:
            sqim = make_sqimage(min(image_dims), allkeys, revealed)
            aim = img.crop((0, 0, image_dims[0], count))
            aim = aim.resize(image_dims, Image.NEAREST)
            print("\nGenerated images for count", count)
            if imfile:
                sqim.save(imfroot + '-sqr-' + str(count) + '.' + imfext)
                aim.save(imfroot + '-all-' + str(count) + ',' + imfext)

    print("Performed {} random range queries".format(count))