def load_eegData(fpath, eegChans, bitVolts=0.195):
    # Load EEG data of selected channel
    print([hfunct.time_string(), 'DEBUG: load from file'])
    continuous_data = NWBio.load_continuous_as_array(fpath, eegChans)
    if not (continuous_data is None):
        print([hfunct.time_string(), 'DEBUG: extract timestamps'])
        timestamps = np.array(continuous_data['timestamps'])
        print([hfunct.time_string(), 'DEBUG: transforming into float32'])
        data = continuous_data['continuous'].astype(np.float32)
        sampling_rate = NWBio.OpenEphys_SamplingRate()
        # If no raw data available, load downsampled data for that tetrode
        lowpass_data = NWBio.load_tetrode_lowpass(fpath)
        timestamps = np.array(lowpass_data['tetrode_lowpass_timestamps'])
        sampling_rate = NWBio.OpenEphys_SamplingRate() / float(lowpass_downsampling)
        if not isinstance(eegChans, list):
            eegChans = [eegChans]
        tetrodes = []
        for eegChan in eegChans:
        data = np.array(lowpass_data['tetrode_lowpass'][:, tetrodes]).astype(np.float32)
    # Scale data with bitVolts value to convert from raw data to voltage values
    print([hfunct.time_string(), 'DEBUG: converting to bitVolts'])
    data = data * bitVolts

    return {'data': data, 'timestamps': timestamps, 'sampling_rate': sampling_rate}
def get_first_available_spike_data(OpenEphysDataPath, tetrode_nrs, use_idx_keep, use_badChan, 
    _, spike_names = NWBio.processing_method_and_spike_name_combinations()
    spike_data_available = False
    for spike_name in spike_names:
        spike_data = NWBio.load_spikes(OpenEphysDataPath, tetrode_nrs=tetrode_nrs, 
                                       spike_name=spike_name, use_idx_keep=use_idx_keep, 
                                       use_badChan=use_badChan, clustering_name=clustering_name)
        if len(spike_data) > 0:
            spike_data_available = True
    if not spike_data_available:
        raise Exception('Spike data is not available in file: ' + OpenEphysDataPath + '\nChecked for following spike_name: ' + str(spike_names))

    return spike_data
def getExperimentInfo(fpath=None):
    Extract experiment info from NWB file and sets to correc tformat for
    createAxonaData() function.

    If fpath is not provided, sham data is provided that is compatible
    with createAxonaData() function.
    if not (fpath is None) and NWBio.check_if_settings_available(fpath,'/General/animal/'):
        animal = NWBio.load_settings(fpath,'/General/animal/')
        animal = 'unknown'
    if not (fpath is None) and NWBio.check_if_settings_available(fpath,'/Time/'):
        full_timestring = NWBio.load_settings(fpath,'/Time/')
        timeobject = datetime.strptime(full_timestring, '%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S')
        timeobject =
    datestring = timeobject.strftime('%d-%m-%y')
    timestring = timeobject.strftime('%H-%M-%S')
    experiment_info = {'trial_date': datestring, 
                       'trial_time': timestring, 
                       'animal': animal}
    return experiment_info
def main(fpath):
    print('Opening NWB file...')
    data = NWBio.load_continuous(fpath)
    # Load timestamps into memory
    timestamps = np.array(data['timestamps'])
    timestamps = timestamps - timestamps[0]
    # Get user specified start and end time
    print('Session length is ' + str(timestamps[-1]) + ' seconds.')
    start_time = float(raw_input('Enter segment start time: '))
    end_time = float(raw_input('Enter segment end time: '))
    start_idx = np.argmin(np.abs(timestamps - start_time))
    end_idx = np.argmin(np.abs(timestamps - end_time))
    # Get user specified start and end time
    print('There are ' + str(data['continuous'].shape[1]) + ' channels.')
    first_chan = int(raw_input('Enter first channel nr: ')) - 1
    last_chan = int(raw_input('Enter last channel nr: '))
    # Load continuous data of specified shape
    print('Loading continuous data for segment...')
    timestamps = timestamps[start_idx:end_idx]
    continuous = np.array(data['continuous'][start_idx:end_idx, first_chan:last_chan])
    continuous = continuous.astype(np.float32) * 0.195
    n_channels = continuous.shape[1]
    n_datapoints = continuous.shape[0]
    # Convert continuous data such that it can all be show in single plot
    print('Converting continuous data for display...')
    mean_std = np.mean(np.std(continuous, axis=0))
    channel_spacing = mean_std * 3
    channel_spacer = np.linspace(0, (n_channels - 1) * channel_spacing, n_channels)
    channel_spacer = np.repeat(np.transpose(channel_spacer[:, None]), n_datapoints, axis=0)
    continuous = continuous + channel_spacer
    # Plot data
    fig = plt.figure()
    ax = plt.gca()
    plt.plot(timestamps, continuous, linewidth=1)
    plt.xlim(np.min(timestamps), np.max(timestamps))
    plt.ylim(np.min(continuous), np.max(continuous))
    plt.subplots_adjust(left=0, right=1, top=1, bottom=0)
def createAxonaData_for_NWBfile(OpenEphysDataPath, spike_name='first_available', channel_map=None, 
                                subfolder='AxonaData', eegChans=None, pixels_per_metre=None, 
                                show_output=False, clustering_name=None):
    # Construct path for AxonaData and get experiment info
    AxonaDataPath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(OpenEphysDataPath), subfolder)
    experiment_info = getExperimentInfo(OpenEphysDataPath)
    # Get channel_map for this dataset
    if channel_map is None:
        if NWBio.check_if_settings_available(OpenEphysDataPath,'/General/channel_map/'):
            channel_map = NWBio.load_settings(OpenEphysDataPath,'/General/channel_map/')
            raise ValueError('Channel map could not be generated. Enter channels to process.')
    # Get position data for this recording
    data_time_edges = NWBio.get_processed_tracking_data_timestamp_edges(OpenEphysDataPath)
    if NWBio.check_if_processed_position_data_available(OpenEphysDataPath):
        posdata = NWBio.load_processed_tracking_data(OpenEphysDataPath)
        posdata = None
    # Create AxonaData separately for each recording area
    for area in channel_map.keys():
        # Load spike data
        tetrode_nrs = hfunct.get_tetrode_nrs(channel_map[area]['list'])
        print('Loading spikes for tetrodes nr: ' +  ', '.join(map(str, tetrode_nrs)))
        if spike_name == 'first_available':
            spike_data = get_first_available_spike_data(OpenEphysDataPath, tetrode_nrs, 
                                                        use_idx_keep=True, use_badChan=True,
            spike_data = NWBio.load_spikes(OpenEphysDataPath, tetrode_nrs=tetrode_nrs, 
                                           spike_name=spike_name, use_idx_keep=True, 
                                           use_badChan=True, clustering_name=clustering_name)
        # Load eeg data
        if eegChans is None:
            eegData = None
            eegChansInArea_Bool = [x in channel_map[area]['list'] for x in eegChans]
            if any(eegChansInArea_Bool):
                eegChansInArea = [x for (x,y) in zip(eegChans, eegChansInArea_Bool) if y]
                print('Loading LFP data for channels: ' +  ', '.join(map(str, eegChansInArea)))
                eegData = load_eegData(OpenEphysDataPath, eegChansInArea)
                eegData = None
        createAxonaData(AxonaDataPath, spike_data, data_time_edges, posdata=posdata, 
                        experiment_info=experiment_info, axona_file_name=area, 
                        eegData=eegData, pixels_per_metre=pixels_per_metre, 
Exemple #6
    def __init__(self, fpath, fps=30, method=None, threshold_multiplier=0.75):

        # Parse input

        self._fpath = NWBio.get_filename(fpath)

        if not NWBio.check_if_open_ephys_nwb_file(self._fpath):
            raise ValueError('Path {} does not lead to a recognised recording file.'.format(self._fpath))

        self._timestep = 1 / float(fps)

        settings = NWBio.load_settings(self._fpath)

        self._method = settings['CameraSettings']['General']['tracking_mode'] if method is None else method
        if not (self._method in self.supported_methods):
            raise ValueError('Method {} not found in support methods {}'.format(self._method, self.supported_methods))

        self._threshold_multiplier = threshold_multiplier

        # Get list of cameras_ids

        self._camera_ids = tuple(map(str, settings['CameraSettings']['CameraSpecific'].keys()))
        if len(self._camera_ids) == 0:
            raise Exception('No cameras specified in CameraSettings.')

        # Get settings for processing camera images

        resolution_setting = settings['CameraSettings']['General']['resolution_option']

        self._arena_size = settings['General']['arena_size']
        self._led_separation = settings['CameraSettings']['General']['LED_separation']
        self._camera_transfer_radius = settings['CameraSettings']['General']['camera_transfer_radius']
        self._smoothing_size = {'high': 4, 'low': 2}[resolution_setting]

        self._calibration_matrix = {}
        self._camera_position = {}

        for camera_id in self._camera_ids:
            camera_id_settings = settings['CameraSettings']['CameraSpecific'][camera_id]

            self._calibration_matrix[camera_id] = \
            self._camera_position[camera_id] = camera_id_settings['position_xy']

        # Initialise video feed

        self._video = {camera_id: RecordingCameraVideo(self._fpath, camera_id) for camera_id in self._camera_ids}


        # Initialise tracking process

        self._current_timestamp = min([self._video[camera_id].current_timestamp
                                       for camera_id in self._camera_ids])

        self._final_timestamp = min([self._video[camera_id].final_timestamp
                                     for camera_id in self._camera_ids])

        self._timestamps = []
        self._tracking_data = []

        self._process_started = False
        self._process_finished = False
 def save_settings(self, fpath):
     NWBio.save_settings(fpath, self.task_settings, path='/TaskSettings/')
 def load_settings(self, fpath):
     self._task_settings = NWBio.load_settings(fpath, path='/TaskSettings/')
def createAxonaData_for_multiple_NWBfiles(OpenEphysDataPaths, AxonaDataPath, 
                                          spike_name='first_available', channel_map=None, 
                                          eegChans=None, pixels_per_metre=None, 
                                          show_output=False, clustering_name=None):
    # Get experiment info
    if len(OpenEphysDataPaths) > 1:
        print('Using experiment_info from first recording only.')
    experiment_info = getExperimentInfo(OpenEphysDataPaths[0])
    # Get channel_map for this dataset
    if channel_map is None:
        if len(OpenEphysDataPaths) > 1:
            print('Using channel_map from first recording only.')
        if NWBio.check_if_settings_available(OpenEphysDataPaths[0],'/General/channel_map/'):
            channel_map = NWBio.load_settings(OpenEphysDataPaths[0],'/General/channel_map/')
            raise ValueError('Channel map could not be generated. Enter channels to process.')
    # Compute start and end times of each segment of the recording
    data_time_edges = []
    for OpenEphysDataPath in OpenEphysDataPaths:
    recording_edges = []
    recording_duration = 0
    for dte in data_time_edges:
        end_of_this_recording = recording_duration + (dte[1] - dte[0])
        recording_edges.append([recording_duration, end_of_this_recording])
        recording_duration = end_of_this_recording
    combined_data_time_edges = [recording_edges[0][0], recording_edges[-1][1]]
    # Get position data for these recordings
    print('Loading position data.')
    posdata = []
    for OpenEphysDataPath in OpenEphysDataPaths:
        if NWBio.check_if_processed_position_data_available(OpenEphysDataPath):
    if any([x is None for x in posdata]):
        posdata = None
        posdata = concatenate_posdata_across_recordings(posdata, data_time_edges, 
    # Create AxonaData separately for each recording area
    for area in channel_map.keys():
        # Load spike data
        tetrode_nrs = hfunct.get_tetrode_nrs(channel_map[area]['list'])
        print('Loading spikes for tetrodes nr: ' +  ', '.join(map(str, tetrode_nrs)))
        spike_data = []
        for OpenEphysDataPath in OpenEphysDataPaths:
            if spike_name == 'first_available':
                spike_data.append(get_first_available_spike_data(OpenEphysDataPath, tetrode_nrs, 
                                                                 use_idx_keep=True, use_badChan=True))
                print([hfunct.time_string(), 'DEBUG: loading spikes of tet ', tetrode_nrs, ' from ', OpenEphysDataPath])
                spike_data.append(NWBio.load_spikes(OpenEphysDataPath, tetrode_nrs=tetrode_nrs, 
                                                    spike_name=spike_name, use_idx_keep=True, 
                                                    use_badChan=True, clustering_name=clustering_name))
        spike_data = concatenate_spike_data_across_recordings(spike_data, data_time_edges, 
        # Load eeg data
        if eegChans is None:
            eegData = None
            eegChansInArea_Bool = [x in channel_map[area]['list'] for x in eegChans]
            if any(eegChansInArea_Bool):
                eegChansInArea = [x for (x,y) in zip(eegChans, eegChansInArea_Bool) if y]
                print('Loading LFP data for channels: ' +  ', '.join(map(str, eegChansInArea)))
                eegData = []
                for OpenEphysDataPath in OpenEphysDataPaths:
                    print([hfunct.time_string(), 'DEBUG: loading eegData for ', OpenEphysDataPath])
                    eegData.append(load_eegData(OpenEphysDataPath, eegChansInArea))
                print([hfunct.time_string(), 'DEBUG: concatenating eeg data'])
                eegData = concatenate_eegData_across_recordings(eegData, data_time_edges, 
                eegData = None
        createAxonaData(AxonaDataPath, spike_data, combined_data_time_edges, 
                        posdata=posdata, experiment_info=experiment_info, 
                        axona_file_name=area, eegData=eegData, 
                        pixels_per_metre=pixels_per_metre, show_output=show_output)
    with open(os.path.join(AxonaDataPath, 'recording_edges'), 'w') as file:
        for edges, OpenEphysDataPath in zip(recording_edges, OpenEphysDataPaths):
            file.write(str(edges) + ' path: ' + OpenEphysDataPath + '\n')
def iteratively_combine_multicamera_data_for_recording(
    CameraSettings, arena_size, posdatas, OE_GC_times, verbose=False):
    """Return ProcessedPos

    Combines raw tracking data from multiple cameras into a single ProcessedPos array.
    If a single camera data is provided, this will be converted into same format.
    cameraIDs = sorted(CameraSettings['CameraSpecific'].keys())
    # Load position data for all cameras
    for i, posdata in enumerate(posdatas):
        if isinstance(posdata, dict):
            # This is conditional because for early recordings tracking data was immediately stored in Open Ephys time.
            # Remove datapoints where all position data is None
            idx_None = np.all(np.isnan(posdata['OnlineTrackerData']), 1)
            posdata['OnlineTrackerData'] = np.delete(posdata['OnlineTrackerData'], 
                                                     np.where(idx_None)[0], axis=0)
            posdata['OnlineTrackerData_timestamps'] = np.delete(posdata['OnlineTrackerData_timestamps'], 
                                                                np.where(idx_None)[0], axis=0)
            # Compute position data timestamps in OpenEphys time
            RPi_frame_in_OE_times = NWBio.estimate_open_ephys_timestamps_from_other_timestamps(
                other_times_divider=10 ** 6

            # Combine timestamps and position data into a single array
            posdata = np.concatenate((RPi_frame_in_OE_times.astype(np.float64)[:, None], posdata['OnlineTrackerData']), axis=1)
            posdatas[i] = posdata
    if len(posdatas) > 1:
        # If data from multiple cameras available, combine it
        PosDataFramesPerSecond = 30.0
        # Find first and last timepoint for position data
        first_timepoints = []
        last_timepoints = []
        for posdata in posdatas:
            first_timepoints.append(posdata[0, 0])
            last_timepoints.append(posdata[-1, 0])
        # Combine position data step-wise from first to last timepoint at PosDataFramesPerSecond
        # At each timepoint the closest matchin datapoints will be taken from different cameras
        timepoints = np.arange(np.array(first_timepoints).min(), np.array(last_timepoints).max(), 1.0 / PosDataFramesPerSecond)
        combPosData = [None]
        listNaNs = []
        if verbose:
            print('Combining iteratively camera data for each position timepoint')
        for npoint in (tqdm(range(len(timepoints))) if verbose else range(len(timepoints))):
            # Find closest matchin timepoint from all RPis
            idx_tp = np.zeros(4, dtype=np.int32)
            for nRPi in range(len(posdatas)):
                idx_tp[nRPi] = np.argmin(np.abs(timepoints[npoint] - posdatas[nRPi][:,0]))
            # Convert posdatas for use in combineCamerasData function
            cameraPos = []
            for nRPi in range(len(posdatas)):
                cameraPos.append(posdatas[nRPi][idx_tp[nRPi], 1:5])
            tmp_comb_data = combineCamerasData(cameraPos, combPosData[-1], cameraIDs, CameraSettings, arena_size)
            if tmp_comb_data is None:
        # Remove the extra element from combPosData
        del combPosData[0]
        # Remove all None elements
        for nanElement in listNaNs[::-1]:
            del combPosData[nanElement]
        timepoints = np.delete(timepoints, listNaNs)
        # Combine timepoints and position data
        ProcessedPos = np.concatenate((np.expand_dims(np.array(timepoints), axis=1), np.array(combPosData)), axis=1)
        # Print info about None elements
        if len(listNaNs) > 0:
            print('Total of ' + str(len(listNaNs) * (1.0 / PosDataFramesPerSecond)) + ' seconds of position data was lost')
            if listNaNs[0] == 0:
                print('This was in the beginning and ' + str(np.sum(np.diff(np.array(listNaNs)) > 1)) + ' other epochs.')
                print('This was not in the beginning, but in ' + str(np.sum(np.diff(np.array(listNaNs)) > 1) + 1) + ' other epochs.')
        # In case of single camera being used, just use data from that camera
        ProcessedPos = posdatas[0]
    ProcessedPos = remove_tracking_data_outside_boundaries(ProcessedPos, arena_size, max_error=10)
    ProcessedPos = ProcessedPos.astype(np.float64)

    return ProcessedPos