def handle(self, *labels, **options): if len(labels) is not 1: raise CommandError('Enter just one %s.' % self.label) self.data_root = options['data_root'] self.sorted_csv_file = os.path.join(self.data_root, labels[0]) self.proj_sample_file = os.path.join(self.data_root, options['proj_sample_file']) self.encoding = options['encoding'] # open sample progetto csv reader try: self.proj_reader = utils.UnicodeDictReader(open( self.proj_sample_file, 'r'), dialect='opencoesione', encoding=self.encoding) except IOError: self.logger.error("It was impossible to open file %s" % self.proj_sample_file) exit(1) except csv.Error, e: self.logger.error("CSV error while reading %s: %s" % (self.proj_sample_file, e.message)) exit(1)
def handle(self, *args, **options): self.csv_file = options['csvfile'] # read first csv file try: self.unicode_reader = utils.UnicodeDictReader( open(self.csv_file, 'r'), delimiter=';', encoding=self.encoding) except IOError: self.logger.error("It was impossible to open file %s" % self.csv_file) exit(1) except csv.Error, e: self.logger.error("CSV error while reading %s: %s" % (self.csv_file, e.message))
class Command(LabelCommand): """ Task to extract data related to a sample of all projects. The sample of projects can be extracted through: head -n 1 progetti_YYYYMMDD.csv > progetti_sample.csv tail -n +2 progetti_YYYYMMDD.csv | shuf -n 10 | sort >> progetti_sample.csv """ args = "<filename>" help = "Produces a csv file of rows related to projects' sample." label = 'filename' option_list = BaseCommand.option_list + ( make_option('--sample', dest='proj_sample_file', default='progetti_sample.csv', help='Select projects sample csv file'), make_option('--data-root', dest='data_root', default='dati/dataset_latest/', help='Data root path, where csv files are to be found'), make_option('--type', dest='type', default='loc', help='Type of related data: loc|rec|pay'), make_option( '--encoding', dest='encoding', default='latin1', help='set character encoding of input (and output) csv files')) proj_sample_file = '' sorted_csv_file = '' data_root = '' encoding = '' logger = logging.getLogger('csvimport') proj_reader = None csv.register_dialect('opencoesione', delimiter=';', quoting=csv.QUOTE_ALL) def handle(self, *labels, **options): if len(labels) is not 1: raise CommandError('Enter just one %s.' % self.label) self.data_root = options['data_root'] self.sorted_csv_file = os.path.join(self.data_root, labels[0]) self.proj_sample_file = os.path.join(self.data_root, options['proj_sample_file']) self.encoding = options['encoding'] # open sample progetto csv reader try: self.proj_reader = utils.UnicodeDictReader(open( self.proj_sample_file, 'r'), dialect='opencoesione', encoding=self.encoding) except IOError: self.logger.error("It was impossible to open file %s" % self.proj_sample_file) exit(1) except csv.Error, e: self.logger.error("CSV error while reading %s: %s" % (self.proj_sample_file, e.message)) exit(1) verbosity = options['verbosity'] if verbosity == '0': self.logger.setLevel(logging.ERROR) elif verbosity == '1': self.logger.setLevel(logging.WARNING) elif verbosity == '2': self.logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) elif verbosity == '3': self.logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) if options['type'] == 'loc': # to produce the full, sorted localizzazioni file # head -n 1 localizzazioni_20120630.csv > localizzazioni_sorted.csv # tail -n +2 localizzazioni_20120630.csv | sort >> localizzazioni_sorted.csv headers = [ "COD_LOCALE_PROGETTO", "COD_REGIONE", "DEN_REGIONE", "COD_PROVINCIA", "DEN_PROVINCIA", "COD_COMUNE", "DEN_COMUNE", "INDIRIZZO_PROG", "CAP_PROG", "DPS_TERRITORIO_PROG", "DPS_FLAG_CAP_PROG" ] elif options['type'] == 'rec': # to produce the full, sorted soggetti file # head -n 1 soggetti_20120630.csv > soggetti_sorted.csv # tail -n +2 soggetti_20120630.csv | sort >> soggetti_sorted.csv headers = [ "COD_LOCALE_PROGETTO", "SOGG_COD_RUOLO", "SOGG_DESCR_RUOLO", "SOGG_PROGR_RUOLO", "DPS_CODICE_FISCALE_SOGG", "DPS_DENOMINAZIONE_SOGG", "COD_FORMA_GIURIDICA_SOGG", "DESCR_FORMA_GIURIDICA_SOGG", "COD_COMUNE_SEDE_SOGG", "INDIRIZZO_SOGG", "CAP_SOGG", "COD_ATECO_SOGG", "DESCRIZIONE_ATECO_SOGG" ] elif options['type'] == 'pay': headers = [ "COD_LOCALE_PROGETTO", "DATA_AGGIORNAMENTO", "TOT_PAGAMENTI" ] else: raise CommandError("Wrong type %s. Select between loc and rec." % options['type']) # open sorted csv file from where to extract record related to progetti_sample csv_file = os.path.join(self.data_root, labels[0])"Inizio ricerca in %s" % csv_file) try: reader = utils.UnicodeDictReader(open(csv_file, 'r'), dialect='opencoesione', encoding=self.encoding) except IOError: self.logger.error("It was impossible to open file %s" % csv_file) exit(1) except csv.Error, e: self.logger.error("CSV error while reading %s: %s" % (csv_file, e.message))