Exemple #1
def gradients(dist, y, payoff_matrices, num_players, p=1, proj_grad=True):
    """Computes exploitablity gradient and aux variable gradients.

    dist: 1-d np.array, current estimate of nash distribution
    y: 1-d np.array (same shape as dist), current estimate of payoff gradient
    payoff_matrices: (>=2 x A x A) np.array, payoffs for each joint action
    num_players: int, number of players, in case payoff_matrices is abbreviated
    p: float in [0, 1], Tsallis entropy-regularization --> 0 as p --> 0
    proj_grad: bool, if True, projects dist gradient onto simplex
    gradient of exploitability w.r.t. (dist, y) as tuple
    unregularized exploitability (stochastic estimate)
    tsallis regularized exploitability (stochastic estimate)
    nabla = payoff_matrices[0].dot(dist)
    if p > 0:
        power = 1. / float(p)
        s = np.linalg.norm(y, ord=power)
        if s == 0:
            br = misc.uniform_dist(y)
            br = (y / s)**power
        power = np.inf
        s = np.linalg.norm(y, ord=power)
        br = np.zeros_like(dist)
        maxima = (y == s)
        br[maxima] = 1. / maxima.sum()

    unreg_exp = np.max(y) - y.dot(dist)
    br_inv_sparse = 1 - np.sum(br**(p + 1))
    dist_inv_sparse = 1 - np.sum(dist**(p + 1))
    entr_br = s / (p + 1) * br_inv_sparse
    entr_dist = s / (p + 1) * dist_inv_sparse
    reg_exp = y.dot(br - dist) + entr_br - entr_dist

    entr_br_vec = br_inv_sparse * br**(1 - p)
    entr_dist_vec = dist_inv_sparse * dist**(1 - p)

    policy_gradient = nabla - s * dist**p
    other_player_fx = (br - dist) + 1 / (p + 1) * (entr_br_vec - entr_dist_vec)

    other_player_fx_translated = payoff_matrices[1].dot(other_player_fx)
    grad_dist = -policy_gradient + (num_players -
                                    1) * other_player_fx_translated
    if proj_grad:
        grad_dist = simplex.project_grad(grad_dist)
    grad_y = y - nabla

    return (grad_dist, grad_y), unreg_exp, reg_exp
Exemple #2
    def cheap_gradients(self,
        """Computes exploitablity gradient and aux variable gradients with samples.

    This implementation takes payoff_matrices as input so technically uses
    O(d^2) compute but only a single column of payoff_matrices is used to
    perform the update so can be re-implemented in O(d) if needed.

      random: random number generator, np.random.RandomState(seed)
      dist: list of 1-d np.arrays, current estimate of nash distribution
      y: list 1-d np.arrays (same shape as dist), current est. of payoff grad
      anneal_steps: int, elapsed num steps since last anneal
      payoff_matrices: dictionary with keys as tuples of agents (i, j) and
          values of (2 x A x A) np.arrays, payoffs for each joint action. keys
          are sorted and arrays should be indexed in the same order
      num_players: int, number of players, in case payoff_matrices is abbrev'd
      p: float in [0, 1], Tsallis entropy-regularization --> 0 as p --> 0
      proj_grad: bool, if True, projects dist gradient onto simplex
      gradient of exploitability w.r.t. (dist, y) as tuple
      unregularized exploitability (stochastic estimate)
      tsallis regularized exploitability (stochastic estimate)
        # first compute policy gradients and player effects (fx)
        policy_gradient = []
        other_player_fx = []
        grad_y = []
        unreg_exp = []
        reg_exp = []
        for i in range(num_players):

            others = list(range(num_players))
            j = np.random.choice(others)
            action_j = random.choice(dist[j].size, p=dist[j])
            if i < j:
                hess_i_ij = payoff_matrices[(i, j)][0]
                hess_i_ij = payoff_matrices[(j, i)][1].T
            nabla_i = hess_i_ij[:, action_j]

            grad_y.append(y[i] - nabla_i)

            if p > 1e-2:  # encounter numerical under/overflow when power > 100.
                power = 1. / float(p)
                s_i = np.linalg.norm(y[i], ord=power)
                if s_i == 0:
                    br_i = misc.uniform_dist(y[i])
                    br_i = (y[i] / s_i)**power
                power = np.inf
                s_i = np.linalg.norm(y[i], ord=power)
                br_i = np.zeros_like(dist[i])
                maxima_i = (y[i] == s_i)
                br_i[maxima_i] = 1. / maxima_i.sum()

            policy_gradient_i = nabla_i - s_i * dist[i]**p

            unreg_exp.append(np.max(y[i]) - y[i].dot(dist[i]))

            br_i_inv_sparse = 1 - np.sum(br_i**(p + 1))
            dist_i_inv_sparse = 1 - np.sum(dist[i]**(p + 1))
            entr_br_i = s_i / (p + 1) * br_i_inv_sparse
            entr_dist_i = s_i / (p + 1) * dist_i_inv_sparse

            reg_exp.append(y[i].dot(br_i - dist[i]) + entr_br_i - entr_dist_i)

            entr_br_vec_i = br_i_inv_sparse * br_i**(1 - p)
            entr_dist_vec_i = dist_i_inv_sparse * dist[i]**(1 - p)
            other_player_fx_i = (br_i - dist[i]) + 1 / (p + 1) * (
                entr_br_vec_i - entr_dist_vec_i)

        # then construct exploitability gradient
        grad_dist = []
        for i in range(num_players):

            grad_dist_i = -policy_gradient[i]
            for j in range(num_players):
                if j == i:
                if i < j:
                    hess_j_ij = payoff_matrices[(i, j)][1]
                    hess_j_ij = payoff_matrices[(j, i)][0].T

                action_u = random.choice(
                    dist[j].size)  # uniform, ~importance sampling
                other_player_fx_j = dist[j].size * other_player_fx[j][action_u]
                grad_dist_i += hess_j_ij[:, action_u] * other_player_fx_j

            if proj_grad:
                grad_dist_i = simplex.project_grad(grad_dist_i)


        unreg_exp_mean = np.mean(unreg_exp)
        reg_exp_mean = np.mean(reg_exp)

        _, lr_y = self.lrs
        if (reg_exp_mean < self.exp_thresh) and (anneal_steps >= 1 / lr_y):
            self.p = np.clip(p / 2., 0., 1.)
            grad_anneal_steps = -anneal_steps
            grad_anneal_steps = 1

        return (grad_dist, grad_y,
                grad_anneal_steps), unreg_exp_mean, reg_exp_mean
Exemple #3
def cheap_gradients_vr(random,
    """Computes exploitablity gradient and aux variable gradients with samples.

  This implementation takes payoff_matrices as input so technically uses O(d^2)
  compute but only a single column of payoff_matrices is used to perform the
  update so can be re-implemented in O(d) if needed.

    random: random number generator, np.random.RandomState(seed)
    dist: 1-d np.array, current estimate of nash distribution
    y: 1-d np.array (same shape as dist), current estimate of payoff gradient
    payoff_matrices: (>=2 x A x A) np.array, payoffs for each joint action
    num_players: int, number of players, in case payoff_matrices is abbreviated
    pm_vr: approximate payoff_matrix for variance reduction
    p: float in [0, 1], Tsallis entropy-regularization --> 0 as p --> 0
    proj_grad: bool, if True, projects dist gradient onto simplex
    version: int, default 0, two options for variance reduction
    gradient of exploitability w.r.t. (dist, y) as tuple
    unregularized exploitability (stochastic estimate)
    tsallis regularized exploitability (stochastic estimate)
    if pm_vr is None:
        raise ValueError(
            "pm_vr must be np.array of shape (num_strats, num_strats)")
    if (not isinstance(version, int)) or (version < 0) or (version > 1):
        raise ValueError("version must be non-negative int < 2")

    action_1 = random.choice(dist.size, p=dist)
    nabla = payoff_matrices[0][:, action_1]
    if p > 0:
        power = 1. / float(p)
        s = np.linalg.norm(y, ord=power)
        if s == 0:
            br = misc.uniform_dist(y)
            br = (y / s)**power
        power = np.inf
        s = np.linalg.norm(y, ord=power)
        br = np.zeros_like(dist)
        maxima = (y == s)
        br[maxima] = 1. / maxima.sum()

    unreg_exp = np.max(y) - y.dot(dist)
    br_inv_sparse = 1 - np.sum(br**(p + 1))
    dist_inv_sparse = 1 - np.sum(dist**(p + 1))
    entr_br = s / (p + 1) * br_inv_sparse
    entr_dist = s / (p + 1) * dist_inv_sparse
    reg_exp = y.dot(br - dist) + entr_br - entr_dist

    entr_br_vec = br_inv_sparse * br**(1 - p)
    entr_dist_vec = dist_inv_sparse * dist**(1 - p)

    policy_gradient = nabla - s * dist**p
    other_player_fx = (br - dist) + 1 / (p + 1) * (entr_br_vec - entr_dist_vec)

    if version == 0:
        other_player_fx_translated = pm_vr.dot(other_player_fx)
        action_u = random.choice(dist.size)  # uniform, ~importance sampling
        other_player_fx = other_player_fx[action_u]
        pm_mod = dist.size * (payoff_matrices[1, :, action_u] -
                              pm_vr[:, action_u])
        other_player_fx_translated += pm_mod * other_player_fx
    elif version == 1:
        other_player_fx_translated = np.sum(pm_vr, axis=1)
        action_u = random.choice(dist.size)  # uniform, ~importance sampling
        other_player_fx = other_player_fx[action_u]
        pm_mod = dist.size * payoff_matrices[1, :, action_u]
        r = dist.size * pm_vr[:, action_u]
        other_player_fx_translated += pm_mod * other_player_fx - r

    grad_dist = -policy_gradient + (num_players -
                                    1) * other_player_fx_translated
    if proj_grad:
        grad_dist = simplex.project_grad(grad_dist)
    grad_y = y - nabla

    if version == 0:
        pm_vr[:, action_u] = payoff_matrices[1, :, action_u]
    elif version == 1:
        pm_vr[:, action_u] = payoff_matrices[1, :, action_u] * other_player_fx

    return (grad_dist, grad_y), pm_vr, unreg_exp, reg_exp
Exemple #4
def cheap_gradients(random,
    """Computes exploitablity gradient and aux variable gradients with samples.

  This implementation takes payoff_matrices as input so technically uses O(d^2)
  compute but only a single column of payoff_matrices is used to perform the
  update so can be re-implemented in O(d) if needed.

    random: random number generator, np.random.RandomState(seed)
    dist: 1-d np.array, current estimate of nash distribution
    y: 1-d np.array (same shape as dist), current estimate of payoff gradient
    payoff_matrices: (>=2 x A x A) np.array, payoffs for each joint action
    num_players: int, number of players, in case payoff_matrices is abbreviated
    p: float in [0, 1], Tsallis entropy-regularization --> 0 as p --> 0
    proj_grad: bool, if True, projects dist gradient onto simplex
    gradient of exploitability w.r.t. (dist, y) as tuple
    unregularized exploitability (stochastic estimate)
    tsallis regularized exploitability (stochastic estimate)
    action_1 = random.choice(dist.size, p=dist)
    nabla = payoff_matrices[0][:, action_1]
    if p > 0:
        power = 1. / float(p)
        s = np.linalg.norm(y, ord=power)
        if s == 0:
            br = misc.uniform_dist(y)
            br = (y / s)**power
        power = np.inf
        s = np.linalg.norm(y, ord=power)
        br = np.zeros_like(dist)
        maxima = (y == s)
        br[maxima] = 1. / maxima.sum()

    unreg_exp = np.max(y) - y.dot(dist)
    br_inv_sparse = 1 - np.sum(br**(p + 1))
    dist_inv_sparse = 1 - np.sum(dist**(p + 1))
    entr_br = s / (p + 1) * br_inv_sparse
    entr_dist = s / (p + 1) * dist_inv_sparse
    reg_exp = y.dot(br - dist) + entr_br - entr_dist

    entr_br_vec = br_inv_sparse * br**(1 - p)
    entr_dist_vec = dist_inv_sparse * dist**(1 - p)

    policy_gradient = nabla - s * dist**p
    other_player_fx = (br - dist) + 1 / (p + 1) * (entr_br_vec - entr_dist_vec)

    action_u = random.choice(dist.size)  # uniform, ~importance sampling
    other_player_fx = dist.size * other_player_fx[action_u]
    other_player_fx_translated = payoff_matrices[1, :,
                                                 action_u] * other_player_fx
    grad_dist = -policy_gradient + (num_players -
                                    1) * other_player_fx_translated
    if proj_grad:
        grad_dist = simplex.project_grad(grad_dist)
    grad_y = y - nabla

    return (grad_dist, grad_y), unreg_exp, reg_exp
Exemple #5
def gradients(dist, y, payoff_matrices, num_players, p=1, proj_grad=True):
    """Computes exploitablity gradient and aux variable gradients.

    dist: list of 1-d np.arrays, current estimate of nash distribution
    y: list 1-d np.arrays (same shape as dist), current est. of payoff gradient
    payoff_matrices: dictionary with keys as tuples of agents (i, j) and
        values of (2 x A x A) np.arrays, payoffs for each joint action. keys
        are sorted and arrays should be indexed in the same order
    num_players: int, number of players, in case payoff_matrices is abbreviated
    p: float in [0, 1], Tsallis entropy-regularization --> 0 as p --> 0
    proj_grad: bool, if True, projects dist gradient onto simplex
    gradient of exploitability w.r.t. (dist, y) as tuple
    unregularized exploitability (stochastic estimate)
    tsallis regularized exploitability (stochastic estimate)
    # first compute policy gradients and player effects (fx)
    policy_gradient = []
    other_player_fx = []
    grad_y = []
    unreg_exp = []
    reg_exp = []
    for i in range(num_players):

        nabla_i = np.zeros_like(dist[i])
        for j in range(num_players):
            if j == i:
            if i < j:
                hess_i_ij = payoff_matrices[(i, j)][0]
                hess_i_ij = payoff_matrices[(j, i)][1].T

            nabla_ij = hess_i_ij.dot(dist[j])
            nabla_i += nabla_ij / float(num_players - 1)

        grad_y.append(y[i] - nabla_i)

        if p > 0:
            power = 1. / float(p)
            s_i = np.linalg.norm(y[i], ord=power)
            if s_i == 0:
                br_i = misc.uniform_dist(y[i])
                br_i = (y[i] / s_i)**power
            power = np.inf
            s_i = np.linalg.norm(y[i], ord=power)
            br_i = np.zeros_like(dist[i])
            maxima_i = (y[i] == s_i)
            br_i[maxima_i] = 1. / maxima_i.sum()

        policy_gradient_i = nabla_i - s_i * dist[i]**p

        unreg_exp.append(np.max(y[i]) - y[i].dot(dist[i]))

        br_i_inv_sparse = 1 - np.sum(br_i**(p + 1))
        dist_i_inv_sparse = 1 - np.sum(dist[i]**(p + 1))
        entr_br_i = s_i / (p + 1) * br_i_inv_sparse
        entr_dist_i = s_i / (p + 1) * dist_i_inv_sparse

        reg_exp.append(y[i].dot(br_i - dist[i]) + entr_br_i - entr_dist_i)

        entr_br_vec_i = br_i_inv_sparse * br_i**(1 - p)
        entr_dist_vec_i = dist_i_inv_sparse * dist[i]**(1 - p)
        other_player_fx_i = (
            br_i - dist[i]) + 1 / (p + 1) * (entr_br_vec_i - entr_dist_vec_i)

    # then construct exploitability gradient
    grad_dist = []
    for i in range(num_players):

        grad_dist_i = -policy_gradient[i]
        for j in range(num_players):
            if j == i:
            if i < j:
                hess_j_ij = payoff_matrices[(i, j)][1]
                hess_j_ij = payoff_matrices[(j, i)][0].T

            grad_dist_i += hess_j_ij.dot(other_player_fx[j])

        if proj_grad:
            grad_dist_i = simplex.project_grad(grad_dist_i)


    return (grad_dist, grad_y), np.mean(unreg_exp), np.mean(reg_exp)
Exemple #6
    def gradients(self,
        """Computes exploitablity gradient and aux variable gradients.

      dist: 1-d np.array, current estimate of nash distribution
      y: 1-d np.array (same shape as dist), current estimate of payoff gradient
      anneal_steps: int, elapsed num steps since last anneal
      payoff_matrices: (>=2 x A x A) np.array, payoffs for each joint action
      num_players: int, number of players, in case payoff_matrices is
      p: float in [0, 1], Tsallis entropy-regularization --> 0 as p --> 0
      proj_grad: bool, if True, projects dist gradient onto simplex
      gradient of exploitability w.r.t. (dist, y, anneal_steps) as tuple
      unregularized exploitability (stochastic estimate)
      tsallis regularized exploitability (stochastic estimate)
        nabla = payoff_matrices[0].dot(dist)
        if p > 1e-2:  # encounter numerical under/overflow when power > 100.
            power = 1. / float(p)
            s = np.linalg.norm(y, ord=power)
            if s == 0:
                br = misc.uniform_dist(y)
                br = (y / s)**power
            power = np.inf
            s = np.linalg.norm(y, ord=power)
            br = np.zeros_like(dist)
            maxima = (y == s)
            br[maxima] = 1. / maxima.sum()

        unreg_exp = np.max(y) - y.dot(dist)
        br_inv_sparse = 1 - np.sum(br**(p + 1))
        dist_inv_sparse = 1 - np.sum(dist**(p + 1))
        entr_br = s / (p + 1) * br_inv_sparse
        entr_dist = s / (p + 1) * dist_inv_sparse
        reg_exp = y.dot(br - dist) + entr_br - entr_dist

        entr_br_vec = br_inv_sparse * br**(1 - p)
        entr_dist_vec = dist_inv_sparse * dist**(1 - p)

        policy_gradient = nabla - s * dist**p
        other_player_fx = (br -
                           dist) + 1 / (p + 1) * (entr_br_vec - entr_dist_vec)

        other_player_fx_translated = payoff_matrices[1].dot(other_player_fx)
        grad_dist = -policy_gradient
        grad_dist += (num_players - 1) * other_player_fx_translated
        if proj_grad:
            grad_dist = simplex.project_grad(grad_dist)
        grad_y = y - nabla

        _, lr_y = self.lrs
        if (reg_exp < self.exp_thresh) and (anneal_steps >= 1 / lr_y):
            self.p = np.clip(p / 2., 0., 1.)
            grad_anneal_steps = -anneal_steps
            grad_anneal_steps = 1

        return (grad_dist, grad_y, grad_anneal_steps), unreg_exp, reg_exp