Exemple #1
    def __init__(self, **kwds):
        self.parent = kwds.pop('parent', None)
        self._widget = None

        mode_name, name_value = check_mutually_exclusive(kwds, 'name', 'filepath')
        mode_model, model_value = check_mutually_exclusive(kwds, 'model', 'data')
        _, code = check_mutually_exclusive(kwds, 'code', 'content')

        if name_value and model_value:
            raise ValueError('model/data and filename/name/content/code are mutually exclusive')

        if mode_name or mode_model:
            self._type = Model
            self._type = Data

        if name_value and self._type == Model:
            self._obj = ModelFactory(name=name_value, mimetype=self.mimetype_model, code=code)
        elif name_value and self._type == Data:
            self._obj = DataFactory(path=name_value, mimetype=self.mimetype_data, default_content=code)
        elif model_value:
            self._obj = model_value
            self._obj = ModelFactory(name='NewModel', mimetype=self.mimetype_model)
            self._type = Model

        if self._type == Model:
            self._model = self._obj
            self._model = to_model(self._obj)
def test_constructor():
    model = ModelFactory(mimetype='text/x-python')
    model.inputs_info = [InputObj('a'), InputObj('b')]
    model.outputs_info = [OutputObj('c')]
    model.set_step_code('c = a + b')

    # Use a non existing directory to be sure data is not written on disk
    data = DataFactory('/tmp/donotexists/test.py',
                       default_content="print('I am a python file')")
    c1 = "print('hello, I am a new model')"
    c2 = "print('hello, I am a new data')"

    kwds = [
        dict(name='Model1', content=c1),
        dict(filepath='/tmp/donotexists/test.py', content=c2),

    controller = PythonModelController(**kwds[0])
    assert controller.value() == c1
    assert hasattr(controller.model, 'run')

    controller = PythonModelController(**kwds[1])
    assert controller.value() == c2
    assert hasattr(controller.model, 'run')
    assert hasattr(controller._obj, 'run') is False

    controller = PythonModelController(**kwds[2])
    assert controller._obj is model
    assert hasattr(controller.model, 'run')

    controller = PythonModelController(**kwds[3])
    assert controller._obj is data
    assert hasattr(controller.model, 'run')
Exemple #3
    def test_path_incompatibility(self):
        model = DataFactory(path=get_data('model.py'))
        model2 = self.project.add('model', model)
        events = self.ev.events
        self.check_events(events, ['data_added', 'project_changed'])

        assert model is not model2
        assert model2.path == self.project.path / 'model' / 'model.py'
Exemple #4
    def new_paradigm(self, dtype):
        p, filters = getsavefilename(self, "New file")
        if p:
            if p.exists():

            data = DataFactory(p, dtype=dtype)
Exemple #5
    def test_new_data(self):

        # Create new data from scratch (image_1.tiff doesn't exist)
        filepath = self.tmpdir / 'new_image.tiff'
        default_content = b'blob'

        d1 = DataFactory(path=filepath, default_content=default_content)
        assert d1.path.name == 'new_image.tiff'
        assert filepath.isfile()
        assert d1.exists() is True
        # To check if memory has been freed
        assert d1._content is None

        f = filepath.open('rb')
        content2 = f.read()
        assert default_content == content2

        # Embed existing data  (image.tiff exists)
        d2 = DataFactory(path=get_data('image.tiff'))
        assert d2.path.name == 'image.tiff'

        # Cannot set content because data yet exists
        # Case mimetype is not defined
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as cm:
            d3 = DataFactory(path=get_data('image.tiff'), default_content=b'')
        msg = "got multiple values for content (parameter and 'image.tiff')"
        self.assertEqual(cm.exception.message, msg)

        # Path is a directory and not a file
        empty_dir = self.tmpdir / "empty"
        empty_dir.mkdir()  # No need to remove it after test. Parent dir will be removed in tearDown

        with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as cm:
            d4 = DataFactory(path=empty_dir, default_content=b'')
        msg = "'%s' exists but is not a file" % empty_dir
        self.assertEqual(cm.exception.message, msg)

        d5 = DataFactory(path=self.tmpdir / "doesnotexist" / "image.tiff", default_content=default_content)
        assert d5.exists() == False
        assert d5._content == default_content
Exemple #6
    def test_DataClass(self):
        from openalea.core.data import Data, PythonFile

        d = DataFactory(path=self.tmpdir / 'test.dat')
        self.assertIsInstance(d, Data)

        d = DataFactory(path=self.tmpdir / 'test.py')
        self.assertIsInstance(d, PythonFile)

        d = DataFactory(path=self.tmpdir / 'test.py', dtype='data')
        self.assertIsInstance(d, Data)

        with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as cm:
            DataFactory(self.tmpdir / 'model.py',
        msg = "dtype 'Python' (text/x-python) and mimetype 'image/tiff' are not compatible"
        self.assertEqual(cm.exception.args[0], msg)

        # Case file do not exists on disk ...
        # Only dtype is available
        d = DataFactory(path=self.tmpdir / 'test.py', dtype='Python')
        self.assertEqual(d.mimetype, 'text/x-python')

        # Only mimetype is available
        d = DataFactory(path=self.tmpdir / 'test.py', mimetype='text/x-python')
        self.assertEqual(d.mimetype, 'text/x-python')
Exemple #7
    def test_new_data(self):

        # Create new data from scratch (image_1.tiff doesn't exist)
        filepath = self.tmpdir / 'new_image.tiff'
        default_content = b'blob'

        d1 = DataFactory(path=filepath, default_content=default_content)
        assert d1.path.name == 'new_image.tiff'
        assert filepath.isfile()
        assert d1.exists() is True
        # To check if memory has been freed
        assert d1._content is None

        f = filepath.open('rb')
        content2 = f.read()
        assert default_content == content2

        # Embed existing data  (image.tiff exists)
        d2 = DataFactory(path=get_data('image.tiff'))
        assert d2.path.name == 'image.tiff'

        # Cannot set content because data yet exists
        # Case mimetype is not defined
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as cm:
            d3 = DataFactory(path=get_data('image.tiff'), default_content=b'')
        msg = "got multiple values for content (parameter and 'image.tiff')"
        self.assertEqual(cm.exception.args[0], msg)

        # Path is a directory and not a file
        empty_dir = self.tmpdir / "empty"
        )  # No need to remove it after test. Parent dir will be removed in tearDown

        with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as cm:
            d4 = DataFactory(path=empty_dir, default_content=b'')
        msg = "'%s' exists but is not a file" % empty_dir
        self.assertEqual(cm.exception.args[0], msg)

        d5 = DataFactory(path=self.tmpdir / "doesnotexist" / "image.tiff",
        assert d5.exists() == False
        assert d5._content == default_content
Exemple #8
    def open_file(self, filepath=None):
        if filepath in (None, True, False):
            filepath, filters = getopenfilename(self, u"Select file")
        if filepath is None:
        filepath = path(filepath).normpath().abspath()

        # check if a data in container yet correspond to this path
        found = None
        for data in self._open_objects:
            if filepath == data.path.normpath().abspath():
                found = data
        # If not, create a new data
        if found:
            data = found
            data = DataFactory(filepath)
        return data
 def test():
     model1 = DataFactory('data/model.py')
Exemple #10
    def _add_item(self, category, obj=None, **kwargs):
        mode = kwargs.pop('mode', self.MODE_COPY)
        if obj and isinstance(obj, Data):
            # TODO: Check obj follow Data or Model interface ??
            new_path = self.path / category / obj.path.name
            if obj.path != new_path and mode == self.MODE_COPY:
                # TODO: use Data.copy instead
                return self._add_item(category, path=obj.path, **kwargs)

            category_dict = getattr(self, category)
            if obj.filename not in category_dict:
                category_dict[str(obj.filename)] = obj
                raise ValueError("data '%s' already exists in project '%s'" %
                                 (obj.filename, self.alias))
        elif obj:
            category_dict = getattr(self, category)
            if obj.name not in category_dict:
                category_dict[str(obj.name)] = obj
                raise ValueError("data '%s' already exists in project '%s'" %
                                 (obj.name, self.alias))
            filename = Path(
                kwargs.pop('filename')) if 'filename' in kwargs else None
            content = kwargs.pop('content', None)
            dtype = kwargs.pop('dtype', None)
            mimetype = kwargs.pop('mimetype', None)
            path = Path(kwargs.pop('path')) if 'path' in kwargs else None
            # If project path exists, ie project exists on disk,
            # Create category dir if necessary
            category_path = self.path / category
            if self.path.exists() and not category_path.exists():

            if filename:
                new_path = self.path / category / filename.name
            elif path:
                if not path.exists():
                    raise ErrorInvalidItem("path '%s' doesn't exists" % path)
                filename = path.name
                new_path = self.path / category / filename
                raise ValueError("path or filename required")

            if path is None:
                path = new_path

            # If data was outside project, we try to fix it.
            # If mode is "prefer copy", we try to copy file inside project
            # If copy fails, we get original content and pass it to new data
            # If mode is "prefer link", we just keep original path (keep outside project)
            # TODO: Move to Data.copy
            data_obj = None
            if new_path.abspath() != path.abspath() and mode == self.MODE_COPY:
                except IOError:
                    data_obj = DataFactory(path,
                    content = data_obj.read()
                    content = None
            elif new_path.abspath() != path.abspath(
            ) and mode == self.MODE_LINK:
                new_path = path
                # Nothing to do, data is yet in the right place

            data_obj = DataFactory(new_path,
            obj = self._add_item(category, data_obj, **kwargs)

        obj.package = self
        return obj
Exemple #11
    def _add_item(self, category, obj=None, **kwargs):
        mode = kwargs.pop('mode', self.MODE_COPY)
        if obj and isinstance(obj, Data):
            # TODO: Check obj follow Data or Model interface ??
            new_path = self.path / category / obj.path.name
            if obj.path != new_path and mode == self.MODE_COPY:
                # TODO: use Data.copy instead
                return self._add_item(category, path=obj.path, **kwargs)

            category_dict = getattr(self, category)
            if obj.filename not in category_dict:
                category_dict[str(obj.filename)] = obj
                raise ValueError("data '%s' already exists in project '%s'" % (obj.filename, self.alias))
        elif obj:
            category_dict = getattr(self, category)
            if obj.name not in category_dict:
                category_dict[str(obj.name)] = obj
                raise ValueError("data '%s' already exists in project '%s'" % (obj.name, self.alias))
            filename = Path(kwargs.pop('filename')) if 'filename' in kwargs else None
            content = kwargs.pop('content', None)
            dtype = kwargs.pop('dtype', None)
            mimetype = kwargs.pop('mimetype', None)
            path = Path(kwargs.pop('path')) if 'path' in kwargs else None
            # If project path exists, ie project exists on disk,
            # Create category dir if necessary
            category_path = self.path / category
            if self.path.exists() and not category_path.exists():

            if filename:
                new_path = self.path / category / filename.name
            elif path:
                if not path.exists():
                    raise ErrorInvalidItem("path '%s' doesn't exists" % path)
                filename = path.name
                new_path = self.path / category / filename
                raise ValueError("path or filename required")

            if path is None:
                path = new_path

            # If data was outside project, we try to fix it.
            # If mode is "prefer copy", we try to copy file inside project
            # If copy fails, we get original content and pass it to new data
            # If mode is "prefer link", we just keep original path (keep outside project)
            # TODO: Move to Data.copy
            data_obj = None
            if new_path.abspath() != path.abspath() and mode == self.MODE_COPY:
                except IOError:
                    data_obj = DataFactory(path, mimetype, dtype=dtype, default_content=content)
                    content = data_obj.read()
                    content = None
            elif new_path.abspath() != path.abspath() and mode == self.MODE_LINK:
                new_path = path
                # Nothing to do, data is yet in the right place

            data_obj = DataFactory(new_path, mimetype, dtype=dtype, default_content=content)
            obj = self._add_item(category, data_obj, **kwargs)

        obj.package = self
        return obj
Exemple #12
 def open(self):
     filepath = showOpenFileDialog()
     if filepath:
         filepath = path(filepath)
         obj = DataFactory(path=filepath)
Exemple #13
 def open_file(self, path):
     # This applet use "call applet" approach
     paradigm_container = self.paradigm_container
     if paradigm_container: