Exemple #1
    def update_houseids(self, hhldSyn, persSyn, hhldVars, persVars,

        hhldSynDataObj = DataArray(hhldSyn, hhldVars)
        persSynDataObj = DataArray(persSyn, persVars)

        maxFreqCol = amax(hhldSynDataObj.columns(['frequency']).data)
        powFreqCol = floor(log(maxFreqCol, 10)) + 1

        coefficients = {'frequency': 1, 'hhid': 10**powFreqCol}

        newHid = hhldSynDataObj.calculate_equation(coefficients)
        hhldSynDataObj.setcolumn('hhid', newHid)

        newHid = persSynDataObj.calculate_equation(coefficients)
        persSynDataObj.setcolumn('hhid', newHid)

        persSynDataObj.sort([self.idSpec.hidName, self.idSpec.pidName])

        hidIndex_popgenH = hhldVars.index('hhid')
        hidIndex_popgenP = persVars.index('hhid')


        hhldSyn = hhldSynDataObj.data
        persSyn = persSynDataObj.data

        row = 0
        for hhldIndex in self.hhldIndicesOfPersons:

            firstPersonRec = hhldIndex[1]
            lastPersonRec = hhldIndex[2]

            #print hhldIndex[0], highestHid + 1, firstPersonRec, lastPersonRec

            hhldSyn[row, hidIndex_popgenH] = highestHid + 1
                    hidIndex_popgenP] = highestHid + 1

            highestHid += 1
            row += 1

        return hhldSyn, persSyn
    def update_houseids(self, hhldSyn, persSyn, hhldVars, persVars, highestHid):

	hhldSynDataObj = DataArray(hhldSyn, hhldVars)
        persSynDataObj = DataArray(persSyn, persVars)

	maxFreqCol = amax(hhldSynDataObj.columns(['frequency']).data)
	powFreqCol = floor(log(maxFreqCol, 10)) + 1

	coefficients = {'frequency':1, 'hhid':10**powFreqCol}

	newHid = hhldSynDataObj.calculate_equation(coefficients)
	hhldSynDataObj.setcolumn('hhid', newHid)

	newHid = persSynDataObj.calculate_equation(coefficients)
	persSynDataObj.setcolumn('hhid', newHid)

	persSynDataObj.sort([self.idSpec.hidName, self.idSpec.pidName])

	hidIndex_popgenH = hhldVars.index('hhid')
	hidIndex_popgenP = persVars.index('hhid')


	hhldSyn = hhldSynDataObj.data
	persSyn = persSynDataObj.data

	row = 0
        for hhldIndex in self.hhldIndicesOfPersons:

            firstPersonRec = hhldIndex[1]
            lastPersonRec = hhldIndex[2]

	    #print hhldIndex[0], highestHid + 1, firstPersonRec, lastPersonRec

	    hhldSyn[row,hidIndex_popgenH] = highestHid + 1
	    persSyn[firstPersonRec:lastPersonRec,hidIndex_popgenP] = highestHid + 1

	    highestHid += 1
	    row += 1

	return hhldSyn, persSyn
    def select_join(self, db_dict, column_names, table_names, max_dict=None,
                    spatialConst_list=None, analysisInterval=None, subsample=None):
        self, table1_list, table2_list, column_name
        This method is used to select the join of tables and display them.

        Database configuration object, table names, columns and values.

        DB_DICT {'households': ['htaz', 'numchild', 'inclt35k', 'hhsize'],
                 'persons': ['male', 'schstatus', 'one', 'houseid', 'personid'],
                 'schedule_r': ['scheduleid', 'activitytype']}
        COLUMN_NAMES {'households': ['houseid'],
                      'schedule_r': ['personid', 'houseid']}
        TABLE_NAMES ['persons', 'households', 'schedule_r']
        MAX_DICT {'schedule_r': ['scheduleid']}
        SPATIALCONST_LIST [Table - travel_skims;
                           Field - tt
                           Orifin Field - origin;
                           Destination Field - destination;
                           Sample Field - destination
                           Start Constraint - Table - schedule_r; Location Field - locationid; Time Field - endtime
                           End Constraint - Table - schedule_r; Location Field - locationid; Time Field - starttime
                           Number of choices - 5
                           Threshold for window - 120]
         SUBSAMPLE None

         Test SQL String for above inputs:
         select households.htaz,households.numchild,households.inclt35k,households.hhsize,persons.male,persons.schstatus,persons.one,
         persons.houseid,persons.personid,schedule_r.activitytype,temp.scheduleid,stl.locationid as st_locationid,enl.locationid
         as en_locationid,sptime.st_endtime,sptime.en_starttime from persons  left join households on
         ( persons.houseid=households.houseid ) left join (select personid,houseid, max(scheduleid)
         as scheduleid from schedule_r group by personid,houseid) as temp on
         ( temp.personid=persons.personid and temp.houseid=persons.houseid )
         left join schedule_r on
         ( persons.personid=schedule_r.personid and persons.houseid=schedule_r.houseid and schedule_r.scheduleid=temp.scheduleid)
         join (select st.personid personid,st.houseid houseid, min(st.endtime) st_endtime,min(en.starttime)
               en_starttime from schedule_r as st inner join schedule_r as en on
               (  st.personid = en.personid and st.houseid = en.houseid  and st.endtime=195 and en.starttime>195)
               group by st.personid,st.houseid) as sptime on ( sptime.personid = persons.personid and sptime.houseid = persons.houseid )
               left join schedule_r stl on
               ( stl.personid = persons.personid and stl.houseid = persons.houseid and sptime.st_endtime = stl.endtime)
               left join schedule_r enl on
               ( enl.personid = persons.personid and enl.houseid = persons.houseid and sptime.en_starttime = enl.starttime)

        Displays the rows based on the join and the selection criterion.

        print 'DB_DICT', db_dict
        print 'COLUMN_NAMES', column_names
        print 'TABLE_NAMES', table_names
        print 'MAX_DICT', max_dict
        print 'SPATIALCONST_LIST', spatialConst_list
        print 'ANALYSISINTERVAL', analysisInterval
        print 'SUBSAMPLE', subsample

        #db_dict = {'households': ['urb', 'numchild', 'inclt35k', 'ownhome', 'one', 'drvrcnt', 'houseid'],
        #           'vehicles_r': ['vehtype', 'vehid'],
        #           'households_r': ['numvehs']}
        #columns_names = ['houseid']
        #table_names = ['households', 'households_r', 'vehicles_r']
        #max_dict = {'vehicles_r':['vehid']}

        # Prism Query or or just a Travel Time Query with Vertices

        print 'Database Dictionary of Table and Columns - ', db_dict
        print 'Column Names', column_names

        #initialize the variables
        final_list = []
        table_list = []
        class_list = []
        cols_list = []
        tabs_list = []
        #col_name = column_name
        final_col_list = db_dict.values()
        table_list = db_dict.keys()

        #check if the table exists. If not return none
        if chk_table.lower() in [each.lower() for each in table_list]:
            print 'table %s is present in the table list'%chk_table
            print 'table %s is not present in the table list'%chk_table
            return None

        #similarly check if the table in the list exists
        num_tab = len(list(set(table_list) & set(table_names)))
        if num_tab <= len(table_list):
            #print 'Tables exist'
            #print 'Tables do not exists'
            return None

        #check for the columns passed in the dictionary
        for i in db_dict.keys():
            clist = self.dbcon_obj.get_column_list(i.lower())
            list1 = db_dict[i]
            #print 'table--', i
            #print 'clist', clist
            #print 'list1', list1
            chk_list = len(list(set(list1) & set(clist)))
            if chk_list == len(list1):
                for j in db_dict[i]:
                    #print '\tColumn - ', j
                    new_str = i.lower() + '.' + j.lower()
                print ('Column passed in the dictionary does not exist in the table - ')
                print 'Column List in the Table - ', clist
                print 'Actual List of Columns requested from table - ', list1

                return None
        #print 'final_list is %s'%final_list

        #print 'FINAL LIST', final_list
        #print 'TABLE LIST', table_list

        # Generating the left join statements
        mainTable = table_names[0]
        #print 'mainTable ----> ', mainTable

        primCols = []
        for i in column_names:
            primCols += column_names[i]
        primCols = list(set(primCols))

        joinStrList = []
        for table in table_list:
            if table == mainTable:
            joinCondition = ''
            for col in column_names[table]:
                joinCondition = (joinCondition
                                 + ' %s.%s=%s.%s ' %(mainTable, col,
                                                     table, col)
                                 + 'and')

            joinCondition = joinCondition[:-3]
            joinStr = ' left join %s on (%s)' %(table, joinCondition)

        #print 'JOIN STRING LIST', joinStrList

        #check the max flag

        if max_dict is not None:
            max_flag = 1
            max_table = max_dict.keys()
            max_column = max_dict.values()[0][0]
            #print max_column, max_table
            #for each in max_dict.values():
            #    max_column = each[0]
            max_flag = 0

        # Index of the table containing the max dict var
        # as it stands only querying for one count variable is
        # provided
        #print max_dict
        if max_dict is not None:
            maxTable = max_dict.keys()[0]
            maxColumn = max_dict.values()[0][0]
            index = table_list.index(maxTable)
            #print 'INDEX--->', index

            #remove the count column from the col list
            countVarStr = '%s.%s' %(maxTable, maxColumn)

            #print 'NEW FINAL LIST -->', final_list

            # left join for the count variable
            joinStr = ''

            #grouping string
            grpStr = ''

            #print 'column_names of max TABLE ----->', column_names
            for i in column_names[maxTable]:
                #print 'createing join string for column name - ', i
                grpStr = grpStr + '%s,' %(i)
                joinCondition = (joinCondition
                                 + ' temp.%s=%s.%s ' %(i,
                                                       mainTable, i)
                                 + 'and')
            grpStr = grpStr[:-1]
            joinCondition = joinCondition[:-3]

        #combine left join along with the count variable/max condition
            mJoinStr = joinStrList.pop(index-1)
            mJoinStrIncMaxConditionVar = (mJoinStr[:-1] +
                                          'and %s.%s=temp.%s)'
                                          %(maxTable, maxColumn, maxColumn))

            joinStrList.append(""" left join (select %s, max(%s) as %s from """
                               """%s group by %s) as temp on (%s) """ %(grpStr, maxColumn,
                                                                        maxColumn,maxTable, grpStr,
                               + mJoinStrIncMaxConditionVar)
            #print 'LEFT JOIN MAX COL LIST--->', joinStrList

        # Spatial TSP identification
        if spatialConst_list is not None:
            for i in spatialConst_list:
                if i.countChoices is not None:
                    # substring for the inner join
                    stTable = i.startConstraint.table
                    #stLocationField = 'st_' + i.startConstraint.locationField
                    stLocationCol = 'stl.%s' %i.startConstraint.locationField
                    #stTimeField = 'st_'+ i.startConstraint.timeField
                    stTimeCol = 'st.%s' %i.startConstraint.timeField

                    enTable = i.endConstraint.table
                    #enLocationField = 'en_' + i.endConstraint.locationField
                    enLocationCol = 'enl.%s' %i.endConstraint.locationField
                    #enTimeField = 'en_' + i.endConstraint.timeField
                    enTimeCol = 'en.%s' %i.endConstraint.timeField

                    timeCols = [stTimeCol, enTimeCol]


                    # left join for end location

                    # time cols are part of sptime
                    timeColsNewNames = []
                    for j in timeCols:
                        timeColsNewNames.append(j.replace('.', '_'))

                    timeColsStr = ''
                    for j in range(len(timeCols)):
                        # minimum of the time cols gives the first prism
                        timeColsStr += 'min(%s) %s,' %(timeCols[j], timeColsNewNames[j])

                    timeColsStr = timeColsStr[:-1]

                    spGrpNewNameStr = ''
                    spGrpStr = ''
                    for j in column_names[stTable]:
                        spGrpNewNameStr += 'st.%s %s,' %(j, j)
                        spGrpStr += 'st.%s,' %(j)
                    spGrpNewNameStr = spGrpNewNameStr[:-1]
                    spGrpStr = spGrpStr[:-1]

                    spInnerJoinCondition = ''
                    for j in column_names[stTable]:
                        spInnerJoinCondition += ' %s.%s = %s.%s and' %('st', j, 'en', j)
                    spInnerJoinCondition = spInnerJoinCondition[:-3]

                    spJoinCondition = ''
                    for j in column_names[stTable]:
                        spJoinCondition += ' %s.%s = %s.%s and' %('sptime', j, mainTable, j)
                    spJoinCondition = spJoinCondition[:-3]

                    # Left join condition for prism start location
                    stLocJoinCondition = ''
                    stLocCondCols = column_names[stTable]
                    for j in stLocCondCols:
                        stLocJoinCondition += ' %s.%s = %s.%s and' %('stl', j, mainTable, j)
                    stLocJoinCondition += ' sptime.st_%s = %s.%s' %(i.startConstraint.timeField,
                                                               'stl', i.startConstraint.timeField)

                    final_list.append('stl.%s as st_%s' %(i.startConstraint.locationField,
                    cols_list.append('st_%s' %i.startConstraint.locationField)
                    #stLocJoinCondition = stLocJoinCondition[:-3]

                    # Left join condition for prism end location
                    enLocJoinCondition = ''
                    enLocCondCols = column_names[stTable]
                    for j in enLocCondCols:
                        enLocJoinCondition += ' %s.%s = %s.%s and' %('enl', j, mainTable, j)
                    enLocJoinCondition += ' sptime.en_%s = %s.%s' %(i.endConstraint.timeField,
                                                               'enl', i.endConstraint.timeField)
                    final_list.append('enl.%s as en_%s' %(i.endConstraint.locationField,
                    cols_list.append('en_%s' %i.endConstraint.locationField)
                    #enLocJoinCondition = enLocJoinCondition[:-3]

                    # TSP consistency check
                    # nextepisode_starttime > lastepisode_endtime
                    #consistencyStr = '%s < %s' %(stTimeCol, endTimeCol)

                    analysisPeriodStr = ('%s=%s and %s>%s'
                                         %(stTimeCol, analysisInterval,
                                           enTimeCol, analysisInterval))

                    spatialJoinStr = (""" join (select %s, %s """\
                                          """from %s as %s """\
                                          """inner join %s as %s """\
                                          """on ( %s and %s) group by"""\
                                          """ %s) """\
                                          """as sptime on (%s)"""
                                      % (spGrpNewNameStr, timeColsStr,
                                         stTable, 'st',
                                         enTable, 'en',
                                         spInnerJoinCondition, analysisPeriodStr,
                    #print 'SPATIAL JOIN'
                    #print spatialJoinStr
                    # left join for start location

                    stLocJoinStr = (""" left join %s %s on """\
                                        """(%s) """
                                    %(stTable, 'stl', stLocJoinCondition))

                    enLocJoinStr = (""" left join %s %s on """\
                                        """(%s) """
                                    %(enTable, 'enl', enLocJoinCondition))


                    cols_list += timeColsNewNames

                    for i in timeColsNewNames:
                        final_list.append('sptime.%s' %(i))
                    # Only one time-space prism can be retrieved within a component
                    # there cannot be two TSP's in the same component

        # Generating the col list
        colStr = ''
        for i in final_list:
            colStr = colStr + '%s,' %(i)
        colStr = colStr[:-1]

        # Build the SQL string
        allJoinStr = ''
        for i in joinStrList:
            allJoinStr = allJoinStr + '%s' %i

        sql_string = 'select %s from %s %s' %(colStr, mainTable, allJoinStr)
        print 'SQL string for query - ', sql_string

        #convert all the table names to upper case
        for each in table_list:
        #print 'tabs_list is %s'%tabs_list

        #separate all the columns from the lists
        new_keys = db_dict.keys()
        for i in new_keys:
            cols_list = cols_list + db_dict[i]
        #print 'cols_list is %s'%cols_list

            sample_str = ''
            ctr = 0
            for i in tabs_list:
                if ctr==0:
                    sample_str = i
                    ctr = ctr + 1
                    sample_str = sample_str + ', ' + i
                query = self.dbcon_obj.session.query((sample_str))

            #print 'sample_str is %s'%sample_str

            result = query.from_statement(sql_string).values(*cols_list)

            resultArray = self.createResultArray(result)

            # Returns the query as a DataArray object
            data = DataArray(resultArray, cols_list)


            return data
        except Exception, e:
            print e
            print 'Error retrieving the information. Query failed.'
    def select_join(self,
        self, table1_list, table2_list, column_name
        This method is used to select the join of tables and display them.

        Database configuration object, table names, columns and values.

        DB_DICT {'households': ['htaz', 'numchild', 'inclt35k', 'hhsize'],
                 'persons': ['male', 'schstatus', 'one', 'houseid', 'personid'],
                 'schedule_r': ['scheduleid', 'activitytype']}
        COLUMN_NAMES {'households': ['houseid'],
                      'schedule_r': ['personid', 'houseid']}
        TABLE_NAMES ['persons', 'households', 'schedule_r']
        MAX_DICT {'schedule_r': ['scheduleid']}
        SPATIALCONST_LIST [Table - travel_skims;
                           Field - tt
                           Orifin Field - origin;
                           Destination Field - destination;
                           Sample Field - destination
                           Start Constraint - Table - schedule_r; Location Field - locationid; Time Field - endtime
                           End Constraint - Table - schedule_r; Location Field - locationid; Time Field - starttime
                           Number of choices - 5
                           Threshold for window - 120]
         SUBSAMPLE None

         Test SQL String for above inputs:
         select households.htaz,households.numchild,households.inclt35k,households.hhsize,persons.male,persons.schstatus,persons.one,
         persons.houseid,persons.personid,schedule_r.activitytype,temp.scheduleid,stl.locationid as st_locationid,enl.locationid
         as en_locationid,sptime.st_endtime,sptime.en_starttime from persons  left join households on
         ( persons.houseid=households.houseid ) left join (select personid,houseid, max(scheduleid)
         as scheduleid from schedule_r group by personid,houseid) as temp on
         ( temp.personid=persons.personid and temp.houseid=persons.houseid )
         left join schedule_r on
         ( persons.personid=schedule_r.personid and persons.houseid=schedule_r.houseid and schedule_r.scheduleid=temp.scheduleid)
         join (select st.personid personid,st.houseid houseid, min(st.endtime) st_endtime,min(en.starttime)
               en_starttime from schedule_r as st inner join schedule_r as en on
               (  st.personid = en.personid and st.houseid = en.houseid  and st.endtime=195 and en.starttime>195)
               group by st.personid,st.houseid) as sptime on ( sptime.personid = persons.personid and sptime.houseid = persons.houseid )
               left join schedule_r stl on
               ( stl.personid = persons.personid and stl.houseid = persons.houseid and sptime.st_endtime = stl.endtime)
               left join schedule_r enl on
               ( enl.personid = persons.personid and enl.houseid = persons.houseid and sptime.en_starttime = enl.starttime)

        Displays the rows based on the join and the selection criterion.

        print 'DB_DICT', db_dict
        print 'COLUMN_NAMES', column_names
        print 'TABLE_NAMES', table_names
        print 'MAX_DICT', max_dict
        print 'SPATIALCONST_LIST', spatialConst_list
        print 'ANALYSISINTERVAL', analysisInterval
        print 'SUBSAMPLE', subsample

        #db_dict = {'households': ['urb', 'numchild', 'inclt35k', 'ownhome', 'one', 'drvrcnt', 'houseid'],
        #           'vehicles_r': ['vehtype', 'vehid'],
        #           'households_r': ['numvehs']}
        #columns_names = ['houseid']
        #table_names = ['households', 'households_r', 'vehicles_r']
        #max_dict = {'vehicles_r':['vehid']}

        # Prism Query or or just a Travel Time Query with Vertices

        print 'Database Dictionary of Table and Columns - ', db_dict
        print 'Column Names', column_names

        #initialize the variables
        final_list = []
        table_list = []
        class_list = []
        cols_list = []
        tabs_list = []
        #col_name = column_name
        final_col_list = db_dict.values()
        table_list = db_dict.keys()
        #check if the table exists. If not return none
        if chk_table.lower() in [each.lower() for each in table_list]:
            print 'table %s is present in the table list'%chk_table
            print 'table %s is not present in the table list'%chk_table
            return None

        #similarly check if the table in the list exists
        num_tab = len(list(set(table_list) & set(table_names)))
        if num_tab <= len(table_list):
            #print 'Tables exist'
            #print 'Tables do not exists'
            return None

        #check for the columns passed in the dictionary
        for i in db_dict.keys():
            clist = self.dbcon_obj.get_column_list(i.lower())
            list1 = db_dict[i]
            #print 'table--', i
            #print 'clist', clist
            #print 'list1', list1
            chk_list = len(list(set(list1) & set(clist)))
            if chk_list == len(list1):
                for j in db_dict[i]:
                    #print '\tColumn - ', j
                    new_str = i.lower() + '.' + j.lower()
                    'Column passed in the dictionary does not exist in the table - '
                print 'Column List in the Table - ', clist
                print 'Actual List of Columns requested from table - ', list1

                return None
        #print 'final_list is %s'%final_list

        #print 'FINAL LIST', final_list
        #print 'TABLE LIST', table_list

        # Generating the left join statements
        mainTable = table_names[0]
        #print 'mainTable ----> ', mainTable

        primCols = []
        for i in column_names:
            primCols += column_names[i]
        primCols = list(set(primCols))

        joinStrList = []
        for table in table_list:
            if table == mainTable:
            joinCondition = ''
            for col in column_names[table]:
                joinCondition = (joinCondition + ' %s.%s=%s.%s ' %
                                 (mainTable, col, table, col) + 'and')

            joinCondition = joinCondition[:-3]
            joinStr = ' left join %s on (%s)' % (table, joinCondition)

        #print 'JOIN STRING LIST', joinStrList

        #check the max flag

        if max_dict is not None:
            max_flag = 1
            max_table = max_dict.keys()
            max_column = max_dict.values()[0][0]
            #print max_column, max_table
            #for each in max_dict.values():
            #    max_column = each[0]
            max_flag = 0

        # Index of the table containing the max dict var
        # as it stands only querying for one count variable is
        # provided
        #print max_dict
        if max_dict is not None:
            maxTable = max_dict.keys()[0]
            maxColumn = max_dict.values()[0][0]
            index = table_list.index(maxTable)
            #print 'INDEX--->', index

            #remove the count column from the col list
            countVarStr = '%s.%s' % (maxTable, maxColumn)
            final_list.append('temp.%s' % maxColumn)

            #print 'NEW FINAL LIST -->', final_list

            # left join for the count variable
            joinStr = ''

            #grouping string
            grpStr = ''
            joinCondition = ''

            #print 'column_names of max TABLE ----->', column_names
            for i in column_names[maxTable]:
                #print 'createing join string for column name - ', i
                grpStr = grpStr + '%s,' % (i)
                joinCondition = (joinCondition + ' temp.%s=%s.%s ' %
                                 (i, mainTable, i) + 'and')
            grpStr = grpStr[:-1]
            joinCondition = joinCondition[:-3]

            #combine left join along with the count variable/max condition
            mJoinStr = joinStrList.pop(index - 1)
            mJoinStrIncMaxConditionVar = (mJoinStr[:-1] +
                                          'and %s.%s=temp.%s)' %
                                          (maxTable, maxColumn, maxColumn))

            joinStrList.append(""" left join (select %s, max(%s) as %s from """
                               """%s group by %s) as temp on (%s) """ %
                               (grpStr, maxColumn, maxColumn, maxTable, grpStr,
                                joinCondition) + mJoinStrIncMaxConditionVar)
            #print 'LEFT JOIN MAX COL LIST--->', joinStrList

        # Spatial TSP identification
        if spatialConst_list is not None:
            for i in spatialConst_list:
                if i.countChoices is not None:
                    # substring for the inner join
                    stTable = i.startConstraint.table
                    #stLocationField = 'st_' + i.startConstraint.locationField
                    stLocationCol = 'stl.%s' % i.startConstraint.locationField
                    #stTimeField = 'st_'+ i.startConstraint.timeField
                    stTimeCol = 'st.%s' % i.startConstraint.timeField

                    enTable = i.endConstraint.table
                    #enLocationField = 'en_' + i.endConstraint.locationField
                    enLocationCol = 'enl.%s' % i.endConstraint.locationField
                    #enTimeField = 'en_' + i.endConstraint.timeField
                    enTimeCol = 'en.%s' % i.endConstraint.timeField

                    timeCols = [stTimeCol, enTimeCol]


                    # left join for end location

                    # time cols are part of sptime
                    timeColsNewNames = []
                    for j in timeCols:
                        timeColsNewNames.append(j.replace('.', '_'))

                    timeColsStr = ''
                    for j in range(len(timeCols)):
                        # minimum of the time cols gives the first prism
                        timeColsStr += 'min(%s) %s,' % (timeCols[j],

                    timeColsStr = timeColsStr[:-1]

                    spGrpNewNameStr = ''
                    spGrpStr = ''
                    for j in column_names[stTable]:
                        spGrpNewNameStr += 'st.%s %s,' % (j, j)
                        spGrpStr += 'st.%s,' % (j)
                    spGrpNewNameStr = spGrpNewNameStr[:-1]
                    spGrpStr = spGrpStr[:-1]

                    spInnerJoinCondition = ''
                    for j in column_names[stTable]:
                        spInnerJoinCondition += ' %s.%s = %s.%s and' % (
                            'st', j, 'en', j)
                    spInnerJoinCondition = spInnerJoinCondition[:-3]

                    spJoinCondition = ''
                    for j in column_names[stTable]:
                        spJoinCondition += ' %s.%s = %s.%s and' % (
                            'sptime', j, mainTable, j)
                    spJoinCondition = spJoinCondition[:-3]

                    # Left join condition for prism start location
                    stLocJoinCondition = ''
                    stLocCondCols = column_names[stTable]
                    for j in stLocCondCols:
                        stLocJoinCondition += ' %s.%s = %s.%s and' % (
                            'stl', j, mainTable, j)
                    stLocJoinCondition += ' sptime.st_%s = %s.%s' % (
                        i.startConstraint.timeField, 'stl',

                    final_list.append('stl.%s as st_%s' %
                    cols_list.append('st_%s' % i.startConstraint.locationField)
                    #stLocJoinCondition = stLocJoinCondition[:-3]

                    # Left join condition for prism end location
                    enLocJoinCondition = ''
                    enLocCondCols = column_names[stTable]
                    for j in enLocCondCols:
                        enLocJoinCondition += ' %s.%s = %s.%s and' % (
                            'enl', j, mainTable, j)
                    enLocJoinCondition += ' sptime.en_%s = %s.%s' % (
                        i.endConstraint.timeField, 'enl',
                    final_list.append('enl.%s as en_%s' %
                    cols_list.append('en_%s' % i.endConstraint.locationField)
                    #enLocJoinCondition = enLocJoinCondition[:-3]

                    # TSP consistency check
                    # nextepisode_starttime > lastepisode_endtime
                    #consistencyStr = '%s < %s' %(stTimeCol, endTimeCol)

                    analysisPeriodStr = ('%s=%s and %s>%s' %
                                         (stTimeCol, analysisInterval,
                                          enTimeCol, analysisInterval))

                    spatialJoinStr = (""" join (select %s, %s """\
                                          """from %s as %s """\
                                          """inner join %s as %s """\
                                          """on ( %s and %s) group by"""\
                                          """ %s) """\
                                          """as sptime on (%s)"""
                                      % (spGrpNewNameStr, timeColsStr,
                                         stTable, 'st',
                                         enTable, 'en',
                                         spInnerJoinCondition, analysisPeriodStr,
                    #print 'SPATIAL JOIN'
                    #print spatialJoinStr
                    # left join for start location

                    stLocJoinStr = (""" left join %s %s on """\
                                        """(%s) """
                                    %(stTable, 'stl', stLocJoinCondition))

                    enLocJoinStr = (""" left join %s %s on """\
                                        """(%s) """
                                    %(enTable, 'enl', enLocJoinCondition))


                    cols_list += timeColsNewNames

                    for i in timeColsNewNames:
                        final_list.append('sptime.%s' % (i))
                    # Only one time-space prism can be retrieved within a component
                    # there cannot be two TSP's in the same component

        # Generating the col list
        colStr = ''
        for i in final_list:
            colStr = colStr + '%s,' % (i)
        colStr = colStr[:-1]

        # Build the SQL string
        allJoinStr = ''
        for i in joinStrList:
            allJoinStr = allJoinStr + '%s' % i

        sql_string = 'select %s from %s %s' % (colStr, mainTable, allJoinStr)
        print 'SQL string for query - ', sql_string

        #convert all the table names to upper case
        for each in table_list:
        #print 'tabs_list is %s'%tabs_list

        #separate all the columns from the lists
        new_keys = db_dict.keys()
        for i in new_keys:
            cols_list = cols_list + db_dict[i]
        #print 'cols_list is %s'%cols_list

            sample_str = ''
            ctr = 0
            for i in tabs_list:
                if ctr == 0:
                    sample_str = i
                    ctr = ctr + 1
                    sample_str = sample_str + ', ' + i
                query = self.dbcon_obj.session.query((sample_str))

            #print 'sample_str is %s'%sample_str

            result = query.from_statement(sql_string).values(*cols_list)

            resultArray = self.createResultArray(result)

            # Returns the query as a DataArray object
            data = DataArray(resultArray, cols_list)


            return data
        except Exception, e:
            print e
            print 'Error retrieving the information. Query failed.'