def tearDown(self):
     config.BUFFERING = self.buffer
     # remove all of the bibjson objects we loaded into the index and the cache
     for bj in bibjson_records:
         r = models.Record(**bj)
     invalidate.ES_PAGE_SIZE = self.old_page_size
def _invalidate_cache(record):
    invalidate any cache object associated with the passed record
    if not record.has_key('identifier'):
        raise model_exceptions.LookupException("no identifier in record object")
    if not record['identifier'].has_key('canonical'):
        raise model_exceptions.LookupException("can't invalidate anything in the cache without a canonical id")
def _invalidate_cache(record):
    invalidate any cache object associated with the passed record
    record -- an OAG record object, see the module documentation for details
    if record.canonical is None:
        raise models.LookupException("can't invalidate anything in the cache without a canonical id")
    # cache.invalidate(record['identifier']['canonical'])
def _invalidate_cache(record):
    invalidate any cache object associated with the passed record
    record -- an OAG record object, see the module documentation for details
    if not record.has_key('identifier'):
        raise model_exceptions.LookupException("no identifier in record object")
    if not record['identifier'].has_key('canonical'):
        raise model_exceptions.LookupException("can't invalidate anything in the cache without a canonical id")
def _process_response(response, license_type, handler, handler_version, reporter):
    Process the Elasticsearch response object by taking all the records therein and deleting
    the licences consistent with the arguments.
    For each item that is affected, we also must invalidate the cache
    response -- Elastic search response object containing bibjson records as the individual results
    license_type -- the type of licence to remove (can be None)
    handler -- the handler to remove (can be None)
    handler_version -- the handler_version to remove (can be None)
    reporter -- a callback function which can be used to report on the progress of this method.  Used for command line or logging integration
    # extract the records
    records = [hit.get("_source") for hit in response.get("hits", {}).get("hits", [])]
    # for each record go through all of its licences and delete any which meet the criteria provided
    ids = []
    for record in records:
        reporter("processing id: " + str(record.get("id")))
        # extract the canonical identifiers from the item.  If the item
        # is affected by a licence removal, we will add these to the list
        # if ids whose cache to invalidate
        canonicals = [identifier.get("canonical") for identifier in record.get("identifier", []) if "canonical" in identifier]
        # check to see if the record is in the storage buffer
        # FIXME: this is quite challenging, and is required to close a very small window in the
        # possible race conditions in invalidating licenses, so will hold off and test the rest
        # of this stuff first...
        # now go through each licence and see if it matches the explicit criteria given.
        # Remove any licences which meet those criteria, and keep everything else
        keep = []
        for license in record.get("license", []):
            type_match = license.get("type") == license_type or license_type is None # an incoming type of none is a wildcard
            handler_match = _handler_match(license, handler)
            version_match = license.get("provenance", {}).get("handler_version") == handler_version if handler_version is not None else True
            #print license_type, license.get("type"), type_match
            #print handler, license.get("provenance", {}).get("handler"), handler_match
            #print handler_version, license.get("provenace", {}).get("handler_version"), version_match
            if not (type_match and handler_match and version_match):
        # calculate if we removed any licences, then attach the licences we want to keep
        # and record the canonical ids if the record was affected
        diff = len(record.get('license', [])) - len(keep) 
        record['license'] = keep
        if diff > 0:
            ids += canonicals
        # report
        print "removed " + str(diff) + " licenses from " + str(record.get("id"))
        reporter("removed " + str(diff) + " licenses from " + str(record.get("id")))
    # now push the records back to the index
    # now the archive has been emptied, we can also invalidate the cache for 
    # the relevant items (it will rebuild itself as time goes on, if someone
    # requests the item)
    ids = list(set(ids))
    for i in ids: