def add_filters_json(self, request_dict):
     """ adds JSON describing search filters """
     fl = FilterLinks()
     fl.mem_cache_obj = self.mem_cache_obj
     fl.base_search_link = self.base_search_link
     filters = []
     string_fields = []  # so we have an interface for string searches
     i = 0
     for param_key, param_vals in request_dict.items():
         if param_key == 'path':
             if param_vals is not False and param_vals is not None:
                 i += 1
                 f_entity = self.mem_cache_obj.get_entity(param_vals, True)
                 label = http.urlunquote_plus(param_vals)
                 act_filter = LastUpdatedOrderedDict()
                 act_filter['id'] = '#filter-' + str(i)
                 act_filter['oc-api:filter'] = 'Context'
                 act_filter['label'] = label.replace('||', ' OR ')
                 if f_entity is not False:
                     act_filter['rdfs:isDefinedBy'] = f_entity.uri
                 # generate a request dict without the context filter
                 rem_request = fl.make_request_sub(request_dict,
                 act_filter['oc-api:remove'] = fl.make_request_url(rem_request)
                 act_filter['oc-api:remove-json'] = fl.make_request_url(rem_request, '.json')
             for param_val in param_vals:
                 i += 1
                 remove_geodeep = False
                 act_filter = LastUpdatedOrderedDict()
                 act_filter['id'] = '#filter-' + str(i)
                 if self.hierarchy_delim in param_val:
                     all_vals = param_val.split(self.hierarchy_delim)
                     all_vals = [param_val]
                 if param_key == 'proj':
                     # projects, only care about the last item in the parameter value
                     act_filter['oc-api:filter'] = 'Project'
                     label_dict = self.make_filter_label_dict(all_vals[-1])
                     act_filter['label'] = label_dict['label']
                     if len(label_dict['entities']) == 1:
                         act_filter['rdfs:isDefinedBy'] = label_dict['entities'][0].uri
                 elif param_key == 'prop':
                     # prop, the first item is the filter-label
                     # the last is the filter
                     act_filter['label'] = False
                     if len(all_vals) < 2:
                         act_filter['oc-api:filter'] = 'Description'
                         filt_dict = self.make_filter_label_dict(all_vals[0])
                         act_filter['oc-api:filter'] = filt_dict['label']
                         if filt_dict['data-type'] == 'string':
                             act_filter['label'] = 'Search Term: \'' + all_vals[-1] + '\''
                     if act_filter['label'] is False:
                         label_dict = self.make_filter_label_dict(all_vals[-1])
                         act_filter['label'] = label_dict['label']
                 elif param_key == 'type':
                     act_filter['oc-api:filter'] = 'Open Context Type'
                     if all_vals[0] in QueryMaker.TYPE_MAPPINGS:
                         type_uri = QueryMaker.TYPE_MAPPINGS[all_vals[0]]
                         label_dict = self.make_filter_label_dict(type_uri)
                         act_filter['label'] = label_dict['label']
                         act_filter['label'] = all_vals[0]
                 elif param_key == 'q':
                     act_filter['oc-api:filter'] = 'General Keyword Search'
                     act_filter['label'] = 'Search Term: \'' + all_vals[0] + '\''
                 elif param_key == 'form-chronotile':
                     act_filter['oc-api:filter'] = 'Time of formation, use, or life'
                     chrono = ChronoTile()
                     dates = chrono.decode_path_dates(all_vals[0])
                     if isinstance(dates, dict):
                         act_filter['label'] = 'Time range: ' + str(dates['earliest_bce'])
                         act_filter['label'] += ' to ' + str(dates['latest_bce'])
                 elif param_key == 'disc-geotile':
                     act_filter['oc-api:filter'] = 'Location of discovery or observation'
                     act_filter['label'] = self.make_geotile_filter_label(all_vals[0])
                     remove_geodeep = True
                 elif param_key == 'disc-bbox':
                     act_filter['oc-api:filter'] = 'Location of discovery or observation'
                     act_filter['label'] = self.make_bbox_filter_label(all_vals[0])
                     remove_geodeep = True
                 elif param_key == 'images':
                     act_filter['oc-api:filter'] = 'Has related media'
                     act_filter['label'] = 'Linked to images'
                 elif param_key == 'other-media':
                     act_filter['oc-api:filter'] = 'Has related media'
                     act_filter['label'] = 'Linked to media (other than images)'
                 elif param_key == 'documents':
                     act_filter['oc-api:filter'] = 'Has related media'
                     act_filter['label'] = 'Linked to documents'
                 elif param_key == 'dc-subject':
                     act_filter['oc-api:filter'] = 'Has subject metadata'
                     label_dict = self.make_filter_label_dict(all_vals[-1])
                     if len(label_dict['label']) > 0:
                         act_filter['label'] = label_dict['label']
                     if 'tdar' == all_vals[-1] or 'tdar*' == all_vals[-1]:
                         act_filter['label'] = 'tDAR defined metadata record(s)'
                     if len(label_dict['entities']) == 1:
                         act_filter['rdfs:isDefinedBy'] = label_dict['entities'][0].uri
                         if label_dict['entities'][0].vocabulary is not False:
                             act_filter['label'] += ' in ' + label_dict['entities'][0].vocabulary
                 elif param_key == 'dc-spatial':
                     act_filter['oc-api:filter'] = 'Has spatial metadata'
                     label_dict = self.make_filter_label_dict(all_vals[-1])
                     if len(label_dict['label']) > 0:
                         act_filter['label'] = label_dict['label']
                     if len(label_dict['entities']) == 1:
                         act_filter['rdfs:isDefinedBy'] = label_dict['entities'][0].uri
                         if label_dict['entities'][0].vocabulary is not False:
                             act_filter['label'] += ' in ' + label_dict['entities'][0].vocabulary
                 elif param_key == 'dc-coverage':
                     act_filter['oc-api:filter'] = 'Has coverage / period metadata'
                     label_dict = self.make_filter_label_dict(all_vals[-1])
                     if len(label_dict['label']) > 0:
                         act_filter['label'] = label_dict['label']
                     if len(label_dict['entities']) == 1:
                         act_filter['rdfs:isDefinedBy'] = label_dict['entities'][0].uri
                         if label_dict['entities'][0].vocabulary is not False:
                             act_filter['label'] += ' in ' + label_dict['entities'][0].vocabulary
                 elif param_key == 'dc-temporal':
                     act_filter['oc-api:filter'] = 'Has temporal coverage'
                     label_dict = self.make_filter_label_dict(all_vals[-1])
                     if len(label_dict['label']) > 0:
                         act_filter['label'] = label_dict['label']
                         if len(label_dict['entities']) == 1: 
                             if label_dict['entities'][0].entity_type == 'vocabulary':
                                 act_filter['label'] = 'Concepts defined by: ' + label_dict['label']
                         elif 'periodo' in all_vals[-1]:
                             act_filter['label'] = 'PeriodO defined concepts'
                     if len(label_dict['entities']) == 1:
                         act_filter['rdfs:isDefinedBy'] = label_dict['entities'][0].uri
                         if label_dict['entities'][0].vocabulary is not False\
                            and label_dict['entities'][0].vocabulary != label_dict['label']:
                             act_filter['label'] += ' in ' + label_dict['entities'][0].vocabulary
                 elif param_key == 'obj':
                     act_filter['oc-api:filter'] = 'Links (in some manner) to object'
                     label_dict = self.make_filter_label_dict(all_vals[-1])
                     if len(label_dict['label']) > 0:
                         act_filter['label'] = label_dict['label']
                     if len(label_dict['entities']) == 1:
                         act_filter['rdfs:isDefinedBy'] = label_dict['entities'][0].uri
                         if label_dict['entities'][0].vocabulary is not False:
                             act_filter['label'] += ' in ' + label_dict['entities'][0].vocabulary
                 elif param_key == 'dc-isReferencedBy':
                     act_filter['oc-api:filter'] = 'Is referenced by'
                     label_dict = self.make_filter_label_dict(all_vals[-1])
                     if len(label_dict['label']) > 0:
                         act_filter['label'] = label_dict['label']
                     if len(label_dict['entities']) == 1:
                         act_filter['rdfs:isDefinedBy'] = label_dict['entities'][0].uri
                         if label_dict['entities'][0].vocabulary is not False\
                            and label_dict['entities'][0].vocab_uri != label_dict['entities'][0].uri:
                             act_filter['label'] += ' in ' + label_dict['entities'][0].vocabulary
                 elif param_key == 'linked' and all_vals[-1] == 'dinaa-cross-ref':
                     act_filter['oc-api:filter'] = 'Has cross references'
                     act_filter['label'] = 'Links to, or with, DINAA curated site files'
                     act_filter = False
                 if act_filter is not False:
                     rem_request = fl.make_request_sub(request_dict,
                     if 'geodeep' in rem_request and remove_geodeep:
                         rem_request.pop('geodeep', None)    
                     act_filter['oc-api:remove'] = fl.make_request_url(rem_request)
                     act_filter['oc-api:remove-json'] = fl.make_request_url(rem_request, '.json')
     return filters