Exemple #1
 def type(self):
     if self._type is None:
         self._type = get_content_type_name(self.context)
     return self._type
Exemple #2
def showtag_view(context, request, community=None, user=None, crumb_title=None):
    """Show a page for a particular tag, optionally refined by context."""

    page_title = 'Show Tag'
    api = request.api
    api.page_title = page_title

    # The tag screens (cloud, listing, and this view) each have a
    # "jump box" that allows you to quickly jump to another tag.  All
    # three will point here at /showtag?tag=tag1.  We detect this mode
    # and do a redirect.
    jump_tag = request.params.get('jumptag', False)
    if jump_tag:
        location = model_url(context, request, request.view_name, jump_tag)
        return HTTPFound(location=location)

    # Our strategy is to support tag URLs that are like this:
    #     /showtag/tag1
    # ...instead of:
    #     /tagpage.html?tag=tag1
    # However, our tag data isn't traversable (it is site.tags and not
    # site['tags'].  So we have a view at /showtag that picks apart
    # the next hop in the URL.
    tag = request.subpath
    if not tag:
        # The user didn't provide anything beyond /showtag in the URL
        tag = None
        entries = related = []
        # Ahh, the good part.  Let's find some tag results and unpack
        # data into what the ZPT needs.
        tag = tag[0]
        page_title = 'Show Tag ' + tag

        catalog = find_catalog(context)
        dm = catalog.document_map
        tags = find_tags(context)
        related = tags.getRelatedTags(tag, user=user, community=community)
        entries = []
        if user:
            users = (user,)
            users = None
        for docid in tags.getItems(tags=(tag,), users=users,
            # XXX Need to wire in batching
            address = dm.address_for_docid(int(docid))
            if address is None:
                raise KeyError(docid)
            resource = find_model(context, address)

            # Skip documents which aren't viewable by authenticated user
            #if not has_permission('view', resource, request):
            #    continue

            # Do a secondary query for each result to find the
            # per-user info
            users = tags.getUsers(tags=(tag,), items=(docid,),
            if len(users) == 1:
                tuh = '1 person'
                tuh = '%s people' % len(users)

            tuhref = model_url(context, request, 'tagusers.html',
                               query={'tag': tag, 'docid': docid})
            entry = {
                'title': resource.title,
                'description': getattr(resource, 'description', ''),
                'href': model_url(resource, request),
                'type': get_content_type_name(resource),
                'tagusers_href': tuhref,
                'tagusers_count': tuh,

    args = dict(

    if crumb_title:
        # XXX Would context.title be a bit nicer for displaying to user?
        system_name = get_setting(context, 'system_name', 'KARL')
        args['crumbs'] = '%s / %s / %s' % (
            system_name, crumb_title, context.__name__)

    return dict(**args)