def create_label_file(root_dir, verbose=False, dst_h=h_for_train, dst_w=w_for_train): """ create a corresponding label file using opencv subpixel for all the image files in root_dir :param root_dir: :return: """ exts_allowed = ('JPEG', 'jpg') root_pre = None MAX_IMG_SHOWN = 10 count = 0 for root, dirs, files in os.walk(root_dir): if root != root_pre: root_pre = root print('marking files in directory:', root) for img_file_name in files: is_img = False img_file_ext = img_file_name.split('.')[-1] for ext in exts_allowed: is_img = is_img or img_file_ext == ext if is_img: count += 1 file_name_prefix = '.'.join(img_file_name.split('.')[:-1]) txt_file_name = '.'.join([file_name_prefix, 'txt']) img_file_path = os.path.join(root, img_file_name) txt_file_path = os.path.join(root, txt_file_name) if verbose and count <= MAX_IMG_SHOWN: my_imshow(img) img = cv2.imread(img_file_path) resized_img = np.array( Image.fromarray(img).resize((dst_w, dst_h))) centroids = cv_harris(resized_img, thres=harris_thres) img = cv2.imread(img_file_path) img_h, img_w = img.shape[:2] centroids_for_subpix = centroids.copy() centroids_for_subpix[:, 0] *= (img_w / dst_w) centroids_for_subpix[:, 1] *= (img_h / dst_h) corners = cv_subpixel(img, centroids=centroids_for_subpix) corners[:, 0] *= (dst_w / img_w) corners[:, 1] *= (dst_h / img_h) res = np.hstack((corners, centroids)) with open(txt_file_path, 'w') as f: for corner_x, corner_y, centoird_x, centroid_y in res: f.write(str(corner_x)) f.write('\t') f.write(str(corner_y)) f.write('\t') f.write(str(centoird_x)) f.write('\t') f.write(str(centroid_y)) f.write('\n')
def __init__(self, img, win_size=20, pars=None, verbose=False): = {'common': dict(canny_thres1=50, canny_thres2=200, canny_apertureSize=3, harris_thres=0.1), '+': dict(max_dist=40, rho_thres=1, theta_thres=5 * PI / 180, parallel_dist=10, hough_thres=int(1.5 * win_size), noise_thres=10, merge_thres=3.0)} try: if pars is not None: for outer_key in pars: if outer_key not in print("Unacceptable parameter {}".format(outer_key)) raise IndexError for inner_key in pars[outer_key]: if inner_key not in[outer_key]: print("Unacceptable parameter {}-{}".format(outer_key, inner_key)) raise IndexError[outer_key][inner_key] = pars[outer_key][inner_key] except IndexError as e: traceback.print_exc() raise e self.img = img self.win_size = win_size self.img_edged = cv2.Canny(img,['common']['canny_thres1'],['common']['canny_thres2'],['common']['canny_apertureSize']) # edge the img once self.verbose = verbose self.centroids = cv_subpixel(img, harris_thres) self.proc_idx = None self.proc_centroid = None if verbose: self.target_window = dict(left=200, right=300, top=200, bottom=300) cache_num = 0 while os.path.exists(os.path.join('.', 'cache' + str(cache_num))): cache_num += 1 cache_dir = os.path.join('.', 'cache' + str(cache_num)) os.makedirs(cache_dir) self.cache_dir = cache_dir my_imshow(self.img_edged, title='img-edged') else: self.cache_dir = None
cv_time = 0.0 for i, sample in enumerate(dataset): img = sample['img'] corners = sample['corners'] time_start = time.time() # time in second my_corners = my_subpixel(img, model, win_size, harris_thres=harris_thres, use_cuda=use_cuda) time_end = time.time() my_time += (time_end - time_start) time_start = time.time() # time in second cv_corners = cv_subpixel(img, harris_thres=harris_thres) time_end = time.time() cv_time += (time_end - time_start) my_dist = evaluate_dist(test_corners=my_corners, ref_corners=corners) my_dist_sum += my_dist cv_dist = evaluate_dist(test_corners=cv_corners, ref_corners=corners) cv_dist_sum += cv_dist num_corners += len(corners) if i % 100 == 0: print('%d images processed' % i) my_dist_mean = my_dist_sum / num_corners cv_dist_mean = cv_dist_sum / num_corners print('-' * 40) print('my subpixel:')
union.union(ii, jj) components = union.components() comp_set = [] for component in components: set_t = np.array(ver_set)[list(component)] comp_set.append(set_t.mean(axis=0)) return np.array(comp_set).reshape(-1, 2) if __name__ == "__main__": thickness = 2 file_name = 'cross.jpg' img = cv2.imread(os.path.join(data_dir, file_name)) img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) centroids = cv_subpixel(img, 0.1) all_centroids = draw_marker(img, centroids, thickness=thickness) my_imshow(all_centroids, title='all centroids') print('centroids:') print(centroids) thickness = 10 finder = MarkerFinder(img, win_size=20, verbose=False) corners = finder.find_corners() print('corners:') print(corners) img_drawn = img img_drawn = draw_marker(img_drawn, corners['+'], thickness=thickness, color=np.array((255, 0, 0))) # # img_drawn = draw_marker(img_drawn, corners[1], thickness=thickness, color=np.array((0, 255, 0))) # # img_drawn = draw_marker(img_drawn, corners[2], thickness=thickness, color=np.array((0, 0, 255))) # # img_drawn = draw_marker(img_drawn, corners[3], thickness=thickness, color=np.array((255, 0, 255)))
groundtruth_corners = [] with open(txt_path, 'r') as f: for line in f: corner_x, corner_y, centroid_x, centroid_y = line.split() groundtruth_corners.append((float(corner_x), float(corner_y))) my_imshow(ori_img, show_in_func=True) save_dir = "results" plt.savefig(osp.join(save_dir, "ori_img.png")) img = draw_marker(ori_img, groundtruth_corners, thickness=1, color=np.array([255, 0, 255])) print(len(groundtruth_corners)) print(groundtruth_corners) corners_cv_sub = cv_subpixel(ori_img, harris_thres=harris_thres) img_cvsub = draw_marker(img, corners_cv_sub, thickness, color=np.array([0, 0, 255])) print(len(corners_cv_sub)) print('cv_subpix') print(corners_cv_sub) my_imshow(img_cvsub, title='cv subpixel', show_in_func=True) plt.savefig(osp.join(save_dir, "cv-subpixel.png")) corners_harris = cv_harris(ori_img, thres=harris_thres) img_cvharris = draw_marker(img, corners_harris, thickness, color=np.array([255, 0, 0]))