Exemple #1
    def set_param_values(self, param_values, borrow=True):
        This sets the model parameters from the list of values given.
        This method is useful when you are loading model parameters, or are doing distributed programming and
        want to train parallel models.

        The order of param_values matters! It must be the same as the order of parameters returned from

        :param param_values: list of theano/numpy arrays of values for the model parameters
        :type param_values: List(array)

        :param borrow: theano 'borrow' parameter for set_value() method on shared variables
        :type borrow: Boolean

        :return: whether or not successful
        :rtype: Boolean
        params = self.get_params()

        # make sure the input list of values is the same length as the params for the model.
        if len(param_values) != len(params):
                "%s length of input params to set_param_values() different from length of self.get_params(). "
                "Input was %s, expected %s", str(type(self)),
                str(len(param_values)), str(len(self.get_params())))
            return False

        # for each parameter and value in order, set the value!
            set_shared_values(params, param_values, borrow=borrow)
        except Exception, e:
            log.exception("%s had Exception %s", str(type(self)), str(e))
            return False
Exemple #2
    def set_param_values(self, param_values, borrow=True):
        This sets the model parameters from the list of values given.
        This method is useful when you are loading model parameters, or are doing distributed programming and
        want to train parallel models.

        The order of param_values matters! It must be the same as the order of parameters returned from

        :param param_values: list of theano/numpy arrays of values for the model parameters
        :type param_values: List(array)

        :param borrow: theano 'borrow' parameter for set_value() method on shared variables
        :type borrow: Boolean

        :return: whether or not successful
        :rtype: Boolean
        params = self.get_params()

        # make sure the input list of values is the same length as the params for the model.
        if len(param_values) != len(params):
            log.error("%s length of input params to set_param_values() different from length of self.get_params(). "
                      "Input was %s, expected %s",
                      str(type(self)), str(len(param_values)), str(len(self.get_params())))
            return False

        # for each parameter and value in order, set the value!
            set_shared_values(params, param_values, borrow=borrow)
        except Exception, e:
            log.exception("%s had Exception %s",
                          str(type(self)), str(e))
            return False
Exemple #3
    def train(self, continue_training=False):
            "-----------TRAINING %s FOR %s EPOCHS (continue_training=%s)-----------",
            str(type(self.model)), str(self.n_epoch), str(continue_training))
        log.debug("Train dataset size is: %s",
        if self.dataset.hasSubset(datasets.VALID):
            log.debug("Valid dataset size is: %s",
        if self.dataset.hasSubset(datasets.TEST):
            log.debug("Test dataset size is: %s",

        self.STOP = False
        self.epoch_counter = 0
        if not continue_training:
            # reset the learning rate
            if hasattr(self, 'learning_rate_decay'):
            # reset the other model decaying functions
            for decay_param in self.model.get_decay_params():

        self.times = []
        self.best_cost = float('inf')
        self.best_params = None
        self.patience = 0

        start_time = time.time()

        while not self.STOP:
                self.STOP = self._perform_one_epoch()
            except KeyboardInterrupt:
                self.STOP = True

        #save params
        if self.best_params is not None:
            log.debug("Restoring best model parameters...")
            set_shared_values(self.params, self.best_params)
        log.debug("Saving model parameters...")
        self.model.save_params('trained_epoch_' + str(self.epoch_counter) +

        log.info("------------TOTAL %s TRAIN TIME TOOK %s---------",
                 make_time_units_string(time.time() - start_time))
Exemple #4
    def train(self, continue_training=False):
        This method performs the training!!!
        :param continue_training:
        :type continue_training:
        # grab the model parameters to use during training
        self.params = self.model.get_params()
        log.info("%s params: %s", str(type(self.model)), str(self.params))

        # theano index variable to use on the dataset #
        # index to a [mini]batch - both start and end
        data_idx = T.iscalar('data_index')
        data_end_idx = T.iscalar('data_end_index')
        batch_slice = slice(data_idx, data_end_idx)

        # compute number of minibatches for training, validation and testing
        # shapes is list of list - input list of datasets to optimizer (for multiple inputs), and each dataset
        # could be a list of shared variables (like multiple sequences from files)
        train_data_shapes = raise_to_list(self.dataset.getDataShape(TRAIN))
        valid_data_shapes = raise_to_list(self.dataset.getDataShape(VALID))
        test_data_shapes  = raise_to_list(self.dataset.getDataShape(TEST))

        # train_batches is going to be lists of tuples that contain the start and end indices for train data
        train_data_lens = [shape[0] for shape in train_data_shapes]
        self.train_batches = self.get_batch_indices(train_data_lens)

        if valid_data_shapes is not None:
            valid_data_lens = [shape[0] for shape in valid_data_shapes]
            self.valid_batches = self.get_batch_indices(valid_data_lens)
            self.valid_batches = None
        if test_data_shapes is not None:
            test_data_lens = [shape[0] for shape in test_data_shapes]
            self.test_batches = self.get_batch_indices(test_data_lens)
            self.test_batches = None

        # translate the data_idx into the givens for the model
        model_inputs = raise_to_list(self.model.get_inputs())
        model_targets = raise_to_list(self.model.get_targets())

        train_data, train_labels = self.dataset.getSubset(TRAIN)
        train_givens = OrderedDict(zip(model_inputs, [train_data[batch_slice]]))
        if model_targets is not None and len(model_targets) > 0:
            train_givens.update(OrderedDict(zip(model_targets, [train_labels[batch_slice]])))

        valid_data, valid_labels = self.dataset.getSubset(VALID)
        valid_givens = OrderedDict(zip(model_inputs, [valid_data[batch_slice]]))
        if model_targets is not None and len(model_targets) > 0:
            valid_givens.update(OrderedDict(zip(model_targets, [valid_labels[batch_slice]])))

        test_data, test_labels = self.dataset.getSubset(TEST)
        test_givens = OrderedDict(zip(model_inputs, [test_data[batch_slice]]))
        if model_targets is not None and len(model_targets) > 0:
            test_givens.update(OrderedDict(zip(model_targets, [test_labels[batch_slice]])))

        # Now time to create the training cost functions for the model - make sure to handle the possible
        # list of costs used for pretraining of certain parts of the model.
        train_costs = raise_to_list(self.model.get_train_cost())
        self.train_functions = []
        for i, train_cost in enumerate(train_costs):
            # Now create the training cost function for the model to use while training - update parameters
            # gradient!
            gradients, _ = self.model.get_gradient(cost=train_cost)

            # Calculate the optimizer updates each run
            # This is where the magic happens for a lot of sub-implementations of SGD, including AdaDelta!
            # It tells how to update the params each training epoch
            gradient_updates = self.get_updates(gradients)

            # Combine the updates from the model also if applicable
            train_updates = self.model.get_updates()
            if train_updates:
                train_updates = gradient_updates

            # Compile the training function!
            log.info('Compiling f_learn %d/%d function for model %s...', i + 1, len(train_costs),
            t = time.time()

            f_learn = function(inputs=[data_idx, data_end_idx],
                               name='f_learn_%d' % i)

            log.info('f_learn compilation took %s', make_time_units_string(time.time() - t))

        # grab the expression(s) to use to monitor different model values during training
        log.debug("Compiling monitor functions...")
        monitor_t = time.time()
        self.monitors = OrderedDict(self.model.get_monitors())
        self.monitor_names = self.monitors.keys()
        if len(self.monitors.keys()) > 0:
            self.train_monitor_function = function(
                inputs=[data_idx, data_end_idx],
        if len(self.monitors.keys()) > 0:
            self.valid_monitor_function = function(
                inputs=[data_idx, data_end_idx],
        if len(self.monitors.keys()) > 0:
            self.test_monitor_function = function(
                inputs=[data_idx, data_end_idx],
        log.debug("Compilation done. Took %s", make_time_units_string(time.time() - monitor_t))

        self.noise_switches = raise_to_list(self.model.get_noise_switch())

        # start training #
        # make sure to deal with a list of train_cost functions - for layer-wise pretraining!
        # this list of training functions was created during __init__()
        start_time = time.time()
        for func_i, train_function in enumerate(self.train_functions):
            log.info("-----------TRAINING %s function %d/%d FOR %d EPOCHS (continue_training=%s)-----------",
                     str(type(self.model)), func_i + 1, len(self.train_functions), self.n_epoch, str(continue_training))

            log.debug("Train dataset size is: %s", self.dataset.getDataShape(TRAIN))
            if self.dataset.hasSubset(VALID):
                log.debug("Valid dataset size is: %s", self.dataset.getDataShape(VALID))
            if self.dataset.hasSubset(TEST):
                log.debug("Test dataset size is: %s", self.dataset.getDataShape(TEST))

            self.STOP = False
            self.epoch_counter = 0
            if not continue_training:
                # reset the learning rate
                if hasattr(self, 'learning_rate_decay') and self.learning_rate_decay:
                # reset the other model decaying functions
                for decay_param in self.model.get_decay_params():

            self.times = []
            self.best_cost = numpy.inf
            self.best_params = None
            self.patience = 0

            t = time.time()

            while not self.STOP:
                    self.STOP = self._perform_one_epoch(train_function)
                except KeyboardInterrupt:
                    log.info("STOPPING EARLY FROM KEYBOARDINTERRUPT")
                    self.STOP = True

            # save params
            if self.best_params is not None:
                log.debug("Restoring best model parameters...")
                set_shared_values(self.params, self.best_params)
            log.debug("Saving model parameters...")
            self.model.save_params('trained_epoch_' + str(self.epoch_counter) + '.pkl')

            log.info("------------TRAIN TIME TOOK %s---------", make_time_units_string(time.time() - t))

        log.info("------------TOTAL %s TRAIN TIME TOOK %s---------",
                 str(type(self.model)), make_time_units_string(time.time() - start_time))
Exemple #5
    def train(self, monitor_channels=None, train_outservice=None, plot=None, additional_cost=None):
        This method performs the training!!!
        It is an online training method that goes over minibatches from the dataset for a number of epochs,
        updating parameters after each minibatch.

        You can disrupt training with a KeyBoardInterrupt and it should exit/save parameters gracefully.

        monitor_channels : list(MonitorsChannel or Monitor), optional
            The list of channels or monitors containing monitor expressions/variables to compile and evaluate
            on the data.
        train_outservice : OutService, optional
            The OutService to use for the automatically created train_cost monitor. Default of None just outputs
            to logs.
        plot : Plot, optional
            The Plot object to use if we want to graph the outputs (uses bokeh server).
        additional_cost : theano expression or list(theano expression), optional
            Any additional cost expressions to use during training (things like regularization). These will be summed
            with the existing cost.
        if not self.model:
            log.error("No self.model for the Optimizer!")
            raise AssertionError("Needs to be initialized with a Model! (Or something went wrong if train() "
                                 "was called from the Model. Try initializing the Optimizer with the model param "
                                 "and calling optimizer.train().")

        # handle additional costs (normally regularization) #
        # Create the gradient updates for the model - make sure to handle the possible
        # list of costs used for pretraining of certain parts of the model.
        train_costs = raise_to_list(self.model.get_train_cost())
        # deal with any other additional costs (like regularization, etc.)
        if additional_cost is not None:
            additional_costs = raise_to_list(additional_cost)
            if len(additional_costs) > 1:
                additional_cost = T.sum(additional_costs)

        # gradients and updates #
        train_updates = []
        self.gradients = []
        for i, train_cost in enumerate(train_costs):
            # Now create the training cost function for the model to use while training - update parameters
            # gradient!
            if len(train_costs) > 1 and additional_cost is not None:
                log.warning("additional_cost will double count with gradients during layer-wise pretraining!")
                warnings.warn("additional_cost will double count with gradients during layer-wise pretraining!")
            # TODO: additional_cost will double count with gradients during layer-wise pretraining.
            # Need to somehow make w.r.t. params appropriate for the individual training costs.
            gradients, _ = self.model.get_gradient(cost=train_cost, additional_cost=additional_cost)
            # clip gradients if we want.
            gradients = clip_gradients(gradients, self.grad_clip, self.hard_clip)
            # append to list

            # Calculate the optimizer updates each run
            # This is where the magic happens for a lot of sub-implementations of SGD!
            # It tells how to update the params each training epoch
            gradient_updates = self.get_updates(gradients)

            # Combine the updates from the model also if applicable
            updates = self.model.get_updates()
            if updates:
                updates = gradient_updates

        # grab the model parameters to use during training
        self.params = self.model.get_params()
        log.info("%s params: %s", str(type(self.model)), str(self.params))

        # monitors #
        # deal with the monitor channels if they were given (or take them from the plot)
        if monitor_channels is None and plot is not None and len(plot.channels) > 0:
            monitor_channels = plot.channels
        self.train_monitors_dict = {}
        self.valid_monitors_dict = {}
        self.test_monitors_dict = {}
        self.train_monitors_outservice_dict = {}
        self.valid_monitors_outservice_dict = {}
        self.test_monitors_outservice_dict = {}
        if monitor_channels:
            # collapse the appropriate monitors into their (name, expression, out_service) tuples
            train_collapsed = collapse_channels(monitor_channels, train=True)
            valid_collapsed = collapse_channels(monitor_channels, valid=True)
            test_collapsed  = collapse_channels(monitor_channels, test=True)
            # get name: expression dictionary
            self.train_monitors_dict = OrderedDict([(name, expression) for name, expression, _ in train_collapsed])
            self.valid_monitors_dict = OrderedDict([(name, expression) for name, expression, _ in valid_collapsed])
            self.test_monitors_dict  = OrderedDict([(name, expression) for name, expression, _ in test_collapsed])
            # get name: outservice dictionary
            self.train_monitors_outservice_dict = OrderedDict([(name, out) for name, _, out in train_collapsed])
            self.valid_monitors_outservice_dict = OrderedDict([(name, out) for name, _, out in valid_collapsed])
            self.test_monitors_outservice_dict  = OrderedDict([(name, out) for name, _, out in test_collapsed])
        # finally deal with an outservice provided to monitor training cost
        self.train_outservice = train_outservice
        # remove redundant files made by the fileservice for the train monitor.
        # TODO: THIS FEELS LIKE A HACK. I don't like it.
        if isinstance(self.train_outservice, FileService):

        # compile train and monitor functions #
        function_input = raise_to_list(self.model.get_inputs()) + raise_to_list(self.model.get_targets())
        train_functions = []
        for i, (updates, train_cost) in enumerate(zip(train_updates, train_costs)):
            # Compile the training function!
            log.info('Compiling f_learn %d/%d function for model %s...', i + 1, len(train_updates),
            t = time.time()

            f_learn = function(inputs=function_input,
                               outputs=[train_cost] + list(self.train_monitors_dict.values()),
                               name='f_learn_%d' % i)

            log.info('f_learn %d compilation took %s', i + 1, make_time_units_string(time.time() - t))

        # figure out if we want valid and test (monitors)
        self.valid_flag = (self.dataset.valid_inputs is not None) and (len(self.valid_monitors_dict) > 0)
        self.test_flag = (self.dataset.test_inputs is not None) and (len(self.test_monitors_dict) > 0)
        # Now compile the monitor functions!
        log.debug("Compiling monitor functions...")
        monitor_t = time.time()
        # valid monitors
        if self.valid_flag:
            self.valid_monitor_function = function(
            self.valid_monitor_function = None

        # test monitors
        if self.test_flag:
            self.test_monitor_function = function(
            self.test_monitor_function = None

        log.debug("Compilation done. Took %s", make_time_units_string(time.time() - monitor_t))

        # start training #
        # make sure to deal with a list of train_cost functions - for layer-wise pretraining!
        # this list of training functions was created during __init__()
        start_time = time.time()
        for func_i, train_function in enumerate(train_functions):
            log.info("-----------TRAINING %s function %d/%d FOR %d EPOCHS-----------",
                     str(type(self.model)), func_i + 1, len(train_functions), self.n_epoch)

            self.STOP = False
            self.epoch_counter = 0
            # reset any decay params
            for decay_param in self.get_decay_params():

            self.times = []
            self.best_cost = numpy.inf
            self.best_params = None
            self.patience = 0

            t = time.time()

            while not self.STOP:
                    self.STOP = self._perform_one_epoch(train_function, plot)
                except KeyboardInterrupt:
                    log.info("STOPPING EARLY FROM KEYBOARDINTERRUPT")
                    self.STOP = True

            # save params
            if self.best_params is not None:
                log.debug("Restoring best model parameters...")
                set_shared_values(self.params, self.best_params)
            log.debug("Saving model parameters...")
            self.model.save_params('trained_epoch_' + str(self.epoch_counter))

            log.info("------------TRAIN TIME TOOK %s---------", make_time_units_string(time.time() - t))

        log.info("------------TOTAL %s TRAIN TIME TOOK %s---------",
                 str(type(self.model)), make_time_units_string(time.time() - start_time))
Exemple #6
    def train(self, monitor_channels=None, train_outservice=None, plot=None, additional_cost=None):
        This method performs the training!!!
        It is an online training method that goes over minibatches from the dataset for a number of epochs,
        updating parameters after each minibatch.

        You can disrupt training with a KeyBoardInterrupt and it should exit/save parameters gracefully.

        monitor_channels : list(MonitorsChannel or Monitor), optional
            The list of channels or monitors containing monitor expressions/variables to compile and evaluate
            on the data.
        train_outservice : OutService, optional
            The OutService to use for the automatically created train_cost monitor. Default of None just outputs
            to logs.
        plot : Plot, optional
            The Plot object to use if we want to graph the outputs (uses bokeh server).
        additional_cost : theano expression or list(theano expression), optional
            Any additional cost expressions to use during training (things like regularization). These will be summed
            with the existing cost.
        if not self.model:
            log.error("No self.model for the Optimizer!")
            raise AssertionError("Needs to be initialized with a Model! (Or something went wrong if train() "
                                 "was called from the Model. Try initializing the Optimizer with the model param "
                                 "and calling optimizer.train().")

        # handle additional costs (normally regularization) #
        # Create the gradient updates for the model - make sure to handle the possible
        # list of costs used for pretraining of certain parts of the model.
        train_costs = raise_to_list(self.model.get_train_cost())
        # deal with any other additional costs (like regularization, etc.)
        if additional_cost is not None:
            additional_costs = raise_to_list(additional_cost)
            if len(additional_costs) > 1:
                additional_cost = T.sum(additional_costs)

        # gradients and updates #
        train_updates = []
        self.gradients = []
        for i, train_cost in enumerate(train_costs):
            # Now create the training cost function for the model to use while training - update parameters
            # gradient!
            if len(train_costs) > 1 and additional_cost is not None:
                log.warning("additional_cost will double count with gradients during layer-wise pretraining!")
                warnings.warn("additional_cost will double count with gradients during layer-wise pretraining!")
            # TODO: additional_cost will double count with gradients during layer-wise pretraining.
            # Need to somehow make w.r.t. params appropriate for the individual training costs.
            gradients, _ = self.model.get_gradient(cost=train_cost, additional_cost=additional_cost)
            # clip gradients if we want.
            gradients = clip_gradients(gradients, self.grad_clip, self.hard_clip)
            # append to list

            # Calculate the optimizer updates each run
            # This is where the magic happens for a lot of sub-implementations of SGD!
            # It tells how to update the params each training epoch
            gradient_updates = self.get_updates(gradients)

            # Combine the updates from the model also if applicable
            updates = self.model.get_updates()
            if updates:
                updates = gradient_updates

        # grab the model parameters to use during training
        self.params = self.model.get_params()
        log.info("%s params: %s", str(type(self.model)), str(self.params))

        # monitors #
        # deal with the monitor channels if they were given (or take them from the plot)
        if monitor_channels is None and plot is not None and len(plot.channels) > 0:
            monitor_channels = plot.channels
        self.train_monitors_dict = {}
        self.valid_monitors_dict = {}
        self.test_monitors_dict = {}
        self.train_monitors_outservice_dict = {}
        self.valid_monitors_outservice_dict = {}
        self.test_monitors_outservice_dict = {}
        if monitor_channels:
            # collapse the appropriate monitors into their (name, expression, out_service) tuples
            train_collapsed = collapse_channels(monitor_channels, train=True)
            valid_collapsed = collapse_channels(monitor_channels, valid=True)
            test_collapsed  = collapse_channels(monitor_channels, test=True)
            # get name: expression dictionary
            self.train_monitors_dict = OrderedDict([(name, expression) for name, expression, _ in train_collapsed])
            self.valid_monitors_dict = OrderedDict([(name, expression) for name, expression, _ in valid_collapsed])
            self.test_monitors_dict  = OrderedDict([(name, expression) for name, expression, _ in test_collapsed])
            # get name: outservice dictionary
            self.train_monitors_outservice_dict = OrderedDict([(name, out) for name, _, out in train_collapsed])
            self.valid_monitors_outservice_dict = OrderedDict([(name, out) for name, _, out in valid_collapsed])
            self.test_monitors_outservice_dict  = OrderedDict([(name, out) for name, _, out in test_collapsed])
        # finally deal with an outservice provided to monitor training cost
        self.train_outservice = train_outservice
        # remove redundant files made by the fileservice for the train monitor.
        # TODO: THIS FEELS LIKE A HACK. I don't like it.
        if isinstance(self.train_outservice, FileService):

        # compile train and monitor functions #
        function_input = raise_to_list(self.model.get_inputs()) + raise_to_list(self.model.get_targets())
        train_functions = []
        for i, (updates, train_cost) in enumerate(zip(train_updates, train_costs)):
            # Compile the training function!
            log.info('Compiling f_learn %d/%d function for model %s...', i + 1, len(train_updates),
            t = time.time()

            f_learn = function(inputs=function_input,
                               outputs=[train_cost] + list(self.train_monitors_dict.values()),
                               name='f_learn_%d' % i)

            log.info('f_learn %d compilation took %s', i + 1, make_time_units_string(time.time() - t))

        # figure out if we want valid and test (monitors)
        self.valid_flag = (self.dataset.valid_inputs is not None) and (len(self.valid_monitors_dict) > 0)
        self.test_flag = (self.dataset.test_inputs is not None) and (len(self.test_monitors_dict) > 0)
        # Now compile the monitor functions!
        log.debug("Compiling monitor functions...")
        monitor_t = time.time()
        # valid monitors
        if self.valid_flag:
            self.valid_monitor_function = function(
            self.valid_monitor_function = None

        # test monitors
        if self.test_flag:
            self.test_monitor_function = function(
            self.test_monitor_function = None

        log.debug("Compilation done. Took %s", make_time_units_string(time.time() - monitor_t))

        # start training #
        # make sure to deal with a list of train_cost functions - for layer-wise pretraining!
        # this list of training functions was created during __init__()
        start_time = time.time()
        for func_i, train_function in enumerate(train_functions):
            log.info("-----------TRAINING %s function %d/%d FOR %d EPOCHS-----------",
                     str(type(self.model)), func_i + 1, len(train_functions), self.n_epoch)

            self.STOP = False
            self.epoch_counter = 0
            # reset any decay params
            for decay_param in self.get_decay_params():

            self.times = []
            self.best_cost = numpy.inf
            self.best_params = None
            self.patience = 0

            t = time.time()

            while not self.STOP:
                    self.STOP = self._perform_one_epoch(train_function, plot)
                except KeyboardInterrupt:
                    log.info("STOPPING EARLY FROM KEYBOARDINTERRUPT")
                    self.STOP = True

            # save params
            if self.best_params is not None:
                log.debug("Restoring best model parameters...")
                set_shared_values(self.params, self.best_params)
            log.debug("Saving model parameters...")
            self.model.save_params('trained_epoch_' + str(self.epoch_counter) + '.pkl')

            log.info("------------TRAIN TIME TOOK %s---------", make_time_units_string(time.time() - t))

        log.info("------------TOTAL %s TRAIN TIME TOOK %s---------",
                 str(type(self.model)), make_time_units_string(time.time() - start_time))
Exemple #7
    def train(self, monitor_channels=None, train_outservice=None, plot=None, continue_training=False):
        This method performs the training!!!
        It is an online training method that goes over minibatches from the dataset for a number of epochs,
        updating parameters after each minibatch.

        You can disrupt training with a KeyBoardInterrupt and it should exit/save parameters gracefully.

        monitor_channels : list(MonitorsChannel or Monitor), optional
            The list of channels or monitors containing monitor expressions/variables to compile and evaluate
            on the data.
        train_outservice : OutService, optional
            The OutService to use for the automatically created train_cost monitor. Default of None just outputs
            to logs.
        plot : Plot, optional
            The Plot object to use if we want to graph the outputs (uses bokeh server).
        continue_training : bool
            Whether to continue training from a previous point.
        # theano index variable to use on the dataset #
        # index to a [mini]batch - both start and end
        data_idx = T.iscalar('data_index')
        data_end_idx = T.iscalar('data_end_index')
        function_input = [data_idx, data_end_idx]
        batch_slice = slice(data_idx, data_end_idx)

        # compute number of minibatches for training, validation and testing
        # shapes is list of list - input list of datasets to optimizer (for multiple inputs), and each dataset
        # could be a list of shared variables (like multiple sequences from files)
        train_data_shapes = raise_to_list(self.dataset.getDataShape(TRAIN))
        valid_data_shapes = raise_to_list(self.dataset.getDataShape(VALID))
        test_data_shapes = raise_to_list(self.dataset.getDataShape(TEST))

        # train_batches is going to be lists of tuples that contain the start and end indices for train data.
        # this is more useful in the case of datasets that are lists of sequences, so that the start and end
        # indices can make sure a batch does not cross the sequence boundary on the concatenated data
        train_data_lens = [shape[0] for shape in train_data_shapes]
        self.train_batches = self._get_batch_indices(train_data_lens)

        if valid_data_shapes is not None:
            valid_data_lens = [shape[0] for shape in valid_data_shapes]
            self.valid_batches = self._get_batch_indices(valid_data_lens)
            self.valid_batches = None
        if test_data_shapes is not None:
            test_data_lens = [shape[0] for shape in test_data_shapes]
            self.test_batches = self._get_batch_indices(test_data_lens)
            self.test_batches = None

        # create the givens for the input function as pairs of (input_variable: sliced_data)
        train_givens = self._get_givens_subset(TRAIN, batch_slice)
        valid_givens = self._get_givens_subset(VALID, batch_slice)
        test_givens = self._get_givens_subset(TEST, batch_slice)

        # Now time to create the gradient updates for the model - make sure to handle the possible
        # list of costs used for pretraining of certain parts of the model.
        train_costs = raise_to_list(self.model.get_train_cost())
        train_updates = []
        self.gradients = []
        for i, train_cost in enumerate(train_costs):
            # Now create the training cost function for the model to use while training - update parameters
            # gradient!
            gradients, _ = self.model.get_gradient(cost=train_cost)

            # Calculate the optimizer updates each run
            # This is where the magic happens for a lot of sub-implementations of SGD!
            # It tells how to update the params each training epoch
            gradient_updates = self.get_updates(gradients)

            # Combine the updates from the model also if applicable
            updates = self.model.get_updates()
            if updates:
                updates = gradient_updates

        # grab the model parameters to use during training
        self.params = self.model.get_params()
        log.info("%s params: %s", str(type(self.model)), str(self.params))

        # deal with the monitor channels if they were given (or take them from the plot)
        if monitor_channels is None and plot is not None and len(plot.channels) > 0:
            monitor_channels = plot.channels
        self.train_monitors_dict = {}
        self.valid_monitors_dict = {}
        self.test_monitors_dict = {}
        self.train_monitors_outservice_dict = {}
        self.valid_monitors_outservice_dict = {}
        self.test_monitors_outservice_dict = {}
        if monitor_channels:
            # collapse the appropriate monitors into their (name, expression, out_service) tuples
            train_collapsed = collapse_channels(monitor_channels, train=True)
            valid_collapsed = collapse_channels(monitor_channels, valid=True)
            test_collapsed  = collapse_channels(monitor_channels, test=True)
            # get name: expression dictionary
            self.train_monitors_dict = OrderedDict([(name, expression) for name, expression, _ in train_collapsed])
            self.valid_monitors_dict = OrderedDict([(name, expression) for name, expression, _ in valid_collapsed])
            self.test_monitors_dict  = OrderedDict([(name, expression) for name, expression, _ in test_collapsed])
            # get name: outservice dictionary
            self.train_monitors_outservice_dict = OrderedDict([(name, out) for name, _, out in train_collapsed])
            self.valid_monitors_outservice_dict = OrderedDict([(name, out) for name, _, out in valid_collapsed])
            self.test_monitors_outservice_dict  = OrderedDict([(name, out) for name, _, out in test_collapsed])
        # finally deal with an outservice provided to monitor training cost
        self.train_outservice = train_outservice
        # remove redundant files made by the fileservice for the train monitor.
        # TODO: THIS FEELS LIKE A HACK. I don't like it.
        if isinstance(self.train_outservice, FileService):

        # compile train and monitor functions #
        train_functions = []
        for i in range(len(train_costs)):
            updates = train_updates[i]
            train_cost = train_costs[i]
            # Compile the training function!
            log.info('Compiling f_learn %d/%d function for model %s...', i + 1, len(train_updates),
            t = time.time()

            f_learn = function(inputs=function_input,
                               outputs=[train_cost] + self.train_monitors_dict.values(),
                               name='f_learn_%d' % i)

            log.info('f_learn compilation took %s', make_time_units_string(time.time() - t))

        # figure out if we want valid and test
        self.valid_flag = (self.dataset.getSubset(VALID)[0] is not None) and (len(self.valid_monitors_dict) > 0)
        self.test_flag = (self.dataset.getSubset(TEST)[0] is not None) and (len(self.test_monitors_dict) > 0)
        # Now compile the monitor functions!
        log.debug("Compiling monitor functions...")
        monitor_t = time.time()
        # valid monitors
        if self.valid_flag:
            self.valid_monitor_function = function(
            self.valid_monitor_function = None

        # test monitors
        if self.test_flag:
            self.test_monitor_function = function(
            self.test_monitor_function = None

        log.debug("Compilation done. Took %s", make_time_units_string(time.time() - monitor_t))

        # start training #
        # make sure to deal with a list of train_cost functions - for layer-wise pretraining!
        # this list of training functions was created during __init__()
        start_time = time.time()
        for func_i, train_function in enumerate(train_functions):
            log.info("-----------TRAINING %s function %d/%d FOR %d EPOCHS (continue_training=%s)-----------",
                     str(type(self.model)), func_i + 1, len(train_functions), self.n_epoch, str(continue_training))

            log.debug("Train dataset size is: %s", self.dataset.getDataShape(TRAIN))
            if self.dataset.getSubset(VALID)[0] is not None:
                log.debug("Valid dataset size is: %s", self.dataset.getDataShape(VALID))
            if self.dataset.getSubset(TEST)[0] is not None:
                log.debug("Test dataset size is: %s", self.dataset.getDataShape(TEST))

            self.STOP = False
            self.epoch_counter = 0
            if not continue_training:
                # reset any decay params
                for decay_param in self.get_decay_params():

            self.times = []
            self.best_cost = numpy.inf
            self.best_params = None
            self.patience = 0

            t = time.time()

            while not self.STOP:
                    self.STOP = self._perform_one_epoch(train_function, plot)
                except KeyboardInterrupt:
                    log.info("STOPPING EARLY FROM KEYBOARDINTERRUPT")
                    self.STOP = True

            # save params
            if self.best_params is not None:
                log.debug("Restoring best model parameters...")
                set_shared_values(self.params, self.best_params)
            log.debug("Saving model parameters...")
            self.model.save_params('trained_epoch_' + str(self.epoch_counter) + '.pkl')

            log.info("------------TRAIN TIME TOOK %s---------", make_time_units_string(time.time() - t))

        log.info("------------TOTAL %s TRAIN TIME TOOK %s---------",
                 str(type(self.model)), make_time_units_string(time.time() - start_time))