Exemple #1
    def save(self, **kw):
        params, data = TinyDict.split(kw)

        error = None
        error_field = None

        id = params.id or 0
        id = (id > 0) and id or 0

        ids = params.ids or []

        model = params.parent.model
        if model != params.model and not params.parent.id:
            error = _("Parent record doesn't exists...")

        if error:
            return dict(error=error)

            proxy = rpc.RPCProxy(model)
            frm = TinyForm(**kw).to_python()
            data = {}
            ctx = context_with_concurrency_info(params.parent.context, params.concurrency_info)

            source = params.source
            if source and source != '_terp_list':

                data = frm.chain_get(source)

                if data is None:
                    return dict(error_field=error_field, error=error, id=id, ids=str([int(i) for i in ids]))

                if '__id' in data: data.pop('__id')
                if 'id' in data: data.pop('id')

                fld = source.split('/')[-1]
                data = {fld : [(id and 1, id, data.copy())]}
                proxy.write([params.parent.id], data, ctx)

                if not id:
                    all_ids = proxy.read([params.parent.id], [fld])[0][fld]
                    new_ids = [i for i in all_ids if i not in ids]

                    ids = all_ids
                    if new_ids:
                        id = new_ids[0]

                data = frm.copy()
                if 'id' in data: data.pop('id')

                if id > 0:
                    proxy.write([id], data, ctx)
                    id = proxy.create(data, params.parent.context or {})
                    ids = [id] + ids

        except TinyFormError, e:
            error_field = e.field
            error = ustr(e)
    def get(self, **kw):
        params, data = TinyDict.split(kw)

        field = params.field.split('/')

        prefix = '.'.join(field[:-1])
        field = field[-1]

        pctx = TinyForm(**kw).to_python(safe=True)
        ctx = pctx.chain_get(prefix) or pctx

        fields = rpc.RPCProxy(params.model).fields_get(False,

        if field not in fields:
            return {}
        text = fields[field].get('string')
        deps = []

        for name, attrs in fields.iteritems():
            if attrs.get('change_default'):
                value = ctx.get(name)
                if value:
                    deps.append((name, name, value, value))

        return dict(text=text, deps=str(deps))
Exemple #3
    def get(self, **kw):
        params, data = TinyDict.split(kw)

        field = params.field.split('/')

        prefix = '.'.join(field[:-1])
        field = field[-1]

        pctx = TinyForm(**kw).to_python(safe=True)
        ctx = pctx.chain_get(prefix) or pctx

        fields = rpc.RPCProxy(params.model).fields_get(False, rpc.session.context)

        if field not in fields:
            return {}
        text = fields[field].get('string')
        deps = []

        for name, attrs in fields.iteritems():
            if attrs.get('change_default'):
                value = ctx.get(name)
                if value:
                    deps.append((name, name, value, value))

        return dict(text=text, deps=str(deps))
    def save(self, **kw):
        params, data = TinyDict.split(kw)

        error = None
        error_field = None

        id = params.id or 0
        id = (id > 0) and id or 0

        ids = params.ids or []

        model = params.parent.model
        if model != params.model and not params.parent.id:
            error = _("Parent record doesn't exists...")

        if error:
            return dict(error=error)

            proxy = rpc.RPCProxy(model)
            frm = TinyForm(**kw).to_python()
            data = {}
            ctx = context_with_concurrency_info(params.parent.context,

            source = params.source
            if source and source != '_terp_list':

                data = frm.chain_get(source)

                if '__id' in data: data.pop('__id')
                if 'id' in data: data.pop('id')

                fld = source.split('/')[-1]
                data = {fld: [(id and 1, id, data.copy())]}
                proxy.write([params.parent.id], data, ctx)

                if not id:
                    all_ids = proxy.read([params.parent.id], [fld])[0][fld]
                    new_ids = [i for i in all_ids if i not in ids]

                    ids = all_ids
                    if new_ids:
                        id = new_ids[0]

                data = frm.copy()
                if 'id' in data: data.pop('id')

                if id > 0:
                    proxy.write([id], data, ctx)
                    id = proxy.create(data, params.parent.context or {})
                    ids = [id] + ids

        except TinyFormError, e:
            error_field = e.field
            error = ustr(e)
Exemple #5
    def on_change(self, **kw):

        data = kw.copy()

        callback = data.pop('_terp_callback')
        caller = data.pop('_terp_caller')
        model = data.pop('_terp_model')
        context = data.pop('_terp_context')

            context = eval(context) # convert to python dict
            context = {}

        match = re.match('^(.*?)\((.*)\)$', callback)

        if not match:
            raise common.error(_('Application Error!'), _('Wrong on_change trigger: %s') % callback)

        for k, v in data.items():
                data[k] = eval(v)

        result = {}

        prefix = ''
        if '/' in caller:
            prefix = caller.rsplit('/', 1)[0]

        ctx = TinyForm(**kw).to_python(safe=True)
        pctx = ctx

        if prefix:
            ctx = ctx.chain_get(prefix)

            if '/' in prefix:
                pprefix = prefix.rsplit('/', 1)[0]
                pctx = pctx.chain_get(pprefix)

        ctx2 = rpc.session.context.copy()
        ctx2.update(context or {})

        ctx['parent'] = pctx
        ctx['context'] = ctx2

        func_name = match.group(1)
        arg_names = [n.strip() for n in match.group(2).split(',')]

        ctx_dict = dict(**ctx)
        args = [tools.expr_eval(arg, ctx_dict) for arg in arg_names]

        proxy = rpc.RPCProxy(model)

        ids = ctx.id and [ctx.id] or []

            response = getattr(proxy, func_name)(ids, *args)
        except Exception, e:
            return dict(error=ustr(e))
Exemple #6
    def on_change(self, **kw):

        data = kw.copy()

        callback = data.pop('_terp_callback')
        caller = data.pop('_terp_caller')
        model = data.pop('_terp_model')
        context = data.pop('_terp_context')

        change_default = False
        if '_terp_change_default' in data:
            change_default = data.pop('_terp_change_default')

            context = eval(context)  # convert to python dict
            context = {}

        match = re.match('^(.*?)\((.*)\)$', callback)

        if not match:
            raise common.error(_('Application Error'),
                               _('Wrong on_change trigger: %s') % callback)

        for k, v in data.items():
                data[k] = eval(v)

        result = {}

        prefix = ''
        if '/' in caller:
            prefix = caller.rsplit('/', 1)[0]

        ctx = TinyForm(**kw).to_python(safe=True)
        pctx = ctx

        if prefix:
            ctx = ctx.chain_get(prefix)

            if '/' in prefix:
                pprefix = prefix.rsplit('/', 1)[0]
                pctx = pctx.chain_get(pprefix)

        ctx2 = dict(rpc.session.context, **context or {})

        ctx['parent'] = pctx
        ctx['context'] = ctx2

        func_name = match.group(1)
        arg_names = [n.strip() for n in match.group(2).split(',')]

        args = [utils.expr_eval(arg, ctx) for arg in arg_names]
        # TODO: If the eval fails in expr_eval (because `arg` does not exist in `ctx`), it returns `{}`
        # This is a value we don't want, but not sure where that behavior
        # comes from/is used so in order not to risk breakage throughout
        # patch it here
        args = [(False if arg == {} else arg) for arg in args]

        proxy = rpc.RPCProxy(model)

        ids = ctx.id and [ctx.id] or []

            response = getattr(proxy, func_name)(ids, *args)
        except Exception, e:
            return dict(error=_ep.render())
Exemple #7
    def on_change(self, **kw):

        data = kw.copy()

        callback = data.pop('_terp_callback')
        caller = data.pop('_terp_caller')
        model = data.pop('_terp_model')
        context = data.pop('_terp_context')

            context = eval(context) # convert to python dict
            context = {}

        match = re.match('^(.*?)\((.*)\)$', callback)

        if not match:
            raise common.error(_('Application Error'), _('Wrong on_change trigger: %s') % callback)

        for k, v in data.items():
                data[k] = eval(v)

        result = {}

        prefix = ''
        if '/' in caller:
            prefix = caller.rsplit('/', 1)[0]

        ctx = TinyForm(**kw).to_python(safe=True)
        pctx = ctx

        if prefix:
            ctx = ctx.chain_get(prefix)

            if '/' in prefix:
                pprefix = prefix.rsplit('/', 1)[0]
                pctx = pctx.chain_get(pprefix)

        ctx2 = dict(rpc.get_session().context,
                    **context or {})

        ctx['parent'] = pctx
        ctx['context'] = ctx2

        func_name = match.group(1)
        arg_names = [n.strip() for n in match.group(2).split(',')]

        args = [utils.expr_eval(arg, ctx) for arg in arg_names]
        # TODO: If the eval fails in expr_eval (because `arg` does not exist in `ctx`), it returns `{}`
        # This is a value we don't want, but not sure where that behavior
        # comes from/is used so in order not to risk breakage throughout
        # patch it here
        args = [(False if arg == {} else arg)
                for arg in args]

        proxy = rpc.RPCProxy(model)

        ids = ctx.id and [ctx.id] or []

            response = getattr(proxy, func_name)(ids, *args)
        except Exception, e:
             return dict(error=_ep.render())
Exemple #8
    def on_change(self, **kw):

        data = kw.copy()

        callback = data.pop('_terp_callback')
        caller = data.pop('_terp_caller')
        model = data.pop('_terp_model')
        context = data.pop('_terp_context')

            context = eval(context)  # convert to python dict
            context = {}

        match = re.match('^(.*?)\((.*)\)$', callback)

        if not match:
            raise common.error(_('Application Error!'),
                               _('Wrong on_change trigger: %s') % callback)

        for k, v in data.items():
                data[k] = eval(v)

        result = {}

        prefix = ''
        if '/' in caller:
            prefix = caller.rsplit('/', 1)[0]

        ctx = TinyForm(**kw).to_python(safe=True)
        pctx = ctx

        if prefix:
            ctx = ctx.chain_get(prefix)

            if '/' in prefix:
                pprefix = prefix.rsplit('/', 1)[0]
                pctx = pctx.chain_get(pprefix)

        ctx2 = rpc.session.context.copy()
        ctx2.update(context or {})

        ctx['parent'] = pctx
        ctx['context'] = ctx2

        func_name = match.group(1)
        arg_names = [n.strip() for n in match.group(2).split(',')]

        ctx_dict = dict(**ctx)
        args = [tools.expr_eval(arg, ctx_dict) for arg in arg_names]

        proxy = rpc.RPCProxy(model)

        ids = ctx.id and [ctx.id] or []

            response = getattr(proxy, func_name)(ids, *args)
        except Exception, e:
            return dict(error=ustr(e))