Exemple #1
 def check_wh_lines_fortnights(self):
     """ Check that every wh iva line belongs to the wh iva fortnight."""
     period = self.env['account.period']
     error_msg = str()
     fortnight_str = {'True': ' - Second Fortnight)',
                      'False': ' - First Fortnight)'}
     for awi_brw in self:
         if awi_brw.type in ['out_invoice']:
             return True
         for awil_brw in awi_brw.wh_lines:
             awil_period_id, awil_fortnight = period.find_fortnight(
             if awil_period_id != awi_brw.period_id.id or \
                awil_fortnight != awi_brw.fortnight:
                 error_msg += \
                     (" * Line '" + awil_brw.invoice_id.number +
                      "' belongs to (" +
                      period.browse(awil_period_id).name +
                      fortnight_str[awil_fortnight] +
         if error_msg:
             raise exceptions.except_orm(
                 _("Invalid action !"),
                 _("Some withholding lines being withheld dont match"
                   " with the withholding document period and"
                   " fortnight.\n\n * Withholding VAT document correspond"
                   " to (" + awi_brw.period_id.name + fortnight_str[
                       awi_brw.fortnight] + ".\n\n" + error_msg))
             return True
 def get_devotee_list(self,cr,uid,ids,context=None):
     print from_date
     print to_date
     categ_id =self.pool.get('jkp.category').search(cr,uid,( [('name','=','Prominent')]  ))
     print "category ids ids......................",categ_id
     if to_date and from_date:
         report_ids=devotee_obj.search(cr,uid,[('today_date','>=' ,from_date),('today_date','<=' ,to_date),('category_ids','in',categ_id)])
     print "report Ids are ",report_ids
     report_obj = self.pool.get('ir.actions.report.xml')
     datas = {'ids' : ids}
     rpt_id =  report_obj.search(cr, uid, [('report_name','=','prominent.devotees')])[0]
     if not rpt_id:
         raise osv.except_osv(_('Invalid action !'), _('Report for this name does not exists.'))
     rpt_type = report_obj.read(cr, uid, rpt_id, ['report_name'])
     return {
        'type' : 'ir.actions.report.xml',
        'datas' : datas,
     return True
 def create(self, vals):
     # Move request
     for move_requ in self:
         if vals['type'] == 'move':
             # Check if this employee is working this day
             if (move_requ._check_is_working(
                     vals['employee_id'], vals['old_date'])):
                 return super(hr_planning_day_move_request,
             # Check if the move will have no effect
             elif vals['old_date'] == vals['new_date']:
                 raise exceptions.Warning(_('Warning'),
                                          _(u'You chose the same date'))
                 employee_name = self.env['hr.employee'].browse(
                 raise exceptions.Warning(
                     _(u'{} does not work this day : {}').format(
                         employee_name, vals['old_date'])
         # Add request
             vals['old_date'] = False
             return super(hr_planning_day_move_request, self).create(vals)
Exemple #4
    def run_manually_old(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):
        if uid != SUPERUSER_ID:
            raise exceptions.AccessError(_("Only the admin user is allowed to execute inactive cron jobs manually"))

        wizard = self.browse(cr, uid, ids[0], context=context)

                   FOR UPDATE NOWAIT""",
        except OperationalError as e:
            if getattr(e, "pgcode", None) == "55P03":
                raise exceptions.Warning(_("Another process/thread is already busy executing this job"))
        _logger.info("Job `%s` triggered from form", wizard.name)
        ctx = context.copy()
        ctx.pop("active_test", None)
        method = getattr(self.pool.get(wizard.model), wizard.function)
        args = safe_eval("tuple(%s)" % (wizard.args or ""))
        return method(cr, uid, *args)
 def _get_counterpart_move_line_vals(self, invoice=False):
     if self.payment_type == 'transfer':
         name = self.name
         name = ''
         if self.partner_type == 'customer':
             if self.payment_type == 'inbound':
                 name += _("Customer Payment")
             elif self.payment_type == 'outbound':
                 name += _("Customer Refund")
         elif self.partner_type == 'supplier':
             if self.payment_type == 'inbound':
                 name += _("Vendor Refund")
             elif self.payment_type == 'outbound':
                 name += _("Vendor Payment")
         if invoice:
             name += ': '
             for inv in invoice:
                 if inv.move_id:
                     name += inv.number + ', '
             name = name[:len(name)-2] 
     return {
         'name': name,
         'account_id': self.destination_account_id.id,
         'journal_id': self.journal_id.id,
         'currency_id': self.currency_id != self.company_id.currency_id and self.currency_id.id or False,
         'payment_id': self.id,
Exemple #6
    def account_move_get(self, register_id):
        This method prepare the creation of the account move related to the given register.
        :param register_id: Id of voucher for which we are creating account_move.
        :return: mapping between fieldname and value of account move to create
        :rtype: dict
        seq_obj = self.env['ir.sequence']
        register_brw = self.env['payment.register'].browse(register_id)
        if register_brw.number:
            name = register_brw.number
        elif register_brw.journal_id.sequence_id:
            if not register_brw.journal_id.sequence_id.active:
                raise Warning(_('Configuration Error !'), _('Please activate the sequence of selected journal !'))
            name = seq_obj.next_by_id(register_brw.journal_id.sequence_id.id)
            raise Warning(_('Error!'),
                        _('Please define a sequence on the journal.'))
        if not register_brw.reference:
            ref = name.replace('/', '')
            ref = register_brw.reference
        move = {
            'name': name,
            'journal_id': register_brw.journal_id.id,
            'narration': register_brw.narration,
            'date': register_brw.date,
            'ref': ref,
            'period_id': register_brw.period_id and register_brw.period_id.id or False
        return move

# vim:expandtab:smartindent:tabstop=4:softtabstop=4:shiftwidth=4:
Exemple #7
 def unlink(self):
     for asset in self:
         if asset.state in ['open', 'close']:
             raise UserError(_('You cannot delete a document is in %s state.') % (asset.state,))
         if asset.account_move_ids:
             raise UserError(_('You cannot delete a document that contains posted entries.'))
     return super(AccountAssetAsset, self).unlink()
    def run(self, Ymk_id, force=False):
        """ Run the synchronization

        :param Ymk_id: identifier of the record on YmkCommerce
        self.Ymk_id = Ymk_id
            self.Ymk_record = self._get_Ymk_data()
        except IDMissingInBackend:
            return _('Record does no longer exist in YmkCommerce')

        skip = self._must_skip()
        if skip:
            return skip

        binding = self._get_binding()
        if not force and self._is_uptodate(binding):
            return _('Already up-to-date.')

        # import the missing linked resources

        map_record = self._map_data()

        if binding:
            record = self._update_data(map_record)
            self._update(binding, record)
            record = self._create_data(map_record)
            binding = self._create(record)
        self.binder.bind(self.Ymk_id, binding)

Exemple #9
 def gainloss_move_line_create(self, register, move_id):
     company = register.company_id
     ctx = dict(self._context)
     ctx.update({'date': register.date})
     amount_payin_company_currency = self.with_context(ctx)._convert_amount(register.amount_payin, register.id)
     # make the rounding as defined in company currency.
     amount_payin_company_currency = company.currency_id.round(amount_payin_company_currency)
     paid_amount_in_company_currency = company.currency_id.round(register.paid_amount_in_company_currency)
     writeoff_amount_local = company.currency_id.round(register.writeoff_amount_local)
     # amount to post
     amount = amount_payin_company_currency - paid_amount_in_company_currency + writeoff_amount_local
     if abs(amount) < 10 ** -4:            
         return False
     if not company.income_currency_exchange_account_id or not company.expense_currency_exchange_account_id:
         raise Warning(_('Accounting Error !'),
             _('Gain/Loss Exchange Rate Account is not setup properly! Please see Settings > Configuration > Accounting.'))            
     move_line = {
         'journal_id': register.journal_id.id,
         'period_id': register.period_id.id,
         'name': register.name or '/',
         'account_id': amount > 0 and company.income_currency_exchange_account_id.id or company.expense_currency_exchange_account_id.id,
         'move_id': move_id.id,
         'partner_id': register.partner_id.id,
         'currency_id': False,
         # 'analytic_account_id': register_brw.account_analytic_id and register_brw.account_analytic_id.id or False,
         'amount_currency': 0.0,
         'quantity': 1,
         'credit': amount > 0 and amount or 0.0,
         'debit': amount < 0 and -amount or 0.0,
         'date': register.date
     move_line_id = self.env['account.move.line'].create(move_line)
     # Assign amount to gainloss_amount field
     register.write({'gainloss_amount': amount})
     return move_line_id
    def create_production_planning_order(self):
        if not self.bom_ids:
            raise Warning(_('This product has no associated bill of materials'))

        if not self.routing_ids:
            raise Warning(_('This product has no associated production line'))

        order = self.env['production.planning'].orders.create({
            'product_id': self.id,
            'bom_id': self.bom_ids[0].id,
            'line_id': self.routing_ids[0].id

        view_id = self.env.ref(
        return {
            'type': 'ir.actions.act_window',
            'view_type': 'form',
            'view_mode': 'form',
            'view_id': view_id.id,
            'res_model': 'production.planning.orders',
            'res_id': order.id,
            'target': 'new',
            'context': self.env.context,
    def _balance_check(self):
        for stmt in self:
            if not stmt.currency_id.is_zero(stmt.difference):
                if stmt.journal_type == 'cash':
                    if stmt.difference < 0.0:
                        account = stmt.journal_id.loss_account_id
                        name = _('Loss')
                        # statement.difference > 0.0
                        account = stmt.journal_id.profit_account_id
                        name = _('Profit')
                    if not account:
                        raise UserError(_('There is no account defined on the journal %s for %s involved in a cash difference.') % (stmt.journal_id.name, name))

                    values = {
                        'statement_id': stmt.id,
                        'account_id': account.id,
                        'amount': stmt.difference,
                        'name': _("Cash difference observed during the counting (%s)") % name,
                    balance_end_real = formatLang(self.env, stmt.balance_end_real, currency_obj=stmt.currency_id)
                    balance_end = formatLang(self.env, stmt.balance_end, currency_obj=stmt.currency_id)
                    raise UserError(_('The ending balance is incorrect !\nThe expected balance (%s) is different from the computed one. (%s)')
                        % (balance_end_real, balance_end))
        return True
    def create(self, vals):
        if not (vals['name'] and vals['supplier_id']):
            # raise osv.except_osv(_("Error"), _("Please provide proper
            #    Information"))
            raise Warning(_("Error ! Please provide proper Information"))
        # search for books of these editor not already linked with this
        #    supplier :
        select = """select product_tmpl_id\n"""\
                 """from product_product\n"""\
                 """where editor = %s\n"""\
                 """  and id not in (select product_tmpl_id from
                 "where name = %s)""" % (vals['name'], vals['supplier_id'])
        if not self._cr.rowcount:
            raise Warning(_("Error ! No book to apply this relation"))

        sup_info = self.env['product.supplierinfo']
        last_id = 0
        for book_id in self._cr.fetchall():
            params = {
                'name': vals['supplier_id'],
                # 'product_id': book_id[0],
                'product_tmpl_id': book_id[0],
                'sequence': vals['sequence'],
                'delay': vals['delay'],
                'min_qty': vals['min_qty'],
            tmp_id = sup_info.create(params)
            last_id = last_id < tmp_id.id and last_id or tmp_id.id
        return last_id
Exemple #13
    def write(self, vals):
        for journal in self:
            if ('company_id' in vals and journal.company_id.id != vals['company_id']):
                if self.env['account.move'].search([('journal_id', 'in', self.ids)], limit=1):
                    raise UserError(_('This journal already contains items, therefore you cannot modify its company.'))
            if ('code' in vals and journal.code != vals['code']):
                if self.env['account.move'].search([('journal_id', 'in', self.ids)], limit=1):
                    raise UserError(_('This journal already contains items, therefore you cannot modify its short name.'))
                new_prefix = self._get_sequence_prefix(vals['code'], refund=False)
                journal.sequence_id.write({'prefix': new_prefix})
                if journal.refund_sequence_id:
                    new_prefix = self._get_sequence_prefix(vals['code'], refund=True)
                    journal.refund_sequence_id.write({'prefix': new_prefix})
            if 'currency_id' in vals:
                if not 'default_debit_account_id' in vals and self.default_debit_account_id:
                    self.default_debit_account_id.currency_id = vals['currency_id']
                if not 'default_credit_account_id' in vals and self.default_credit_account_id:
                    self.default_credit_account_id.currency_id = vals['currency_id']
        result = super(AccountJournal, self).write(vals)

        # Create the bank_account_id if necessary
        if 'bank_acc_number' in vals:
            for journal in self.filtered(lambda r: r.type == 'bank' and not r.bank_account_id):
                journal.set_bank_account(vals.get('bank_acc_number'), vals.get('bank_id'))

        return result
Exemple #14
    def action_invoice_create(self, grouped=False, final=False):
        Create the invoice associated to the SO.
        :param grouped: if True, invoices are grouped by SO id. If False, invoices are grouped by
                        (partner_invoice_id, currency)
        :param final: if True, refunds will be generated if necessary
        :returns: list of created invoices
        inv_obj = self.env['account.invoice']
        precision = self.env['decimal.precision'].precision_get('Product Unit of Measure')
        invoices = {}
        references = {}
        for order in self:
            group_key = order.id if grouped else (order.partner_invoice_id.id, order.currency_id.id)
            for line in order.order_line.sorted(key=lambda l: l.qty_to_invoice < 0):
                if float_is_zero(line.qty_to_invoice, precision_digits=precision):
                if group_key not in invoices:
                    inv_data = order._prepare_invoice()
                    invoice = inv_obj.create(inv_data)
                    references[invoice] = order
                    invoices[group_key] = invoice
                elif group_key in invoices:
                    vals = {}
                    if order.name not in invoices[group_key].origin.split(', '):
                        vals['origin'] = invoices[group_key].origin + ', ' + order.name
                    if order.client_order_ref and order.client_order_ref not in invoices[group_key].name.split(', '):
                        vals['name'] = invoices[group_key].name + ', ' + order.client_order_ref
                if line.qty_to_invoice > 0:
                    line.invoice_line_create(invoices[group_key].id, line.qty_to_invoice)
                elif line.qty_to_invoice < 0 and final:
                    line.invoice_line_create(invoices[group_key].id, line.qty_to_invoice)

            if references.get(invoices.get(group_key)):
                if order not in references[invoices[group_key]]:
                    references[invoice] = references[invoice] | order

        if not invoices:
            raise UserError(_('There is no invoicable line.'))

        for invoice in invoices.values():
            if not invoice.invoice_line_ids:
                raise UserError(_('There is no invoicable line.'))
            # If invoice is negative, do a refund invoice instead
            if invoice.amount_untaxed < 0:
                invoice.type = 'out_refund'
                for line in invoice.invoice_line_ids:
                    line.quantity = -line.quantity
            # Use additional field helper function (for account extensions)
            for line in invoice.invoice_line_ids:
            # Necessary to force computation of taxes. In account_invoice, they are triggered
            # by onchanges, which are not triggered when doing a create.
                values={'self': invoice, 'origin': references[invoice]},
        return [inv.id for inv in invoices.values()]
    def write(self, vals):
        res = {}
        update_sequence = "update product_supplierinfo set sequence = %s"\
                          "where name = %s"
        update_delay = "update product_supplierinfo set delay = %s"\
                       "where name = %s"
#         relations = self.browse(cr, user, ids)
#         for rel, idn in zip(relations, ids):
        for rel, idn in zip(self, self.ids):
            #   cannot change supplier here. Must create a new relation:
            original_supplier_id = rel.supplier_id.id
            if not original_supplier_id:
                raise Warning(_("Warning ! Cannot set supplier in this form."
                                "Please create a new relation."))

            new_supplier_id = vals.get('supplier_id', 0)
            supplier_change = new_supplier_id != 0 and (idn < 0 or
                                                         != new_supplier_id))
            if supplier_change:
                raise Warning(_("Warning ! Cannot set supplier in this form."
                                "Please create a new relation."))
                if 'sequence' in vals:
                    params = [vals.get('sequence', 0), original_supplier_id]
                    self._cr.execute(update_sequence, params)
                if 'delay' in vals:
                    params = [vals.get('delay', 0), original_supplier_id]
                    self._cr.execute(update_delay, params)

                res[str(idn)] = {}
        return res
    def onchange_complete(self):
        message = False

        gtin14_id = self.product_id.\
            gtin14_partner_specific(self.transfer_id.picking_id.partner_id) if \
            self.transfer_id else False
        complete_qty = gtin14_id.units if gtin14_id else \

        if complete_qty > 0:
            required_qty = self.complete * complete_qty
            if required_qty > self.quantity:
                self.complete = 0
                self.rest = self.quantity
                message = _('Insufficient quantity to satisfy the required complete units!')
                self.complete = self.complete
                self.rest = self.quantity - required_qty
            self.complete = 0
            message = _('Complete qty is not defined for this product!')

        res = {}
        if message:
            res['warning'] = {'title': _('Warning'), 'message': message}
        return res
    def default_get(self, fields):
        request_line_obj = self.env['purchase.request.line']
        request_line_ids = self._context.get('active_ids', [])
        active_model = self.env.context['active_model']
        res = super(PurchaseRequestLineMakePurchaseRequisition,

        if not request_line_ids:
            return res
        assert active_model == 'purchase.request.line', \
            'Bad context propagation'

        items = []
        for line in request_line_obj.browse(request_line_ids):
                items.append([0, 0, self._prepare_item(line)])
        res['item_ids'] = items

        operating_unit_id = False
        for line in request_line_obj.browse(request_line_ids):
            line_operating_unit_id = line.request_id.operating_unit_id \
                and line.request_id.operating_unit_id.id or False
            if operating_unit_id is not False \
                    and line_operating_unit_id != operating_unit_id \
                    and not line.request_id.is_central_purchase:
                raise except_orm(
                    _('Could not process !'),
                    _('You have to select lines '
                      'from the same operating unit.'))
                operating_unit_id = line_operating_unit_id
        res['operating_unit_id'] = operating_unit_id

        return res
    def action_signature(self):
        """Write hash and system_entry_date """
        # duvida: usar esta accao ou adicionar action_sign a incluir num workflow redesenhado, que substitua o original ????

        for invoice in self:
            # if invoice.state in ('open', 'paid', 'cancel') # not necessary, wkf determines properlly when this action is called
            # continues when it is not necessary to sign the invoices
            if (invoice.type in ('out_refund','out_invoice') and invoice.journal_id.self_billing) or (invoice.type in ('in_refund','in_invoice') and not invoice.journal_id.self_billing ) :
            inv_date = str(invoice.date_invoice)
            now = invoice.system_entry_date or datetime.datetime.now()
                invoiceNo = str(invoice.journal_id.saft_inv_type+' '+invoice.number)
            except TypeError:
                raise osv.except_osv(_('Error !'), _("Please set the doc type at Journal's SAFT parameters!"))
            gross_total = self.grosstotal(invoice.id)
            prev_hash = self.get_hash(invoice.id)

            message = inv_date + ';' + str(now)[:19].replace(' ', 'T') + ';' + invoiceNo + ';' + gross_total + ';' + prev_hash
            signature = os.popen('echo -n "' + message + '" | openssl dgst -sha1 -sign ' + priv_key + ' | openssl enc -base64 -A', "r").read()
            self._cr.execute("UPDATE account_invoice SET hash = '%s' WHERE id = %d" % (signature, invoice.id))
            if not invoice.system_entry_date:
                self._cr.execute("UPDATE account_invoice SET system_entry_date = '%s' WHERE id = %d" %(now, invoice.id) )
        return True
 def _check_code(self):
         l = eval(self.code)
         if not isinstance(l, types.LambdaType):
             raise ValueError(_("The python code must be a lambda."))
     except (SyntaxError, NameError, ):
         raise ValueError(_("The python code must be a lambda."))
Exemple #20
    def club_student(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):
        if not ids:
            return []
        pos_line_obj = self.pool.get('pos.order.line')
        inv = self.browse(cr, uid, ids[0], context=context)
        registration_id = pos_line_obj.search(cr, uid, [
                    ('student_id', '=', inv.id),
                    ('type', '=', 'registration'),
                    ('academic_year_id', '=', inv.academic_year_id.id),
                    ('qty', '!=', -1),
                    ('refunded', '=', False)])

        registration = pos_line_obj.browse(cr, uid, registration_id)
        if not registration.order_id or (registration.order_id and registration.order_id.state == 'draft'):
            raise osv.except_osv(_('Warning!'), _('There is no registration paid for this academic year: %s.') % inv.academic_year_id.name)
        dummy, view_id = self.pool.get('ir.model.data').get_object_reference(cr, uid, 'oschool', 'view_oschool_club_generate')
        return {
            'name': _("Generate Club"),
            'view_mode': 'form',
            'view_id': view_id,
            'view_type': 'form',
            'res_model': 'oschool.club.generate',
            'type': 'ir.actions.act_window',
            'nodestroy': True,
            'target': 'new',
            'domain': '[]',
            'context': {
                'academic_year_id': inv.academic_year_id.id,
    def action_cancel(self, *args):
        account_move_obj = self.pool.get('account.move')
        invoices = self.browse(self.ids)
        # Sysop - unkown i - quick fix. Todo: find what it means
        for invoice in invoices:
            if invoice.move_id.id:
                # invoices that are signed can not be deleted
                if (invoice.type in ('out_refund','out_invoice') and not invoice.journal_id.self_billing) or (invoice.type in ('in_refund','in_invoice') and invoice.journal_id.self_billing ):
                    raise osv.except_osv(_('Error !'), _('You cannot cancel confirmed Invoices subject to digital signature!'))
                    return False

                # delete the move this invoice was pointing to
                # Note that the corresponding move_lines and move_reconciles
                # will be automatically deleted too
            if invoice.payment_ids:
                account_move_line_obj = self.pool.get('account.move.line')
                pay_ids = account_move_line_obj.browse(i['payment_ids'])
                for move_line in pay_ids:
                    if move_line.reconcile_partial_id and move_line.reconcile_partial_id.line_partial_ids:
                        raise osv.except_osv(_('Error !'), _('You cannot cancel the Invoice which is Partially Paid! You need to unreconcile concerned payment entries!'))

        self.write(self.ids, {'state':'cancel', 'move_id':False})
        self._log_event(self.ids, -1.0, 'Cancel Invoice')
        return True
Exemple #22
    def create(self, vals):
        if 'content' in vals and vals.get('forum_id'):
            vals['content'] = self._update_content(vals['content'], vals['forum_id'])

        post = super(Post, self.with_context(mail_create_nolog=True)).create(vals)
        # deleted or closed questions
        if post.parent_id and (post.parent_id.state == 'close' or post.parent_id.active is False):
            raise UserError(_('Posting answer on a [Deleted] or [Closed] question is not possible'))
        # karma-based access
        if not post.parent_id and not post.can_ask:
            raise KarmaError('Not enough karma to create a new question')
        elif post.parent_id and not post.can_answer:
            raise KarmaError('Not enough karma to answer to a question')
        # messaging and chatter
        base_url = self.env['ir.config_parameter'].get_param('web.base.url')
        if post.parent_id:
            body = _(
                '<p>A new answer for <i>%s</i> has been posted. <a href="%s/forum/%s/question/%s">Click here to access the post.</a></p>' %
                (post.parent_id.name, base_url, slug(post.parent_id.forum_id), slug(post.parent_id))
            post.parent_id.message_post(subject=_('Re: %s') % post.parent_id.name, body=body, subtype='website_forum.mt_answer_new')
            body = _(
                '<p>A new question <i>%s</i> has been asked on %s. <a href="%s/forum/%s/question/%s">Click here to access the question.</a></p>' %
                (post.name, post.forum_id.name, base_url, slug(post.forum_id), slug(post))
            post.message_post(subject=post.name, body=body, subtype='website_forum.mt_question_new')
        return post
Exemple #23
 def _check_line_dimension(self, inf):
     # For account non asset/liability line must have section/project
     for line in inf.line_ids:
         report_type = line.account_id.user_type.report_type
         if report_type not in ('asset', 'liability'):
             if not line.section_id and not line.project_id:
                 raise ValidationError(
                     _('%s is non-banlance sheet item, it requires '
                       'Section/Project') % (line.account_id.code,))
             if not line.activity_id or not line.activity_group_id:
                 raise ValidationError(
                     _('%s is non-banlance sheet item, it requires '
                       'Activity Group and Activity') %
             if line.section_id or line.project_id:
                 raise ValidationError(
                     _('%s is banlance sheet item, it do not require AG/A '
                       'or Section/Project') % (line.account_id.code,))
     for line in inf.line_ids:
         if line.activity_id and \
                 line.activity_id.account_id != line.account_id:
             raise ValidationError(
                 _('%s does not belong to activity %s') %
                 (line.account_id.code, line.activity_id.name))
 def open_map(self):
     map_website = self.env.user.context_map_website_id
     if not map_website:
         raise UserError(
             _('Missing map provider: '
               'you should set it in your preferences.'))
     if (map_website.lat_lon_url and hasattr(self, 'partner_latitude') and
             self.partner_latitude and self.partner_longitude):
         url = self._prepare_url(
             map_website.lat_lon_url, {
                 '{LATITUDE}': self.partner_latitude,
                 '{LONGITUDE}': self.partner_longitude})
         if not map_website.address_url:
             raise UserError(
                 _("Missing parameter 'URL that uses the address' "
                   "for map website '%s'.") % map_website.name)
         url = self._prepare_url(
             {'{ADDRESS}': self._address_as_string()})
     return {
         'type': 'ir.actions.act_url',
         'url': url,
         'target': 'new',
Exemple #25
 def _check_tax_line(self, inf):
     journal_type = inf.journal_id.type
     tax_lines = inf.line_ids.filtered('tax_id')
     for line in tax_lines:
         if line.tax_id.account_collected_id != line.account_id:
             raise ValidationError(
                 _("Invaid Tax Account Code\n%s's account code should be "
                   "%s") % (line.tax_id.account_collected_id.code,
         if not line.taxbranch_id:
             raise ValidationError(_('No tax branch for tax line'))
         if not line.tax_invoice_number:
             raise ValidationError(_('No tax invoice number for tax line'))
         if (line.debit or line.credit) and not line.tax_base_amount:
             raise ValidationError(_('Tax Base should not be zero!'))
         # Sales, tax must be in credit and debit for refund
         # Purchase, tax must be in debit and redit for refund
         invalid = False
         if journal_type in SALE_JOURNAL:
             if journal_type != 'sale_refund':
                 invalid = line.debit > 0
                 invalid = line.credit > 0
         if journal_type in PURCHASE_JOURNAL:
             if journal_type != 'purchase_refund':
                 invalid = line.credit > 0
                 invalid = line.debit > 0
         if invalid:
             raise ValidationError(
                 _('Tax in wrong side of dr/cr as refer to journal type!'))
Exemple #26
    def validate_start(self):
        if not self.contacts:
            raise ValidationError(
                _('You have nobody to dial. Add contacts first :-)'))
        elif self.dialer_type == 'stasis' and not self.sound_file:
            raise ValidationError(
                _('Dialer type is Stasis and Sound File not set!'))
        elif self.dialer_type == 'dialplan' and not self.context_name:
            raise ValidationError(
                _('Dialer type is Dialplan and Asterisk context not set!'))

        # Check routing
        invalid_destinations = []
        for dst in xrange(0, 10):
            self.env.cr.execute("""SELECT peer FROM asterisk_dialer_route
                    WHERE dialer=%s AND '%s%s' like CONCAT(pattern,'%%')
                    """ % (self.id, dst, dst)
            peers = self.env.cr.dictfetchall()
            if not peers:

        if invalid_destinations:
            raise ValidationError(
                _("No routes for destinations: %s") % ', '.join(
Exemple #27
 def write(self, cr, uid, ids, vals, context=None):
     if 'name' in vals:
         if vals['name'].startswith('-'):
             raise osv.except_osv(_('Error'),
                     _('The name of the group can not start with "-"'))
     res = super(Groups, self).write(cr, uid, ids, vals, context=context)
     return res
 def onchange_address_home_id(self):
     if self.address_home_id and self.address_id and \
             self.address_home_id != self.address_id:
         raise Warning(_('Configuration Error!'), _(
             'Home Address and working address should be same!'))
     if self.address_home_id:
         self.address_home_id.write({'supplier': True, 'employee': True})
Exemple #29
    def run_manually(self):
        """Run a job from the cron form view."""

        if self.env.uid != SUPERUSER_ID and (not self.active or not self.numbercall):
            raise exceptions.AccessError(_("Only the admin user is allowed to " "execute inactive cron jobs manually"))

            # Try to grab an exclusive lock on the job row
            # until the end of the transaction
                """SELECT *
                   FROM ir_cron
                   WHERE id=%s
                   FOR UPDATE NOWAIT""",

        except OperationalError as e:
            # User friendly error if the lock could not be claimed
            if getattr(e, "pgcode", None) == "55P03":
                raise exceptions.Warning(_("Another process/thread is already busy " "executing this job"))


        _logger.info("Job `%s` triggered from form", self.name)

        # Do not propagate active_test to the method to execute
        ctx = dict(self.env.context)
        ctx.pop("active_test", None)

        # Execute the cron job
        method = getattr(self.with_context(ctx).sudo(self.user_id).env[self.model], self.function)
        args = safe_eval("tuple(%s)" % (self.args or ""))
        return method(*args)
Exemple #30
    def write(self, vals):
        if 'content' in vals:
            vals['content'] = self._update_content(vals['content'], self.forum_id.id)
        if 'state' in vals:
            if vals['state'] in ['active', 'close'] and any(not post.can_close for post in self):
                raise KarmaError('Not enough karma to close or reopen a post.')
        if 'active' in vals:
            if any(not post.can_unlink for post in self):
                raise KarmaError('Not enough karma to delete or reactivate a post')
        if 'is_correct' in vals:
            if any(not post.can_accept for post in self):
                raise KarmaError('Not enough karma to accept or refuse an answer')
            # update karma except for self-acceptance
            mult = 1 if vals['is_correct'] else -1
            for post in self:
                if vals['is_correct'] != post.is_correct and post.create_uid.id != self._uid:
                    post.create_uid.sudo().add_karma(post.forum_id.karma_gen_answer_accepted * mult)
                    self.env.user.sudo().add_karma(post.forum_id.karma_gen_answer_accept * mult)
        if any(key not in ['state', 'active', 'is_correct', 'closed_uid', 'closed_date', 'closed_reason_id'] for key in vals.keys()) and any(not post.can_edit for post in self):
            raise KarmaError('Not enough karma to edit a post.')

        res = super(Post, self).write(vals)
        # if post content modify, notify followers
        if 'content' in vals or 'name' in vals:
            for post in self:
                if post.parent_id:
                    body, subtype = _('Answer Edited'), 'website_forum.mt_answer_edit'
                    obj_id = post.parent_id
                    body, subtype = _('Question Edited'), 'website_forum.mt_question_edit'
                    obj_id = post
                obj_id.message_post(body=body, subtype=subtype)
        return res
class shipping_rate_wizard(models.TransientModel):
    _inherit = 'shipping.rate.wizard'

    def _get_company_code(self):
        res = super(shipping_rate_wizard, self)._get_company_code()
        res.append(('usps', 'USPS'))
        return res

    def default_get(self, fields):
        res = super(shipping_rate_wizard, self).default_get(fields)
        context = self._context
        if context.get('active_model', False) == 'sale.order':
            sale_id = context.get('active_id', False)
            if sale_id:
                sale = self.env['sale.order'].browse(sale_id)
                if 'usps_service_type' in fields and  sale.usps_service_type:
                    res['usps_service_type'] = sale.usps_service_type
                if 'usps_first_class_mail_type' in fields and  sale.usps_first_class_mail_type:
                    res['usps_first_class_mail_type'] = sale.usps_first_class_mail_type
                if 'usps_container' in fields and  sale.usps_container:
                    res['usps_container'] = sale.usps_container
                if 'usps_package_location' in fields and  sale.usps_package_location:
                    res['usps_package_location'] = sale.usps_package_location
                if 'usps_size' in fields and  sale.usps_size:
                    res['usps_size'] = sale.usps_size
                if 'usps_length' in fields and  sale.usps_length:
                    res['usps_length'] = sale.usps_length
                if 'usps_width' in fields and  sale.usps_width:
                    res['usps_width'] = sale.usps_width
                if 'usps_height' in fields and  sale.usps_height:
                    res['usps_height'] = sale.usps_height
                if 'usps_girth' in fields and  sale.usps_girth:
                    res['usps_girth'] = sale.usps_girth
        return res

    def update_sale_order(self):
        ids = self._ids
        context = self._context
        data = self.browse(ids)[0]
        if not (data['rate_selection'] == 'rate_request' and data['ship_company_code'] == 'usps'):
            return super(shipping_rate_wizard, self).update_sale_order()
        if context.get('active_model', False) == 'sale.order':
            sale_id = context.get('active_id', False)
            sale_id and self.env['sale.order'].write({'shipcharge':data.shipping_cost,
                                                                'sale_account_id':data.logis_company and data.logis_company.ship_account_id and data.logis_company.ship_account_id.id or False,
                                                                'ship_company_code' :data.ship_company_code,
                                                                'logis_company' : data.logis_company and data.logis_company.id or False,
                                                                'usps_service_type' : data.usps_service_type,
                                                                'usps_package_location' : data.usps_package_location,
                                                                'usps_first_class_mail_type' : data.usps_first_class_mail_type ,
                                                                'usps_container' : data.usps_container ,
                                                                'usps_size' : data.usps_size ,
                                                                'usps_length' : data.usps_length ,
                                                                'usps_width' : data.usps_width ,
                                                                'usps_height' : data.usps_height ,
                                                                'usps_girth' : data.usps_girth ,
                                                                'rate_selection' : data.rate_selection
            return {'nodestroy':False, 'type': 'ir.actions.act_window_close'}
        return True

    def get_rate(self):
        ids = self._ids
        context = self._context
        data = self.browse(self._ids)
        if not (data['rate_selection'] == 'rate_request' and data['ship_company_code'] == 'usps'):
            return super(shipping_rate_wizard, self).get_rate()

        if context.get('active_model', False) == 'sale.order':
            sale_id = context.get('active_id', False)
            sale = self.env['sale.order'].browse(sale_id)
            test = data.logis_company.test_mode or False
            url = ''
            url_sec = ''
            if data.logis_company:
                url = test and data.logis_company.usps_url_test or  data.logis_company.usps_url
                url_sec = test and data.logis_company.usps_url_secure_test or data.logis_company.usps_url_secure
                url_prd = data.logis_company.usps_url

            address_from = sale.company_id.partner_id and sale.company_id.partner_id
            zip_origin = ''
            if address_from:
                zip_origin = address_from.zip or ''
            zip_destination = sale.partner_shipping_id.zip or ''
            weight = math.modf(sale.total_weight_net)
            pounds = int(weight[1])
            ounces = round(weight[0], 2) * 16
            request_xml = """<RateV4Request USERID="%(user_id)s">
                                    <Package ID="1ST">
                            </RateV4Request>""" % {
                        'user_id' : data.logis_company and data.logis_company.usps_userid,
                        'service_type' : data.usps_service_type ,
                        'first_class_mail_type' : data.usps_first_class_mail_type,
                        'zip_origin' :  zip_origin,
                        'zip_desitination' : zip_destination,
                        'pounds' : str(pounds),
                        'ounces' : str(ounces),
                        'container' : str(data.usps_container) ,
            if url_prd and request_xml:
                request_url = url_prd + '?API=RateV4&XML=' + request_xml
            # not supported with test accounts
            str_response = ''
            error = False
            try :
                f = urllib.urlopen(request_url)
                str_response = f.read()
            except Exception, e:
                self.write({'status_message': str(e)})
            if str_response:
                xml_dic = xml2dic.main(str_response)
                if 'Error' in xml_dic.keys():
                    error = True
                    for item in xml_dic.get('Error'):
                        if 'Description' in item:
                            self.write({'status_message': 'Error : ' + item['Description'] })
                    for pack in xml_dic['RateV4Response']:
                        if 'Package' in pack:
                            for item in pack['Package']:
                                if 'Error' in item:
                                    error = True
                                    for i in item['Error']:
                                        if 'Description' in i:
                                            self.write({'status_message': 'Error : ' + i['Description'] })
                                if error:
                        if error:
                if not error:
                    for pack in xml_dic['RateV4Response']:
                        if 'Package' in pack:
                            for item in pack['Package']:
                                if 'Postage' in item:
                                    for i in item['Postage']:
                                        if 'Rate' in i:
                                            self.write({'status_message': '', 'shipping_cost': i['Rate'] })
                                            sale.write({'shipcharge': float(i['Rate']) or 0.00, 'ship_method':data.ship_company_code + ':' + data.usps_service_type, 'status_message': ''})
                                            return True
        mod, modid = self.env['ir.model.data'].get_object_reference('shipping_api_usps', 'view_for_shipping_rate_wizard_usps')
        return {
            'name':_("Get Rate"),
            'view_mode': 'form',
            'view_id': modid,
            'view_type': 'form',
            'res_model': 'shipping.rate.wizard',
            'type': 'ir.actions.act_window',
            'nodestroy': True,
            'domain': '[]',
            'res_id': ids[0],
def split_row_col(pos):
    match = re.match(r"([a-z]+)([0-9]+)", pos, re.I)
    if not match:
        raise ValidationError(_('Position %s is not valid') % pos)
    col, row = match.groups()
    return col, int(row)
                    begin_rc = min(all_rc)
                    col, row = split_row_col(max(all_rc))
                    end_rc = '%s%s' % (col, max_row)
                    worksheet_range[sheet_name] = '%s:%s' % (begin_rc, end_rc)

            # ================ BI Function ================
            self._fill_bi(workbook, data_dict, worksheet_range)

        except KeyError, e:
            raise except_orm(_('Key Error!'), e)
        except IllegalCharacterError, e:
            raise except_orm(
                  'Some exporting data may contain special character'), e)
        except Exception, e:
            raise except_orm(_('Error filling data into excel sheets!'), e)

    def _get_field_data(self, _field, _line):
        """ Get field data, and convert data type if needed """
        if not _field:
            return None
        line_copy = _line
        for f in _field.split('.'):
            data_type = line_copy._fields[f].type
            line_copy = line_copy[f]
            if data_type == 'date':
                if line_copy:
                    line_copy = dt.strptime(line_copy, '%Y-%m-%d')
            elif data_type == 'datetime':
                if line_copy:
Exemple #34
 def get_state(self):
     raise Warning(_('Not implemented yet!'))
 def confirm(self):
     if not self.is_compatible():
         raise Warning(_("Only females can be farrow"))
     if not self.is_ready():
         raise Warning(
             _("Only diagnosticated pregnant females can be farrow"))
     if self.dead == 0 and self.live == 0:
         raise Warning(_('no deads and no lives'))
     company = self.env['res.company'].search([(True, '=', True)])[0]
     journal = self.env['account.analytic.journal'].search([('code', '=',
     analytic_line_obj = self.env['account.analytic.line']
     farrowing_cycle_obj = self.env['farm.farrowing.event_female_cycle']
     farrrowing_animalGroup_obj = self.env['farm.farrowing.event_group']
     location_obj = self.env['farm.foster.locations']
     foster_locations = []
     for loc in self.animal.specie.foster_location:
         print loc.location
         print loc.location.location_id
     print foster_locations
     print self.farm.id
     foster_location = location_obj.search([
         ('location.location_id.location_id', '=', self.farm.id),
         ('id', 'in', foster_locations),
     ], ).location
     print foster_location
         'event': self.id,
         'cycle': self.animal.cycles[-1].id
     if self.live != 0:
         new_group = self.get_produced_group()
             'event': self.id,
             'animal_group': new_group[0].id
         tot_cost = 0
         for line in self.animal.account.line_ids:
             tot_cost = tot_cost + line.amount
             'Farrow Cost',
             'Farrow Cost',
     super(FarrowingEvent, self).confirm()
 def _get_sds_states(self):
     return [('draft', _('Draft')), ('start', _('Start')),
             ('waiting_welcome', _('Waiting welcome')),
             ('active', _('Active')), ('field_memo', _('Field memo')),
             ('sub_waiting', _('Sub waiting')), ('sub', _('Sub')),
             ('sub_accept', _('Sub Accept')),
             ('sub_reject', _('Sub Reject')),
             ('inform_no_sub', _('Inform No sub')), ('no_sub', _('No sub')),
             ('cancelled', _('Cancelled'))]
Exemple #37
class ClaimLine(models.Model):

    _name = "claim.line"
    _order = "date, priority desc"
    _inherit = 'mail.thread'
    _description = "List of product to return"
    _rec_name = "display_name"

    SUBJECT_LIST = [('none', 'Not specified'),
                    ('legal', 'Legal retractation'),
                    ('cancellation', 'Order cancellation'),
                    ('damaged', 'Damaged delivered product'),
                    ('error', 'Shipping error'),
                    ('exchange', 'Exchange request'),
                    ('lost', 'Lost during transport'),
                     'Perfect Conditions'),
                    ('imperfection', 'Imperfection'),
                     'Physical Damage by Client'),
                     'Physical Damage by Company'),
                    ('other', 'Other')]
    WARRANT_COMMENT = [('valid', _("Valid")),
                       ('expired', _("Expired")),
                       ('not_define', _("Not Defined"))]

    number = fields.Char(readonly=True,
                         help='Claim Line Identification Number')
    company_id = fields.Many2one('res.company',
                                 default=lambda self:
    date = fields.Date('Claim Line Date',
    name = fields.Text('Description',
                       help="More precise description of the problem")
    priority = fields.Selection([('0_not_define', 'Not Define'),
                                 ('1_normal', 'Normal'),
                                 ('2_high', 'High'),
                                 ('3_very_high', 'Very High')],
                                help="Priority attention of claim line")
    claim_diagnosis = fields.Selection([('damaged', 'Product Damaged'),
                                        ('repaired', 'Product Repaired'),
                                        ('good', 'Product in good condition'),
                                         'Product with hidden physical '
                                       help="To describe the line product "
    claim_origin = fields.Selection(SUBJECT_LIST, 'Subject',
                                    required=True, help="To describe the "
                                    "line product problem")
    product_id = fields.Many2one('product.product', string='Product',
                                 help="Returned product")
    product_returned_quantity = fields.Float('Quantity',
                                             digits=(12, 2),
                                             help="Quantity of product "
    unit_sale_price = fields.Float(digits=(12, 2),
                                   help="Unit sale price of the product. "
                                   "Auto filled if return done "
                                   "by invoice selection. Be careful "
                                   "and check the automatic "
                                   "value as don't take into account "
                                   "previous refunds, invoice "
                                   "discount, can be for 0 if product "
                                   "for free,...")
    return_value = fields.Float(compute='_compute_line_total_amount',
                                string='Total return',
                                help="Quantity returned * Unit sold price",)
    prodlot_id = fields.Many2one('stock.production.lot',
                                 string='Serial/Lot number',
                                 help="The serial/lot of the returned product")
    applicable_guarantee = fields.Selection([('us', 'Company'),
                                             ('supplier', 'Supplier'),
                                             ('brand', 'Brand manufacturer')],
                                            'Warranty type')
    guarantee_limit = fields.Date('Warranty limit',
                                  help="The warranty limit is "
                                       "computed as: invoice date + warranty "
                                       "defined on selected product.")
    warning = fields.Selection(WARRANT_COMMENT,
                               help="If warranty has expired")
    display_name = fields.Char('Name',
    date_deadline = fields.Date(related="claim_id.date_deadline")
    priority_date = fields.Date(compute='_compute_priority_date')

    def get_warranty_return_partner(self):
        return self.env['product.supplierinfo'].get_warranty_return_partner()

    warranty_type = fields.Selection(
        get_warranty_return_partner, readonly=True,
        help="Who is in charge of the warranty return treatment towards "
        "the end customer. Company will use the current company "
        "delivery or default address and so on for supplier and brand "
        "manufacturer. Does not necessarily mean that the warranty "
        "to be applied is the one of the return partner (ie: can be "
        "returned to the company and be under the brand warranty")
    warranty_return_partner = fields.Many2one('res.partner',
                                              string='Warranty Address',
                                              help="Where the customer has to "
                                              "send back the product(s)")
    claim_id = fields.Many2one('crm.claim',
                               string='Related claim',
                               help="To link to the case.claim object")
    state = fields.Selection([('draft', 'Draft'), ('refused', 'Refused'),
                              ('confirmed', 'Confirmed, waiting for product'),
                              ('in_to_control', 'Received, to control'),
                              ('in_to_treate', 'Controlled, to treate'),
                              ('treated', 'Treated')],
                             string='State', default='draft')
    substate_id = fields.Many2one('substate.substate', string='Sub state',
                                  help="Select a sub state to precise the "
                                       "standard state. Example 1: "
                                       "state = refused; substate could "
                                       "be warranty over, not in "
                                       "warranty, no problem,... . "
                                       "Example 2: state = to treate; "
                                       "substate could be to refund, to "
                                       "exchange, to repair,...")
    last_state_change = fields.Date(string='Last change',
                                    help="To set the"
                                    "last state / substate change")
    invoice_line_id = fields.Many2one('account.invoice.line',
                                      string='Invoice Line',
                                      help='The invoice line related'
                                      ' to the returned product')
    refund_line_id = fields.Many2one('account.invoice.line',
                                     string='Refund Line',
                                     help='The refund line related'
                                     ' to the returned product')
    move_in_id = fields.Many2one('stock.move',
                                 string='Move Line from picking in',
                                 help='The move line related'
                                 ' to the returned product')
    move_out_id = fields.Many2one('stock.move',
                                  string='Move Line from picking out',
                                  help='The move line related'
                                  ' to the returned product')
    location_dest_id = fields.Many2one('stock.location',
                                       string='Return Stock Location',
                                       help='The return stock location'
                                       ' of the returned product')
    claim_type = fields.Many2one(related='claim_id.claim_type',
                                 string="Claim Line Type",
                                 store=True, help="Claim classification")
    invoice_date = fields.Date(related='invoice_line_id.invoice_id.'
                               help="Date of Claim Invoice")

    # Method to calculate total amount of the line : qty*UP
    def _compute_line_total_amount(self):
        for line in self:
            line.return_value = (line.unit_sale_price *

    def copy(self, default=None):
        default = default or {}
        std_default = {
            'move_in_id': False,
            'move_out_id': False,
            'refund_line_id': False,
        return super(ClaimLine, self).copy(default=std_default)

    def _get_priority_level(self):
        priority_max = self.env.user.company_id.priority_maximum
        priority_min = self.env.user.company_id.priority_minimum

        priority = "0_not_define"
        if self.invoice_date:
            days = fields.datetime.strptime(self.date, "%Y-%m-%d") - \
            if days.days <= priority_max:
                priority = "3_very_high"
            elif priority_max < days.days <= priority_min:
                priority = "2_high"
            elif days.days > priority_min:
                priority = "1_normal"
        return priority

    @api.depends("priority_date", "invoice_line_id.invoice_id.date_invoice")
    def _compute_priority(self):
        """To determine the priority of claim line
        for line_id in self:
            line_id.priority = line_id._get_priority_level()

    def _compute_priority_date(self):
        for line_id in self:
            line_id.priority_date = line_id.claim_id.date

    def _inverse_priority(self):
        """To determine the priority of claim line
        support_group_id = self.env.ref('crm_claim_rma.group_rma_user')
        support_user_ids = support_group_id.users

        # Internal claims are created by warehouse users and they are not
        # allowed to edit supplier claims, but create supplier claims
        # can be created from internal ones, so if a user is validating
        # an internal claims this calculation should be applied.
        from_internal_claim = self.env.context.get(
            'validate_internal_claim', False)

        if not from_internal_claim and self.env.user not in support_user_ids:
            raise exceptions.ValidationError(
                _("You must belong to the group '%s' in order to be "
                  "allowed to set priority level") % support_group_id.name
        # Having priority level and invoice date an aproximation of
        # claim date can be computed
        priority_max = self.env.user.company_id.priority_maximum
        priority_min = self.env.user.company_id.priority_minimum
        for line_id in self:
            invoice_date = line_id.invoice_line_id.invoice_id.date_invoice

            # functionally this is not possible, but tested for
            # default values
            if not invoice_date:

            days = priority_min + 1
            if line_id.priority == "3_very_high":
                days = priority_max
            elif line_id.priority == "2_high":
                days = (priority_max + priority_min) * .5

            line_id.priority_date = fields.datetime.strptime(
                DEFAULT_SERVER_DATE_FORMAT) + timedelta(days=days)

    def _get_subject(self, num):
        """Based on a subject number given, it returns the proper subject
        value only if the number is between the limits, in counter case is the
        first value of SUBJECT_LIST will be returned
        subject_index = num - 1 if 0 < num <= len(self.SUBJECT_LIST) else 0
        return self.SUBJECT_LIST[subject_index][0]

    def warranty_limit(start, warranty_duration):
        """Take a duration in float, return the duration in relativedelta
        ``relative_delta(months=...)`` only accepts integers.
        We have to extract the decimal part, and then, extend the delta with

        decimal_part, months = math.modf(warranty_duration)
        months = int(months)
        # If we have a decimal part, we add the number them as days to
        # the limit.  We need to get the month to know the number of
        # days.
        delta = relativedelta(months=months)
        monthday = start + delta
        __, days_month = calendar.monthrange(monthday.year, monthday.month)
        # ignore the rest of the days (hours) since we expect a date
        days = int(days_month * decimal_part)
        return start + relativedelta(months=months, days=days)

    def _get_warranty_limit_values(self, invoice, claim_type, product,
        """Calculate the warranty of claim line product depending of
        invoice date.
        if not (invoice and claim_type and product and claim_date):
            return {'guarantee_limit': False, 'warning': False}

        # If the invoice has invoice date, the warranty of
        # damaged product can be calculated
        invoice_date = invoice.date_invoice
        if not invoice_date:
            raise InvoiceNoDate

        # First, the warranty is set as not defined
        warning = 'not_define'

        # The invoice date is converted to DATE FORMAT
        invoice_date = datetime.strptime(invoice_date,

        warranty_duration = False
        # If claim is supplier type, then, search the warranty specified for
        # the supplier in the suppliers configured for the damaged product.
        supplier_type = self.env.ref('crm_claim_rma.crm_claim_type_supplier')

        if claim_type == supplier_type:
            seller_id = product.seller_ids.filtered(
                lambda r: r.name == invoice.partner_id)
            if not seller_id:
                raise ProductNoSupplier
            warranty_duration = seller_id.warranty_duration
            if not warranty_duration:
                raise exceptions.Warning(
                    _("Supplier warranty period for one or more products in "
                      "your claim is(are) not set"))
            # If the claim is not supplier type, then, take the basic warranty
            # configured in the product
            warranty_duration = product.warranty

        # Get the limit_date
        limit_date = self.warranty_limit(invoice_date, warranty_duration)
        claim_date = datetime.strptime(claim_date,

        # Warranty is valid only when claim date is lesser than limit date,
        # in counter case the warranty is expired
        warning = 'valid' if claim_date <= limit_date else 'expired'

        # if the conditions above are not met, then, the warranty
        # is not defined
        limit_date = limit_date.strftime(DEFAULT_SERVER_DATE_FORMAT)
        return {'guarantee_limit': limit_date, 'warning': warning}

    def set_warranty_limit(self):

        claim_id = self.claim_id
        invoice_id = self.invoice_line_id.invoice_id
        values = self._get_warranty_limit_values(
            invoice_id, claim_id.claim_type, self.product_id, claim_id.date)
        return True

    def get_destination_location(self, product_id, warehouse_id):
        """Compute and return the destination location to take
        for a return. Always take 'Supplier' one when return type different
        from company.
        location_dest_id = warehouse_id.lot_stock_id

        seller_id = product_id.seller_ids and product_id.seller_ids[0]
        if seller_id and seller_id.warranty_return_partner != 'company' \
                and seller_id.name \
                and seller_id.name.property_stock_supplier:
            location_dest_id = seller_id.name.property_stock_supplier

        return location_dest_id

    def _warranty_return_address_values(self, product, company, warehouse):
        """Return the partner to be used as return destination and
        the destination stock location of the line in case of return.

        We can have various cases here:
            - company or other: return to company partner or
              crm_return_address_id if specified
            - supplier: return to the supplier address
        if not (product and company and warehouse):
            return {
                'warranty_return_partner': False,
                'warranty_type': False,
                'location_dest_id': False
        seller_ids = product.seller_ids
        if seller_ids:
            seller_id = seller_ids[0]
            return_address_id = seller_id.warranty_return_address
            return_type = seller_id.warranty_return_partner
            # when no supplier is configured, returns to the company
            return_address_id = (company.crm_return_address_id or
            return_type = 'company'
        location_dest = self.get_destination_location(product, warehouse)
        return {
            'warranty_return_partner': return_address_id.id,
            'warranty_type': return_type,
            'location_dest_id': location_dest.id

    def set_warranty_return_address(self):
        claim_id = self.claim_id
        values = self._warranty_return_address_values(
            self.product_id, claim_id.company_id, claim_id.warehouse_id)
        return True

    def set_warranty(self):
        """Calculate warranty limit and address
        for line_id in self:
            if not line_id.product_id:
                raise exceptions.Warning(
                    _('Error'), _('Please set product first'))

            # 因为售后单由sale.order生成,不存在发票明细,忽略此判断
            # if not line_id.invoice_line_id:
            #     raise exceptions.Warning(
            #         _('Error'), _('Please set invoice first'))

            # line_id.set_warranty_limit()
        return True

    def _get_sequence_number(self):
        """@return the value of the sequence for the number field in the
        claim.line model.
        return self.env['ir.sequence'].get('claim.line')

    def create(self, vals):
        """@return write the identify number once the claim line is create.
        vals = vals or {}
        if ('number' not in vals) or (vals.get('number', False) == '/'):
            vals['number'] = self._get_sequence_number()
        res = super(ClaimLine, self).create(vals)
        return res

    def _compute_display_name(self):
        for line_id in self:
            line_id.display_name = "%s - %s" % (
                line_id.claim_id.code, line_id.name)

    def name_get(self):
        names = []
        for line_id in self:
            names.append((line_id.id, "%s - %s" %
                          (line_id.claim_id.code, line_id.name)))
        return names
 def _check_hierarchy(self):
     if not self._check_recursion():
         raise models.ValidationError(_(
             'Error! You cannot create recursive calendars.'))
 def action_number(self):
     msg = self.check_data()
     if msg != '':
         raise except_orm(_('Date Inconsistency'), msg)
     super(account_invoice, self).action_number()
     return True
Exemple #40
 def copy(self, default=None):
     default = dict(default or {})
     default['shortdesc'] = _('%s (copy)') % self.shortdesc
     return super(Module, self).copy(default)
Exemple #41
 def cancel(self):
     """ Reject the change """
     if any(change.state == 'done' for change in self):
         raise exceptions.Warning(_('This change has already be applied.'))
     self.write({'state': 'cancel'})
Exemple #42
    def action_reconcile(self):
        for rec in self:
            # Clear old matching
            rec.item_ids.write({'match_import_id': False})
                write({'match_import_id': False})  # on move line
            rec.import_ids.write({'match_import_id': False})
            match_criteria = rec._get_match_criteria()
            if not match_criteria:
                raise ValidationError(_('No Reconcile Patter found!'))
            # Update Book (items)
                update pabi_bank_statement_item book set match_import_id =
                (select import.id
                from pabi_bank_statement_item item join
                pabi_bank_statement_import import on %s
                where item.id = book.id
                and item.statement_id = %s and import.statement_id = %s
                limit 1)
                where statement_id = %s
            """ % (match_criteria, rec.id, rec.id, rec.id))
            # Update move line's match_item_id
                update account_move_line move set match_import_id =
                (select item.match_import_id
                from account_move_line move2 join
                pabi_bank_statement_item item on item.move_line_id = move2.id
                where move.id = move2.id
                and item.statement_id = %s
                limit 1)
                where id in (select move_line_id
                             from pabi_bank_statement_item
                             where statement_id = %s)
            """ % (rec.id, rec.id))
            # Update Bank (import), based on what already matched
                update pabi_bank_statement_import bank set match_item_id =
                (select item.id
                from pabi_bank_statement_item item
                where item.match_import_id = bank.id
                and statement_id = %s
                limit 1)
                where statement_id = %s
            """ % (rec.id, rec.id))

            # Finally, if some line was matched before in other statement
                update pabi_bank_statement_import new
                set prev_match_statement_id =
                (select statement_id
                from pabi_bank_statement_import old
                where old.debit = new.debit and old.credit = new.credit
                and (old.document = new.document
                     or old.cheque_number = new.cheque_number)
                and old.match_item_id is not null
                limit 1)
                where match_item_id is null
                and statement_id = %s
            """ % (rec.id, ))
        self.write({'state': 'reconcile'})
Exemple #43
    def crear_recibo(self):
        if self.solicitud_anticipos_id:
            account_voucher_obj = self.env['account.voucher']
            partner = self.employee_id.address_home_id
            if self.diferencia > 0:
                if self.journal_id and self.journal_id.type == 'purchase':
                    journal_id = self.journal_id
                    search_args = [('type', '=', 'purchase')]
                    if self.env.user.company_id.currency_id.id != self.currency_id.id:
                            ('currency', '=', self.currency_id.id))
                            '|', ('currency', '=', False),
                            ('currency', '=',
                    journal_id = self.env['account.journal'].search(
                        search_args, limit=1)
                if journal_id:
                    account_id = partner.property_account_payable
                    if not account_id:
                        account_id = journal_id.default_credit_account_id
                        if not account_id:
                            raise exceptions.ValidationError(
                                _(u'Error, debe configurar la cuenta a pagar'
                                  u' del beneficierio o del diario contable utilizado.'

                    sa_line_id = len(
                    ) and self.solicitud_anticipos_id.line_ids[0] or False
                    account_voucher_id = account_voucher_obj.create({
                        partner.id or False,
                        'line_dr_ids': [(0, 0, {
                            sa_line_id and sa_line_id.concept_id.id or False,
                            sa_line_id and sa_line_id.account_id.id or False,
                            journal_id.id or False,
                            partner.id or False,

                    tipo_ejecucion = self.env['tipo.ejecucion.siif'].search([
                        ('codigo', '=', 'P')
                    invoice_id = self.env['account.invoice'].create({
                        tipo_ejecucion and tipo_ejecucion.id or False,
                        'invoice_line': [(0, 0, {
                            'name': line.name or '',
                            'account_id': line.account_id.id,
                            'price_unit': line.amount
                        }) for line in account_voucher_id.line_dr_ids]
                    account_voucher_id.write({'invoice_id': invoice_id.id})
                    invoice_id.write({'doc_type': 'vales_caja'})
                    raise exceptions.ValidationError(
                        _(u'Error, debe seleccionar un diario compra'
                          u' o configurar un diario de compra de la compañia.')
                if self.journal_id and self.journal_id.type == 'sale':
                    journal_id = self.journal_id
                    search_args = [('type', '=', 'sale')]
                    if self.env.user.company_id.currency_id.id != self.currency_id.id:
                            ('currency', '=', self.currency_id.id))
                            '|', ('currency', '=', False),
                            ('currency', '=',
                    journal_id = self.env['account.journal'].search(
                        search_args, limit=1)
                if journal_id:
                    account_id = partner.property_account_receivable
                    if not account_id:
                        account_id = journal_id.default_debit_account_id
                        if not account_id:
                            raise exceptions.ValidationError(
                                _(u'Error, debe configurar la cuenta a cobrar'
                                  u' del beneficierio o del diario contable utilizado.'
                    # product_id = self.solicitud_anticipos_id and self.sudo().operating_unit_id.anticipo_product_id
                    product_id = self.get_anticipo_product()
                    if not product_id:
                        raise ValidationError(
                            _(u"Debe configurar un producto Dev. Anticipos para la Unidad ejecutora seleccionada!"
                        # raise ValidationError(_(u"Debe configurar un producto con la opción 'Devolución de anticipos' seleccionada!"))
                    account_voucher_id = account_voucher_obj.create({
                        partner.id or False,
                        'line_cr_ids': [(0, 0, {
                            journal_id.id or False,
                            partner.id or False,

                    raise exceptions.ValidationError(
                        _(u'Error, debe seleccionar un diario venta'
                          u' o configurar un diario de venta de la compañia.'))
            super(GrpRendicionAnticipos, self).crear_recibo()
        return True
 def check_no_same_task(self):
     if self.task_id == self.predecessor_task_id:
         raise UserError(
             _("You can not select itself for predecessor/sucessor"))
 def generate_csv_report(self, _p, _xs, data, objects, wb):
     report_name = _("Faktur Keluaran")
     ws = wb.add_sheet(report_name[:31])
     ws.panes_frozen = True
     ws.remove_splits = True
     ws.portrait = 0  # Landscape
     ws.fit_width_to_pages = 1
     row_pos = 0
     # set print header/footer
     ws.header_str = self.xls_headers['standard']
     ws.footer_str = self.xls_footers['standard']
     c_row_cell_style = xlwt.easyxf(num_format_str='###0')
     # Column headers 1
     c_specs = [
             ('FK',  1, 0, 'text', 'FK'),
             ('KD_JENIS_TRANSAKSI',  1, 0, 'text', 'KD_JENIS_TRANSAKSI'),
             ('FG_PENGGANTI',  1, 0, 'text', 'FG_PENGGANTI'),
             ('NOMOR_FAKTUR',  1, 0, 'text', 'NOMOR_FAKTUR'),
             ('MASA_PAJAK',  1, 0, 'text', 'MASA_PAJAK'),
             ('TAHUN_PAJAK',  1, 0, 'text', 'TAHUN_PAJAK'),
             ('TANGGAL_FAKTUR',  1, 0, 'text', 'TANGGAL_FAKTUR'),
             ('NPWP',  1, 0, 'text', 'NPWP'),
             ('NAMA',  1, 0, 'text', 'NAMA'),
             ('ALAMAT_LENGKAP',  1, 0, 'text', 'ALAMAT_LENGKAP'),
             ('JUMLAH_DPP',  1, 0, 'text', 'JUMLAH_DPP'),
             ('JUMLAH_PPN',  1, 0, 'text', 'JUMLAH_PPN'),
             ('JUMLAH_PPNBM',  1, 0, 'text', 'JUMLAH_PPNBM'),
             ('ID_KETERANGAN_TAMBAHAN',  1, 0, 'text', 'ID_KETERANGAN_TAMBAHAN'),
             ('FG_UANG_MUKA',  1, 0, 'text', 'FG_UANG_MUKA'),
             ('UANG_MUKA_DPP',  1, 0, 'text', 'UANG_MUKA_DPP'),
             ('UANG_MUKA_PPN',  1, 0, 'text', 'UANG_MUKA_PPN'),
             ('UANG_MUKA_PPNBM',  1, 0, 'text', 'UANG_MUKA_PPNBM'),
             ('REFERENSI',  1, 0, 'text', 'REFERENSI'),
     row_data = self.xls_row_template(c_specs, [x[0] for x in c_specs])
     row_pos = self.xls_write_row(ws, row_pos, row_data, row_style=c_row_cell_style)
     # Column headers 2
     c_specs = [
             ('LT',  1, 0, 'text', 'LT'),
             ('NPWP',  1, 0, 'text', 'NPWP'),
             ('NAMA',  1, 0, 'text', 'NAMA'),
             ('JALAN',  1, 0, 'text', 'JALAN'),
             ('BLOK',  1, 0, 'text', 'BLOK'),
             ('NOMOR',  1, 0, 'text', 'NOMOR'),
             ('RT',  1, 0, 'text', 'RT'),
             ('RW',  1, 0, 'text', 'RW'),
             ('KECAMATAN',  1, 0, 'text', 'KECAMATAN'),
             ('KELURAHAN',  1, 0, 'text', 'KELURAHAN'),
             ('KABUPATEN',  1, 0, 'text', 'KABUPATEN'),
             ('PROPINSI',  1, 0, 'text', 'PROPINSI'),
             ('KODE_POS',  1, 0, 'text', 'KODE_POS'),
             ('NOMOR_TELEPON',  1, 0, 'text', 'NOMOR_TELEPON'),
     row_data = self.xls_row_template(c_specs, [x[0] for x in c_specs])
     row_pos = self.xls_write_row(ws, row_pos, row_data, row_style=c_row_cell_style)        
     # Column headers 3
     c_specs = [
             ('OF',  1, 0, 'text', 'OF'),
             ('KODE_OBJEK',  1, 0, 'text', 'KODE_OBJEK'),
             ('NAMA',  1, 0, 'text', 'NAMA'),
             ('HARGA_SATUAN',  1, 0, 'text', 'HARGA_SATUAN'),
             ('JUMLAH_BARANG',  1, 0, 'text', 'JUMLAH_BARANG'),
             ('HARGA_TOTAL',  1, 0, 'text', 'HARGA_TOTAL'),
             ('DISKON',  1, 0, 'text', 'DISKON'),
             ('DPP',  1, 0, 'text', 'DPP'),
             ('PPN',  1, 0, 'text', 'PPN'),
             ('TARIF_PPNBM',  1, 0, 'text', 'TARIF_PPNBM'),
             ('PPNBM',  1, 0, 'text', 'PPNBM'),
     row_data = self.xls_row_template(c_specs, [x[0] for x in c_specs])
     row_pos = self.xls_write_row(ws, row_pos, row_data, row_style=c_row_cell_style)  
     for inv in objects:
         c_specs = [
                 ('FK',  1, 0, 'text', 'FK'),
                 ('kd_jenis_transaksi',  1, 0, 'text', '01'),#x['faktur_pajak_no'] and x['faktur_pajak_no'][:2] or '01'
                 ('jenis_fp',  1, 0, 'text', '0'),#0=faktur pajak, 1=faktur pajak pengganti
                 ('nomor_faktur',  1, 0, 'text', inv.nomor_faktur_id and inv.nomor_faktur_id.number or ''),#010.000-15.10897639
                 ('masa_pajak',  1, 0, 'number', int(time.strftime('%m', time.strptime(inv.date_invoice,'%Y-%m-%d')))),
                 ('tahun_pajak',  1, 0, 'number', time.strftime('%Y', time.strptime(inv.date_invoice,'%Y-%m-%d'))),
                 ('tanggal_faktur',  1, 0, 'text', time.strftime('%d/%m/%Y', time.strptime(inv.date_invoice,'%Y-%m-%d'))),
                 ('npwp',  1, 0, 'text', inv.npwp_efaktur or '000000000000000'),#02.505.335.6-016.000
                 ('nama',  1, 0, 'text', _p.get_name_npwp(inv.partner_id, 'npwp') or ''),
                 ('alamat_lengkap',  1, 0, 'text', _p.get_street_npwp(inv.partner_id, 'npwp') or ''),
                 ('jumlah_dpp',  1, 0, 'number', int(inv.amount_untaxed)),
                 ('jumlah_ppn',  1, 0, 'number', int(inv.amount_tax)),
                 ('jumlah_ppnbm',  1, 0, 'number', 0),
                 ('id_keterangan_tambahan',  1, 0, 'text', ''),
                 ('fg_uang_muka',  1, 0, 'number', 0),
                 ('uang_muka_dpp',  1, 0, 'number', 0),
                 ('uang_muka_ppn',  1, 0, 'number', 0),
                 ('uang_muka_ppnbm',  1, 0, 'number', 0),
                 ('referensi',  1, 0, 'text', inv.name or inv.origin or ''),
         row_data = self.xls_row_template(c_specs, [x[0] for x in c_specs])
         row_pos = self.xls_write_row(ws, row_pos, row_data, row_style=c_row_cell_style)
         #Faktur Company
         # c_specs = [
         #     ('FAPR',  1, 0, 'text', 'FAPR'),
         #     ('company_name',  1, 0, 'text', inv.partner_id.name),
         #     ('company_address',  1, 0, 'text', _p.get_street_npwp(inv.partner_id.id, 'npwp')),
         #     ]
         # row_data = self.xls_row_template(c_specs, [x[0] for x in c_specs])
         # row_pos = self.xls_write_row(ws, row_pos, row_data, row_style=c_row_cell_style)
         for line in inv.invoice_line:
             c_specs = [
                 ('OF',  1, 0, 'text', 'OF'),
                 ('code_product',  1, 0, 'text', line.product_id.default_code or ''),
                 ('name_product',  1, 0, 'text', line.product_id.name or ''),
                 ('price_unit',  1, 0, 'number', int(_p.amount_currency_line(line.price_subtotal/line.quantity, line))),
                 ('quantity',  1, 0, 'number', line.quantity or 1),
                 ('price_unit_quantity',  1, 0, 'number', int(_p.amount_currency_line(line.price_subtotal, line))),
                 ('discount',  1, 0, 'number', line.discount or 0),
                 ('dpp_product',  1, 0, 'number', int(_p.amount_currency_line(line.price_subtotal, line))),
                 ('ppn_product',  1, 0, 'number', line.invoice_line_tax_id and int(_p.amount_currency_line(round(line.invoice_line_tax_id.amount*line.price_subtotal,2),line))),
                 ('tarif_ppnbm',  1, 0, 'number', 0),
                 ('ppnbm',  1, 0, 'number', 0),
             row_data = self.xls_row_template(c_specs, [x[0] for x in c_specs])
             row_pos = self.xls_write_row(ws, row_pos, row_data, row_style=c_row_cell_style)
    def button_cancel_remaining(self):
        Esta funcion es similar a la "cancel" de los procurements salvo que
        cancel solo sirve si no hay ningún move en done, con esta funcion
        cancelamos todo lo no done y chequeando que no haya cosas con
        "reservation" para no romper nada o que queden pedidos incompletos (
        sobre todo para dos pasos).

        se llama recursivamente con related procurements ya que no podemos
        simplemente pasar en contexto "cancel_procurement" porque eso
        llamaria a "cancel" y si ya hubo entregas parciales no se van a
        cancelar los procuremets relacionados
        # no permitimos que se cancelen abastecimientos generados
        # automaticamente por moves porque queremos que se cancele el
        # abastecimiento padre mandamos esta clave en contexto para indicar si
        # se llama desde el padre
        from_move_dest = self._context.get('from_move_dest', False)
        for rec in self.filtered(lambda x: x.state != 'done'):
            if rec.move_dest_id and not from_move_dest:
                raise ValidationError(
                    _('Solo puede cancelar abastecimientos primarios no los '
            if rec.rule_id.action != 'move':
                raise ValidationError(
                    _('Cancel remaining in procurements is only implmented for '
                      'rules with action of type "move"'))

            not_done_moves = rec.move_ids.filtered(lambda x: x.state != 'done')

            # al final cancelamos por mas que este asignado siempre y cuando
            # no haya procurements relacionados que esten realizados
            # chequeamos contra reserver para que permita cancelar si se forzo
            # disponibilidad o para compras por ejemplo
            # if not_done_moves.filtered(lambda x: x.state == 'assigned'):
            #     raise UserError(_(
            #         'You can not cancel a procurement if it has assigned '
            #         'moves!'))
            # if not_done_moves.filtered(lambda x: x.reserved_quant_ids):
            #     raise ValidationError(_(
            #         'You can not cancel a procurement if it has moves with '
            #         ' reserved quants!\n'
            #         'You should unreserve or confirm related pickings first')

            # verificamos en los moves y no en los procurements porque el proc
            # podria no estar totalmente satisfecho e igual queremos restringir
            # si al menos un move ya fue confirmado
            not_done_moves_related_moves = not_done_moves.search([
                ('move_dest_id', 'in', not_done_moves.ids),
                ('state', '=', 'done'),
            if not_done_moves_related_moves:
                raise ValidationError(
                    _('You can not cancel moves that are destination moves '
                      'of already done moves.\n'
                      '* Moves to cancel: %s\n'
                      '* Done moves: %s') %
                    (not_done_moves.ids, not_done_moves_related_moves.ids))


            # ya no seria necesario porque modificamos el action_cancel
            # de los moves ya que no siempre este metodo borraba las operations
            # y quedaban en algunos casos moves cancelados con operations
            # because cancel dont update operations, we re asign
            # not_done_moves.mapped('picking_id').filtered(
            #     lambda x: x.state not in ['draft', 'cancel']).action_assign()

            # al fina buscamos en todos los moves relacionados
            # porque los procurements generados (y parcialmente satsifechos)
            # podrian estar ligados a un move realizado
            related_procurements = rec.search(
                # [('move_dest_id', 'in', not_done_moves.ids)])
                [('move_dest_id', 'in', rec.move_ids.ids)])
 def _get_reporting_level(self):
     return [('standard', _('Standard')), ('extended', _('Extended'))]
Exemple #48
    def action_move_create(self):
        account_move_obj = self.env['account.move']
        account_move_line_obj = self.env['account.move.line']
        cur_obj = self.pool.get('res.currency')
        for rec in self:
            if not rec.employee_id.address_home_id:
                raise exceptions.ValidationError(
                    _(u'El empleado debe tener una dirección de casa.'))
            if not rec.employee_id.address_home_id.supplier_advance_account_id.id or not rec.employee_id.address_home_id.customer_advance_account_id.id:
                raise exceptions.ValidationError(
                    _(u'El empleado debe tener las cuentas anticipos de proveedores y clientes establecida en su dirección de casa.'
            if len(rec.line_ids) > 0:
                # create the move that will contain the accounting entries
                account_move_dict = rec.account_move_get(rec.id)
                    {'operating_unit_id': rec.operating_unit_id.id})
                move_id = account_move_obj.create(account_move_dict)
                company_currency = rec.company_id.currency_id.id
                diff_currency_p = rec.currency_id.id <> company_currency
                currency_id = False
                amount = rec.amount
                amount_currency = False
                if diff_currency_p:
                    amount_currency = rec.amount * -1
                    currency_id = rec.currency_id.id
                    amount = cur_obj.compute(self._cr, self._uid, currency_id,
                                             company_currency, rec.amount,
                for linea in rec.line_ids:
                    property_obj = self.pool.get('ir.property')
                    if rec.solicitud_anticipos_id:
                        acc = linea.account_concept_id
                    elif linea.product_id:
                        acc = linea.product_id.property_account_expense
                        if not acc:
                            acc = linea.product_id.categ_id.property_account_expense_categ
                        if not acc:
                            raise exceptions.ValidationError(
                                _(u'No se ha encontrado una cuenta de compras para el producto %s (o para su categoría). Por favor, configure una.'
                                  ) % (linea.product_id.name))
                        acc = property_obj.with_context(
                    if not acc:
                        raise exceptions.ValidationError(
                            _(u'No se ha podido identificar una cuenta para generar la información contable'

                    total_amount_currency = False
                    total_amount = linea.total_amount
                    if diff_currency_p:
                        total_amount_currency = linea.total_amount
                        total_amount = cur_obj.compute(self._cr, self._uid,
                        rec.employee_id.address_home_id.id or False,
                if rec.doc_type == 'rendicion_anticipo':
                    _account_id = rec.employee_id.address_home_id.customer_advance_account_id.id
                    _account_id = rec.employee_id.address_home_id.supplier_advance_account_id.id

                if not _account_id:
                    raise exceptions.ValidationError(
                        _(u'No se ha podido identificar una cuenta para generar la información contable'

                    # 28/12/2018 ASM renombrar sequence (nombre reservado) a x_sequence
                    # 'name': rec.sequence,
                    rec.employee_id.address_home_id.id or False,
                    amount_currency > 0 and amount_currency * -1
                    or amount_currency,

                dict_write = {
                    'account_move_id': move_id.id,
                    'show_move_line_button': False
                if rec.diferencia == 0:
                    dict_write.update({'state': 'paid'})

                raise exceptions.ValidationError(
                    _(u'Error, para generar apuntes contables'
                      u' de la anticipos de fondos primero debe crear líneas'))
            return True
    def _get_weight_and_supplunits(self, inv_line, hs_code):
        line_qty = inv_line.quantity
        product = inv_line.product_id
        invoice = inv_line.invoice_id
        intrastat_unit_id = hs_code.intrastat_unit_id
        source_uom = inv_line.uos_id
        weight_uom_categ = self._get_uom_refs('weight_uom_categ')
        kg_uom = self._get_uom_refs('kg_uom')
        pce_uom_categ = self._get_uom_refs('pce_uom_categ')
        pce_uom = self._get_uom_refs('pce_uom')
        weight = suppl_unit_qty = 0.0

        if not source_uom:
            note = "\n" + _(
                "Missing unit of measure on the line with %d "
                "product(s) '%s' on invoice '%s'.") % (
                    line_qty, product.name_get()[0][1], invoice.number)
            note += "\n" + _("Please adjust this line manually.")
            self._note += note
            return weight, suppl_unit_qty

        if intrastat_unit_id:
            target_uom = intrastat_unit_id.uom_id
            if not target_uom:
                note = "\n" + _(
                    "Conversion from Intrastat Supplementary Unit '%s' to "
                    "Unit of Measure is not implemented yet."
                ) % intrastat_unit_id.name
                note += "\n" + _(
                    "Please correct the Intrastat Supplementary Unit "
                    "settings and regenerate the lines or adjust the lines "
                    "with Intrastat Code '%s' manually") % hs_code.display_name
                self._note += note
                return weight, suppl_unit_qty
            if target_uom.category_id == source_uom.category_id:
                suppl_unit_qty = self.env['product.uom']._compute_qty_obj(
                    source_uom, line_qty, target_uom)
                note = "\n" + _("Conversion from unit of measure '%s' to '%s' "
                                "is not implemented yet.") % (source_uom.name,
                note += "\n" + _(
                    "Please correct the unit of measure settings and "
                    "regenerate the lines or adjust the impacted "
                    "lines manually")
                self._note += note
                return weight, suppl_unit_qty

        if source_uom == kg_uom:
            weight = line_qty
        elif source_uom.category_id == weight_uom_categ:
            weight = self.env['product.uom']._compute_qty_obj(
                source_uom, line_qty, kg_uom)
        elif source_uom.category_id == pce_uom_categ:
            if not product.weight_net:
                note = "\n" + _("Missing net weight on product %s."
                                ) % product.name_get()[0][1]
                note += "\n" + _(
                    "Please correct the product record and regenerate "
                    "the lines or adjust the impacted lines manually")
                self._note += note
                return weight, suppl_unit_qty
            if source_uom == pce_uom:
                weight = product.weight_net * line_qty
                # Here, I suppose that, on the product, the
                # weight is per PCE and not per uom_id
                weight = product.weight_net * \
                        source_uom, line_qty, pce_uom)
            note = "\n" + _(
                "Conversion from unit of measure '%s' to 'Kg' "
                "is not implemented yet. It is needed for product '%s'.") % (
                    source_uom.name, product.name_get()[0][1])
            note += "\n" + _(
                "Please correct the unit of measure settings and "
                "regenerate the lines or adjust the impacted lines "
            self._note += note
            return weight, suppl_unit_qty

        return weight, suppl_unit_qty
    def nfe_export(self):
        for data in self:
            active_ids = self._context.get("active_ids", [])

            if not active_ids:
                err_msg = u"Não existe nenhum documento fiscal para ser" u" exportado!"
            invoices = []
            export_inv_numbers = []
            company_ids = []
            err_msg = ""

            for inv in self.env["account.invoice"].browse(active_ids):
                if inv.state not in ("sefaz_export"):
                    err_msg += (u"O Documento Fiscal %s não esta definida para"
                                u" ser exportação "
                                u"para a SEFAZ.\n") % inv.fiscal_number
                elif not inv.issuer == "0":
                    err_msg += (u"O Documento Fiscal %s é do tipo externa e "
                                u"não pode ser exportada para a "
                                u"receita.\n") % inv.fiscal_number
                        "nfe_export_date": False,
                        "nfe_access_key": False,
                        "nfe_status": False,
                        "nfe_date": False,

                    message = ("O Documento Fiscal %s foi \
                        exportado." % inv.fiscal_number)


            if len(set(company_ids)) > 1:
                err_msg += (u"Não é permitido exportar Documentos Fiscais de "
                            u"mais de uma empresa, por favor selecione "
                            u"Documentos Fiscais da mesma empresa.")

            if len(export_inv_numbers) > 1:
                name = "nfes{}-{}.{}".format(
                name = "nfe{}.{}".format(export_inv_numbers[0], data.file_type)

            mod_serializer = __import__(
                 ".sped.nfe.serializer.") + data.file_type,

            func = getattr(mod_serializer, "nfe_export")

            for invoice in invoices:
                invoice.nfe_export_date = datetime.now()

            nfes = func(invoices, data.nfe_environment, inv.nfe_version)

            for nfe in nfes:
                nfe_file = nfe["nfe"].encode("utf8")

                "file": base64.b64encode(nfe_file),
                "state": "done",
                "name": name

        if err_msg:
            raise UserError(_(err_msg))

        view_rec = self.env.ref(

        view_id = view_rec and view_rec.id or False

        return {
            "view_type": "form",
            "view_id": [view_id],
            "view_mode": "form",
            "res_model": "l10n_br_account_product.nfe_export_invoice",
            "res_id": data.id,
            "type": "ir.actions.act_window",
            "target": "new",
            "context": data.env.context,
 def _check_year(self):
     for this in self:
         s = str(this.year)
         if len(s) != 4 or s[0] != '2':
             raise ValidationError(_("Invalid Year !"))
    def _gather_invoices(self):

        lines = []
        accessory_costs = self.company_id.intrastat_accessory_costs

        domain = self._prepare_invoice_domain()
        invoices = self.env['account.invoice'].search(domain)

        for invoice in invoices:

            lines_current_invoice = []
            total_inv_accessory_costs_cc = 0.0  # in company currency
            total_inv_product_cc = 0.0  # in company currency
            total_inv_weight = 0.0
            for inv_line in invoice.invoice_line:

                if (accessory_costs and inv_line.product_id
                        and inv_line.product_id.is_accessory_cost):
                    acost = invoice.currency_id.with_context(
                    total_inv_accessory_costs_cc += acost


                if not inv_line.quantity:
                        'Skipping invoice line %s qty %s '
                        'of invoice %s. Reason: qty = 0' %
                        (inv_line.name, inv_line.quantity, invoice.number))

                partner_country = self._get_partner_country(inv_line)
                if not partner_country:
                        'Skipping invoice line %s qty %s '
                        'of invoice %s. Reason: no partner_country' %
                        (inv_line.name, inv_line.quantity, invoice.number))

                if any([
                        for tax in inv_line.invoice_line_tax_id
                        'Skipping invoice line %s '
                        'qty %s of invoice %s. Reason: '
                        'tax.exclude_from_intrastat_if_present' %
                        (inv_line.name, inv_line.quantity, invoice.number))

                if inv_line.hs_code_id:
                    hs_code = inv_line.hs_code_id
                elif inv_line.product_id and self._is_product(inv_line):
                    hs_code = inv_line.product_id.product_tmpl_id.\
                    if not hs_code:
                        note = "\n" + _(
                            "Missing H.S. code on product %s. "
                            "This product is present in invoice %s.") % (
                        self._note += note
                        'Skipping invoice line %s qty %s'
                        'of invoice %s. Reason: no product nor hs_code' %
                        (inv_line.name, inv_line.quantity, invoice.number))

                intrastat_transaction = \

                weight, suppl_unit_qty = self._get_weight_and_supplunits(
                    inv_line, hs_code)
                total_inv_weight += weight

                amount_company_currency = self._get_amount(inv_line)
                total_inv_product_cc += amount_company_currency

                product_origin_country = self._get_product_origin_country(

                region = self._get_region(inv_line)

                line_vals = {
                    'parent_id': self.id,
                    'invoice_line_id': inv_line.id,
                    'src_dest_country_id': partner_country.id,
                    'product_id': inv_line.product_id.id,
                    'hs_code_id': hs_code.id,
                    'weight': weight,
                    'suppl_unit_qty': suppl_unit_qty,
                    'amount_company_currency': amount_company_currency,
                    'amount_accessory_cost_company_currency': 0.0,
                    'transaction_id': intrastat_transaction.id,
                    'product_origin_country_id': product_origin_country.id
                    or False,
                    'region_id': region and region.id or False,

                # extended declaration
                if self._extended:
                    transport = self._get_transport(inv_line)
                        'transport_id': transport.id,

                self._update_computation_line_vals(inv_line, line_vals)

                if line_vals:

            self._handle_invoice_accessory_cost(invoice, lines_current_invoice,

            for line_vals in lines_current_invoice:
                if (not line_vals['amount_company_currency'] and
                        not line_vals['amount_accessory_cost_company_currency']
                    inv_line = self.env['account.invoice.line'].browse(
                    _logger.info('Skipping invoice line %s qty %s '
                                 'of invoice %s. Reason: price_subtotal = 0 '
                                 'and accessory costs = 0' %
                                 (inv_line.name, inv_line.quantity,

        return lines
Exemple #53
    def _prepare_order_line_invoice_line(self,
        """Prepare the dict of values to create the new invoice line for a
           sales order line. This method may be overridden to implement custom
           invoice generation (making sure to call super() to establish
           a clean extension chain).

           :param browse_record line: sale.order.line record to invoice
           :param int account_id: optional ID of a G/L account to force
               (this is used for returning products including service)
           :return: dict of values to create() the invoice line
        order = self.browse(cr, uid, line.id).order_id
        company = self.pool.get('res.company').browse(cr, uid,
        res = {}
        if not line.invoiced:
            if not account_id:
                if line.product_id:
                    account_id = line.product_id.property_account_income.id
                    if not account_id:
                        account_id = line.product_id.categ_id.property_account_income_categ.id or company.property_account_income and company.property_account_income.id
                    if not account_id:
                        raise Warning(_('Error!'),
                                _('Please define income account for this product: "%s" (id:%d).') % \
                                    (line.product_id.name, line.product_id.id,))
                    prop = self.pool.get('ir.property').get(
                    account_id = prop and prop.id or False
            uosqty = self._get_line_qty(cr, uid, line, context=context)
            uos_id = self._get_line_uom(cr, uid, line, context=context)
            pu = 0.0
            if uosqty:
                pu = round(
                    line.price_unit * line.product_uom_qty / uosqty,
                        cr, uid, 'Product Price'))
            fpos = line.order_id.fiscal_position or False
            account_id = self.pool.get('account.fiscal.position').map_account(
                cr, uid, fpos, account_id)
            if not account_id:
                raise Warning(
                    _('There is no Fiscal Position defined or Income category account defined for default properties of Product categories.'
            res = {
                line.product_id.id or False,
                'invoice_line_tax_id': [(6, 0, [x.id for x in line.tax_id])],
                line.order_id.project_id and line.order_id.project_id.id
                or False,
        return res
 def _company_warning(self, msg):
     action = self.env.ref('base.action_res_company_form')
     raise RedirectWarning(msg, action.id,
                           _('Go to company configuration screen'))
Exemple #55
 def action_move_create(self):
     purchase_id = -1
     letter_of_credit = -1
     purchase_order =  self.env['purchase.order'].search([])
     for pick in purchase_order:
         if pick.invoice_ids:
             for inv_id in pick.invoice_ids:
                 if inv_id.id == self.id:
                     purchase_id = pick.id
                     if pick.letter_of_credit.id:
                         letter_of_credit = pick.letter_of_credit.id
     if letter_of_credit <= -1:
         return super(account_invoice, self).action_move_create()
         """ Creates invoice related analytics and financial move lines """
         lc_liability_account = self.env['ir.values'].get_default('letter_of_credit.config.settings', 'lc_liability_account')
         account_move = self.env['account.move']
         for inv in self:
             #lc_liability_account = inv.account_id.id
             if not inv.journal_id.sequence_id:
                 raise UserError(_('Please define sequence on the journal related to this invoice.'))
             if not inv.invoice_line_ids:
                 raise UserError(_('Please create some invoice lines.'))
             if inv.move_id:
             ctx = dict(self._context, lang=inv.partner_id.lang)
             if not inv.date_invoice:
                 inv.with_context(ctx).write({'date_invoice': fields.Date.context_today(self)})
             date_invoice = inv.date_invoice
             company_currency = inv.company_id.currency_id
             # create move lines (one per invoice line + eventual taxes and analytic lines)
             iml = inv.invoice_line_move_line_get()
             iml += inv.tax_line_move_line_get()
             diff_currency = inv.currency_id != company_currency
             # create one move line for the total and possibly adjust the other lines amount
             total, total_currency, iml = inv.with_context(ctx).compute_invoice_totals(company_currency, iml)
             name = inv.name or '/'
             if inv.payment_term_id:
                 totlines = inv.with_context(ctx).payment_term_id.with_context(currency_id=inv.currency_id.id).compute(total, date_invoice)[0]
                 res_amount_currency = total_currency
                 ctx['date'] = date_invoice
                 for i, t in enumerate(totlines):
                     if inv.currency_id != company_currency:
                         amount_currency = company_currency.with_context(ctx).compute(t[1], inv.currency_id)
                         amount_currency = False
                     # last line: add the diff
                     res_amount_currency -= amount_currency or 0
                     if i + 1 == len(totlines):
                         amount_currency += res_amount_currency
                         'type': 'dest',
                         'name': name,
                         'price': t[1],
                         'account_id': lc_liability_account,
                         'date_maturity': t[0],
                         'amount_currency': diff_currency and amount_currency,
                         'currency_id': diff_currency and inv.currency_id.id,
                         'invoice_id': inv.id
                     'type': 'dest',
                     'name': name,
                     'price': total,
                     'account_id': lc_liability_account,
                     'date_maturity': inv.date_due,
                     'amount_currency': diff_currency and total_currency,
                     'currency_id': diff_currency and inv.currency_id.id,
                     'invoice_id': inv.id
             part = self.env['res.partner']._find_accounting_partner(inv.partner_id)
             line = [(0, 0, self.line_get_convert(l, part.id)) for l in iml]
             line = inv.group_lines(iml, line)
             journal = inv.journal_id.with_context(ctx)
             line = inv.finalize_invoice_move_lines(line)
             date = inv.date or date_invoice
             move_vals = {
                 'ref': inv.reference,
                 'line_ids': line,
                 'journal_id': journal.id,
                 'date': date,
                 'narration': inv.comment,
             ctx['company_id'] = inv.company_id.id
             ctx['dont_create_taxes'] = True
             ctx['invoice'] = inv
             ctx_nolang = ctx.copy()
             ctx_nolang.pop('lang', None)
             move = account_move.with_context(ctx_nolang).create(move_vals)
             # Pass invoice in context in method post: used if you want to get the same
             # account move reference when creating the same invoice after a cancelled one:
             # make the invoice point to that move
             vals = {
                 'move_id': move.id,
                 'date': date,
                 'move_name': move.name,
     return True
    def get_updated_currency(self, currency_array, main_currency,
        """implementation of abstract method of Curreny_getter_interface"""

        # as of Jan 2014 BOC is publishing noon rates for about 60 currencies
        url = ('http://www.bankofcanada.ca/stats/assets/'
        # closing rates are available as well (please note there are only 12
        # currencies reported):
        # http://www.bankofcanada.ca/stats/assets/rates_rss/closing/en_%s.xml

        # We do not want to update the main currency
        if main_currency in currency_array:

        import feedparser
        import pytz
        from dateutil import parser

        for curr in currency_array:

            _logger.debug("BOC currency rate service : connecting...")
            dom = feedparser.parse(url % curr)


            # check if BOC service is running
            if dom.bozo and dom.status != 404:
                _logger.error("Bank of Canada - service is down - try again\

            # check if BOC sent a valid response for this currency
            if dom.status != 200:
                _logger.error("Exchange data for %s is not reported by Bank\
                    of Canada." % curr)
                raise except_orm(
                    _('Error !'),
                    _('Exchange data for %s is not '
                      'reported by Bank of Canada.' % str(curr)))

            _logger.debug("BOC sent a valid RSS file for: " + curr)

            # check for valid exchange data
            if (dom.entries[0].cb_basecurrency == main_currency) and \
                    (dom.entries[0].cb_targetcurrency == curr):
                rate = dom.entries[0].cb_exchangerate.split('\n', 1)[0]
                rate_date_datetime = parser.parse(dom.entries[0].updated)\
                self.check_rate_date(rate_date_datetime, max_delta_days)
                self.updated_currency[curr] = rate
                _logger.debug("BOC Rate retrieved : %s = %s %s" %
                              (main_currency, rate, curr))
                _logger.error("Exchange data format error for Bank of Canada -"
                              "%s. Please check provider data format "
                              "and/or source code." % curr)
                raise except_orm(
                    _('Error !'),
                    _('Exchange data format error for '
                      'Bank of Canada - %s !' % str(curr)))

        return self.updated_currency, self.log_info
Exemple #57
 def _search_has_moves(self, operator, value):
     if operator != '=' or not value:
         raise ValueError(_("Unsupported search operator"))
     ids_with_moves = self._account_tax_ids_with_moves()
     return [('id', 'in', ids_with_moves)]
Exemple #58
    def product_id_change(self,
        context = self._context
        company_id = company_id if company_id is not None else context.get(
            'company_id', False)
        company = self.env['res.company'].browse(company_id)
        self = self.with_context(company_id=company_id,
        if not partner_id:
            raise except_orm(_('No Partner Defined!'),
                             _("You must first select a partner!"))
        if not product:
            if type in ('in_invoice', 'in_refund'):
                return {'value': {}, 'domain': {'uos_id': []}}
                return {'value': {'price_unit': 0.0}, 'domain': {'uos_id': []}}

        values = {}

        part = self.env['res.partner'].browse(partner_id)
        fpos = self.env['account.fiscal.position'].browse(fposition_id)

        if part.lang:
            self = self.with_context(lang=part.lang)
        product = self.env['product.product'].browse(product)

        values['name'] = product.partner_ref
        if type in ('out_invoice', 'out_refund'):
            account = product.property_account_income or product.categ_id.property_account_income_categ or company.property_account_income
            account = product.property_account_expense or product.categ_id.property_account_expense_categ or company.property_account_expense
        account = fpos.map_account(account)
        if account:
            values['account_id'] = account.id

        if type in ('out_invoice', 'out_refund'):
            taxes = product.taxes_id or account.tax_ids
            if product.description_sale:
                values['name'] += '\n' + product.description_sale
            taxes = product.supplier_taxes_id or account.tax_ids
            if product.description_purchase:
                values['name'] += '\n' + product.description_purchase

        fp_taxes = fpos.map_tax(taxes)
        values['invoice_line_tax_id'] = fp_taxes.ids

        if type in ('in_invoice', 'in_refund'):
            if price_unit and price_unit != product.standard_price:
                values['price_unit'] = price_unit
                values['price_unit'] = self.env[
                        product.standard_price, taxes, fp_taxes.ids)
            values['price_unit'] = self.env[
                                                       taxes, fp_taxes.ids)

        values['uos_id'] = product.uom_id.id
        if uom_id:
            uom = self.env['product.uom'].browse(uom_id)
            if product.uom_id.category_id.id == uom.category_id.id:
                values['uos_id'] = uom_id

        domain = {
            'uos_id': [('category_id', '=', product.uom_id.category_id.id)]

        company = self.env['res.company'].browse(company_id)
        currency = self.env['res.currency'].browse(currency_id)

        if company and currency:
            if company.currency_id != currency:
                values['price_unit'] = values['price_unit'] * currency.rate

            if values['uos_id'] and values['uos_id'] != product.uom_id.id:
                values['price_unit'] = self.env['product.uom']._compute_price(
                    product.uom_id.id, values['price_unit'], values['uos_id'])

        return {'value': values, 'domain': domain}
Exemple #59
    def create_employee_from_applicant(self):
        """ Create an hr.employee from the hr.applicants """
        check_dup = self.check_duplicate_employee()
        if not check_dup:
            employee = False
            for applicant in self:
                address_id = contact_name = False
                if applicant.partner_id:
                    address_id = applicant.partner_id.address_get(
                    contact_name = applicant.partner_id.name_get()[0][1]
                if applicant.job_id and (applicant.partner_name
                                         or contact_name):
                        applicant.job_id.no_of_hired_employee + 1
                    employee = self.env['hr.employee'].create({
                        applicant.partner_name or contact_name,
                        applicant.department_id.id or False,
                        and applicant.company_id.partner_id
                        and applicant.company_id.partner_id.id or False,
                        and applicant.department_id.company_id
                        and applicant.department_id.company_id.email or False,
                        and applicant.department_id.company_id
                        and applicant.department_id.company_id.phone or False,
                        applicant.identification_id or False,
                        applicant.insurance_number or False,
                        applicant.tin or False,
                    applicant.write({'emp_id': employee.id})
                        body=_('New Employee %s Hired') %
                        if applicant.partner_name else applicant.name,
                    raise UserError(
                        _('You must define an Applied Job and a Contact Name for this applicant.'

            employee_action = self.env.ref('hr.open_view_employee_list')
            dict_act_window = employee_action.read([])[0]
            if employee:
                dict_act_window['res_id'] = employee.id
            dict_act_window['view_mode'] = 'form,tree'
            return dict_act_window
Exemple #60
 def unlink(self):
     if self.state != 'draft':
         raise UserError(
             _('It is forbidden to modify a distribution list which is not in draft status'
     super(DeliveryDistributionLine, self).unlink()