Exemple #1
 def default_array(self, array_size):
     array = numpy.empty(array_size, dtype=self.dtype)
     if self.value_type == Enum:
         return EnumArray(array, self.possible_values)
     return array
    def value_from_person(self, array, role, default=0):
            Get the value of ``array`` for the person with the unique role ``role``.

            ``array`` must have the dimension of the number of persons in the simulation

            If such a person does not exist, return ``default`` instead

            The result is a vector which dimension is the number of entities
        if role.max != 1:
            raise Exception(
                'You can only use value_from_person with a role that is unique in {}. Role {} is not unique.'
                .format(self.key, role.key))
        members_map = self.ordered_members_map
        result = self.filled_array(default, dtype=array.dtype)
        if isinstance(array, EnumArray):
            result = EnumArray(result, array.possible_values)
        role_filter = self.members.has_role(role)
        entity_filter = self.any(role_filter)

        result[entity_filter] = array[members_map][role_filter[members_map]]

        return result
    def encode(
        array: typing.Union[EnumArray, numpy.ndarray[int], numpy.ndarray[str],
                            numpy.ndarray[Enum], ],
    ) -> EnumArray:
        Encode a string numpy array, an enum item numpy array, or an int numpy array
        into an :any:`EnumArray`. See :any:`EnumArray.decode` for decoding.

        :param ndarray array: Array of string identifiers, or of enum items, to encode.

        :returns: An :any:`EnumArray` encoding the input array values.
        :rtype: :any:`EnumArray`

        For instance:

        >>> string_identifier_array = asarray(['free_lodger', 'owner'])
        >>> encoded_array = HousingOccupancyStatus.encode(string_identifier_array)
        >>> encoded_array[0]
        2  # Encoded value

        >>> free_lodger = HousingOccupancyStatus.free_lodger
        >>> owner = HousingOccupancyStatus.owner
        >>> enum_item_array = asarray([free_lodger, owner])
        >>> encoded_array = HousingOccupancyStatus.encode(enum_item_array)
        >>> encoded_array[0]
        2  # Encoded value
        if type(array) is EnumArray:
            return array

        if array.dtype.kind in {'U', 'S'}:  # String array
            array = numpy.select(
                [array == item.name for item in cls],
                [item.index for item in cls],

        elif array.dtype.kind == 'O':  # Enum items arrays
            # Ensure we are comparing the comparable. The problem this fixes:
            # On entering this method "cls" will generally come from
            # variable.possible_values, while the array values may come from directly
            # importing a module containing an Enum class. However, variables (and
            # hence their possible_values) are loaded by a call to load_module, which
            # gives them a different identity from the ones imported in the usual way.
            # So, instead of relying on the "cls" passed in, we use only its name to
            # check that the values in the array, if non-empty, are of the right type.
            if len(array) > 0 and cls.__name__ is array[0].__class__.__name__:
                cls = array[0].__class__

            array = numpy.select(
                [array == item for item in cls],
                [item.index for item in cls],

        return EnumArray(array, cls)
Exemple #4
    def default_array(self):
        Return a new array of the appropriate length for the entity, filled with the variable default values.

        array_size = self.entity.count
        array = np.empty(array_size, dtype=self.variable.dtype)
        if self.variable.value_type == Enum:
            return EnumArray(array, self.variable.possible_values)
        return array
Exemple #5
 def _decode_file(self, file):
     enum = self._enums.get(file)
     if enum is not None:
         return EnumArray(np.load(file), enum)
         return np.load(file)