def get_common_dataframe(variables, year=2006): """ Compare variables in erf an openfisca """ simulation = SurveySimulation() simulation.set_config(year=year) simulation.set_param() simulation.set_survey() simulation.compute() erf = ErfsDataTable(year=2006) if "ident" not in variables: erf_variables = variables + ["ident"] else: erf_variables = variables if "wprm" not in erf_variables: erf_variables = erf_variables + ["wprm"] else: erf_variables = erf_variables erf_dataframe = erf.get_values(erf_variables, table="menage") erf_dataframe.rename(columns={'ident': 'idmen'}, inplace=True) for col in erf_dataframe.columns: if col is not "idmen": erf_dataframe.rename(columns={col: col + "_erf"}, inplace=True) of_dataframe, of_dataframe_default = simulation.aggregated_by_entity( "men", variables, all_output_vars=False, force_sum=True) del of_dataframe_default merged_df = of_dataframe.merge(erf_dataframe, on="idmen") del of_dataframe, erf_dataframe return merged_df
def get_menage(idmen): erf = ErfsDataTable(year=2006) erf_variables = ["ident", "age", "noi", "persfip", "persfipd","quelfic", "declar1", "declar2"] dataframe = erf.get_values(erf_variables, table="indivi") dataframe.rename(columns={'ident': 'idmen'}, inplace=True) selection = dataframe.idmen == idmen return dataframe[selection]
def get_common_dataframe(variables, year = 2006): """ Compare variables in erf an openfisca """ simulation = SurveySimulation() simulation.set_config(year = year) simulation.set_param() simulation.set_survey() simulation.compute() erf = ErfsDataTable(year=2006) if "ident" not in variables: erf_variables = variables + ["ident"] else: erf_variables = variables if "wprm" not in erf_variables: erf_variables = erf_variables + ["wprm"] else: erf_variables = erf_variables erf_dataframe = erf.get_values(erf_variables, table="menage") erf_dataframe.rename(columns={'ident': 'idmen'}, inplace=True) for col in erf_dataframe.columns: if col is not "idmen": erf_dataframe.rename(columns={col: col + "_erf"}, inplace=True) of_dataframe, of_dataframe_default = simulation.aggregated_by_entity("men", variables, all_output_vars=False, force_sum=True) del of_dataframe_default merged_df = of_dataframe.merge(erf_dataframe, on="idmen") del of_dataframe, erf_dataframe return merged_df
def get_menage(idmen): erf = ErfsDataTable(year=2006) erf_variables = [ "ident", "age", "noi", "persfip", "persfipd", "quelfic", "declar1", "declar2" ] dataframe = erf.get_values(erf_variables, table="indivi") dataframe.rename(columns={'ident': 'idmen'}, inplace=True) selection = dataframe.idmen == idmen return dataframe[selection]
# This file is part of OpenFisca. # OpenFisca is a socio-fiscal microsimulation software # Copyright © #2013 Clément Schaff, Mahdi Ben Jelloul # Licensed under the terms of the GVPLv3 or later license # (see openfisca/ for details) from numpy import arange from openfisca_core.statshelpers import mark_weighted_percentiles from import ErfsDataTable from import destination_dir from pandas import DataFrame, ExcelWriter year = 2009 erf = ErfsDataTable(year=year) #erf.set_config() vars = [ "zrstm", "zchom", "pfamm", "wprm", "pauvre50m", "pauvre60m", "nivviem", "champm"] df = erf.get_values(variables=vars, table="erf_menage" ) labels = arange(1,11) method = 2 nivvie = df["nivviem"].astype("float64").values wprm = df["wprm"].astype("float64").values decil, values = mark_weighted_percentiles(nivvie, labels, wprm, method, return_quantiles = True) df2 = DataFrame({"decile" : decil})