Exemple #1
    def __init__(self) -> None:
        from openghg.util import timestamp_now
        from addict import Dict as aDict

        self._creation_datetime = timestamp_now()
        self._stored = False

        # Use an addict Dict here for easy nested data storage
        self._datasource_table = aDict()
        # Keyed by Datasource UUID
        self._datasource_uuids: Dict[str, str] = {}
        # Hashes of previously uploaded files
        self._file_hashes: Dict[str, str] = {}
        # Keyed by UUID
        self._rank_data = aDict()
Exemple #2
    def __init__(self) -> None:
        from openghg.util import timestamp_now
        from collections import defaultdict
        from uuid import uuid4

        self._uuid: str = str(uuid4())
        self._creation_datetime = timestamp_now()
        self._metadata: Dict[str, str] = {}
        # Dictionary keyed by daterange of data in each Dataset
        self._data: Dict[str, Dataset] = {}

        self._start_date = None
        self._end_date = None

        self._stored = False
        # This dictionary stored the keys for each version of data uploaded
        # data_key = d._data_keys["latest"]["keys"][date_key]
        self._data_keys: dataKeyType = defaultdict(dict)
        self._data_type: str = "timeseries"
        # Hold information regarding the versions of the data
        # Currently unused
        self._latest_version: str = "latest"
        self._versions: Dict[str, List] = {}
Exemple #3
def search(**kwargs):  # type: ignore
    """Search for observations data. Any keyword arguments may be passed to the
    the function and these keywords will be used to search the metadata associated
    with each Datasource.

    Example / commonly used arguments are given below.

        species: Terms to search for in Datasources
        locations: Where to search for the terms in species
        inlet: Inlet height such as 100m
        instrument: Instrument name such as picarro
        find_all: Require all search terms to be satisfied
        start_date: Start datetime for search.
        If None a start datetime of UNIX epoch (1970-01-01) is set
        end_date: End datetime for search.
        If None an end datetime of the current datetime is set
        skip_ranking: If True skip ranking system, defaults to False
        dict: List of keys of Datasources matching the search parameters
    from addict import Dict as aDict
    from copy import deepcopy
    from itertools import chain as iter_chain

    from openghg.store import ObsSurface, Footprints, Emissions, EulerianModel
    from openghg.store.base import Datasource

    from openghg.util import (
    from openghg.dataobjects import SearchResults

    # Get a copy of kwargs as we make some modifications below
    kwargs_copy = deepcopy(kwargs)

    # Do this here otherwise we have to produce them for every datasource
    start_date = kwargs.get("start_date")
    end_date = kwargs.get("end_date")

    if start_date is None:
        start_date = timestamp_epoch()
        start_date = timestamp_tzaware(start_date)

    if end_date is None:
        end_date = timestamp_now()
        end_date = timestamp_tzaware(end_date)

    kwargs_copy["start_date"] = start_date
    kwargs_copy["end_date"] = end_date

    skip_ranking = kwargs_copy.get("skip_ranking", False)

        del kwargs_copy["skip_ranking"]
    except KeyError:

    # As we might have kwargs that are None we want to get rid of those
    search_kwargs = {k: clean_string(v) for k, v in kwargs_copy.items() if v is not None}

    # Speices translation

    species = search_kwargs.get("species")

    if species is not None:
        if not isinstance(species, list):
            species = [species]

        translator = load_json("species_translator.json")

        updated_species = []

        for s in species:

                translated = translator[s]
            except KeyError:

        search_kwargs["species"] = updated_species

    data_type = search_kwargs.get("data_type", "timeseries")

    valid_data_types = ("timeseries", "footprints", "emissions", "eulerian_model")
    if data_type not in valid_data_types:
        raise ValueError(f"{data_type} is not a valid data type, please select one of {valid_data_types}")

    # Assume we want timeseries data
    obj: Union[ObsSurface, Footprints, Emissions, EulerianModel] = ObsSurface.load()

    if data_type == "footprints":
        obj = Footprints.load()
    elif data_type == "emissions":
        obj = Emissions.load()
    elif data_type == "eulerian_model":
        obj = EulerianModel.load()

    datasource_uuids = obj.datasources()

    # Shallow load the Datasources so we can search their metadata
    datasources = (Datasource.load(uuid=uuid, shallow=True) for uuid in datasource_uuids)

    # For the time being this will return a dict until we know how best to represent
    # the footprints and emissions results in a SearchResult object
    if data_type in {"emissions", "footprints", "eulerian_model"}:
        sources: Dict = aDict()
        for datasource in datasources:
            if datasource.search_metadata(**search_kwargs):
                uid = datasource.uuid()
                sources[uid]["keys"] = datasource.keys_in_daterange(start_date=start_date, end_date=end_date)
                sources[uid]["metadata"] = datasource.metadata()

        return sources

    # Find the Datasources that contain matching metadata
    matching_sources = {d.uuid(): d for d in datasources if d.search_metadata(**search_kwargs)}

    # TODO - Update this as it only uses the ACRG repo JSON at the moment
    # Check if this site only has one inlet, if so skip ranking
    # if "site" in search_kwargs:
    #     site = search_kwargs["site"]
    #     if not isinstance(site, list) and not multiple_inlets(site=site):
    #         skip_ranking = True

    # If there isn't *any* ranking data at all, skip all the ranking functionality
    if not obj._rank_data:
        skip_ranking = True

    # If only one datasource has been returned, skip all the ranking functionality
    if len(matching_sources) == 1:
        skip_ranking = True

    # If we have the site, inlet and instrument then just return the data
    # TODO - should instrument be added here
    if {"site", "inlet", "species"} <= search_kwargs.keys() or skip_ranking is True:
        specific_sources = aDict()
        for datasource in matching_sources.values():
            specific_keys = datasource.keys_in_daterange(start_date=start_date, end_date=end_date)

            if not specific_keys:

            metadata = datasource.metadata()

            site = metadata["site"]
            species = metadata["species"]
            inlet = metadata["inlet"]

            specific_sources[site][species][inlet]["keys"] = specific_keys
            specific_sources[site][species][inlet]["metadata"] = metadata

        return SearchResults(results=specific_sources.to_dict(), ranked_data=False)

    highest_ranked = aDict()

    for uid, datasource in matching_sources.items():
        # Find the site and then the ranking
        metadata = datasource.metadata()
        # Get the site inlet and species
        site = metadata["site"]
        species = metadata["species"]

        rank_data = obj.get_rank(uuid=uid, start_date=start_date, end_date=end_date)

        # If this Datasource doesn't have any ranking data skip it and move on
        if not rank_data:

        # There will only be a single rank key
        rank_value = next(iter(rank_data))
        # Get the daterange this rank covers
        rank_dateranges = rank_data[rank_value]

        # Each match we store gives us the information we need
        # to retrieve the data
        match = {"uuid": uid, "dateranges": rank_dateranges}

        # Need to ensure we get all the dates covered
        if species in highest_ranked[site]:
            species_rank_data = highest_ranked[site][species]

            # If we have a higher (lower number) rank save it
            if rank_value < species_rank_data["rank"]:
                species_rank_data["rank"] = rank_value
                species_rank_data["matching"] = [match]
            # If another Datasource has the same rank for another daterange
            # we want to save that as well
            elif rank_value == species_rank_data["rank"]:
            highest_ranked[site][species]["rank"] = rank_value
            highest_ranked[site][species]["matching"] = [match]

    if not highest_ranked:
        raise ValueError(
                "No ranking data set for the given search parameters."
                " Please refine your search to include a specific site, species and inlet."
    # Now we have the highest ranked data the dateranges there are ranks for
    # we want to fill in the gaps with (currently) the highest inlet from that site

    # We just want some rank_metadata to go along with the final data scheme
    # Can key a key of date - inlet
    data_keys: Dict = aDict()
    for site, species in highest_ranked.items():
        for sp, data in species.items():
            # data_keys[site][sp]["keys"] = []

            species_keys = []
            species_rank_data = {}
            species_metadata = {}

            for match_data in data["matching"]:
                uuid = match_data["uuid"]
                match_dateranges = match_data["dateranges"]
                # Get the datasource as it's already in the dictionary
                # we created earlier
                datasource = matching_sources[uuid]
                metadata = datasource.metadata()
                inlet = metadata["inlet"]

                keys = []
                for dr in match_dateranges:
                    date_keys = datasource.keys_in_daterange_str(daterange=dr)

                    if date_keys:
                        # We'll add this to the metadata in the search results we return at the end
                        species_rank_data[dr] = inlet

                species_metadata[inlet] = metadata

            # Only create the dictionary keys if we have some data keys
            if species_keys:
                data_keys[site][sp]["keys"] = species_keys
                data_keys[site][sp]["rank_metadata"] = species_rank_data
                data_keys[site][sp]["metadata"] = species_metadata

            # We now need to retrieve data for the dateranges for which we don't have ranking data
            # To do this find the gaps in the daterange over which the user has requested data
            # and the dates for which we have ranking information

            # Get the dateranges that are covered by ranking information
            daterange_strs = list(iter_chain.from_iterable([m["dateranges"] for m in data["matching"]]))
            # Find the gaps in the ranking coverage
            gap_dateranges = find_daterange_gaps(
                start_search=start_date, end_search=end_date, dateranges=daterange_strs

            # We want the dateranges and inlets for those dateranges
            inlet_dateranges = data_keys[site][sp]["rank_metadata"]
            # These are the dateranges for which we have ranking information for this site and species
            ranked_dateranges = list(data_keys[site][sp]["rank_metadata"].keys())

            for gap_daterange in gap_dateranges:
                # We want to select the inlet that's ranked for dates closest to the ones we have here
                closest_dr = closest_daterange(to_compare=gap_daterange, dateranges=ranked_dateranges)

                gap_start, gap_end = split_daterange_str(gap_daterange)
                # Find the closest ranked inlet by date
                chosen_inlet = inlet_dateranges[closest_dr]

                inlet_metadata = data_keys[site][sp]["metadata"][chosen_inlet]
                inlet_instrument = inlet_metadata["instrument"]
                inlet_sampling_period = inlet_metadata["sampling_period"]

                # Then we want to retrieve the correct metadata for those inlets
                results: SearchResults = search(
                )  # type: ignore

                if not results:

                # Retrieve the data keys
                inlet_data_keys = results.keys(site=site, species=sp, inlet=chosen_inlet)


            # Remove any duplicate keys
            data_keys[site][sp]["keys"] = list(set(data_keys[site][sp]["keys"]))

    # TODO - create a stub for addict
    dict_data_keys = data_keys.to_dict()  # type: ignore

    return SearchResults(results=dict_data_keys, ranked_data=True)
Exemple #4
    def read_file(
        filepath: Union[str, Path],
        model: str,
        species: str,
        start_date: Optional[str] = None,
        end_date: Optional[str] = None,
        setup: Optional[str] = None,
        overwrite: bool = False,
    ) -> Dict:
        """Read Eulerian model output

            filepath: Path of Eulerian model species output
            model: Eulerian model name
            species: Species name
            start_date: Start date (inclusive) associated with model run
            end_date: End date (exclusive) associated with model run
            setup: Additional setup details for run
            overwrite: Should this data overwrite currently stored data.
        # TODO: As written, this currently includes some light assumptions that we're dealing with GEOSChem SpeciesConc format.
        # May need to split out into multiple modules (like with ObsSurface) or into separate retrieve functions as needed.

        from collections import defaultdict
        from openghg.util import (
        from openghg.store import assign_data
        from xarray import open_dataset
        from pandas import Timestamp as pd_Timestamp

        model = clean_string(model)
        species = clean_string(species)
        start_date = clean_string(start_date)
        end_date = clean_string(end_date)
        setup = clean_string(setup)

        filepath = Path(filepath)

        em_store = EulerianModel.load()

        file_hash = hash_file(filepath=filepath)
        if file_hash in em_store._file_hashes and not overwrite:
            raise ValueError(
                f"This file has been uploaded previously with the filename : {em_store._file_hashes[file_hash]}."

        em_data = open_dataset(filepath)

        # Check necessary 4D coordinates are present and rename if necessary (for consistency)
        check_coords = {
            "time": ["time"],
            "lat": ["lat", "latitude"],
            "lon": ["lon", "longitude"],
            "lev": ["lev", "level", "layer", "sigma_level"],
        for name, coord_options in check_coords.items():
            for coord in coord_options:
                if coord in em_data.coords:
                raise ValueError(
                    "Input data must contain one of '{coord_options}' co-ordinate"
            if name != coord:
                print("Renaming co-ordinate '{coord}' to '{name}'")
                em_data = em_data.rename({coord: name})

        attrs = em_data.attrs

        # author_name = "OpenGHG Cloud"
        # em_data.attrs["author"] = author_name

        metadata = {}

        metadata["model"] = model
        metadata["species"] = species
        metadata["processed"] = str(timestamp_now())

        if start_date is None:
            if len(em_data["time"]) > 1:
                start_date = str(timestamp_tzaware(em_data.time[0].values))
                    start_date = attrs["simulation_start_date_and_time"]
                except KeyError:
                    raise Exception(
                        "Unable to derive start_date from data, please provide as an input."
                    start_date = timestamp_tzaware(start_date)
                    start_date = str(start_date)

        if end_date is None:
            if len(em_data["time"]) > 1:
                end_date = str(timestamp_tzaware(em_data.time[-1].values))
                    end_date = attrs["simulation_end_date_and_time"]
                except KeyError:
                    raise Exception(
                        "Unable to derive `end_date` from data, please provide as an input."
                    end_date = timestamp_tzaware(end_date)
                    end_date = str(end_date)

        date = str(pd_Timestamp(start_date).date())

        metadata["date"] = date
        metadata["start_date"] = start_date
        metadata["end_date"] = end_date

        metadata["max_longitude"] = round(float(em_data["lon"].max()), 5)
        metadata["min_longitude"] = round(float(em_data["lon"].min()), 5)
        metadata["max_latitude"] = round(float(em_data["lat"].max()), 5)
        metadata["min_latitude"] = round(float(em_data["lat"].min()), 5)

        history = metadata.get("history")
        if history is None:
            history = ""
            "history"] = history + f" {str(timestamp_now())} Processed onto OpenGHG cloud"

        key = "_".join((model, species, date))

        model_data: DefaultDict[str, Dict[str,
                                                Dataset]]] = defaultdict(dict)
        model_data[key]["data"] = em_data
        model_data[key]["metadata"] = metadata

        keyed_metadata = {key: metadata}

        lookup_results = em_store.datasource_lookup(metadata=keyed_metadata)

        data_type = "eulerian_model"
        datasource_uuids = assign_data(


        # Record the file hash in case we see this file again
        em_store._file_hashes[file_hash] = filepath.name


        return datasource_uuids
Exemple #5
    def read_file(
        filepath: Union[str, Path],
        species: str,
        source: str,
        domain: str,
        date: str,
        high_time_resolution: Optional[bool] = False,
        period: Optional[str] = None,
        overwrite: bool = False,
    ) -> Dict:
        """Read emissions file

            filepath: Path of emissions file
            species: Species name
            domain: Emissions domain
            source: Emissions source
            high_time_resolution: If this is a high resolution file
            period: Period of measurements, if not passed this is inferred from the time coords
            overwrite: Should this data overwrite currently stored data.
        from collections import defaultdict
        from xarray import open_dataset
        from openghg.store import assign_data
        from openghg.util import (

        species = clean_string(species)
        source = clean_string(source)
        domain = clean_string(domain)
        date = clean_string(date)

        filepath = Path(filepath)

        em_store = Emissions.load()

        file_hash = hash_file(filepath=filepath)
        if file_hash in em_store._file_hashes and not overwrite:
            raise ValueError(
                f"This file has been uploaded previously with the filename : {em_store._file_hashes[file_hash]}."

        em_data = open_dataset(filepath)

        # Some attributes are numpy types we can't serialise to JSON so convert them
        # to their native types here
        attrs = {}
        for key, value in em_data.attrs.items():
                attrs[key] = value.item()
            except AttributeError:
                attrs[key] = value

        author_name = "OpenGHG Cloud"
        em_data.attrs["author"] = author_name

        metadata = {}

        metadata["species"] = species
        metadata["domain"] = domain
        metadata["source"] = source
        metadata["date"] = date
        metadata["author"] = author_name
        metadata["processed"] = str(timestamp_now())

        metadata["start_date"] = str(timestamp_tzaware(em_data.time[0].values))
        metadata["end_date"] = str(timestamp_tzaware(em_data.time[-1].values))

        metadata["max_longitude"] = round(float(em_data["lon"].max()), 5)
        metadata["min_longitude"] = round(float(em_data["lon"].min()), 5)
        metadata["max_latitude"] = round(float(em_data["lat"].max()), 5)
        metadata["min_latitude"] = round(float(em_data["lat"].min()), 5)

        metadata["time_resolution"] = "high" if high_time_resolution else "standard"

        if period is not None:
            metadata["time_period"] = period

        key = "_".join((species, source, domain, date))

        emissions_data: DefaultDict[str, Dict[str, Union[Dict, Dataset]]] = defaultdict(dict)
        emissions_data[key]["data"] = em_data
        emissions_data[key]["metadata"] = metadata

        keyed_metadata = {key: metadata}

        lookup_results = em_store.datasource_lookup(metadata=keyed_metadata)

        data_type = "emissions"
        datasource_uuids = assign_data(

        em_store.add_datasources(datasource_uuids=datasource_uuids, metadata=keyed_metadata)

        # Record the file hash in case we see this file again
        em_store._file_hashes[file_hash] = filepath.name


        return datasource_uuids
Exemple #6
def get_flux(
    species: str,
    sources: Union[str, List[str]],
    domain: str,
    start_date: Optional[Timestamp] = None,
    end_date: Optional[Timestamp] = None,
    time_resolution: Optional[str] = "standard",
) -> FluxData:
    The flux function reads in all flux files for the domain and species as an xarray Dataset.
    Note that at present ALL flux data is read in per species per domain or by emissions name.
    To be consistent with the footprints, fluxes should be in mol/m2/s.

        species: Species name
        sources: Source name
        domain: Domain e.g. EUROPE
        start_date: Start date
        end_date: End date
        time_resolution: One of ["standard", "high"]
        FluxData: FluxData object

    TODO: Update this to output to a FluxData class?
    TODO: Update inputs to just accept a string and extract one flux file at a time?
    As it stands, this only extracts one flux at a time but is set up to be extended
    to to extract multiple. So if this is removed from this function the functionality
    itself would need to be wrapped up in another function call.
    from openghg.retrieve import search
    from openghg.store import recombine_datasets
    from openghg.util import timestamp_epoch, timestamp_now

    if start_date is None:
        start_date = timestamp_epoch()
    if end_date is None:
        end_date = timestamp_now()

    results: Dict = search(
    )  # type: ignore

    if not results:
        raise ValueError(
            f"Unable to find flux data for {species} from {sources}")

    # TODO - more than one emissions file (but see above)
        em_key = list(results.keys())[0]
    except IndexError:
        raise ValueError(
            f"Unable to find any footprints data for {domain} for {species}.")

    data_keys = results[em_key]["keys"]
    metadata = results[em_key]["metadata"]

    em_ds = recombine_datasets(keys=data_keys, sort=False)

    # Check for level coordinate. If one level, assume surface and drop
    if "lev" in em_ds.coords:
        if len(em_ds.lev) > 1:
            raise ValueError("Error: More than one flux level")

        em_ds = em_ds.drop_vars(names="lev")

    if species is None:
        species = metadata.get("species", "NA")

    return FluxData(
Exemple #7
    def read_file(
        filepath: Union[str, Path],
        site: str,
        height: str,
        domain: str,
        model: str,
        metmodel: Optional[str] = None,
        species: Optional[str] = None,
        network: Optional[str] = None,
        retrieve_met: bool = False,
        overwrite: bool = False,
        high_res: bool = False,
        # model_params: Optional[Dict] = None,
    ) -> Dict[str, str]:
        """Reads footprints data files and returns the UUIDS of the Datasources
        the processed data has been assigned to

            filepath: Path of file to load
            site: Site name
            network: Network name
            height: Height above ground level in metres
            domain: Domain of footprints
            model_params: Model run parameters
            retrieve_met: Whether to also download meterological data for this footprints area
            overwrite: Overwrite any currently stored data
            dict: UUIDs of Datasources data has been assigned to
        from collections import defaultdict
        from xarray import open_dataset
        from openghg.util import (
        from openghg.store import assign_data

        filepath = Path(filepath)

        site = clean_string(site)
        network = clean_string(network)
        height = clean_string(height)
        domain = clean_string(domain)

        fp = Footprints.load()

        file_hash = hash_file(filepath=filepath)
        if file_hash in fp._file_hashes and not overwrite:
            raise ValueError(
                f"This file has been uploaded previously with the filename : {fp._file_hashes[file_hash]}."

        fp_data = open_dataset(filepath)

        # Need to read the metadata from the footprints and then store it
        # Do we need to chunk the footprints / will a Datasource store it correctly?
        metadata: Dict[str, Union[str, float, List[float]]] = {}

        metadata["data_type"] = "footprints"
        metadata["site"] = site
        metadata["height"] = height
        metadata["domain"] = domain
        metadata["model"] = model

        if species is not None:
            metadata["species"] = clean_string(species)

        if network is not None:
            metadata["network"] = clean_string(network)

        if metmodel is not None:
            metadata["metmodel"] = clean_string(metmodel)

        metadata["start_date"] = str(timestamp_tzaware(fp_data.time[0].values))
        metadata["end_date"] = str(timestamp_tzaware(fp_data.time[-1].values))

        metadata["max_longitude"] = round(float(fp_data["lon"].max()), 5)
        metadata["min_longitude"] = round(float(fp_data["lon"].min()), 5)
        metadata["max_latitude"] = round(float(fp_data["lat"].max()), 5)
        metadata["min_latitude"] = round(float(fp_data["lat"].min()), 5)
        metadata["time_resolution"] = "standard_time_resolution"

        # If it's a high resolution footprints file we'll have two sets of lat/long values
        if high_res:
                metadata["max_longitude_high"] = round(
                    float(fp_data["lon_high"].max()), 5)
                metadata["min_longitude_high"] = round(
                    float(fp_data["lon_high"].min()), 5)
                metadata["max_latitude_high"] = round(
                    float(fp_data["lat_high"].max()), 5)
                metadata["min_latitude_high"] = round(
                    float(fp_data["lat_high"].min()), 5)
                metadata["time_resolution"] = "high_time_resolution"
            except KeyError:
                raise KeyError("Unable to find lat_high or lon_high data.")

        metadata["heights"] = [float(h) for h in fp_data.height.values]
        # Do we also need to save all the variables we have available in this footprints?
        metadata["variables"] = list(fp_data.keys())

        # if model_params is not None:
        #     metadata["model_parameters"] = model_params

        # Set the attributes of this Dataset
        fp_data.attrs = {
            "author": "OpenGHG Cloud",
            "processed": str(timestamp_now())

        # This might seem longwinded now but will help when we want to read
        # more than one footprints at a time
        key = "_".join((site, domain, model, height))

        footprint_data: DefaultDict[str,
                                               Dataset]]] = defaultdict(dict)
        footprint_data[key]["data"] = fp_data
        footprint_data[key]["metadata"] = metadata

        # This will be removed when we process multiple files
        keyed_metadata = {key: metadata}

        lookup_results = fp.datasource_lookup(metadata=keyed_metadata)

        data_type = "footprints"
        datasource_uuids: Dict[str, str] = assign_data(


        # Record the file hash in case we see this file again
        fp._file_hashes[file_hash] = filepath.name


        return datasource_uuids
Exemple #8
    def save(self, bucket: Optional[str] = None) -> None:
        """Save this Datasource object as JSON to the object store

            bucket: Bucket to hold data
        import tempfile
        from copy import deepcopy

        from openghg.util import timestamp_now
        from openghg.objectstore import (

        if bucket is None:
            bucket = get_bucket()

        if self._data:
            # Ensure we have the latest key
            if "latest" not in self._data_keys:
                self._data_keys["latest"] = {}

            # Backup the old data keys at "latest"
            version_str = f"v{str(len(self._data_keys))}"
            # Store the keys for the new data
            new_keys = {}

            # Iterate over the keys (daterange string) of the data dictionary
            for daterange in self._data:
                data_key = f"{Datasource._data_root}/uuid/{self._uuid}/{version_str}/{daterange}"

                new_keys[daterange] = data_key
                data = self._data[daterange]

                # TODO - for now just create a temporary directory - will have to update Acquire
                # or work on a PR for xarray to allow returning a NetCDF as bytes
                with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir:
                    filepath = f"{tmpdir}/temp.nc"

            # Copy the last version
            if "latest" in self._data_keys:
                self._data_keys[version_str] = deepcopy(

            # Save the new keys and create a timestamp
            self._data_keys[version_str]["keys"] = new_keys
            self._data_keys[version_str]["timestamp"] = str(
                timestamp_now())  # type: ignore

            # Link latest to the newest version
            self._data_keys["latest"] = self._data_keys[version_str]
            self._latest_version = version_str

        self._stored = True
        datasource_key = f"{Datasource._datasource_root}/uuid/{self._uuid}"

Exemple #9
def get_attributes(
    ds: Dataset,
    species: str,
    site: str,
    network: str = None,
    global_attributes: Dict[str, str] = None,
    units: str = None,
    scale: str = None,
    sampling_period: str = None,
    date_range: List[str] = None,
) -> Dataset:
    This function writes attributes to an xarray.Dataset so that they conform with
    the CF Convention v1.6

    Attributes of the xarray DataSet are modified, and variable names are changed

    If the species is a standard mole fraction then either:
        - species name will used in lower case in the file and variable names
            but with any hyphens taken out
        - name will be changed according to the species_translator dictionary

    If the species is isotopic data or a non-standard variable (e.g. APO):
        - Isotopes species names should begin with a "D"
            (Annoyingly, the code currently picks up "Desflurane" too. I've
             fixed this for now, but if we get a lot of other "D" species, we
             should make this better)
        - I suggest naming for isotopologues should be d<species><isotope>, e.g.
            dCH4C13, or dCO2C14
        - Any non-standard variables should be listed in the species_translator

        ds: Should contain variables such as "ch4", "ch4 repeatability".
            Must have a "time" dimension.
        species: Species name. e.g. "CH4", "HFC-134a", "dCH4C13"
        site: Three-letter site code
        network: Network site is associated with
        global_attribuates: Dictionary containing any info you want to
            add to the file header (e.g. {"Contact": "Contact_Name"})
        units: This routine will try to guess the units
            unless this is specified. Options are in units_interpret
        scale: Calibration scale for species.
        sampling_period: Number of seconds for which air
            sample is taken. Only for time variable attribute
        date_range: Start and end date for output
            If you only want an end date, just put a very early start date
            (e.g. ["1900-01-01", "2010-01-01"])
    from pandas import Timestamp as pd_Timestamp
    from openghg.util import clean_string, load_json, timestamp_now

    # from numpy import unique as np_unique

    if not isinstance(ds, Dataset):
        raise TypeError("This function only accepts xarray Datasets")

    # Current CF Conventions (v1.7) demand that valid variable names
    # begin with a letter and be composed of letters, digits and underscores
    # Here variable names are also made lowercase to enable easier matching below

    # TODO - could I just cast ds.variables as as type for mypy instead of doing this?
    # variable_names = [str(v) for v in ds.variables]
    # Is this better?
    variable_names = cast(Dict[str, Any], ds.variables)
    to_underscores = {var: var.lower().replace(" ", "_") for var in variable_names}
    ds = ds.rename(to_underscores)  # type: ignore

    species_attrs = load_json(filename="species_attributes.json")
    attributes_data = load_json("attributes.json")

    species_translator = attributes_data["species_translation"]
    unit_species = attributes_data["unit_species"]
    unit_species_long = attributes_data["unit_species_long"]
    unit_interpret = attributes_data["unit_interpret"]

    species_upper = species.upper()
    species_lower = species.lower()

    variable_names = cast(Dict[str, Any], ds.variables)
    matched_keys = [var for var in variable_names if species_lower in var]

    # If we don't have any variables to rename, raise an error
    if not matched_keys:
        raise NameError(f"Cannot find species {species} in Dataset variables")

    species_rename = {}
    for var in matched_keys:
            species_label = species_translator[species_upper]["chem"]
        except KeyError:
            species_label = clean_string(species_lower)

        species_rename[var] = var.replace(species_lower, species_label)

    ds = ds.rename(species_rename)  # type: ignore

    # Global attributes
    global_attributes_default = {
        "conditions_of_use": "Ensure that you contact the data owner at the outset of your project.",
        "source": "In situ measurements of air",
        "Conventions": "CF-1.6",

    if global_attributes is not None:
        # TODO - for some reason mypy doesn't see a Dict[str,str] as a valid Mapping[Hashable, Any] type
        global_attributes.update(global_attributes_default)  # type: ignore
        global_attributes = global_attributes_default

    global_attributes["file_created"] = str(timestamp_now())
    global_attributes["processed_by"] = "OpenGHG_Cloud"
    global_attributes["species"] = species_label

    if scale is None:
        global_attributes["calibration_scale"] = "unknown"
        global_attributes["calibration_scale"] = scale

    # Update the Dataset attributes
    ds.attrs.update(global_attributes)  # type: ignore

    # Add some site attributes
    site_attributes = _site_info_attributes(site.upper(), network)

    # Species-specific attributes
    # Long name
    if species_upper.startswith("D") and species_upper != "DESFLURANE" or species_upper == "APD":
        sp_long = species_translator[species_upper]["name"]
    elif species_upper == "RN":
        sp_long = "radioactivity_concentration_of_222Rn_in_air"
    elif species_upper in species_translator:
        name = species_translator[species_upper]["name"]
        sp_long = f"mole_fraction_of_{name}_in_air"
        sp_long = f"mole_fraction_of_{species_label}_in_air"

    ancillary_variables = []

    variable_names = cast(Dict[str, Any], ds.variables)
    matched_keys = [var for var in variable_names if species_lower in var.lower()]

    # Write units as attributes to variables containing any of these
    match_words = ["variability", "repeatability", "stdev", "count"]

    for key in variable_names:
        key = key.lower()

        if species_label.lower() in key:
            # Standard name attribute
            # ds[key].attrs["standard_name"]=key.replace(species_label, sp_long)
            ds[key].attrs["long_name"] = key.replace(species_label, sp_long)

            # If units are required for variable, add attribute
            if key == species_label or any(word in key for word in match_words):
                if units is not None:
                    if units in unit_interpret:
                        ds[key].attrs["units"] = unit_interpret[units]
                        ds[key].attrs["units"] = unit_interpret["else"]
                    # TODO - merge these species attributes into a single simpler JSON
                        ds[key].attrs["units"] = unit_species[species_upper]
                    except KeyError:
                            ds[key].attrs["units"] = species_attrs[species_label.upper()]["units"]
                        except KeyError:
                            ds[key].attrs["units"] = "NA"

                # If units are non-standard, add explanation
                if species_upper in unit_species_long:
                    ds[key].attrs["units_description"] = unit_species_long[species_upper]

            # Add to list of ancilliary variables
            if key != species_label:

    # TODO - for the moment skip this step - check status of ancilliary variables in standard
    # Write ancilliary variable list
    # ds[species_label].attrs["ancilliary_variables"] = ", ".join(ancillary_variables)

    # Add quality flag attributes
    # NOTE - I've removed the whitespace before status_flag and integration_flag here
    variable_names = cast(Dict[str, Any], ds.variables)
    quality_flags = [key for key in variable_names if "status_flag" in key]

    # Not getting long_name for c2f6

    for key in quality_flags:
        ds[key] = ds[key].astype(int)
            long_name = ds[species_label].attrs["long_name"]
        except KeyError:
            raise KeyError(key, quality_flags)

        ds[key].attrs = {
            "flag_meaning": "0 = unflagged, 1 = flagged",
            "long_name": f"{long_name} status_flag",

    variable_names = cast(Dict[str, Any], ds.variables)
    # Add integration flag attributes
    integration_flags = [key for key in variable_names if "integration_flag" in key]

    for key in integration_flags:
        ds[key] = ds[key].astype(int)
        long_name = ds[species_label].attrs["long_name"]
        ds[key].attrs = {
            "flag_meaning": "0 = area, 1 = height",
            "standard_name": f"{long_name} integration_flag",
            "comment": "GC peak integration method (by height or by area). Does not indicate data quality",

    # Set time encoding
    # Check if there are duplicate time stamps

    # I feel there should be a more pandas way of doing this
    # but xarray doesn't currently have a duplicates method
    # See this https://github.com/pydata/xarray/issues/2108

    # if len(set(ds.time.values)) < len(ds.time.values):
    # if len(np_unique(ds.time.values)) < len(ds.time.values):
    #     print("WARNING. Duplicate time stamps")
    first_year = pd_Timestamp(str(ds.time[0].values)).year

    ds.time.encoding = {"units": f"seconds since {str(first_year)}-01-01 00:00:00"}

    time_attributes: Dict[str, str] = {}
    time_attributes["label"] = "left"
    time_attributes["standard_name"] = "time"
    time_attributes["comment"] = (
        "Time stamp corresponds to beginning of sampling period. "
        + "Time since midnight UTC of reference date. "
        + "Note that sampling periods are approximate."

    if sampling_period is not None:
        time_attributes["sampling_period_seconds"] = sampling_period


    # If a date range is specified, slice dataset
    if date_range:
        ds = ds.loc[dict(time=slice(*date_range))]

    return ds